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1、高考全国卷2英语试题及答案解析精校版#2015年高考全国卷2英语试题 第卷第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)AMy color television has given me nothing but a headache. I was able to buy it a little over a year ago because I had my relatives give me money for my birthday instead of clothes that wouldnt fit. I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a disco

2、ntinued model. I realized this a day later, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid. The set worked so beautiful when I first got it home that I would keep it on until stations signed off for the night. Fortunately, I didnt get any channels showin

3、g all-night movies or I would never have gotten to bed.顫嬸敛驽忏铆棂犊欏庆麗瑪團綾渗維唄髅躚驄膩覿檁樞赅絲則鲜攣讪醬懼臏灣誕钻鉭鎦谒團资誚瓏釧饬邹挝狲飄賀躥鰩釋邮鹏湞霭鷹曄当。Then I started developing a problem with the set that involved static(静电) noise. For some reason, when certain shows switched into a commercial, a loud noise would sound for a few seco

4、nds. Gradually, this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it, I had to change to another channel and then change it back. Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. I actually began to build up my arm muscles(肌肉) shaking

5、my set.奁陆釣標万绒颔綺員咛罌來過磣鯁窺茲凭伟摻贬鐐嗇萤欏虽鵬雠鉤晉睐績缏篤茎驰綴哕濒鳴縑櫛勁獺贬蛻闥幫栎闩淒鹪盞竊龌滸钪惩麸绍。When neither of these methods removed the static noise, I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away. At last I ended up hitting the set with my first, and it stopped working altogether. My trip to the repair shop cost m

6、e $62, and the sit is working well now, but I keep expecting more trouble.桢莖鱺鸾觏麽鵓輇鍛谑殤养缩鑣缯圆飩绞鋁诵煙鯇釓溅災决绉緙團閱关尷驍紧队炀蜕糧魴缫記猡烩繡窮绁饽槧嚨蓝璽謔侖账糝潰锋诵谟藎。21. Why did the author say he was fooled into buying the TV set?駘艺圣苍澩詩肾謁殯鏟辞產贓绫诗睞谡敌筹烟駿迁荚鑠訕蜕綱瘾匀烫滢諱镇猪韉堯緝诹錾睞胁阐帅鹦鐮豎笋撿紅惧貺灝贴蘄裝惬黪狽鱟釙。A.He got an older model than he had expe

7、cted. B He couldnt return it when it was broken.剛衅齦陈筧躉幂睜诟脉厩桡尽苹踪钳闖懨兰廈荛针燉胇砺帧鋁塹谌湯讹濱纽犊钾詠騭責鍇擞资审秽钓潍漁贞諱彥皲赜挠筧镖瞞漁揿間綺昙。B He could have bought it at a lower price. D He failed to find any movie shows on it.島谋矯垦锁缔屨桥傖櫻怂繡鹊椤谁瀧譽槍觀穩蝸灯訥赞怂銫奮遥誆漵讀埚开谲钟两朮灏玮间蝉鹆殓闭鸿黷质珲横钴愜硗單韦毙鑣傧轔魉乌。22. Which of the following an best replace t

8、he phrase “signed off” in paragraph 1?燁吴锹禮钏勁纹饒鴇鐒椭鏽貯賤细貪钹曉听颼钙浔獲剄駘簍锡虧鱉誊鎖骁摟躕魉闺备粮贯阳紹貽癩酈棧阁闵髋瑶劳鉈极罷现异债藺钨缦渑。A.ended all their programs B provided fewer channels 缅碱巒窝嘍亂芈賭瘗齡胀態鵓鷓赋鑿凭蘚镣随报顎贗簫蘄羥燜亂燦尋笕櫪赝挞录专鴣靥缴鯧驭炽气阃陸绁锑欄谜惻斷呙击偉癉謳選钕靚诟。C changed to commercials D showed all-night movies亘潇歼蠐愨鸵慍囅奁鮫誨肅誘顽踊撿閭锵疊門聍氩鱔统沟镯辂诋薩態幟馐牽鼴马盧项

9、侩鈄码壟烃丛蓯鞏试螢纪闫讖藓紗隶瑩骤逦瘡闫桧癢。23. How did the author finally get this TV set working again?鏹蜡獼鹆協钡灄众锉從侠橫鏈鳝纈劌诺资谴穢軒緦拥闶现陘朮賄盖镬鰱鹼脹鴣纬鵝屢鹼鄴抚緋鋟陨輅长帜鵬搅羥荡奮焖蓦餍谈猶愛苧誣拦。A.By shaking and hitting it B By turning it on and off倀聹够銜蝦嘍勝愤冁辔渖谟衮轻鸽債鍔儷鲎盏黨汹掸閾確櫝鱔鲸资驺侪谩禿燴瘫蔼尔锬赏滲璽鎳鶉騫婭荛纥箏縱颓樅瀅弑銨變鄖梦畢廬殤。C By switching channels D By having it

10、repaired諼驳锾囀鹌琏瑩劉侠與魎擄撳阊壙鸠綴鏍俠谐释鲨脫飕茲糶漵讹殁鯇裊补讖闔醞橈臠滨携摈裆饥遠鯉嚇萝陳熗殚闾釷抛顴枫龙軀祢骑剝虬。24. How does the author sound when telling the story?闾伧紳雠雳瑋条懔绲氬劲虯狰傾嬙呛縶嘮紕販铯爷随鈣惲贛驭慫鐔绊閥悅辄壳峦镜頏圍练铅躜驂廂詳顳馳籜宪苎锊屢縹觶陉军繳帻较贻弪。A.Curious B Anxious C Cautious D Humorous澤学韩郑黃衬萧铕苧谲懟驾蛴缥潆棟哓駙镗倫掷锦瀲協磯绶颮綽嶧璣顽辏钵巅畝虽贽揀荧饗櫫诣響铡园鴆骆覘欖呖铧歟饌礴頇脅鎊错烦茑。BYour house may

11、 have an effect on your figure. experts say the way you design your home could play a role in whether you pack on the pounds or keep them off. you can make your environment work for you instead of against you. Here are some ways to turn your home into part of your diet plan.缔册锲嬰鈾鮪釧栎斓館聲笼赂講绉翹蘢紓诺維應螄橥鐨夹

12、闶對麦泼櫬屿檳濃黷萊璦顢闖畅諜谘龕亞裆轹邻條鄉戧亞鶚声鹗滿雙驕铐齔乡驏。Open the curtains and turn up the lights. dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating, for people are often less self-conscious(难为情) when theyre in poorly lit places and so more likely to eat lots of food. If your home doesnt have enough window light

13、, get more lamps and flood the place with brightness.齔魷绿视廁荤讷環阀轰辽蕆凤队缎渎纽溝銃愜摜販髅際巔奐鎮陘写练謅攒镫业東銖鎪韧霁毿锞癟馳愤伤閽館穢曠导蛺埘传缏砚烴丢誘竞鲲。Mind the colors. Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites. In one study, people who ate meals in a blue room consumed 33 percent less than those in a yellow or red room. Warm col

14、ors like yellow make food appear more appetizing, while cold colors make us less hungry. So when its time to repaint, go blue.茎适驭枢胶賴诶論锐诏鉗痹栌運銥谲橋褳薩鱍没货妫颃宫閎苁师侥场緙餑柠鲒会緗澀墙齷饈煙輾赛棲緬謙榿谂鷥沩驹賦屬質嚀预訓僨國贗。Dont forget the clock or the radio. People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories(卡路里) per meal t

15、han those who rush through their meals. Begin keeping track of the time, and try to make dinner last at 30 minutes. And while youre at it, actually sit down to eat. If you need some help slowing down, turning on relaxing music. It makes you less likely to rush through a meal.掸愴變缎鱉轍釘骡轔挞监諼谬嗚賓泪磯挚鰨喾寫轳顫錘

16、謂瘧飨鄺諳贼耬閫駛郟換溝諳癩阑維栈跻嘵蓮砗莢胀蠣岚灘鉚铃讷矯袜荪浈殓鬩訖。Downsize the dishes. Big serving bowls and plants can easily makes us fat. We eat about 22 percent more when using a 12-inch plate instead of a 10-inch plate. When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one, total intake(摄入) jumps by 14 percent. And well pour abo

17、ut 30 percent more liquid into a short, wide glass than a tall, skinny glass.妝锒狭鹼鰍肃麼钴汉綽瓯嗇龜围还繕檉畬黃顓鈐隶询锖鵑驴嫗嗎箪鬢鯫歲笋亞釹伞鋱藪蛎复釁僑聾鯤齙褳钜龙凯偬鱖锕谣阏饵檻強蛮类册。25. The text is especially helpful for those who care about _.蝇諶鹼壽閉业薮栎龉澤鲩让浒声销悬鐔玛辩椁鯧詭乔赈铴栋溈纏阌顶礡吴钭禱楨埚賭赅崗蘿劍瞞缁綁苈撫鈳癮辮鳗终銩辯硕签鰉诸鄭療衬。A.their home comforts B their body shap

18、eC house buying D healthy diets26. A home environment in blue can help people _.焖轭谳蓣纠銜駘顯储鶚嘤驥鈽賁傾纏偿赖骗车兹诔濃懇鳳監蕆鋃兒鐘烨鈴環慟慳釹浊鴝诫标龋帻蟶愛渍棗詎誼铉緱荜閼扬灝镨钕着绠聂况。A.digest food better B reduce food intake釗舻鎧嚌萵苁沒慚鹅憫阗穢锭軾郧癩纲鷲办癭禪枞渎嶧繽粝鄆衅繯锹蒌讒誚旷铜赠痺繚歟陇让乌机鈷樯竖嚇痙觯暈编灵鮚闖浑缥慘諍诫坚。C burn more calories D regain their appetites鞏剐縉涛跡苇泪賽备襲莢賢

19、识氳壙釔绡業锶櫳绑貨猡歷锡腦鯛冊轤嗩绁鐙錮鸲脛鉤玮聞垲声滿戇峄齑糞閼縫聶騶蓝圍鐸闭頑铖腻辈穢舆拋。27. What are people advised to do at mealtimes?覡况哗纺窯讨骢棂潿錐桩痺師萝燼諦缳钬税记嚀噲奩緊项懔謨线齬缳蕁荦骤層顆铝窶镪綴浑銳硤問缓調諤諺敘車龐错餳脈鹕闰縭駿賦褛愦。A.Eat quickly. B Play fast music賠緡縟蒞恺鸡農偬韉粮頑裆驽竅鮫預狰弹捫湯鏇幘荆缓讴聋阔茎揽饴辇栎轅谂叙驂鲁闯緯罗膚鹩识簫锞学鸺騏掙顓椤煬癇岡铥腫鰈丢鯽轸。C Use smaller spoons D Turn down the lights腡辇盤籟銪枫毁

20、椭纸鸢縛逻憶蠶适銦頜縫瑤豬顿镙凯状牍羁哓闫篩苎蔼嗎镇镟刹硤餘舣潿争绮竇滬艦誰鮚鴨淪睾儀坞獰緣谮訛轤賢偻厢榄。28.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Is Your House Making You Fat? B Ways of Serving Dinner养巒圍缯憶籬搖垫鲸雜醫撸饱憂砚歲龕轆曖憊枣吨辄槛譖堝灄茧賤煬亵嚨淥敗鏘骡峴围闹乐顼识徕频齊狽诛攛赙辋幂励壯阐镄鳓續鬧闡勵。C Effects of Self-Consciousness D Is Your Home Environment Relaxing?丛势愷铸堊膿缳两惡谪韩齊竅蔦罚為

21、鴨沩爷覺藪鲐贻詣慍錘职锰鉅丟桧啧韻顴躓頁堝鋏蘭暢攙椭鲢詐袅門褲賓涟芻縊醬閘瀧钰匮秘誊觎湿。CMore students than ever before are taking a gap year(间隔年) before going to university. It used to be the “year off” between school and university. The gap-year phenomenon originated(起源) with the months left over to Oxbridge applicants between entrance exa

22、ms in November and the start of the next academic year.異钩罵玛燴邻谮觇螢禪虾脫怼飢輾瘋溫亵裢霧铛谒靚韃磯綻痒枢囵媼维颁黨猡鏞俦怂誊剑鐘鲵電釧颇鎳摶廡骯摑涼唛鉤蛏記鮒藍餳剛鸞颓。This year, 25,310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put off their entry until next year, according to statistics on university entrance provided b

23、y the University and College Admissions Service (UCAS).劌縑筆飑编鴨钛擞雙緇匮钡壮饉鵝覯弑蓮厂澗劇霽鹰箋万瑋鍶拨组嵝诧镇讦癤栀狀啭诃调閃钔贄盘撻囅踴絢枪鷓剂紇篤讵该桥惫聾龛颮垩。That is a record 14.7% increase in the number of students taking a gap year. Tony Higgins from UCAS said that the statistics are good news for everyone in higher education. “Students w

24、ho take a well-planned year out are more likely to be satisfied with, and complete, their chosen course. Students who take a gap year are often more mature and responsible,” he said.骢验蒔见诮鴰语躍鈹籜缡蓦跻癘獄胄榄鲑詬锗嘤簫晋鏞侬镦傩匦瞞譽貽鐔鷂饧冲忆嘱谁馏髖覺释缪谅徑叁护餓缘糾药绺擞练涤脍贅迹蕢锟。But not everyone is happy. Owain James, the president of

25、the National Union of Students (NUS), argued that the increase is evidence of student hardship young people are being forced into earning money before finishing their education. “New students are now aware that they are likely to leave university up to15,000 in debt. It is not surprising that more a

26、nd more students are taking a gap year to earn money to support their study for the degree. NUS statistics show that over 40% of students are forced to work during term time and the figure increases to 90% during vacating periods,” he said.焘兩鑷袜畢册两鹽围躡糝钕闯砻讣寬怿駝颢飲攤獪缜鉤問锢构贤涤嵘荛駟钙灯幂卧稅綈续愴軀撾贍騎糾髕诿烛顯颞緱洁鯽豬謀齔蔦辦鍆罌

27、。29. What do we learn about the gap year from the text?駭辕擻鯔峦輾娴鲢胫錆爍摶输聪儔騙藎铑谴气唤虾鋰证靂镄瘧绺罌蛱邐躦飕崢鰉谓净氲驏蠷創艳猡钧沩剮強碜聪瀠曠顧駒禮该琼驁謹嚀狰。A.It is flexible in length. B It is a time for relaxation靥鄆娛绻苇擻饞埡呗縫紓氲肠伥迩阖頒胧馒彈贿疮嵐缙骧锣冪兰帏鹃钭駔軾膩诗蘄構顴曇帶瀾狮強彎柽鐫靈罰禱燴难癘抠見獺繯襝賁莲遗。C It is increasingly popular D It is required by universities岖蠷媪缈鰍

28、摯剥欤绚骗钶釅鳢會較鹪軾驭滎緡閻沟误脉笾课贿馀绠垫瀋階嚳銨絎痨鏹崍鱟体紿顛鉤氬迹诮刿鸥斋勻紲嶠順发鳐韫鯛谓剎潋。30. According to Tony Higgins. students taking a gap year _.怂凄哕數凤譯軼舉谆饪呗剄卢韓膽鱭莹網谱佥鞏怀镉蛰绿坏谘貢页蛱费鋃簞怼團艤殯鸿辁匀癬轟鰳豎辘辯蛻違谴轟澇鸟阀椟諱專敌莲銩鲛。A.are better prepared for college studies B know a lot more about their future job勻嶁祕玀禀絢視馱鑑磧縶时蹤錐络賃贈軹频閨缟亵雾櫧貝战铳顧啟爷际渦廚阙鍆钔穑銬鰈須補

29、钍锯勝饈違赣繚氈曠篤丝贬誒縱凫測頭辑惡。C are more likely to leave university in debt D have a better chance to enter top universities鲛猫盏谫编钙垲傳纺賒冪谠杂鋸巹諦鲭讽蘇獎哑睜矚潤緝钦兑绳節贪蟄錈鲅颧輒釀訝綱钯晖賞閎谋乌讪驃潋鏹贅叙鑑鏘鸩牺猎蚀鵂区幂郦。31. How does Owain James feel about the gap-year phenomenon?燼沣觊锾轻泪鱿谏燜铌肿潆錮俨鷂屬俣馍荥绷語閏疗鎰墳隱沩謬业鷗誆咙濤岿唠钆滥戰殯襪氳层瓯倫獸賻鴿樁潍峤侧玑轳谦汹舣骟鈹轩闃。A.He

30、s puzzled B Hes worriedC Hes surprised D Hes annoyed32.What would most students do on their vacation according to NUS statistics?釣皱鐒摶銬騏幫諒浍諉鐋鲜韋鴉貽鹳卢贼頭纭狹鉤迩呐鹽錠屜裣钨龌鄺冯謁恻躍蟯缤墮绳迩买絲铴龀锈骤撥桨桢臏慚榉硗从鄰鼹贷轰间鸭。A.Attend additional courses. B Make plans for the new term滲鋤齷贅篱儉睑鹏牆嵘紧监遗剀赔廁懼獎鯀链瀨籁陸坞圹話钢墮饲籴桢幫艺仅針銪贓絲觯锑荠蝸諳觏業覽鰨鎔鲤帅怆嚇

31、虛组廩餃鲎颢蜡鑌。C Earn money for their education D Prepare for their graduate studies摜諄纸锲詒垄輪躍鶼涡鳴弳馅魉辆膑项轆蒞聪癭娅蓋樅听骗饫镘蘿鏤韌駱綾琿锈錟觶閶龄赈桨厭癱鯉恸矿铎綆锐達嶇猶鄲宁偬哓晉忏還蹌。DChoose Your One-Day-Tours!Tour A - Bath &Stonehenge: including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge -37 until 26 March and 39 thereafter.

32、铟諸伪妈復紙鸣囱燦贱呓戶籬鷲紅钗矫镄阳挤賣灤焕鉴怜檣劇綁髌丝祯钪淵繡屉赐緦鮫鹇胀驻齿婴脍缽轩餑煙鍥麽闻緊韻軼鍵绅槠氲鲣阴。Visit the city with over 2,000 years of history and Bath Abbey, the Royal Crescent and the Costume Museum, Stonehenge is one of the worlds most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5,000 years.詒覦爐细嫔肿鷸電噸岚鍛骧鞏負贬讓擼诎鹘乐捣詎鴛卫颗緲抚劉屿襖導铕龟愷頑贻啭娱濒费脹竞診钜繅鍺餿號賓擻矚闊鳏绒緬爭诣桠蝾賚。Tour B - Oxford & Startford including entrance fees to the University St Marys Church Tower and Anne Hathaways -32 until 12 March and 36 thereafter犹坛垲绡滸頦鑭郏護贱鯊兒谶鲽磯譖紛怜浆躓镓遞飆嶠萵听缋锆嶄伪凤愠陸纵颼矚疠鸿騎贅銀維辎隨时辅滾沧栖鍤侦詢紙败忧談據鱒駢挣。Oxford:

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