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高中英语 UnitBody language Two Learning about Language.docx

1、高中英语 UnitBody language Two Learning about LanguagePeriod TwoLearning about Language & Using Language.单词检测1.facial adj.面部的face n.脸2.function n.作用;功能;职能;vi.起作用;运转3.ease n.安逸;舒适;vt.减轻(痛苦、忧虑)easy adj.容易的4.truly adv.真实地;真诚地;真正地true adj.真的5.false adj.错误的;假的6.anger n.怒气;怒火angry adj.生气的7.yawn vi.打呵欠8.subjec

2、tive adj.主观的9.hug vt.& vi.拥抱10.rank n.等级;军衔.短语检测 place of代替2.make up 编造3.intend to do sth.打算做某事 ease舒适;快活;自由自在5.lose face丢脸6.turn ones back to背对;背弃7. look away from把目光从上移开;不看8. in most cases在大多数情况下 based on以为基础.阅读课文,匹配各部分的大意Part 1(Para.1)(C)A.Examples of some body language.Part 2(Paras.2

3、6)(A) B.There are differences in body language,and its important for us to know them.Part 3(Para.7)(B) C.Body language is sometimes more important than spoken language.课文阅读理解1.Which of the following about body language is TRUE?A.It is more important than spoken language.B.It is as important as spoke

4、n language.C.Neither spoken language nor body language is important.D.It is less important than spoken language.答案B2.Why may a person smile if he loses face?A.To show his anger.B.To hide his embarrassment.C.To threaten others.D.To laugh at others.答案B3.If you are not interested in others talking,you

5、may .A.look away from him or yawnB.turn toward and look at somethingC.fix your attention on the speakerD.stand at a little distance with open hands答案A4.Suppose you are a teacher in America,youll tell your students to when others are talking.A.avoid looking at others directlyB.look directly at others

6、C.glance at othersD.look down at others答案B5.From the passage we can conclude that .A.we can understand each other though there are some differences in body is impossible to understand others from different culturesC.people can communicate freely with each other by smiling,frowning or no

7、ddingD.body language is more important than spoken language答案A1.ease语境感悟(1)(教材P30)The most universal facial expression is,of course,the smileits function is to show happiness and put people at ease.最普遍使用的面部表情当然是微笑其作用是表示快乐和使人放松。(2)They are expected to win the election with ease.预计他们在竞选中能够轻易获胜。(3)Take

8、 your ease,for the journey ahead will be long.好好休息一下,前面的路程还很长。(4)Do write to your mother to ease her of her worry.务必给你妈妈写封信,别让她担心。归纳拓展ease n.安逸;舒适;vt.减轻 痛苦、忧虑 at ease舒适;快乐;自由自在with ease 轻易地;毫不费力地take ones ease使某人放松一下ease sb.of sth.减轻某人的 痛苦、负担等 易混辨析at ease/with ease(1)at ease悠闲,安适,舒适,相当于comfortably。(

9、2)with ease容易地,相当于easily。即时跟踪(1)完成句子现在他可以放心了,因为他已经轻松地通过了考试。Now he can set his mind at ease because he has passed the examination with ease.散步有助于减轻他的疼痛。Walking helped to ease him of his pain.(2)单句改错Her mother has a gift of putting us ease.2.rank语境感悟(1)(教材P30)In almost every culture,it is not usually

10、good to stand too close to someone of a higher rank.几乎在每一种文化里,站得离级别更高的人太近都不太好。(2)He was a writer of the first rank.他是个一流的作家。(3)Thomas Hardy is ranked as one of the greatest English writers.托马斯哈代被认为是英国最伟大的作家之一。(4)Rank tasks in order of importance and write them down.根据重要性将任务排序, 并把他们写下来。归纳拓展rank n.等级;

11、地位,身份;军衔;列,行;v.把分等级;排列of the first rank一流的be ranked as.被认为是 order给排序rank/be ranked 不带the 序数词排第几名即时跟踪(1)写出下列句子中rank的词性及汉语意思He was soon promoted to the rank of captain.n.军衔We live in a society in which comfort ranks very high.v.排列The people present at the meeting are people of all ranks and cla

12、sses.n.等级The rank of book shelves seemed endless.n.排(2)单句改错Last year,he was ranked the second in his age place of语境感悟(1)(教材P28)to be chosen to speak or act in place of someone被选中代替某人演讲或者表演(2)The wedding will take place next month.婚礼将于下个月举行。(3)I know that no one can take your mothers place

13、,but Ill do my best to give you a good home.我知道谁也无法取代你母亲的位置,但我会尽力给你一个舒适的家。(4)Do you think computers will take the place of teachers in the future?你认为电脑在将来会取代老师吗?归纳拓展in place of代替take place 发生take ones place 就座;代替某人in place 在合适的地方;适当out of place不在适当的位置上;不合适的take the place of.代替;取代即时跟踪(1)完成句子Joe had t

14、o work as blacksmith in place of(代替) his lazy father.I like to have everything in place(在合适的地方).He felt out of place(不合适的) in their company.(2)单句改错Do you think that shopping online will take place of shopping in stores?2.lose face语境感悟(1)(教材P30)There are unhappy smiles,such as when someone “loses fac

15、e” and smiles to hide it.还有些不愉快的微笑,比如当某人“丢了面子”就会用微笑来掩饰。(2)He didnt admit his mistakes in order to save face in public.为了在公众场合下保全面子他不承认错误。(3)We should keep calm in the face of danger.面对危险我们应该保持镇静。(4)Faced with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.面对如此多的麻烦,我们没能按时完成任务。归纳拓展lose face丢脸s

16、ave ones face保全面子;有脸面in the face of面对;在面前face to face面对面;相对make a face做鬼脸be faced with面对;面临即时跟踪(1)完成句子尽管他面对着巨大的困难,但他从来都不灰心。Even though he was faced with the great difficulty,he never lost heart.那个男生对着老师的背后做了个鬼脸。The schoolboy made a face at his teachers back.你最好和他当面谈谈。You had better have a talk with

17、him face to face.(2)单句改错She was angry because her son made her lose her face that night.3.turn ones back to语境感悟(1)(教材P30)In most places around the world,frowning and turning ones back to someone shows anger.在世界上大多数地方,皱眉或者背对着某人都表示发怒。(2)She did not turn her back to her friends when they needed help.朋友

18、需要她帮助的时候,她从不拒绝。(3)Why did you suddenly turn your back on our appointment?你为什么突然背弃我们的约定呢?归纳拓展turn ones back to背对;拒绝;背叛turn ones back on不理睬;背弃turn a deaf ear to.对充耳不闻/置若罔闻turn ones nose up at瞧不起/轻视即时跟踪完成句子(1)当他需要她时,她却背叛了他。She turned her back to him when he needed her.(2)汤姆对我的建议充耳不闻。Tom turned a deaf e

19、ar to my advice.(3)他瞧不起低学历的人,这令我们很吃惊。He turns his nose up at/looks down on people who have low education,which astonishes most cases语境感悟(1)(教材P30)Looking away from people or yawning will,in most cases,make me appear to be uninterested.在多数情况下,把眼光从人们身上移开或者打个哈欠,会使我看上去(对此人或此事)不感兴趣。(2)As is often

20、 the case,John was late for class.约翰上课迟到了,这对他来说是常有的事。(3)Leave your key with your neighbor in case (that) you lock yourself out one day.把你的钥匙留给你的邻居,以防某天你把自己锁在外面了。(4)In any case you must arrive there on time.无论如何你必须按时到达那里。归纳拓展in most cases在大多数情况下as is often the case这是常有的事in case that 假使,如果;万一in case o

21、f sth.万一/如果in any case无论如何,总之in no case决不 放句首时,用倒装语序 即时跟踪完成句子(1)In most cases(在大多数情况下),he seldom loses his temper.(2)In no case will he give in to(他将屈服于) the difficulty.(3)In case of fire(如遇失火), ring the alarm bell.(4)In case she comes back(假使她回来了), let me know immediately.1.even if的用法语境感悟(1)(教材P30)

22、It is possible to “read” others around us,even if they do not intend for us to catch their unspoken communication.“读懂”我们周围的人的意思是有可能的,即便他们并不想让我们捕捉到他们没有说出来的信息。(2)Even if you dont feel hungry,try to eat something to keep you going.即使你不饿,你也要尽量吃点东西来保持你身体的运转。(3)My grandfather still plays tennis now and th

23、en,even though hes in his nineties.(2016北京)尽管我的祖父已经九十多岁了,但他仍不时打网球。归纳拓展教材原句是一个主从复合句,其中even if用来引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管;即使”,相当于even though。若主句与从句皆表示将来的情况,even if/though引导的从句用一般现在时代替将来时。即时跟踪(1)完成句子We have decided to visit the museum even if/though it rains tomorrow(即使明天下雨).(2)单句改错They will stand by you even if

24、you succeed.2.with的复合结构语境感悟(1)(教材P30)With so many cultural differences between people,it is great to have some similarities in body language.人们之间的文化差异如此之多,但好在肢体语言有一些相似之处。(2)With so much work filling in her mind,she couldnt sleep well.心里装着那么多工作,她都睡不好觉。(3)The prisoner was brought in with his hands tie

25、d back.犯人被带了进来,手被绑在后面。(4)Is the pen with a flower on it yours?那支带有一朵花的钢笔是你的吗?归纳拓展with的复合结构,即“with复合宾语”,在句中可作状语也可作定语,其主要结构如下:(1)withn./表示宾语与宾语补足语之间为主谓关系)(2)withn./pron.v.ed(v.ed表示宾语与宾语补足语之间为动宾关系)(3)withn./ do(to do表示将来的动作)(4)withn./pron.n./adv./adj./prep.phrase即时跟踪(1)完成句子With n

26、othing to do(无事可做),I went around the bookshop.My daughter stopped screaming immediately and looked up at me with tears rolling down her cheeks(泪水顺着她的脸颊滑落).He left the room with the light on(亮着灯).(2)单句改错With the boy the way,we found her house easily.单句语法填空1.Early rising helps keep your brain and body

27、 functioning(function),and helps you to concentrate on lessons.2.She is currently the highest ranked(rank) player in the world.3.With the sun shining (shine) bright,we should go for a swim.4.It is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do.5.In no case should you give up.选词填空1.I

28、f a teacher cant answer this simple question,hell lose face with his class.2.She was angry with me,so she turned her back to me.3.I am a little nervous.Give me a cup of tea to put me at ease.4.Dont look away from me when Im speaking to you.5.His boss was busy,so he attended the meeting in place of h

29、im.完成句子1.问题是我不懂怎样使用电脑。The problem is that I dont know how to use the computer.2.我正在大门口等待,这时我看到一个人向我走过来。While waiting at the gate,I saw a man walk to me.3.在和老师谈话之后,我感觉好多了。After talking with my teacher,I felt much better.4.即使这项工作要花掉我六周的时间,我仍下决心要把它完成。Even if the job takes me six weeks,I am determined t

30、o finish it.5.工作完成后,这个年轻人走着去了附近的公园。With the work finished,the young man walked to the park nearby.语境填词A)根据汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词1.The machine will not function(运转) properly if it is not kept well oiled.2.Jim came up and gave me a big hug as soon as he saw me.3.Try to avoid being subjective(主观的) and onesided when looking at problems.4.From her facial expression,I knew that she was very shy.5.Those who produce false(假的) goods should be punished.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或所提供单词的正确形式6.It was truly(true) a significant conversation.7.I was

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