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1、BEC高级写作常用模板要写出高人一等的作文,我觉得并不难,只要你有一定的语法基础和一定量的写作词汇(越高级越好),写作句型,就足可以应对常规的高考,四六级考试(我记得高中25分满分的作文我可以保持在21-23这个级别,四六级的作文都是110多分)首先是语法,在你的语法达到一定层次之后,你就可以追求更多的变化了,比如,用虚拟语气句型it is high time that we代替常用的it is necessary that we should,又如用倒装句代替常见的平铺直叙等,这样可以增加你的语法亮点,让已经有些麻木一直想睡觉的阅卷老师眼睛一亮,在你的试卷上多扫射一番!其次,是词汇,我觉得,

2、在你的语法达到基本不会出错的程度上,作文便应该以词汇取胜,因为在这个层次上,大家的语法都差不多,没什么变化,唯一有变化的就是你的词汇!给你打个比方吧,很多想到“许多”就用many,但是你别忘了many a ;handsome;massive,innumerable,a multitude of ;很多人想到“专家”就写expert,但很少人会想到specialist,很多人在想到“擅长”这词,就写be good at ,却不知还有更高级的表达法:be expert at 或者excel in 高手和庸才,就体现在这些细微的差别上!再次,是怎么将文章润色,从而使你的文章大放异彩!关于这方面,我觉

3、得我自己使用最多的,也是我自创的-叫做“添油加醋”,包括如下几个方面:尽可能地在形容词前使用副词,在介词短语中加入适当的形容词和副词,在过去分词前加入副词,在名词之前尽可能多用形容词,总之就是尽可能地使用形容词和副词。我觉得这样做有一个好处,那就是使原本干巴巴的句子变得血肉丰满,比如:1.The regular physical exercise contributes to our health 改成The regular physical exercise contributes tremendously to our health!2.In my opinion,the drivers

4、carelessness should be responsible for this road accident改成3For my part,the drivers negligence should be dominantly responsible for this unexpectedly horrible accident4The majority of students believe that the part-time job will provide them with more oppportunities to develop their interpersonal sk

5、ills改成The majority of students firmly believe that the part-time job will undoubtedly provide them with golden opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills tremendously!最后,平时读报,或者做题的时候,发现有好的句子好的词汇,你要抄下来,这个提高过程可能很缓慢,但是最后能收到很好的效果,以前25分的作文我都能保证在21-23这个级别,靠的就是对语法的熟练掌握和积累了许多较高级的词汇,句型,句子。BEC高级写作常用模

6、板、句型总结Memo格式(养成习惯, 全部左对齐):很多时候, 题目本身已经帮你写好, 不是考核的重点to: mike lee, account manager(title, optional)from: same as abovedate: 21 may 1999 (p16写分, 加减法)subject: 1. 一般不多于5个字 2 名词加名词 changes of meeting/apologies for delay/announcement of Christmas party3.adj. + n. E.g. personal mobilebodyinitial (optional)C

7、.C (optional)Example: p9 写分审题顺序a.Who are you?b.Who do you write to? Subordinate, superior, colleague, or a customer.c.What is it about? Bad/good news, express gratitude or scoldingDecide the register (informal/formal; direct/polite) wordingIn this question, Very Formal, polite. d.Point sequence怎样排列没

8、有问题, 只要有逻辑就行了Logic: 1-4-3-2/1-4-2-3 先告诉有这件事, 然后在说细节, 总分总第一个内容点 句型的应用:通知, 宣布消息的句型:1. I am delighted/glad/happy to announce that/notify you that/inform you that/tell you that/ let you know that formal to informal 宣布好消息2. Please be informed /be advised that/note that/ formal to informal 但消息的类型比较中性3We a

9、re afraid that/ We are sorry to inform you/We regret to inform you宣布坏消息这里不用announce,因为之前说过尽量不要抄题干的单词, 请换词, 换词也是bec写作中的一个重要考核技能“丰富的词汇”。We are glad to informal you that the annual xmas party would be held at 7,00pm on Wednesday, 18th of December/12th, December in boarding hall as scheduled (换了planned)

10、.这里有三点1用we而不用I,因为在商务写作里, 可以用we的地方, 尽量用we.因为, 商务里更偏爱团队的口吻。2 用被动 表示更正式, 而主动是更偏向 意愿。3 具体时间的表达和他们的介词。 At + 具体几点 (一定要说明am or pm或者用24小时制), on + 具体的日子(几月几号, 星期几), in + 年, 月。第二个内容点:All staff with company are welcomed。(with company比 with partner更正式)第三:The programmes available are given/shown below:A three-co

11、urse dinner, dance, and raffle.商务常识:不要写24-26, 因为不会有人去公司的party, 一般schedule 在13-20左右补充:对于数字的写法, 10以上的用Arabic digit, 10以下用英文。0, 7,的手写体。Note: p3写分格式:to: name time/datemessage:bodySignature (initial) / message taken by “name”Example: p14 写分语气:因为是写给sales manager, 可能是你的上司, 也可能不是; 但从题目看来, 你应该是一个buyer(buy so

12、me software for your department), 由此推断你跟写信的对方, 至少不是同一个department, 并且是请求;因此,语气相对的要客气, formal.内容点顺序:这里,应该先解释了为什么需要samples才提出要求-2-1-3第二个(2nd) 内容点:As you might know, (不会太突兀,适当的承接词可以给你加印象分)Microsoft, our software provider (是用同位语,让你的文章更商务, 给人的感觉更严谨),has shown (换词)some interest in our laser printers.1st&3r

13、d内容点:for this selling opportunities/ with this purpose (承接词), I would be thankful if I can have your permission for taking(换词) some product brochures (20) business思路,先把主要的东西说出来, 次要的东西方后面 plus (换词) sample printers (a1, a2,a3)表示不同型号 at 3 pm on Wednesday, 15th,October(事件的表达).对时间, 还可以用by, before.或者你对长句没

14、信心,可以把上面分成两个句子and if I can have the items at , that would be an advantage/important/crucial/vital for the presentation.请求的句型:1. please do ./I would like you to do 上司对下属2. would/could you please do 3. do you think you could possibly do2. 3一般客气4.we would (greatly) appreciate it if you .5. we would be

15、very thankful(grateful) if you45非常客气和正式, 对上司, 对客户。字数问题另外一个习惯就是, 养成数字数的习惯, 每写完一段/一句, 粗略估计一下字数。 因为考试时, 只要内容点包括了, 基本上是不会少字的, 怕就只怕写太多, 包含了一些多余的信息。 一般part1不要超过55, part2, 150。Emailp16写分的iv, 改写成email格式:to:fromdatesubjectccbccattachment: (attached you will find the agenda/pls find attached the agenda/I am a

16、ttaching the agenda) enclosedear:/to whom it may concernmain bodybest regardssignature(electronic signature)nametitle确定语气:因为barry直呼其名, 可以推断不会不太熟, 但最好还是formal点为好。 记住, 当不确定时, 客气点, 正式点保险; 礼多人不怪。内容点顺序1-2-31st凡是这种情况, 出了点什么事, 导致要道歉, 或是感谢; 首先应该是告诉别人这件事, 否则有同学一来就道歉, 对方可能还没反应过来。Dear Barry:I am sorry to tell

17、you that I couldnt attend tomorrows meeting as scheduled due to an urgent meeting (unexpected issue). Please accept my apology for any inconvenience incurred (句型). Shall we meet at 3 pm tomorrow at my office (句型)? I will appreciate it if you can let me know at your earliest convenience.RegardsMike3道

18、歉句型:A.Sorry for any trouble this has caused.B.We apologised for any inconvenience caused.C.Please accept our sincere apology for any inconvenience incurred.程度升高。4提议的句型a.shall we dob.would you like about doing (较casual一点)5 尽快 soon as possible/as soon as you/I can 对下属, 对自己 the earliest

19、 opportunity 较中性 your earliest convenience 很客气More practice:首先:Messagep14you are the secretary, Microsoft sales Mgr, John (同位语不但严谨, 更提醒了john是谁) called in. he said he wanted us to try our best to finish the project before Friday. Best to call back. Now please leave a message to your manager.To: M

20、r. IversonMessage: 9 am. 5th October.John, the sales manager from Microsoft, just rang in. he needed us to make every effort to complete the project by Friday, 10th Oct. and a callback would be preferred/appreciated (第三方对请求的复述).Message taken by M.L.细节的商务表述。Extra 商务常识:Leave Message 的procedure 1.hello

21、, name, where are you from2.leave msg3.request a call back *leave number, twice *available time1P14 写分商务知识:假1婚假 wedding leave2年假 annual leave3产假 (女)maternity leave4产假 (男)paternity leave5事假 leave of absence6病假 sick leave7突发事请假 emergency leavequestion background, you are working in the betting company

22、, now you are asking for your annual leave during WC period. 1.from when till when for your annual leave2.need the reply by the day after tomorrow3.say sorry语气:formal, polite, 1-2-3To: Mr. James, Line ManagerFrom: Mike Lee, customer service operatorDate: 6th, SepSubject: annual leave applicationI am

23、 writing to apply for my annual leave starting from 14th, Sep. till 20th, Sep. I will greatly appreciate it if I can have your confirmation by Friday, 8th, Sep. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this application may incur especially during the busiest season. ThanksML2 P14范例二,

24、 根据这个范例, 写一个memo给所有的申请者内容点:1Explain the reason why this is postpone2Postpone till further notice3Thank them for coming.To: All applicantsFrom: Miss Wang, Secretary of GMDate: Subject: delayed interview adj+n.语气:formal and polite; 2-1-3We are sorry to notify you that the interview scheduled today wou

25、ld be put off due to a decision made by the management. And the exact time and date would be re-confirmed/re-scheduled after further discussion. Please accept our appreciation for your arrival.1.感谢的句型: a. thank you for doing/sth. b. many thanks for c. please accept our sincere appreciation/gratitude

26、 ford.we are truly grateful to you fore.we sincerely appreciate are highly commended for doingg.we express our profound appreciation for sth3p18 IX 变成memo语气, 因为是代表公司感谢, 所以正式。(1-3)-2to: tailor smithfrom: mike lee on behalf of the companydate: subject: thank-youWe are writing to express our

27、appreciation for your dealing with the emergency yesterday appropriately as Marys possibilities of recovering would have been seriously limited had she not been sent in time according to the DRs description. Thanks to your prompt reaction, her current progress is positive.Or先说we are glade to tell yo

28、u that Mary Wongs current progress is positive. Her possibilities of recovering would have been seriously limited had she not been sent in time according to the DRs description. 最后please accept for your dealing with4 P27真题集语气:direct, formal. 1-2-3这里格式已经不需要你担心.During last month, your continuous poor

29、performance of punctuality has been brought to my attention. And the negative influence on other employees performance is spreading over and they dont think this is fair.I would take this opportunity to remind you that unless you take immediate action to solve this problem, disciplinary action will

30、be taken against you. Thanks.类似的提醒对方不好的事情:a.we would like to call your attention like to take this occasion/opportunity to remind youc.we invite your attention to/that1. P18 XIFormal, direct, 因为你是上司;1-(3-2)To: all staffFrom:Date:Subject: notice of housecleaningC.c.Dear all:Please note that due to hygienic reason/consideration, housekeeping will take place at 时间(复习).We strongly recommend that all staff should take action on heir remaining food in the refrigerator accordingly as everything will be discarded by then. Tha

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