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1、一般现在时课堂笔记1.一般现在时用于描述习惯、规律及真理性的事情。英语中共有16种时态,但常用的只有8种左右。时态的变化表达在动词上,所以学习时态其实就是学习动词的变化形式。一般现在时的动词变化分为两个部分:A. be动词的变化;B. 实意动词的变化。be动词实意动词肯 定He is shot.He works in Israel. 否 定He is not shot.He does not work in Israel.一般疑问Is he shot?Does he work in Israel?A.Be动词P. 3 Language Focus:be动词在中文的意思等于“是”,但与中文不同的

2、地方在于,be动词跟不同的人称搭配,会出现不同的形式。a. Be动词与不同人称搭配时的变化人 称相应的be动词缩写形式I amIm WeareWereYouYoureTheyTheyreHeisHes SheShes ItIts第一人称:我、我们第二人称:你、你们第三人称:不属于以上两种人称的,全是第三人称。Sam isSam and Sandy are The chopsticks 筷子 are The toothpicks 牙签 areMy ex-wives 我的前妻们 are 我奶奶的前夫们 My grandmothers ex-husbands are My ugly dog is 请

3、翻译以下句子:Im Chinese. Hes my boss. Youre so nice. 她是一名学生。我们是朋友。b. Be动词的否认式:直接在be动词后面加否认副词not。否认式缩写形式I am notamnotWe/You/They are notarentHe/She/It is notisntc. Be动词的一般疑问句:只须把陈述句中的be动词提前到句子开头,句子剩下的部分照抄在后面。 He is my boss. Is he my boss? Yes, he is. 或 No, he isnt. She is a college student. They are Chines

4、e. Sabina and Kitty are not good friends who live very near and spend most of their time together after school. Are Sabina and Kitty good friends ? Yes, they are. No, they arent. B. 实意动词,即除be动词及情态动词外(can, could, should, will, would, shall, must, may)的所有动词。在一般现在时中,与第三人称单数he, she, it, John, Winnie等搭配时

5、,动词后面要加s Winnie is a ballad dancer. be动词 Stella could sing songs without stop for a whole day. 情态动词、实意动词 When shall we meet? 情态动词、实意动词 Yvonne sits in the caf for a long time, waiting for her boyfriend. 实意动词a. 大部分动词直接加s work stop sing danceb. 以s, x, sh, ch结尾的动词,加es guess 猜测guesses fix 修理fixes wash 洗w

6、ashes teach 教书teaches c. 辅音字母加y结尾的动词,去掉y,加ies studystudies try 尝试tries carry 携带carries dry 烘干dries hurryhurries fry 煎、炸friesKFCKentucky Fried Chicken playplays staystays spraysprays prayprays d. 不规则动词 gogoes, dodoes, havehas 练习:用括号里动词的正确形式填空。 I am (be) We are (be) You are (be) Sam is (be) Veronica a

7、nd Natalie are (be) My parents are (be) I catch (catch) We catch (catch) You catch (catch) Sam catches (catch) Veronica and Natalie catch (catch) My parents catch (catch) Katie catches (catch) colds very easily. It does (do) not matter whether it is (be) summer or winter. Suddenly her nose鼻子 starts

8、(start) running, her throat (喉咙) gets (get) sore, and she suffers (suffer) from bad headaches, too. Jack has (have) a rat (田鼠). Sam has (have) a cat. Sams cat eats (eat) Jacks rat. Jack asks (ask) Sam to pay for his rat. Sam says (say), “I will give you my cat for your rat.”Lucy and Isabella live (l

9、ive) in the same building (楼房). They work in a hospital in the daytime. At night Lucy goes (go) to the library and studies (study) there. Isabella watches(watch) TV at home. And she often does (do) some reading before sleep. C. 实意动词的否认式 当谓语动词是实意动词时,在动词前加do not或does not,动词必须用原形。 第三人称单数与does not搭配,其它人

10、称与do not搭配使用。否认式缩写形式do notdontdoes notdoesnt We live in Foshan. We dont live in Foshan. He lives on the riverbank of Dongping River. He does not/doesnt live on the riverbank Josephine studies Chinese in our school. Josephine doesnt study Chinese in our school. D. 实意动词的一般疑问句 当谓语动词是实意动词时,在句子开头加Do或Does

11、,然后把原句照写在后面,必须注意的是,动词要用原形。假设句子以第三人称单数开头加Does,其余加Do。 He wears a red flower on his chest. Does he wear a red flower on his chest? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. They dance in the swimming pool. Do they dance in the swimming pool? Yes, they do. No, they dont. P. 15 Activity 4 1-3否认 4-6一般疑问 1. David works

12、 in New York. David doesnt work in New York. 2. Polly likes playing the guitar in a band. Polly doesnt like playing the guitar in a band. 3. You live in Toronto. You dont live in Toronto. 4. They like dancing. Do they like dancing? 5. We work in the same company. Do we work in the same company? 6. I

13、 feel relaxed. Do I feel relaxed? 1. 特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+去掉划线部分的一般疑问句 特殊疑问词:who 谁, what 什么, where 哪里, when 什么时候, what time 几点, why 为什么, which 哪一个, how 怎么样,how long时间的长度, how much价钱, how many数量, how often频率, how fast速度 How long do you wait here?A: How often do you go to the Zhongshan Park?B: Once/Twice/Three

14、 times a week.A: How fast can you run?B: 80 km per/an/one hour. Exercise特殊疑问句=特殊疑问词+去掉划线部分的一般疑问句1) He does morning exercise in the park every morning. Does he do morning exercise in the park every morning? What does he do in the park every morning? Morning exercise. Where does he do morning exercise

15、 every morning? In the park. How often does he do morning exercise in the park? Every morning. 当划线部分是句子的主语时,只需直接把主语变成相应的特殊疑问词,其它照抄。 Who does morning exercise in the park every morning. 2) He goes to work by bus with John at 7:00. Does he go to work by bus with John at 7:00? Who goes to work by bus w

16、ith John at 7:00? How does he go to work with John at 7:00? By bus. What time does he go to work by bus with John? At 7:00. 3) Connie spends 150 yuan to buy a wok 镬. Does Connie spend 150 yuan to buy a wok? Who spends 150 yuan to buy a wok? How much does Connie spend to buy a wok? 150 yuan. What does Connie spend 150 yuan to buy? A wok.

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