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1、沈阳中考英语专题复习完形填空完形填空话题 1 寓意类 Cloze 1Once upon a time, there was a king. He felt upset because his people didnt obey him. At first, he didnt 1 what to do. But one day he ordered an old wizard (男巫)the wisest man in the kingdomto 2 a magic potion(饮剂) which would get people to obey him. The wizard made a

2、lot of potions. However, 3 of them worked. One day, a young man traveled to the kingdom and 4 about it. He went to meet the king, saying that he knew how to 5 the problem. He gave the king two small pieces of paper and said, “Use the first 6 saying what you want your people to do, and use the second

3、 when they have done it. If you do like this, your people will obey you from the 7 .”“Is that true?”, the king wondered but at last he decided to have a test. After a while, he saw a servant carrying a 8 in his arms. The king said, “Please, Alan, come here and let me see it.” Alan was so 9 . He got

4、close to the king. After 10 the turkey, the king said, “Thank you, Alan. You may go now.” Alan left, smiling. It 11 ! The king was very 12 . He gave the man much money. Before the man left the kingdom, the old wizard asked him what his 13 was. The man answered, “I got my magic from school when I was

5、 a little child. My teacher told me that 14 good manners one could get anything. Your king 15 needs good manners to get what he wants.”1. A. know B. ask C. realize D. invite2. A. lose B. make C. buy D. drink3. A. all B. both C. none D. neither4. A. heard B. cared C. talked D. thought5. A. create B.

6、discover C. cause D. solve6. A. after B. before C. when D. as7. A. face B. heart C. head D. manner8. A. cat B. dog C. turkey D. duck9. A. excited B. interested C. surprised D. scared10. A. looking for B. looking after C. looking up D. looking at11. A. solved B.avoided C. walked D. worked12. A. sad B

7、. happy C. nervous D. mad13. A. strength B. power C. magic D. freedom14. A. in B. on C. without D. with15. A. just B. once C. never D. still【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。一名国王看到自己的臣民经常不服从自己的命令,就让全国最聪明的巫师制作了一种药剂让大家来喝,但是毫无效果。一个旅行的年轻人给他出了个点子,让他对臣民要彬彬有礼。国王运用这种方法之后,立竿见影,他非常高兴。这个故事告诉我们:良好的礼仪和修养是处理人际关系最好的方法。1. A【解析】考查动词词义

8、辨析。句意:开始,他不_做些什么。know知道;ask要求;realize意识到;invite邀请。根据语境可知此处指国王不知道做些什么。故选A。2. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:_一种魔幻饮剂,让全国人都服从他。lose失去,丢失;make制作,制造;buy买;drink喝。结合上下文可知,国王想让下面的人服从他,因此想让男巫制作一种魔幻饮剂,故选B。3. C【解析】考查代词词义辨析。句意:然而,_起作用。all所有;both二者都;none没有一个;neither二者都不。联系上句“The wizard made a lot of potions.”可知巫师制作了很多饮剂;且“How

9、ever”表示转折,故此处指虽有很多饮剂但是没有一种有用,故选C。4. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天,一个年轻人旅行到这个王国,_这件事。heard听到;cared关心;talked谈论;thought思考,认为。“hear about”意为“听说”,用在这里符合题意,指他听说了这件事,故选A。5. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他去见国王,说他知道怎样_这个问题。create创造;discover发现;cause引起;solve解决。联系下文可知此处指这个年轻人说他能解决这个问题,故选D。6. B【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意:在说你想要别人做某事_使用第一张(纸条)。afte

10、r之后;before之前;when当的时候;as当的时候。结合句意可知此处指在要求别人做某事之前,故选B。7. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你这样做的话,你的臣民将会从_服从你。face脸;heart 内心;head头;manner礼仪。结合语境可知此处指从内心服从你,故选B。8. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:过了一会儿,他看到一名仆人怀里抱着一只_。cat猫;dog狗;turkey火鸡;duck鸭子。根据下文“After the turkey, the king said.”可知,这名仆人怀里抱着火鸡,故选C。9. C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:国王说:“Alan,请你

11、到这来,让我看下它。”艾伦是如此地_。excited激动的;interested感兴趣的;surprised惊讶的;scared害怕的。结合上下文可知国王在采取了年轻人的建议后说话不再是命令口吻,而是非常礼貌,这样的举动让Alan吃惊,故选C。10. D【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:在_火鸡之后,国王说“谢谢你,艾伦,你可以走了。” looking for寻找;looking after照顾;looking up 查阅;looking at看。从“After a while, he saw a servant carrying a turkey in his arms. The king s

12、aid Please, Alan, come here and let me see it.”可知,国王想看一下火鸡,故选D。11. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:艾伦微笑着离开了。它_。solved解决;avoided避免;walked散步;worked工作,起作用。结合语境可知此处指年轻人的建议起作用了,故选D。12. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:国王非常_。sad难过的;happy快乐的;nervous紧张不安的;mad疯狂的,生气的。从上句“Alan left, smiling. It worked.”可知,年轻人的建议起了作用,由此推断,国王应该很高兴, 故选B。13.

13、C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:在年轻人离开这个王国之前,老巫师问他的_是什么。strength力量;power权利;magic魔法;freedom自由。根据下句“I got my magic from school.”可知此处指魔法,故选C。14. D【解析】考查介词词义辨析。句意:我的老师告诉我一个_良好礼仪的人可以得到任何东西。in在里面;on 在上面;without没有;with拥有。结合语境可知此处指拥有良好礼仪的人,故选D。15. A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:你们的国王_需要良好的礼仪来得到他想要的东西。just刚才,只,仅仅;once曾经,一次;never永不,从不;st

14、ill仍然。联系上文,国王听从了这位年轻人的建议之后,对臣民彬彬有礼,臣民从内心里对他尊敬,由此可知此处指仅需要良好的礼仪,“just”在此表示强调,故选A。Cloze 2Once two screws(螺丝)were friends, and they worked in an engine. One screw was proud of its 1 head. The second was only doing its job to the best of its ability 2 .One day the second screw was a little rusted(生锈). Fi

15、lled with 3 , the first screw said to the second,“How 4 you have become?” Then it began to laugh so hard that it failed to notice that it was loose. Then it dropped off the 5 and fell into the dirty oil below.Now, the second was faced with doing the 6 of two. Meanwhile, the first screw cried, “Just

16、look at me! Im dirty and all my beauty is gone.”A short time later, the owner of the engine 7 it up. He immediately noticed something didnt sound right. When he 8 , he immediately saw one screw was missing, “Ah ha!” the owner said, “it must have worked itself loose and fell into the oil.”He reached

17、into the oil and found 9 missing screw. “Look at you!” the owner said, “Youre all 10 with oil, how ugly you are! 11 Ill fix that right away.” He reached for a cloth and wiped all the oil and dirt off until it shone even brighter than before. Then he put it on the part. Before he turned away, he noti

18、ced the second screw was a little rusted. With the 12 , he wiped the head clean and bright. Then he walked away. 13 , the engine was started. The two screws, now 14 beautiful, held the part tight. “Excuse me, my friend,” the first screw said. “I was so busy laughing 15 you that I didnt notice that I

19、 was working myself loose. I shall no longer judge others by their looks.”1. A. big B. sharp C. red D. shining2. A. shyly B. quietly C. happily D. bravely3. A. pride B. pleasure C. power D. hope4. A. small B. weak C. ugly D. selfish5. A. ground B. engine C. seat D. wall6. A. work B. lesson C. proble

20、m D. travel7. A. finished B. put C. started D. broke8. A. drove B. returned C. repaired D. checked9. A. a B. an C. the D. (不填)10. A. covered B. filled C. connected D. compared11. A. And B. Or C. But D. So12. A. key B. oil C. cloth D. tool13. A. Finally B. Firstly C. Exactly D. Usually14. A. none B.

21、neither C. all D. both15. A. for B. to C. at D. to【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个螺丝嘲笑另一个生锈的螺丝丑陋,而自己却因为松动掉在了油里。主人发现后,将它擦干净又重新安装在了发动机上,它也意识到自己的错误。故事告诉我们:不能以貌取人。1. D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。big大的;sharp锋利的;red红的;shining闪闪发光的。由下文它嘲笑另一个螺丝钉生锈可知,它非常闪亮。故选D。2. B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。shyly 害羞地;quietly 安静地;happily 高兴地;bravely 勇敢地。由关键词“only

22、”及下文它的表现可知,此处是说它安静地做自己的工作。故选B。3. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。pride 骄傲;pleasure 乐趣;power力量;hope 希望。根据第一段的“One screw was proud of its.head.”可知,它当时非常骄傲。故选A。4. C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。small小的;weak 虚弱的;ugly 丑陋的;selfish 自私的。上文提到第二个螺丝钉生锈了,可知第一个螺丝钉嘲笑它的丑陋。故选C。5. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。ground 地面;engine 发动机;seat 座位;wall 墙。由第一句“.and they work

23、ed in an engine”可知螺丝钉在发动机上工作,此处应是从发动机上掉了下来。故选B。6. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。work 工作;lesson 课;problem 问题;travel 旅游。上文提到第一个螺丝钉掉到了油里,因此第二个螺丝钉不得不把它们的工作都做了。故选A。7. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。finished 完成;put 放置;started 开始;启动;broke损坏。根据下文的“He immediately noticed something didnt sound right.”可知,主人启动了发动机。故选C。8. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。drove 驾驶

24、;returned 返回;repaired 修理;checked 检查。上文提到主人发现发动机启动的声音听起来不太对,因此他要检查。故选D。9. C【解析】考查冠词的用法。由语境可知,他将手伸进了油里,发现了那枚遗失的螺丝。此处表示特指,需用定冠词the。故选C。10. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。covered 覆盖;filled充满;connected 连接;compared 对比。由语境可知,第一个螺丝掉进了油里,全身都被油覆盖了。故选A。11. C【解析】考查连词词义辨析。And 且,表示并列或顺承关系;Or 表示选择或条件关系;But 表示转折关系;So 因此,表示因果关系。由语境可

25、知,虽然第一个螺丝全身都是油,但是他会立刻整理好的。表示转折关系。故选C。12. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。key 钥匙;oil 油;cloth 布;tool 工具。上文提到“He reached for a cloth and wiped all the oil.”可知,他再次用布擦第二个螺丝。故选C。13. A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。Finally最终;Firstly首先;Exactly准确地;Usually通常。由语境可知,经过主人修理,发动机终于启动了。故选A。14. D【解析】考查代词词义辨析。none三者或三者以上都不;neither两者都不;all三者或三者以上都;both

26、两者都。结合语境可知,两个螺丝都正常工作了。故选D。15. C【解析】考查介词词义辨析。由语境可知,第一个螺丝说自己忙着嘲笑别人。laugh at是固定短语,意为“嘲笑”。故选C。Cloze 3During an experiment, a biologist put a shark into a large tank and then put several small fish into it, too. As you would 1 , the shark quickly swam around the tank(容器). When it found the smaller fish,

27、it 2 began to attack and eat them. The biologist then placed a strong piece of 3 glass into the tank, creating two separate parts. She then put the shark in one part of the tank and a new group of fish in 4 . Again, the shark quickly attacked. This time, however, the shark knocked into 5 glass divid

28、er and bounced off(弹回). The shark kept repeating this behavior every few minutes but it 6 . Meanwhile, the small fish swam around 7 in the other part. About an hour later, the shark 8 up. This experiment was repeated several 9 over the next few weeks. Each time, the shark got less aggressive(攻击性) an

29、d didnt want to 10 attacking the small fish, until the shark got 11 of hitting the glass divider and simply stopped attacking. The biologist then removed the glass divider, 12 the shark didnt attack. The shark was trained to believe there was a barrier(障碍) between itself and the small fish, so the f

30、ish swam wherever they wished, without 13 . In fact, many of us, after experiencing setbacks and failures, emotionally give up and stop trying. Like the 14 in the story, we believe that because we were unsuccessful in the past, we will always be unsuccessful. In other words, we continue to see a bar

31、rier in our heads, even when there is no “real” barrier 15 where we are and where we want to go.1. A. worry B. fear C. expect D. remember2. A. heavily B. quickly C. carefully D. busily3. A. dirty B. dark C. light D. clear4. A. another B. other C. the other D. others5. A. a B. an C. the D. (不填)6. A. wanted B. failed C. left D. hit7. A. happily B. quietly C. safely D. politely8. A. took B. gave C. put D. cut9. A. minutes B. months C. groups D. times10. A. allow B. stop C.

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