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1、春七年级英语单元题132010学年第二学期单元检测七年级英语(之一) (检测内容:Unit5)班别 座号 姓名 成绩 一、单词辨音 找出划线部分发音与众不同的选项。(10分)( ) 1. A. banana B. China C. student D. catch ( ) 2. A. first B. turn C. walk D. work ( ) 3. A. boring B. course C. draw D. post( ) 4. A. art B. activity C. hard D. class( ) 5. A. head B. leaf C. eat D. meat 二、选择填

2、空。(15分)( ) 1. Jack _ has lunch at school, because he stays at home.A. often B. never C. sometimes ( ) 2. How do you usually go to school? . A. On foot B. By my bike C. By the subway( ) 3. do you go home? Twice a year. A. How many B. How much C. How often( ) 4. Hi, please show the books over there. A

3、. me B. I C. your( )5. They usually play _ guitar at noon and play _basketball after school. A. the, / B. /, the C. the, the( ) 6. Look! They in the pool. A. swims B. are swimming C. swim( ) 7. Its six oclock. Its time . A. for supper B. have supper C. to supper( ) 8. What do you the dormitory? Not

4、bad. A. thinking of B. thinking about C. think of( ) 9. They dont like the game its too boring. A. and B. but C. because( ) 10. Thanks a lot for giving me so much help. . A. Good B. Thank you all the same C. Its a pleasure三、完形填空。(15分)Dear Ann,Thank you 1 your letter. Im 2 you like your school.I go t

5、o school from Monday to Friday. 3 have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon, we also have many activities 4 class. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, we have 5 , some of 6 have an art lesson. On Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon, we must 7 English at the English Corner. My Chi

6、nese friends would like to talk 8 me in English. They think I am like an English 9 . Isnt it great?On Saturdays and Sundays I dont go to school. Very often I go to the parks and have a good time 10 my family there. Yours, Mary( ) 1. A. toB. ofC. forD. with( ) 2. A. sorryB. happyC. goodD. fine( ) 3.

7、A. WeB. YouC. TheyD. Teachers( ) 4. A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. in( ) 5. A. meetingB. friendsC. lessonsD. sports( ) 6. A. themB. usC. youD. me( ) 7. A. speakB. talkC. tellD. say( ) 8. A. aboutB. onC. withD. of( ) 9. A. studentB. boyC. friendD. teacher( ) 10. A. inB. withC. atD. of四、阅读理解。(10分)A shopke

8、eper (店主) of a shop is going around his shop. He finds a young man near the table. The young man is not working, but smoking(抽烟).The shopkeeper asks, “How much do you get a week?”“Sixty dollars a week,” the young man is looking at him.The shopkeeper gives sixty dollars to the young man.“Here is your

9、 money. Dont come back here.” The young man takes the money and goes away. He looks happy.The shopkeeper talks to the manager (经理), “Why do you have that young man here? He doesnt work, and always smokes.”The manager says, “He doesnt work in this shop. He is here to buy something. He is waiting for

10、his shirt.”阅读短文,判断正 (T) 误 (F)。( ) 1. The shopkeeper is in his shop.( ) 2. The young man works for the shopkeeper.( ) 3. The young man isnt working but smoking.( ) 4. The shopkeeper gives the young man sixteen dollars and lets him go away.( ) 5. The young man is very happy to get the money.五、句型转换。(10

11、分)1. They are making cards in the room. (对划线部分提问)What they ?2. Today is Wednesday. (对划线部分提问) today?3. Is she looking for her purse? (作出否定回答) , she .4. They have a physics class every day. (用now改写句子)They a physics class now.5. Jim often takes a bus to school. (改为同义句)Jim often to school bus.六、单词拼写 根据首

12、字母或音标提示写出正确的单词。(10分)1. He always r his bike to Welcome Supermarket.2. Kangkang thinks English is an easy s .3. Saturday is the s day of a week.4. Can you d a picture?5. I like reading. I often borrow some books from the l .6. He seldm goes to work late.7. Class is over. Lets take a rest .8. Do you l

13、ike collecting stmps ?9. He likes listening to mju: zIk 10. As a student, we should keep our classroom kli:n .七、看图并根据所给提示词写话。 (15分)1. 2. . 2. go to Shanghai like watching TV, interesting 3. 4. _ _ dance, now get up, 8 : 00 a. m.5. _ playing soccer, playground八、书面表达。写一篇60词左右的短文,说说你平常在家的生活。 (15分) _ 20

14、10学年第二学期单元检测七年级英语(之二)(检测内容:Unit6)班别 座号 姓名 成绩 一、单词辨音 找出划线部分发音与众不同的选项。(5分)( ) 1. A. buildingB. pianoC. night( ) 2. A. knowB. howC. flower( ) 3. A. foodB. schoolC. cook( ) 4. A. publicB. useC. run( ) 5. A. whereB. hearC. near二、选择填空。(15分)( ) 1. I have _ useful book and _ book is in English.A. a; a B. an

15、; the C. a; the ( ) 2. _ any dictionaries in your library?A. Are there B. Have C. Is there ( ) 3. The museum is _ the right. You _ miss it.A. in; cant B. on; cant C. on; can ( ) 4. It is nice of you _ them.A. to help B. help C. helping( ) 5. Its time _ have lunch. Lets _to the dining room.A. for; go

16、 B. to; go C. for; to go ( ) 6. Oh, help! _ something bad.A. There are B. There is C. Is there ( ) 7. _ late for class, Tom.A. Not be B. Dont be C. Dont( ) 8. What _ your cousin _ every morning?A. does; have B. do; have C. is; having( ) 9. _the ball to me, Tom.A. Passing B. Pass C. To pass ( ) 10. E

17、xcuse me, _ can I _ the park? Go down this street, and turn right.A. how; go to B. what; go to C. how; get to三、完形填空。(15分)Michael lives in the country and he doesnt know London very well. One day, he goes to London. He cant find his 1 . Just then he 2 a man near a bus stop. “I can ask him the way.” H

18、e says to 3 and asks, “Excuse me, will you please 4 me the way to King Street?” The man smiles with 5 answer. He 6 know English. He speaks Russian. He is a visitor. Then he 7 his hand into his pocket (口袋), 8 a piece of paper and lets him 9 it. On the paper are these words, “Sorry, I dont 10 English.

19、”( ) 1. A. wayB. streetC. roomD. house( ) 2. A. looks atB. watchesC. looksD. sees( ) 3. A. herselfB. himselfC. herD. him( ) 4. A. speakB. sayC. tellD. talk( ) 5. A. notB. anC. noD. any( ) 6. A. dontB. doesntC. notD. does( ) 7. A. putsB. carriesC. takesD. brings( ) 8. A. carriesB. takes outC. brings

20、awayD. takes away( ) 9. A. to look atB. to seeC. look atD. watch( ) 10. A. sayB. tellC. talkD. speak四、阅读理解。(10分)John lives a long way from the town. One day, he goes into the town to buy something in a shop and after he buys it, he goes into a restaurant and sits down at a table. When he looks aroun

21、d, he sees some old people put glasses on before reading their books. So after lunch he goes to a shop to buy glasses. He walks along the road and soon finds a shop.The man in the shop makes him try on (试戴) a lot of glasses, but each time John says, “No, I cant read with them.”The man becomes more a

22、nd more puzzled. At last he says, “Excuse me, but cant you read at all?”“No, I cant.” John says, “If I can read, do you think I will come here to buy glasses?”( ) 1. John meets some old people . A. in a town B. in a shop C. in a restaurant D. in the village( ) 2. Before reading their books, the old

23、people . A. buy clothes B. drink coffee C. put on their glasses D. watch TV( ) 3. John goes into a restaurant to . A. have lunch B. read the newspaper C. have supper D. try on a lot of glasses( ) 4. Can John read? A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. C. Yes, a little. D. We dont know.( ) 5. In the story,

24、 “puzzled” means in Chinese. A. 高兴的 B. 满意的 C. 困惑的 D. 理解的五、根据首字母提示完成对话。(15分)A: Excuse me, Im (1) n here.B: Oh, welcome! How do you like your new apartment?A: Great! This area is a little far (2) f the city. Theres not much noise.B: And the (3) t here is not busy.A: Yes, thats right. There arent too m

25、any cars (4) o buses. But could you help me, please? B: Of (5) c . Whats the (6) m ?A: My tap (水龙头) doesnt (7) w . Can you get someone to (8)c it (9)r now?B: Certainly. I think I can help you.A: (10)T a lot.六、句型转换。(10分)1. There are some students in the classroom. (否定句)There students in the classroom

26、.2. Its about 2 kilometres away from here. (对划线部分提问) is it from here?3. Why dont you go there by train? (同义句) go there by train?4. Put it here, please. (否定句) it here, please.5. Which is the way to the post office? (同义句) _ _ the post office?七、单词拼写。根据提示与句意写出正确的单词。(15分)1. There is a brid over the river

27、. 2. You must be kefl when you cross the road. 3. Id like to live in a kwIt place. 4. How much does your car kst ? 5. It is _ (real) a nice story.6. He sometimes _ (lose) his books.7. You _ (be) often late for school.8. Dont be so worried about you sister. Maybe she is _ (miss) you.9. There are many

28、 _ (city) in Guangdong province.10. My home is on the _ (three) floor of the building.八、书面表达。(15分)请用学过的there be 句型和现在进行时,(用810 个英语句子) 描述下面“In the Park”的图画。In the Park 2010学年第二学期单元检测七年级英语(之三)Unit 5 Review 1 (本测试题满分80分,用时70分钟)班别 座号 姓名 成绩 一、单词辨音 找出划线部分发音与众不同的选项。(5分)( ) 1. A. bowl B. cow C. flower D. br

29、own ( ) 2. A. food B. school C. look D. blue ( ) 3. A. toy B. cock C. doctor D. stop( ) 4. A. family B. April C. politics D. music( ) 5. A. catch B. math C. bathroom D. bank 二、选择填空。从A、B、C三个选项中选择恰当的选项完成句子。(10分)( ) 1. Excuse me, may I borrow your science book? _A. Thank you. B. Certainly. C. Not at all.( ) 2. There one mirror and two desks in my bedroom. A. has B. is C. are( ) 3. does Maria meet h

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