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1、高考英语单选精练精析套题009年高考英语单选精练精析套题(一)(A)1. In front of the temple _ which came here to be in search of the wanted person . A. several police cars were B. were several police carsC. was several police cars D. several police cars was 2. If you dont go to visit our former teacher, _ I. A. so am B. nor am C.

2、neither do I D. nor will3. May I have a talk with one of your reporters? Sorry, but all of them are out to _the main events of the day.A. find B. get C. cover D. search4.Students are for new knowledge to suit themselves to the future jobs in various fields_ which they are unfamiliar. A. hoping; to B

3、. anxious; with C. eager; with D. proud; to 5.His speech was extremely boring that it was interrupted by applause and cheers. A. constantly B. ever C. seldom D. even 6. What do you think made him put into prison?_ stealing the valuables.A. Because he was accused of w.w.B. accused of C. Being accused

4、 of D. Because of being accused of7. It angered me that a neighbour accused me _ kicking her pet. Oh, you had the right to defend yourself _ her accusation.A. of; against B. for; from C. against; for D. for; against8. _ _ I passed the interview! _ Good luck to you. next time!A. If only B. Only if C.

5、 If D. When9.,I cant express myself in words. A. So long as I am fond of B. Now that I am fond of C. Much as I am fond of her D. As I am fond of very much 10.So difficult it to acquire a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher that he was close to giving up . A. he have felt B. have he felt C

6、. he did feel D. did he feel 11. Well, I do think the iPod is a smart, convenient and intelligent. . A. So it is B. So is it C. So does it D. So it does 12. Not until midnight back from work, drunken . A. he did come B. he came C. didnt he come D. did he come w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m13. Dont try to persu

7、ade your boss; he wont have the _of employing me a fresh student. A. intention B. attention C. sense D. attraction14. Our teachers dont us smoking cigarettes in the school A. agree B. approve of C. agree to D. promise15. When he first went for treatment at the hospital he seemed to be a hopeless _.

8、A. situation B. case C. condition D. state(B)1.What about concert?Coco Lees concert? To be honest, to buy ticket of hers is out of the question at the moment.A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a2. You would have helped your mother do some housework. But you .A. dont B. didnt C. wouldnt D. werent3

9、. Please sit down and Ill cook you some coffee. .Lets come to the point first.A. You are welcome B. You neednt do soC. Please dont bother D. You are indeed too polite4. The flowers, sweet, was soon sold out when it was taken to the market.A. being tasted B. tasted C. tasting D. having tasted5.Why no

10、t going surfing this weekend? .Im a sports lover and likes getting close to sea.A.I couldnt agree more B. Im afraid so C. It all depends D. Certainly not6.Have you get accustomed to the weather here, Jane?Yes. But I dont like _when it is wet.A. those B. that C. this D. it7. Speaking of Tom, there ar

11、e several things that are not easy to ,say, his dishonesty.A. put up with B. put aside C. get along with D. build up 8. the rain, he insisted, the football game can not be cancelled.A. Instead of B. In spite of C. Due to D. In relation to9.I will go to the science palace to morrow it doesnt rain hea

12、vily.A. as if B. in case C. even if D. so long as 10.If his parents are convinced the fact that his son always focuses his mind his study. A. of; on B. of; at C. by; to D. on; at11. you had worked hard, you would have easily passed the final test.A. When B. If C. Thought D. Since12.When the teacher

13、found some of his students getting nervous at the examination, he told them to . w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.mA. take is seriously B. take it easy C. mind their business D. come to the point13. One you drugs, its hard to manage to get rid of them.A. get through B. get off C. get into D. get down14. The man, s

14、o badly, almost lost his memory and even was driven mad.A. To have been disturbed B. Having been disturbed C. To be disturbed D. Being disturbed15. I would like to give you some money, but _I havent got any.A. eventually B. unfortunately C. absolutely D. consequently答案与解析(A)1.B 此题考查地点状语置于句首,句子要全部倒装,

15、即直接把谓语动词置于主语之前。2.D nor+助动词+主语, 表示 “也不”, 本句从句用一般现在时表示将来的动作, 那么主语要用一般将来时, 故答案为D。完整的句子为:I will not go ,either.3.C cover此处的意思为 “(记者)采访; 报道”, 根据语境可知C (cover)为正确答案。4.C be eager for sth 对渴望; be unfamiliar with.sth 对不熟悉。5.C seldom意思为 “很少;从不”, 与 “extremely boring”相吻合 。 6.C 认真分析第一句可知, what 在句中作主语, 答语应该是能作主语的选

16、项, 只有C项可以用作主语。完整的句子为:Being accused of stealing the valuables made him put into prison。7.A accuse sb of doing sth因指责或控告某人; defend sb/oneself against sth为自己/某人辩解反驳; 保护自己/某人免于8.A if only常常用来表达强烈的愿望或遗憾,主要用在虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件。常被译为“但愿”、“要是该多好啊”,根据passed一词的时态可以判断出答案为A; only if 引导条件状语从句,表示“只有(才) ;只有在的时候”

17、的意思,类似if引起的一般条件句。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m9.C依据主、从句之间的逻辑关系不难判断此处应表示让步。as引导让步状语时,可将副词提前构成部分倒装,故D项语序错误;so long as表示条件;now that表示原因,均不符合语境。题意:尽管我很喜欢她,但我无法用语言表达这份情感。10.D 在so.that结构中,若将表示程度的状语“so+adj./adv.”置于句首,主句中需用倒装语序,从句中的时态决定着主句中须用一般过去时。 11.A根据题意,第一个人说“我认为音乐播放器是件时髦的、方便的,并且是件智能化的玩意”。第二个人回答“的确是这样的”。so在本题中的意思

18、是“的确是这样的”,答句应用正常语序: So it is。D选项的助动词does不合题意。 12.D not until.句型中, 若把not until置于句首, 主句要用部分倒装, 将该句改写为正常语序为:He did not come back, drunken until midnight.。 13.A have the intention of doing sth 打算做某事,有做某事的意图。14.B approve of 意思为 “赞成” , 后接名词或动名词, 本句中us为smoking的逻辑主语。注意以下结构:agree to do sth, agree with sb to

19、do sth, promise sb to do sth。15.B 由treatment at the hospital case可知,case此处意思为 “病例”。 a hopeless case意思为:a person who could not be cured.(B)1.D 第一空用定冠词the,特指双方都知道的事物;第二空用不定冠词, 表示泛指其中一张票。2.B would have done 表示与过去事实相反的假设,连词but引出一个过去的事实。 故此处用一般过去时,完整的句子为But you didnt helped your mother do some housework3

20、.C C项意思为“别费心了,不必要了”,与Lets come to the point(让我们言归正传吧)相吻合。A项 “不用谢”;B、D两项语气太生硬,有失礼貌。4.C. taste用作系动词,the flowers与 taste之间为主动形式,所以用现在分词形式作定语, 此处可以变成定语从句which taste sweet.5.A 根据下文可知,“我”同意去冲浪, 用I couldnt agree more表示“完全同意”。6.D 句意:珍,你习惯这里的天气了吗?“是的,但是我不喜欢雨季。”it是形式宾语,主要用于have, like, take等后,代替其后的宾语从句。7.A句意为:你

21、觉得汤姆怎样? 他身上有一些事情令人难以忍受,比如说不诚实, 就是其中之一。put up with 意思为“忍受,容忍”。get along with “和某人相处”,后常跟人作作宾语,而此处短语的宾语为several things。put aside “搁置,放在一边”;build up “逐步建立”。8.B 句意为:尽管下着雨,他坚持主张,足球赛不可以被取消。in spite of介词短语, 意思为“尽管,虽然”。in stead of 而不是,代替;due to 因为,由于;in relation to关于,有关。9.D句意为:只要雨下得不是很大,我一定去科学宫的。as/so long

22、as 用作连词,意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句。as if 好像;in case 以防;even if即使。w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m10.A be convinced of sth “确信;坚信某事。”focus ones mind/attention on sth.将注意力集中于某事物。11.B 由句子结构可知,这是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。从句的形式为If + had done, 主句用should/would/might/could have done.12.B. take it easy意思为 “不要紧张,放松些”,与getting nervous相吻合。A项 “严肃

23、对待某事”;C项 “少管闲事”;D项 “切入正题,言归正转”。13.C 句意为:一旦你染上毒品,就很难戒掉。get into 陷入;染上;进入。get through 完成;通过;get off 下车;动身;下班。get down使沮丧;记下。14.B 由句子结构分析,此处应为现在分词短语作状语,排除A、C两项,又知the man与disturb之间为被动关系,且disturb动作发生在主句谓语动词之前,故用现在分词的完成被动式having been disturbed.15.B 句意为: 我倒是愿意给你一些钱,但是遗憾地是我并没有。Unfortunately不幸地;遗憾地;eventuall

24、y最后;终于;absolutely绝对地;完全地;consequently所以;因而。(二)(A)1. It doesnt make any_now what he says - its too late for apologies.A. difference B. effect C. progress D. development2. The house wont certainly sell _ the fact that its overpriced. A. in spite of B. because of C. in addition to D. but for3. _there a

25、re many differences in personality, they have a lot_ common. A. While; in B. Although; on C. In spite of; in D. Thanks to; on4. During the earthquake,the great part of damage and loss of life was_the poor quality of the buildings, which couldnt fight against its force. A. as for B. instead of C. acc

26、ording to D. due to 5. It was a(n) _situation, because the restaurant was too expensive for us but we didnt want to just leave.A. amazing B. curious C. desperate D.awkward6. I dont forget for ever how many years ago_ was that I last met her in the coffee bar. A. this B. it C. which D. when 7. I need

27、 to buy a new MP4 and cellphone badly but I cant afford_. A. one B. that C. it D. the one 8. The dangerous building could fall down any time, but thats a risk well have to_. A. do B. take C. perform D. make9. -Dont climb the ladder. Its broken. -_ AWhy not? B. Dont mention it. C. OK. Thank you. D. S

28、o what?10. At first driving requires a lot of concentration, but over time, it just becomes_. A.authentic B. available C. automatic D. awake 11. -How do you find the movie you saw last night? -_. I just saw half of it w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m A. disappointment B. disappointed C. disappointing D. disappoi

29、ntingly12. Large quantities of polluted water_ into the sea so that lots of fish died. A. is flowing B. was flowing C. are flowing D. were flowing13. -Is it height and weight_the interviewer pays attention to? -Absolutely not. He will consider _ important to be experienced A. which; it B. that ; it

30、C. which ; that D. that ; that14. -Where did you fall in love with her at first sight? -_was in a small villiage where my father worked. A. That B. There C. It D. This15. In face of difficulties the climbers_in the hope of reaching the top before dark. A.insisted on B. looked up C.turned away D. kep

31、t on (B)1.I still remember how many years _ was that I quarrelled with her for the first time. A.when B. this C.that D. it2. _excited us greatly was that the Chinese team defeated their Egyptian team on Friday evening with 3-0. A. What B.That C. It D. Which3.We discussed the high rate of single parent family, and wondered how to explain this _. w.w.w. A. condition B. state C. situation D. phenomenon4. T

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