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Key to Unit 12秘书英语高职高专 王毅主编.docx

1、Key to Unit 12秘书英语高职高专 王毅主编Key to Unit 12 How Does a Secretary Interpret in Negotiations? Section 1 Acting as an Interpreter in NegotiationsPart 1 1. Ive got good news 2. you proposed. 3. with an eye 4. mutual understanding 5. your counteroffer 6. you increased 7. 7% 8. cutting our offer 9.付款方式 10.

2、互相让步 11. 我完全同意 12. 很快回顾一下 13. 第一次还盘 14. 所以下面一步该你们走了 Part 2 1. our own interest 2. rock bottom 3. stand in our way 4. what we did 5. split 6. make any profit 7. competitive blouses 8. an agreement 9. two consignments 10. 我把价格涨到14.90美元 11. 不能再加了 12. 对半分 13. 我怀疑我们还能否赚到利润 14. 按你说的办 Notes: 1. L/C, letter

3、 of credit A documentary letter of credit is defined as an instrument by which a bank promises to pay the seller for his goods providing the seller conforms exactly to the conditions laid down in the letter of credit. Apart from requiring cash with order, the most satisfactory method of obtaining pa

4、yment is by means of a documentary letter of credit. It provides security of payment to the exporter and enables the buyer to ensure that he receives the goods as ordered and delivered in the way he requires. Specifically, it is an arrangement whereby the buyer requires his bank to establish a credi

5、t in favor of the seller. The buyers bank undertakes, or authorizes its correspondent bank in the exporters country, to pay the exporter a sum of money (normally the invoice value of the goods) against presentation of specified shipping documents. 跟单信用证指如果卖方完全遵从信用证上所列各项条件, 银行便保证向卖方支付货款的信用证。跟单信用证是除随订

6、单付款外最令人满意的获取货款的方式。它在保证出口人收到款项的同时,也保证进口人获得所定的按自己要求所运交的货物。具体来讲,在信用证方式下,买方要求其所在地银行提供以卖方为受益人的信用保证。买方地银行承诺或委托其在出口地的代理行在运输单据被出示时向出口方支付一定金额(通常为货物的发票金额)的款项。 Letters of credit can be classified into different types: (1) revocable L/C and Irrevocable L/C 可撤销信用证和不可撤销信用证(2) Confirmed and Unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证和不

7、保兑信用证(3) Sight L/C and Usance L/C 即期信用证和远期信用证 2. There are two types of the documentary collection: Documents Against Payment (D/P) and Documents Against Acceptance. (D/A). 跟单托收有两种方式:付款交单和承兑交单。 Documents Against Payment (D/P) means documents can only be handed over to the buyer when he has paid the

8、amount on the draft. It can be further divided into Documents Against Payment At Sight and Documents Against Payment after Sight. 付款交单指只有当买方支付了汇票金额时,才能获得单据的付款方式。这种方式可进一步分为即期付款交单和远期付款交单两种。 D/P at sight means that the buyer should pay the draft amount as soon as he is presented the sight draft by the

9、bank. 即期付款交单是指即期汇票通过银行向进口人提示,进口人见票立即付款的支付方式。 D/P after sight means the buyer will pay the draft amount in a specified number of days after the time draft drawn by the seller is presented and accepted. Still the documents can only be released to the buyer when payment is made. 远期付款交单是指出口人开具的远期汇票通过银行向

10、进口人提示并经过承兑后,进口人于规定的若干天内付款。买方仍然必须在付款后才能获得单据。 Documents Against Acceptance (D/A) means that the title documents will be handed over to the buyer once the buyer has accepted the usance draft drawn by the seller. Payment will be made when the usance period is due. Under this term, as the importer gets t

11、he goods before making payment, the importers credit standing is important to the exporter. It is therefore not as secure as D/P since the seller might not be paid at all. 承兑交单是指出口人的交单以进口人在卖方开出的远期汇票上承兑为条件的支付方式。进口人在汇票到期时才履行付款义务。按此付款方式,进口人在付款之前便获得货物,因而进口人的信用对出口人是很重要的。对于卖方来说,承兑交单不如付款交单安全,因为按此付款方式出口人可能根

12、本得不到货款。III. 4. Translation1) We believe that our relationship cannot last long without mutual understanding and mutual concessions.2) Perhaps we need a quick review of what weve gone through so far.3) Thats a 7% increase4) If we had only thought of our own interest, we wouldnt have accepted the term

13、s of payment you proposed. Right?5) I cant sell our blouses under their real value.6) Lets not have this one dollar difference stand in our way to the new contract.7) I suggest we repeat what we did for the terms of payment and meet each other halfway. In other wards, lets split the difference. 8) T

14、he blouses will be delivered in two consignments of 60,000 pieces each.5. Interpretation A: Im glad we are likely to conclude the first transaction with you soon. Weve settled all the questions about price, insurance, packing and shipment. Now what about your terms of payment? A: 即将与你方达成第一笔交易,我很高兴。我

15、们已经谈妥了价格、保险、包装和运输等问题。付款条件怎么样呢?B: 你知道,我们要求货款以保兑的、不可撤销的、见票即付的信用证支付。B: As you know, we require payment by confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight.A: Im sorry that you insist on payment by L/C. Could you make an exception in our case and accept D/P or D/A?A: 你坚持用信用证方式支付,我感到很遗憾。你是否能破例接受付款交

16、单或承兑交单的支付方式呢?B: 恐怕不行。只接受信用证付款是我们的惯例。B: Im afraid not. Its our usual practice to accept payment by L/C only. A: But I hear you would accept different kinds of payment as China has adopted the “Open Policy” and you are following international practices. A: 但是我听说由于中国实行了开放政策,你们遵照国际惯例会采用不同的付款条件。B: 不错,但随具

17、体情况而定。B: Quite right. But it all depends on specific circumstances.6. A: As this is the first transaction concluded at a time when the world competition is rather keen, I would suggest that you give us more favorable terms so as to promote trade between two countries. What about D/A?由于这是我们的第一笔交易,加上当

18、前国际竞争相当激烈,为了促进我们两国之间的贸易,我建议你方给我们一些优惠条件。承兑交单怎么样?B: 对不起,我们不能这么做。Sorry, it cant be done. A: If thats the case, Ill have no alternative but to accept your terms of payment. By the way, when must I open the L/C if I want the goods to be delivered before Christmas season?既然这样,我也没有选择的余地了, 只好接受你们的支付条件。顺便问一下

19、,如果我想在圣诞销售季节前拿到货物,应何时开立信用证?B: 在规定装船前一个月开立信用证。A month before date of shipment.A: All right. Ill have the L/C opened by fax early next week.好吧。下周初,我会用传真开给你们信用证。B: 好,谢谢你的合作。Thatll be fine. Thank you for your cooperation.A: Im glad weve concluded the transaction. I look forward to your shipping advice b

20、y fax.很高兴我们达成了交易。我期待你们用传真发给我装船通知。B: 一定,谢谢你的光临,再见。Sure I will. Thank you for coming. Good-bye. A: Bye.再见。Section 2 Interpreting EffectivelyI. 1. to 2.should 3. politics, 4. natural 5as 6. fingertips 7. D/A, 8.knowing 9. same 10. first 11. speaker 12.motive. 13.familiar 14.more 15.said 16.ensuring 17.

21、gist 18. speakers 19. talks 20. memory 21.note-taking 22.varies 23.points 24. target 25. formula 27.initials 28.institutions. 29. e.g. 30.quarter 31. abbreviations III. 3. 1) a 2) the 3) _*_ 4) the 5) the 4. 1) works participate 2) goes 3) to do to listen 4) shared 5) to show listening. 6. 1

22、) Concerning international trade, an interpreter should have at his fingertips such expressions as floor price, D/P or D/A, FOB, CIF, L/C, tariff barrier, WTO and the like. 2) Grasp every chance to talk to the speaker beforehand so as to get familiar with his accent and get more information.3) Memor

23、y always plays the major role in ensuring accurate interpretation.4) To raise his memory efficiency, an interpreter should make his memory go hand in hand with note-taking.5) Use the conventional abbreviations and initials of the mentioned proper names of some international organizations and institu

24、tions.7. Dictation Note-taking serves as an aid to memory on the spot, so you do not have to take down every word being spoken. You only need to take down the key words that represent the main ideas and numbers and figures. Your note must have a clear presentation or pattern which indicates the logi

25、cal development of the speakers ideas. This will help your interpretation sensible and coherent. Besides, symbols, abbreviations and diagrams may also be used to make your note-taking faster. Section 3 Writing a Letter of CondolenceI 1. challenge 2. sympathy 3. difficult 4. condolence 5. warm 6. dir

26、ectly 7. sensitively 8. reaction 9. positive 10. praise 11. assistance 12. reassuring 13. encourageIII21) 希望我们的关怀能减轻你的悲痛。2) 我们希望能表达我们最深切的同情。3) 获悉布莱克先生逝世,深感悲痛。4)他是一位受所有员工爱戴的杰出的领导。5)我们很荣幸能与他共事多年,我们将永远不会忘记他的体贴和亲切。Section 4 Speaking Englishwith Correct Pronunciation and Intonation (1)I.1. However 2. sou

27、nd 3. role 4. it 5. misunderstood 6. various 7. secretary 8. poorly 9. seat 10. angry 11. river 12. ship 13. paper 14. nothing 15. representing 16. businessIII.3. 1) true 2) true 3) false 4) true 5) false 6) trueTapescriptsUnit 12 How Does a Secretary Interpret in Negotiations?Section 1 Acting as an

28、 Interpreter in Negotiations(C: Zhang Yi is interpreting for A: Mr. Ling Yun while he is negotiating with B: Mr. Jones.)Part 1C: Good afternoon, Mr. Jones. Ive got good news for you.B: Yes?C: This morning we agree to accept the terms of payment you proposed.B: Thank you so much, Mr. Ling.C: We accep

29、t your proposal with an eye on our future relationship. We believe that our relationship cannot last long without mutual understanding and mutual concessions.B: I couldnt agree more.C: Well, maybe its time to go back to the issue of price. B: Okay.C: Perhaps we need a quick review of what weve gone

30、through so far. Our offer was $16.80 each blouse, and your counteroffer was $14.40. B: Im sorry, but our first counteroffer was $13.50.C: Well, if that was your first counteroffer, then you increased it to $14.40.B: Thats a 7% increase.C: Okay. Then we responded by cutting our offer also 90 cents an

31、d made it $15.90. So the next step, naturally, should be taken by you.B: Ive told you that we couldnt move any more.Part 2 C: Look, Mr. Jones. If we had only thought of our own interest, we wouldnt have accepted the terms of payment you proposed. Right?B: All right. Let me make it $14.90.C: $15.90 i

32、s my rock bottom price. I cant sell our blouses under their real value.B: $14.90, I cant go any further. C: Well, dont be so sure about that. Lets not have this one dollar difference stand in our way to the new contract.B: Thats true. C: So I suggest we repeat what we did for the terms of payment and meet each other halfway. In other wards, lets split the difference. B: T

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