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1、广州新版九上Unit5知识点及练习广州新版九上Unit5知识点及练习作业布置1、学生上次作业评价: 好 较好 一般 差 备注:2、本次课后作业: Homework的内容主任点评 家长签字: 日期: 年 月 日龙文教育一对一个性化讲义学生姓名: 年级: 9 第 8 次 上课日期: 2017 年 10 月 日 上课时段: 点课题名称: Unit 5(a) 1、错题回顾2、内容讲解1、重点短语1. 愿意做2.举手3.化妆师4.梳头5.领先于,在前面6.赢得大奖7.一直做某事8.由.制成(看得出原材料)由.制成(看不出原材料)9.一系列10.采取行动做某事2、知识点讲解重点词汇分析1. directo

2、r n. 导演The film was directed by an award-winning director. 这部影片由一名获奖导演执导。direct v. 导演;执导2. make-up n. 化妆She usually wears little make-up. 她一般不怎么化妆。make sb. up 化妆; 为-化妆3. artist n. 艺术家Each poster was signed by the artist. 每幅海报都有这个艺术家的签名。art n. 艺术;美术4. studio n. 演播室She prefers performing live to singi

3、ng in a recording studio. 与在录音棚里录音相比,她更喜欢现场表演。studio的复数形式是studios5. contestant n. 比赛者Which contestant do you think will win at last? 你觉得哪位参赛选手最终会赢得比赛?contest n. 比赛;竞赛6. upon prep. 在-上He set the tray upon the table. 他把托盘放在桌子上。upon用法较为正式,在口语中多用on代替7. among prep. 在-中They walked among the crowds in Red

4、Square. 他们在熙熙攘攘的红场散步。among与between一般来说,among用于三者或三者以上“在-中”,其宾语通常是一个表示笼统数量或具有复数(或集合)意义的名词或代词;而between主要指两者之间,其宾语往往是表示两者的名词或代词,或者是由and连接的两个人或物。eg.They hid themselves among the trees. 他们躲在树林中。There was a flight between the two boys. 这两个男孩打过一次架。Im usually free between Tuesday and Thursday. 我通常在星期二与星期四之间

5、有空。注意:在下列情况下,between用于三者或者三者以上:A. 当两个以上的人或者物用and连接时。如:between A, B and C 在A、B、C之间B. 涉及事物之间的区别或关系时。如:the difference between the three of them他们三者之间的区别the relations between various countries 各国之间的关系C. divide, share等表示“分摊;分配;分享”之类的动词之后,若接一个表示三者或三者以上的复数名词,用among和between都可以。如:He divided his money amongbe

6、tween his five sons. 他把钱分给了五个儿子。8. onto prep. 向;朝The driver stopped the car hard as the child ran onto the road in front of him. 那孩子跑到汽车前面的马路上,司机将车猛地刹停。提示:onto常与动词连用,表示朝某处或某位置运动。9. forward adv. 向前He came forward with his hand out. “Mr and Mrs Smith?” he asked.他走上前去伸出手来,“是史密斯先生和夫人吗?”他问道。10. second n.

7、 秒(时间单位)For a few seconds nobody said anything. 有几秒钟大家都沉默无语。11. relaxed adj. 放松的;冷静的As soon as I made the final decision, I felt a lot more relaxed. 我一做出最后的决定就感到轻松多了。链接:relax v. 放松;休息 relaxing adj. 有助于休息的;令人放松的 relaxation n. 放松;休息;消遣12. ahead of prep. 领先Tim was soon ahead of his classmates in Englis

8、h. 蒂姆很快在英语方面超过了他的同学们。Let them run ahead of us. 让他们跑在我们前面。13. beat v. 赢;打败(某人)In yesterdays game, France beat the United States two-one. 在昨天的比赛中,法国队以2比1击败美国队。【比较】beat与win win和beat都可用作及物动词,作”赢;战胜解,其区别主要在于宾语的不同:充当win的宾语的是比赛、 战争、奖品、金钱等名词,即race, match, game , competition, war, prize之类的词;充当beat的宾语的则是 比赛、竞

9、争的对手,即指人或球队的名词或代词。试比较: He won first prize in the speaking competition. 他在演讲比赛中获得一等奖。 We beat the strongest team in the football match this time. 在这次足球赛中我们战胜了最强的那支队伍。14. still adj. 平静的;安静的He watched the still water over the side of the boat. 他看着船边平静的水。It is really difficult to keep the children still

10、. 让孩子们安静下来真的很难。【链接】still adv.依然;仍然 15. single adj. 仅有一个的;单个的Over six hundred people were injured in a single day. 仅一天中就有六百多人受伤。【提示】single 一词还有如下的常见含义: a 单独的;各自的。如:Every single house in town hasbeendamaged. 镇上每栋房子都遭到了破坏。 b 单身的;未婚的。如:He now has to face the rest of his life as a single person. 他现在不得不孤单

11、 度过余生。 c (房间)单人的,单人使用的。如:A single room at this hotel costs 56 a night. 这家酒店的单人间的价格是56英镑一晚。 16. victory n. 胜利;成功She is confident of victory in Saturdays final. 她对在星期六的决赛中获胜充满信心。【链接】victor 胜利者;获胜者17. lucky adj. 幸运的;运气好的 I consider myself the luckiest man on Earth. 我认为自己是世界上最幸运的人。 He was really lucky t

12、o be alive. 他能活下来真是幸运。 【链接】luck n.运气 luckily adv.幸运地;幸好 .【反义】unlucky adj. 不幸的;运气不好的重点句型分析1 What do you know about.? 部分中出现的职业名称 lightning operator灯光师 sound operator首响师 make-up artist化妆师2 What type of programme are the people making at the TV studio?人们正在电视演播室里录制什么类型的电视节目? a A quiz show.智力竞赛节目。 b A tra

13、vel show.旅游类节目。 c A talent show. 达人秀。 TV studio意为电视台演播室。如: The Chinese New Year Gala is always held in CCTV TV studio 1. 春节联欢晚会往往在中央电視台一 号演播厅举行。 quiz show意为智力竞赛节目。如: I hope someday I can take part in a quiz show and win a prize! 我希望有朝一曰能参力口一次智力竞赛, 并得一次奖!talent show意为达人秀。如: Our class is organizing a

14、talent show to raise money for charity. 我们班级正在组织一场才艺表演来为 感善事业辱款。 3 A woman has passedout. 一位女士昏了过去。 pass out意为昏倒;失去知觉。如: If he took one more drink, he would pass out. 如果他再喝杯酒,就会晕例的。4 Five minutes to go, shouted the director. Is everyone ready? 还有五分钟,导演叫道,每个人都 准备好了吗? five minutes to go意为还有五分钟(就要开始)。其

15、中to go作five minutes的后置定语,意义上相 当于remaining,表示还剩下。 5 Im glad that Im not one of the contestants!” Denise said. Im not that brave. 我很高兴不是其中 的一个参赛者!丹尼斯说,我可没那么勇敢。”本句中,Im glad后面接了一个that引导的宾语从句,我们称之为形容词后宾语从句。在某些表达情 感的形容词后同样可以接宾语从句,用that引导,that可以省略。如: Im afraid (that) you are wrong. 我恐怕你错了 。 He is worried (

16、that) his son will fail the exam. 他担心儿子会考试不及格。 not that brave中,that为副词,与not连用,表示不那么”之意,也常说成not all that。如: There arent that many people here.这里并没有那么多人。It isnt all that cold. 天没那么冷。 6 The three contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage and waiting. 三位选手坐在舞台上的参赛选手席前等待着。 on the stage意为在舞台上。如

17、: The singer is going to appear on the stage tonight. 这位歌手令晚要登台。 7 Suddenly one of them passed out and fell across her desk. 突然,其中的一个人晕了过去,扑倒在选手席上。 fall across有扑倒在上;洒落在上”的意思。如: He was so tired that he fell across his bed and was immediately asleep. 他太累了 ,往床上趴就立即睡着了。 8 A cameraman helped the woman of

18、f the stage.摄像师扶着那位女士下了舞台。 help somebody off意为帮助某人离开;扶某人离开。如: The basketball player hurt his left knee early in the third quarter and was helped off the floor by his teammates. 这个蓝球运动员在第三节开始不久伤了左膝,在队友的帮助下离开了赛场。 9 The director hurried down from the control room above. 导演急匆匆地从楼上的控制室里下来。 hurry down意为匆匆

19、下来。如: Hurry down .Supper is ready. 快下来! 晚饭准备好了。 10 Who among you wants to beonTV?你们中有人想上电视吗? be on Tv与appear on Tv意思相近,表示出现在电视上”的意思。如:He was very excited when he was asked to be on TV. 当获邀在电視上亮相的时候,他兴奋异常。 11 She quickly put make-up on Angelas face and brushed her hair. 她迅速给安杰拉化了妆,帮她梳了头发。 put make-up

20、 on意为给.化妆。如: When you put all that make-叩on yourself, you will completely be someone else. 当你把那些化妆品都涂在脸上后,你完全就是另外一个人了 。 12 Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did really well. 尽管安杰拉毫无准备,可她 看上去很放松,表现很好。although意为虽然;尽管,是让步状语从句的引导词。如: Although he is over 60, he is very fit. 尽管他已年逾六

21、旬,但依然很健壮。 有关although引导的让步状语从句的知识是本单元语法板块的主要内容。 prepared是形容词,意为”准备好;有所准备。后常接介词for表示准备好做某事。如: Well be better prepared next time. 下次我们会准各得更充分。 I was not prepared for the exam. 我没为这次考试做准各。 do well意为表现良好。我们常用do well in的结构表示擅长于(某个方面);在表现良好。 后接名词(短语)或动名词。如: He didnt do well in the exam this time. 这次他考试没考好。

22、 My father does well in painting horses. 我父亲擅长画马。 13 She answered the questions wlth uo problems and was soon ahcad of the other two contestants.吹灰之力地回答了问题,不久就领先于其他两位选手。 with no problems意为毫无问题;没有任何问题,与without any problems意思相当。如: She has worked here for five years with no problems. 她在这里安安稳稳地工作了五年。 ah

23、ead of意为领先于。如:She isalwayswell aheadofthe rest oftheclass in English. 在英语方面,她总是遥遥领先于班上的同学。 14 Denise was so excited that she could hardly keepstill.丹尼斯十分激动,几乎坐不住了。 keep still意为保持静止;保持不动(的状态)。如: Please keep still while I cut your hair. 我給你熏头发时请不要动。 15 Though the questions were getting more and more d

24、ifficult, Angela kept getting them right. 尽管问题变得越来越难,但安杰拉却始终回答正确。though是虽然;尽管的意思,是让步状语从句的引导词。如: Though we are tired, we keep running.尽管我们累了 ,但还是继续絶步。有关though引导的让步状语从句的知识是本单元语法板块的主要内容。 keep doing something意为继续做某事;重复做某事。如: No matter what happens, you should keep smiling! 不管发生了什么事,你都应该保持笑容! get在本句中是系动词

25、,表示(使)达到之意,get. +形容词的结构表示使.(怎么样)的意 思。如: Dont get your dress dirty! 另把你的连衣裙异脏了 ! She soon got the children ready for school. 她很快使孩子们做好了上学的准备。16 “-Youve won tonights prize a trip for two to the lovely city of Paris! . 奖浪漫之都巴黎双人游! a trip for two意为双人游。a trip to someplace意为去某地的一次旅行。如: They will go on a t

26、rip to the UK.他们即将踏上英国之旅。 3、课堂练习A. 用本单元新单词完成下面的句子。如有必要,须改变单词的形式。1 Hurry up, Simon!We are approaching the finishing line. There are only two steps . 2 The asked the actor to stand in the sunlight and then called Action!. 3 I lost the game. Evan was so powerful and me at chess. 4 Angela is really a(n)

27、 . The carpet she made is so beautiful. 5 A programme on pets is being shot in the television now. 6 一 Were you enough to win the match? 一 So awful. I lost it. A terrible day. 7 Within only ten ,the rocket was out of sight. 8 People came from all over the world to the famous painters works.9 After f

28、inishing up the rice in the bowl. Sandy put it the table.10 The teacher was full of for Simons hard work. 11 Everybody, please be and get ready!12 The V sign stands for .It is known all over the world.13 Who is the tallest all of you? 14 The dog jumped . the table in a second. 15 Baby, be quiet! Can

29、t you sit for a moment?B. 将下列句子翻译成英语。 1 你能不能把我扶下床?我想上厕所。(help . off) 2 他的思想远远超越了他那个时代。(ahead of) 3 那个演员如今很少出现在电视屏幕上。(be on TV) 4 她化完妆之后,我都认不出她了。 (put make-up on) 5 在今天的课上,我们要来谈谈人们收看电视的习惯。(TV viewing habit) 6 朱迪能歌善舞。(do well in) 7 学生们觉得这个讲座枯燥乏味。(get . +形容词) 8 安杰拉在昨天的智力竞赛中打败了其他所有的选手。(beat) 4、课堂小结 同学 2

30、017年 10 月 日 课后作业 授课教师: 王老师 时间: 分钟 满分: 分 得分: 分Where there is a will,there is a way!根据句意,选出与所给句子中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。(每题1分,共15分)( ) 1.Many tourists viewed the beautiful sunrise.A. held B. watched C. took part in ( ) 2.I felt relaxed after taking a walk with my parents after dinner. A. didnt feel nervous B. didnt feel hungry C. didnt feel bored ( ) 3. The school library opens on weekdays.A. on weekends B. during the day C. from Monday to Friday( ) 4. The classroom was still because nobody was in it.Anoisy B. quiet C. crowded( ) 5. If you work harder, you will be ahead of the other students. A.

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