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1、特殊疑问句整理1、what 问人的职业或事物是什么What is he?What are you doing?What does he have?What color is your skirt?What is your father? He is a doctor 职业,身份What size does he wear?What day is today? 星期几What is the date today? 几号,日期What date is tomorrow?明天几号What is in your schoolbag?What colore is you bag?What about t

2、his pair of shoes?What grage are you in?你几年级了What is in your pocket?你口袋里有什么Whats in the room 屋里面有什么What did you buy?你买了什么What sports do you like?(对宾语提问)你喜欢什么运动What do you suppose has happened to her?What has happened to her?What do you think i ought to see first?What do you believe is the most impor

3、tant thing for us to do in order to learn English well?你认为把英语学好我们应该做的最重要的事是什么?What does she find is the most important difference between day and night nursing?你觉得白天护理同夜间护理最大的不同是什么?What do you think these names mean?你认为这些名字是什么意思?What did he say the elephant was like?他说大象是什么样子的?What did the two cheat

4、s say was the most interesting thing about the cloth they could weave?两个骗子说他们能织的布最有趣的是什么?What do you suppose would happen if you told him the news?如果你告诉他这个消息,你认为会发生什么?What book do you imagine will interest him?你认为他会对哪本书感兴趣?What do you suppose he wanted? 你认为他想要什么?What did he say the beast was like?他说

5、那野兽是什么样子的?For what do you think he went to London?你认为他去伦敦干什么?What performance do you think they will give at the party?你认为他们会在晚会上表演什么? 相貌特征What is she like? What does she look like? she is beautiful. what.for? 目的What did they come here for? To attend a meeting 2、why 问原因Why isnt he at schoo

6、l today?Why did they come here? Because they have a meeting to attend.Why do you like spring?你为什么喜欢春天Why do you go to school by bus?为什么你做公共汽车来学校Why are you late?你为什么迟到?why didnt you see the moive?Why did you not see the movie?你为什么不去看那部电影Why do you guess he didnt get in touch with you before he left

7、Beijing?你认为他离开北京之前,为什么没有同你取得联系?Why do you think Mrs Green wants to buy that kind of cloth very much?你看格林夫人为什么那么喜欢买那种布料Why do you think Shylock agreed to lend the money to Antonio?你认为夏洛克为什么同意把钱借给安东尼奥3、where 问地点Where do you play games on Sunday?Where does he live? 他住哪儿Where do you like?你住在哪里Where is t

8、he library?Where are you from?你是哪里人Where are you going?你打算去哪里?Where are my shoes?我的鞋子在哪里?Where did they suppose we should go during the summer holidays?他们认为暑假我们应该去哪里?4、whenwhat time 问时间What time do you play games?What time is it?When do you play games?When are you going? 你准备什么时候去When do you get up?W

9、hen were you born?你何时出生When will you go to Japan? 你什么时候去日本when问的是具体时间,所有不能和完成时连用When have you been here? 错误的问法When did you come here?你什么时候来这里How long have you been here?你呆在这里有多久了What time does the letter say he will leave for France?信上说他将何时动身去法国?When do you suppose she will be back?你认为她什么时候回来?5、whic

10、h 问一定范围内特指的人或物Which box is yours?Which girl is Ann?Whick season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?Which class are you in? 你是那个一个班?Whick one is my pen?Which is Toms?哪个是汤姆的Which does he want?他想要哪一个Which picture did you take?(对宾语提问)哪一张照片是你拍的Which do you think is the better of the two, A concise English-Chinese

11、 Dictionary or A new English-Chinese Dictionary?你认为这两本字典哪本好些,是简明英汉字典还是新英汉字典Which team do you suppose will win the match?你认为哪个队会赢这场比赛?Which book do you say you want?你说你想要哪本书?6、who 问人的身份,姓名Who is he?Who is their teacher?Who are you going to with?Who is that beautiful girl?Who broke the window?谁打破了窗户Wh

12、o is that woman?那个女人是谁Who do you think he is?你认为他是谁?Who did Bob think had taken his wallet?鲍勃认为是谁拿走了他的钱包?Who do you think will reach us English next year?你认为明年谁会教我们英语?Who do you think the writer is?你认为作者是谁?whom 问人的身份,姓名Whom can you ask the question? 你能问谁这个问题?To whom do you think she will send the le

13、tter?你认为她会把信寄给谁?whose 谁的Whose book is this?Whose is this book?Whose book is over there?Whose watch are you looking for?Whose bike is yellow?谁的自行车是黄色的Whose bag is this? 这是谁的包Whose is this umbrella?这伞是谁的Whose pens are these?(对表语提问)这些是谁的钢笔?Whose dog died two years ago?(对主语提问)两年前谁的狗死了Whose pronunciation

14、 do you think is the best in you class?你认为你们班谁的发音最好?Whose jacket do you imagine this is?你认为这是谁的夹克?7、how 问健康状况、做事的方式等How do you go home?How tall is she? 高度(多高)How high is the tower?How do you go to school?How is your mother?你妈妈好吗How do you go to school?你如何去上学的How is the weather today? 今天天气如何How can i

15、 get to the post office?我怎么到达邮局How do you think Jim and Della felt on that Christman Eve?你觉得吉姆和德拉在圣诞夜的感觉如何?How wide do you think this river is?你觉得这条河有多宽?How deep do you think the well is?你觉得这口井有多深?How tall do you think she id?你觉得她有多高?how/ what .like? 天气How is the weather today?What is the weather li

16、ke today? Its old 问年龄How old is he?How old do you read?你读大几how many跟复数名词数量How many boys are there in your class?How many jackets do you have?How many people are there in your family?你家里有多少人How many great novels of the world do you believe have been made into films for the past few years?How

17、 many books can you guess he bougth the other day?How many students did you say were absent from school that day?你说那天有多少学生缺课?how much跟不可数名词数量或价钱、How much milk is there in the bottle?How much coffee do you want?How much is it ? 价格How much does it cost?How much is this dress?这个连衣裙多少钱How much are these

18、 desks?这些桌子多少钱How much money did you say you have saved?你说你省了多少钱?how far问路程、How far is it from here?How far is it from here to the zoo?距离(多远)how soon 问in+一段时间How soon can he finish it?How soon will she arrive? 时间经过(多块)how long问一段时间物体长短 、How long is the desk?How long have you been here? 多久How long is

19、 the bridge? 长度(多远)How long are you sure they had known each other before they got married?你确信他们认识多久才能结婚?How long did she say she would stay here?她说她会在这里呆多久?how often问频率How often do you go to see your parents?How often do you come back?How often do you say the No.12 bus runs?你说12路公共汽车多长时间一班?how about 怎么样I want to go to the about you?This shirt is to small. How about that shirt?

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