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1、四级语法cet4语法完成进行时四级考试:cet4语法完成进行时 完成进行时现在过去将来过去将来(一般不考虑,并不代表没有)完成进行时:一直持续到,可能还要持续下去的动作或状态一现在完成进行时The present perfect progressive结构:现在完成have/has+done, 现在进行时be+doing Have/has+been+doing(加肉饼)概念:从过去某一时开始一直延续到现在,可能还要继续下去的动作或状态。用法 Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.Stress:thousan

2、d thousands of前没有数字等限定词 基数等限定词+thousand后没s,没ofdozen,score,hundred, million与thousand一样I want three_these eggs.A.dozen B.dozens C.dozenof D.dozens of注意:当这些词后面的名词有了the,these,those 等特指限定词修饰时,或其后的接的是us,them这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of:Three thousand of the studentsOne dozen of themI have been learning English si

3、nce seven years ago.Ive been writing letters all the moring.Since he left me last week,I havent been sleeping at all.She has never been thinking over her marriage after her father died two years ago.以上为从过去开始一直延续到现在,这个动作是否继续下去,则由上下文决定。常与for,since,this month,all night,all the morning,these days等表示一段时间

4、的状语连用。1. They _ us since five oclock this morning. A. are helping B. have been helping C. have been helped D. have have been calling you several times in two days.In&withinin和within的用法区别in后接表示时间长度的名词,意为“过多少时间”或“在多少时间内”,有“不少于”之含意;within后可接表示时间长度或距离的名词,表示在“这一范围内”,有“不到”或“不超过”之意。如:The stude

5、nts will have mid-term exams in a few days time.过几天学生将要期中考试。He will be hack in a week. 他过一星期回来。 He finished drawing the horse in/within five minutes.他五分钟内画完了那匹马。My uncle lives within ten minutes walk.我叔叔住在离这儿步行五分钟的地方。(不用in)Keep the dictionary within your reach.把词典放在你够得着的地方。(不用in)in表示“过多少时间”时,通常和一般将来

6、时连用,如句:表示某一动作“在多少时间内”完成时通常用within,和一般将来时,一般现在时或一般过去时连用。句中 in a few daystime = in a few days. 如要说某一活动或事情离现在还有多少时间,一般说 intime或 away。如: Bobs birthday is in five days time.Bobs birthday is five days away.过5天就是鲍勃的生日了。打电话:give sb a buzz=call sb up=ring sb up= make a phoneThink it over and give me a buzz i

7、f you decided to join us.您拨打的用户已关机-Sorry,the subscriber you dialed is power off.(中英文对照) 数字移动电话网交换机录音通知规范1、空号: 中文:您好!您所拨打的号码是空号,请核对后再拨。 英文:Sorry! The number you dialed does not exist, please check it and dial later. 2、被叫用户关机: 中文:您好!您所拨打的电话已关机。 英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is power off. 3、被叫不在服

8、务区: 中文:对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨。 英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later. 4、主叫欠费停机/单向停机 中文:对不起!您的电话已欠费,请您续交话费,谢谢! 英文:Sorry, your telephone charge is overdue, please renew it, thank you! 5.被叫忙: (1)被叫用户登记了呼叫等待功能 中文:您好!请不要挂机,您拨打的电话正在通话中。 英文:Sorry! Pleas

9、e hold on,the subscriber you dialed is busy now,. 6.中继忙/网络忙: 中文:对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨。 英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later. -I tried rinning you today,but I couldnt get through.-Oh,no.The phone was out of order.Its no longer in service.Its out

10、 of service.Weve been seeing quite a lot of each other recently.Hes been scoring plenty of goals this season.Plenty of: 1.很多,大量的There were plenty of eggs in the fridge.2.充足的(修饰不可数n)We have plenty of time to finish the job.All these years they have been countibuting articles to our magazine.Countibut

11、eto捐赠(物或款);捐助The writer personally contributed5000 to the earthquake fund.导致,是的原因Medical negligence neglidns 疏忽,忽视was said to have contributed to her death.为(报纸,杂志,电台或电视节目)撰稿,投稿She contributed to a number of articles to the magazine.She has been being angry all the morning.表示一直到说话时为止的一段时间内一再重复的动作或状态

12、I _ the book the whole day, yet I havent finished it. A. have been reading B. have read C. am reading D. had been reading3.We have been waiting for you for an hour.(动作不再进行下去)表示在说话时刚结束的动作Please come in. We _ about your paper. A. talk B. had been talkingC. have been talking D. would have talked4. 不用来表

13、进行时的动词表心理情感的:love,hate,like,respect,prefer,know and so on表存在,状态的词:exist,lie,remain,stand,seem表感觉 sound,feel,hear,tasteaccept,allow,end,refuse,promise,decidebelieve(相信),doubt(怀疑),see(看见),hear(听见),know(知道)understand(理解),belong(属于),think(认为),consider(认为),feel(觉得)look(看起来),seem(看上去),show(显示),mind(介意),ha

14、ve(有)sound (听起来),taste(尝起来),require(要求),possess(拥有),care(关心)like(喜欢),hate (讨厌),love(喜爱),detest(憎恨),desire(意欲)这些词一般不用在进行时中,不要在其后轻易加ing.I have been knowing him for years. I have known him for years. 区别:现在完成时和现在完成进行时1.They have been living in Beijing for five years.=They have lived in Bei jing for five

15、 years.I have been working here for two years.= I have worked here for two years.大多数时不能等同I have been doing my housework.I have done my housework.They have been building a bridge.They have built a bridge.2.The students have been preparing for the exam.(还在进行)The students have prepared for the exam.(已结

16、束)进行时表进行,完成表完成Stress:prepare sth/sb for sth/sb3.Theyve known each other since 1990.I have heard of you.有些表示状态,感情,感觉的动词,如have,exist,like,hear,know,sound and so on不用于现在完成进行时,但可以用于现在完成时。4.1)现在完成进行时和现在完成时皆可表示动作对现在产生的结果,但前者所表示的结果是直接的,而后者所表示的则是最后的结果。如:We have been cleaning the classroom(a)We have cleaned

17、the classroom(b)(a)句可译为“我们打扫教室来着。”其直接结果可能是:我们身上都是灰。(b)句可以译为“我们把教室打扫过了。”其结果是:现在教室很清洁,可以用了。又,(a)句表示教室刚刚打扫过,(b)句则可能表示教室是昨天打扫的。Be careful! John has been painting the door(a)John has painted the door(b)(a)句表示约翰刚刚把门油漆过,现在油漆还未干,所以你要小心。(b)句则无此含义,油漆可能已干了。(2)现在完成进行时有时有延续性,现在完成时往往没有。如:They have been widening t

18、he road(a)They have widened the road(b)(a)句的意思是他们在加宽马路,但尚未完工。(b)句的意思则是已完工了。有时现在完成时有延续性(如一些属于持续体的动词),但无临时性质。如:Mr. Smith has been living in London since 1978(a)Mr. Smith has lived in London since 1979(b)(a)句有“史密斯先生在伦敦久居”的含义,(b)句则没有。(3)但现在完成进行时并不总是具有临时的性质,如:My mother has been teaching English for twent

19、y years(a)My mother has taught English for twenty years.(b)(a)句在此并无临时性质,但较口语化。(b)句则较为正式。又,(a)句表示动作现在仍在继续并将延续下去,(b)句的动作是否延续下去,须由上下文决定,但在一般情况下都是延续下去的。(4)现在完成进行时往往表示动作在重复,现在完成时则常常不带重复性。如:Have you been meeting her lately?(a)Have you met her lately?(b)(a)句有“经常相会”之意,(b)句则没有。(b)句如与often,every day等时间状语连用,当然

20、也表示动作在重复。(5)现在完成进行时比较生动,有时含有明显的感情色彩,而现在完成时往往只说明一个事实,一种影响或结果,平铺直叙,没有什么感情色彩可言。如:What have you been doing?(a)What have you done?(b)(a)句表示惊异。(b)句只是一个问题。Have you been waiting long?(a)Have you waited long?(b)(a)句较(b)句生动。又,(a)句比较口语化。I have been wanting to meet you for long(a)I have long wanted to meet you(

21、b)(a)句比(b)句更亲切,更有礼貌。Recently Mary has been doing her work regularly(a)Recently Mary has done her work regularly(b)(a)句显然是在表扬玛丽。(b)只说明一个事实。下面还有一例,颇为有趣:Whos been eating my apples?(a)Whos eaten my apples?(b)(a)句有强烈的感情色彩,表示愤怒不满,(b)句只是希望回答的一个问题。又,(a)句兼有进行时态,所以有“苹果未被全部吃光”的意思,(b)句是完成时态,说明“苹果一个不剩了”。二过去完成进行时

22、The past perfect progressive tenses结构:过去完成时had done, 进行时be+doing过去完成进行时 had been doingId been sleeping when he came.He told us that he had been studing Germany since 1990.表一直持续到过去某时,而当时仍在继续进行的动作。过去完成进行时表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始,一直延续到这一过去时间。和过去完成时一样,过去完成进行时也必须以一过去时间为前提。I had been looking for it for days before

23、 I found it.这东西我找了好多天才找着的。They had only been waiting for the bus a few moments when it came.他们只等了一会儿车就来了。It _ for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy. A. was raining B. would be raining C. had been raining D. has had been mentioning your name to me.You had been givi

24、ng me everything. 你对我真是有求必应。表示反复的动作。 doctor asked what he had been eating.I asked where they had been staying all those days.过去完成进行时还常用于间接引语中。 had only been reading a few minutes when he came in.Shed only been reviewing her lessons for a short while when her little sister interrupted h

25、er.I had been sleeping when my friend telephone me.过去完成进行时之后也可接具有“突然”之意的when分句。特别的:1)尚未完成:He had been writing the novel(He had not finished it yet)2)未得结果:We had been studying what our enemy had said(But we were not able to understand it)3)企图:He had been studying the meaning of this proverb(He was tr

26、ying to study it)4)最近情况:He had been quarrelling with his wife(lately)5)反复动作:He had been asking me the same question(Many times)6)情绪:What had he been doing?(不耐烦)这种时态很少用在否定句中,而多以过去完成时代替:He had not practised English for many years(普通说法)He had not been practising English for many years(少见)这种时态还可用在said,s

27、upposed等引起的间接引语中,代替现在完成进行时:He said,“I have been speaking to John” He said that he had been speaking to JohnHe thought,“She was watching me when I passed” He thought that she had been watching him when he had passedBy the end of last week, he _ in the company for 10 years. A. had worked B. had been w

28、orking C. will have worked D. would have worked5Not until then did people know that he _ important military information to the enemy for a long time. A. sold B. would sell C. had sold D. had been selling三将来完成进行时结构:将来will/shall/be going toV原形 完成have/has/had done 进行be+doing将来完成进行时will/shall+have+been

29、doing1. eg:I will have been teaching Chinese for ten years by the end of this year.By the time you get home I will have cleaned the house from top to bottom.表一直持续到将来某时,并将一直持续下去 will have heard of this, I guess.I am sure he will have got the information.表示推测,相当于must have done结构。在以下情况下可以用将来完成进行时而不用将来完成时:1 动作本身就是连续的:By the end of the month he will have been livingworkingstudying here for ten years到了月底他在这里居住工作学习就满十年了。2 一种经常进行的动作被表示为连续的动作:By the end of this month he will have been training horsesclimbing mountains for twenty years到了这个月底他驯马登山就满 20年了。但是如果提到所驯马

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