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1、凤凰职教第三册unit4名称项目 Unit 4 课时课时分配基础课If You Receive a Complaint6 1,2Warming-up,listening and speaking 3,4Reading 课型New特点5,6Real life skills &writing 授课班级地点5号楼教学目标能力(技能)目标知识目标素质目标1. To improve Ss ability of getting information through reading & listening.2. To know how to make a complaint and respond to

2、oral complaints.1. To master new words and phrases; to finish exercises. 2. To get the main idea of the whole passage. 1. Know some ways to voice your complaints.2. Ss can write an adjustment letter. 重点难点及解决方法Key points: to get the main idea of the reading passage.全面理解阅读材料,了解售后服务的范围及种类。Difficult poi

3、nt:to use the patterns to order and take order.听懂所听材料,并掌握常见的客户抱怨句型并关注对客户抱怨的回应。教学策略与方法结合学生专业特色,创设生动的工作情境,让学生在模拟的工作场景中学会做一名优秀的售后服务人员。教学资料及教学准备 Exercise book and students books Test papers Some example sentences板书设计Unit FourNew words and expressions: language points: 教学后记本单元围绕售后服务过程中可能遇到的各种情况,结合学生专业特色,

4、创设生动的工作情境,让学生通过阅读投诉信和电话投诉等方式,了解售后服务的范围及种类,并能够回应口头投诉,能够阅读各种投诉信,通过讨论各种投诉方式,确定如何处理顾客投诉。教学过程教学程序与内容教师活动-导学生活动-演设计意图Unit Four 第一课时(电话投诉) Warming-up& Speaking AStep One: warm-upT:Do you have any problems in your daily life? Please choose the correct picture for each problem below. Step Two: lead-inCreate

5、short conversation about the problems listed above and role-play with your partner.Step Three: listeningActivity1:extensive listeningListen to the conversation and circle what it is mainly about.Activity2: intensive listening Listen again. Then underline the complaints in the conversation.Activity3:

6、 speakingRespond to the following complaints. 1 Apology: Oh, Im very sorry.Action: Ill check your order with the chef.2 Apology: Oh, Im really sorry.Action: Ill let the worker clean it immediately.Step Four: role-playRespond to the following complaints and have a role-play.Step Five: summaryUseful e

7、xpressions about complaints.Making a complaint: Im afraid I have to make a serious complaint.Accepting a complaint: Oh, Im sorry about that.Delaying a complaint: Im afraid we cant help you at the moment. Could you leave your phone number and address? We will contract you soon.Rejecting a complaint:

8、Well, Im afraid there isnt much we can do about it.Step Six: homeworkTry to remember the new words and expressions.Notes:1, wait in line 排队等候2., break down 发生故障 e.g. His car broke down on his way to the company. break out 战争爆发,(火灾)发生 break the rule /law/ recorde.g. Whoever breaks the rules will be p

9、unished.3, annoy v 恼怒,使生气e.g. be annoyed with sb. for sth. /at sth. 对某人为某事生气e.g. The teacher was annoyed with him for his being late. 老师因为他的迟到而生他的气。4, have trouble (in) doing 做某事有困难have difficulty (in) doing have a hard time (in) doinge.g. Nowadays college graduates had a hard time finding jobs.5, s

10、ound v 听起来 作系动词讲时,后面跟形容词。类似用法的词还有: feel taste smell look touch get become turn 等动词的用法:(1)后面跟形容词 (2)无被动语态 (3)常用一般现在时6, wish (1) 用作复数时表示“祝愿;好意;预祝”等eg: Give my best wishes to you. (2) 作名词还有“希望;愿望;志愿”等意思eg: Tell me your wish.(3) wish + that 表示“愿望”而且从句动词要用虚拟语气。eg:I wish that I were ten years younger.(与现在

11、情况相反) I wish that I had passed the exam yesterday.(与过去情况相反)7, keep doing keep sb. doing keep/prevent/stop sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事eg: We should take actions to keep wild animals from being killed.(from不可省)8, apologize to sb. for doing 因做某事向某人道歉 make an apology to sb. for doing9, completely / fully /th

12、oroughly/ totally /entirely 完全地 彻底地信息匹配关注售后服务方面的日常用语、固定句型look at the picture & listen to the tapelisten & underline完成对话填写后进行口语表达训练两人一组,呈现完整的对话在给定情境中正确地运用所学句型掌握重点单词用法,做好课后复习。让学生掌握各种售后服务的英文表述。创设情境帮助学生进入到模拟情境中去。辨析对话中谈论的内容。让学生掌握常见的客户抱怨句型巩固上一活动中的客户抱怨句型并能在给定情境中正确运用。综合运用所学句型。巩固并总结重点句型的意思及其用法。及时掌握课堂所学知识。扫清听

13、力材料中的词汇障碍,培养学生预测单词意思的能力,加强其对课文内容的理解。Unit Four第二课时(退换货处理) Listening &Speaking BB. Can I refund this TV?Step One: revision Review some useful expressions about complaints.Step Two: listening First-listening: ask students to match the words on the left with the Chinese meanings on the right.Second-list

14、ening: listen again and circle the correct answersAfter-listening: listen again and tick() true or false.Step Three: speakingSuppose you a shop assistant at a department store. When facing an angry customer, what should you do?Step Four: discussionsDiscuss with your partner how to cope with the situ

15、ation below.A lady is complaining about a newly bought coat she doesnt like.Step Five: role-play Complete the conversation and then role-play it with your partner.Step Six: summary & homework 1. New words 2. Useful expressionsNotes:1, exchange v. 交换 exchange A for B 把A换成Beg: He went back to the stor

16、e and exchanged that shirt for a blue one.2, need doing= need to be done 需要做某事(主动表被动)need to do 需要做某事(主动)meet the needs of sb. 满足某人的需要there is no need for sb. to do 某人没有必要做某事3, cost v.花费(主语是物)eg:The computer cost me 5000 yuan.4, It takes sb. some time(money ) to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间(金钱)eg: It took me

17、 two hours to finish the task yesterday.5, pay money for sth. 支付eg: I paid 5000 yuan for the computer.I bought the computer for 5000 yuan.I spent 5000 yuan on the computer.6, be used as 用作be used to do 被用来be used to doing 习惯于做某谁used to do 过去常常做某事there used to beeg: There used to be a river here. The

18、y used to play football together, usednt they (didnt they)?7,be satisfied witheg: He is never satisfied with what he got. 8,cope with 处理;对付类似的短语:deal with / do with注意搭配:what to do with how to deal with/ cope withreciting信息匹配listening根据上一活动呈现的关键信息进行分组讨论discussion表演对话,并注意职场中语言和肢体语言的礼仪规范。Find out the k

19、ey words and the difficult ones, trying to make a prediction in the context.Practice & try to remember the key points.及时复习,查漏补缺。呈现对话中出现的重要短语,为下一个活动做准备。训练学生推理信息的能力。巩固学生前面所学到的知识,熟悉自己的工作内容与要求。将所学运用到工作场景中去。在模拟真实的情境中完成售后服务,并能进行熟练交流。扫清听力障碍,训练学生对文中具体信息的理解和捕捉能力。Unit Four 第三、四课时(读懂投诉信) ReadingReading: Letter

20、 of ComplaintStep1: lead- in How many ways do you know to voice your complaints? What are they?Step2: readingScanning Scan the passage and tell us the main idea.While-reading Read the passage again and answer the questions below, T can explain some expressions to students while checking their answer

21、s. After-reading Read the passage and tick() true or false.Complete the sentences with the correct words and expressions from the box. Change the form if necessary.Step3: pair work A complaint usually includes four stages: background (describing the situation), problems, solution, and closing. Revie

22、w the letter to find the four stages.Step4: summaryLanguage points 非限制性定语从句Step5: homeworkReview the important words and expressions in the reading text, as well as the four stages included in a complaint.Notes:1, intention n. 打算,意图 intend v. 打算 have no intention of doing sth. 没有做某事的打算 intend to do

23、打算做某事e.g. I have no intention of going abroad for further study after graduating. I intended to do it, but I forgot.2, regret doing:regret having done sth 后悔做某事regret to do 遗憾做某事regret that 从句对要做的事表示遗憾,抱歉e.g. I regret to tell you that you didnt pass the exam. I regret having told you the bad news. I

24、 regret that I shall not be able to come.3, comply with 遵从,服从(通常后面加某种规章制度)e.g. If you dont comply with these rules, you will be punished.4, instead adv. 常位于句首和句末,翻译时意思灵活instead of 介词短语 “代替”e.g.: I didnt go shopping last night, I went to the cinema instead.I prefer to do homework instead of going out

25、.5, either or 或者 或者(就近原则)e.g. Either you or I am right. neither nor 既不也不e.g.: Neither he nor I have been to the Great Wall.either、neither 作主语时谓语动词用单数e.g. Either of the doors is open . Neither of them has been to Hong Kong.either 用于否定句末neither 用于否定倒装6, require sb to do sth 需要某人做某事require(need, want)

26、doing= require(need, want) to be donee.g. My watch requires repairing (to be required).7, cause n. 原因 the cause of 的原因e.g. What is the cause of the car accident?vt. cause +名词e.g. His carelessness caused the accident.cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事e.g. What caused him to succeed?cause sb. sth. = cause s

27、th. to sb. 带给某人e.g. Jack caused a lot of trouble to his parents.8, turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻e.g. How could you turn a deaf ear to his request for help?9, look into 调查look up 查找look for 寻找look after 照顾look forward to doing 期望做某事look through 浏览look up to 尊敬look out (for) 当心10, include: 包含,包括;(A include

28、B A B 同质,A是整体,B是A 的一部分)Contain: 容纳,装有;(A contain B A B 不同质,A是整体,B被包含于 A 中)e.g.: The bowl contains a variety of fruits.included 放在所包含的人或物后面including放在所包含的人或物前面11,非限制性定语从句 ,非限制性定语从句对先行词起补充说明的作用,缺少了这部分也不会影响全句的理解,在非限制性定语从句的前面往往有逗号隔开,若将非限制性定语从句放在句子中间,则前后都需要用逗号隔开, 非限制性定语从句不可用that 引导。eg: I have two sisters

29、, who are both doctors.I have two sisters, both of whom are doctors.Tom didnt pass the exam, which made his parents angry. The magazine, whose cover is broken, is mine.The magazine, the cover of which is broken, is mine. Have a conversation迅速浏览全文,了解文章大意。学生分析每个答案的原因或说出判断的理由学生复读课文,在课文中画出相关句型,并抄写在此清单上。

30、Find out the key words and the difficult ones, trying to make a prediction in the context.Translate the given sentences by themselves.Practice & try to remember the key points.Consolidate what theyve learned in class.通过提问激发学生学习课文的兴趣,为阅读活动做好准备。通过对语句的判断,训练学生对文中信息的理解和转换能力。通过让学生写出投诉信的基本内容,帮助学生巩固复习重点句型。扫

31、清阅读障碍,加强其对文章内容的理解。Unit Four 第五课时(处理投诉信) WritingStep1: revision Review the language points of reading.Step2: practiceAsk students to match the sentences with their functions. (Task 5)3 Complete the adjustmentletter for Mr. Watt and work in pairs to correct the letters.Step3: writingT comment on their letters.1. Acknowledging receipt of

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