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1、老街印象解说词老街印象解说词老街印象假若你的幻想中有个中古的老城,有睡着了的老屋,有狭窄的古石板路,泉水自门前缓缓流过,倒映着屋影,岸上蹲着红袍绿裤的小妞儿,你的幻想中要是有这么个境界,那便是济南的老街。(片头) 古城济南,宛若江南风味又胜似烟雨蒙蒙。然而昔年烟云过眼去,泉城古韵已难再现。如果你也曾向往老舍笔下那个敦厚悠长的济南,那么到济南的老街来看看吧。 走进这幽深的老街巷,一种质朴典雅之风扑面而来,古老而悠长的韵味自心底油然升起。白墙,黑瓦,古朴幽深的门洞,光洁厚重的青石板路,都在默默的讲述着那些远逝的日子里发生的故事。老舍曾深情地抚摸这厚石墙,季羡林曾背着书包走过这条条青石路,青年们曾在

2、深巷中畅谈革命理想,一对对老夫妻相濡以沫,携手走过无数个苦难的岁月。这里是济南人的根。 窦大爷一家几代人生活在曲水亭街胡同里,从工程师的工作退休以后,在家过着读书遛狗的清闲日子,由于他见多识广,学识渊博,在这片老街上德高望重。他说年轻的时候也总想着出国,离开这老宅老院,后来有机会搬出老街,几年后又心心念念的搬了回来,对他来说,这里的生活早已融入了生命。 以后孩子大了不方便我就住进了楼房,这一大段时间,到了我老了之后是第三年了,我想我回来吧,于是我整理了四合院,院子里有百年石榴树,还有百年的香椿树,还在欢迎着我,还在等待着我,心里一定的激动啊,杂草丛生,锁了十年。这种感慨什么呢,这两棵树还在依然

3、守卫着这个四合院,那种精神啊给人一种激励,我自己内心还有一种惭愧,没有认真照料着这棵树。 或许繁华落尽,平凡才是真理。人生的大风大浪过后,蓦然回首,年轻时的追逐都化为一抔土。 老街的生活闲适安静,如今已成了现代人逃离浮华喧嚣,寻找自然宁静的一处净土。 你看夏日的午后,垂柳依依,河边屋前,摆几张小桌小凳,泡一壶清茶,与二三好友喝茶谈心,或静下心来,听老一辈人讲一讲离奇生动的老济南故事。 老人们说,泰安山上神全,济南府里人全。济南自古文人雅士辈出,从老街上可窥见一斑。座城市以包容性。 老舍曾在吊济南里写道,无论我什么时候从那里过,总有人笑脸的招呼我,无论我到何处去,总有人惦念者我,从中我们可以窥见

4、济南人热情重义的身影。 一座城市的幸福与痛苦,安静与喧嚣以及白昼与黑夜,生活在这里的老百姓的喜怒哀乐于这条条老街老巷里一一呈现,他们正是济南的缩影,折射出这座城市安静,祥和的性格。 现代文明正冲击着济南,这座中古老城不断换发新颜,然而正如所有古老城市的文明一样,真正骨子里的东西却在一点点流逝。济南人生活中的这种田园情调和平民意味,现在是时日渐稀薄了,但几乎所有的人都认为,只有这种敦厚悠长的意味才是正宗的老济南味儿,也是这座文化古城最让人珍惜和难以忘怀的东西。 这些具有浓浓人情味儿的老街老巷就像清清的泉水一样,是济南的魂儿呢。金山词霸Street impressionThe ancient ci

5、ty of Jinan, like the Jiangnan flavor and is misty. However, in the passing events and things has been difficult to reproduce, ancient city. If you have a yearning for Lao She and the long Jinan, then to Jinan street to have a look.Into the deep of the old streets, a plain and elegant wind blowing,

6、ancient and long lasting appeal was rising from the bottom of my heart. White wall, black tiles, deep ancient openings, smooth and thick jingdanban Road, all in silently tells the story happened in the days of those who Yuanshi. Lao she had fondly stroking the thick stone walls, Ji Xianlin was carry

7、ing a bag through the strips of green stone road, the youth had fall in a talk about the ideals of the revolution, to the old couple, hand in hand through countless suffering years. Here is the root of jinan.Sinus uncle a generations of people living in qushuiting Street alley, from engineers work a

8、fter retirement, at home lived a dog in the reading leisurely day, because he was well informed, knowledgeable, in this piece of old respected. He says young is always thinking about abroad, leave the old curtilage old school, later have the opportunity to move out of the street, a few years later a

9、nd he moved back, for him, life here is already into a life.After her children not convenient I live in the building, this period of time, to my old is in the third year of the, I think I came back, so I was finishing the courtyard, a hundred years the pomegranate tree in the yard, there are a hundr

10、ed years of Chinese toon tree, still welcome me, waiting for me, heart some excited ah, overgrown with weeds, lock the ten years. What is this feeling, these two trees still guarding the courtyard, the kind of spirit ah give a kind of encouragement, I still have a feeling of shame, did not take care

11、 of this tree.Perhaps the bustling fall, ordinary is the truth. Later, the life of the strong wind and big waves suddenly look back, the young chase will be a handful of soil.The quiet life of leisure Street, has become the modern people to flee the glitz noise, looking for a pure natural quiet.You

12、see the summer afternoon, Yiyi weeping willows, the river in front of the house, put a few small desk stool, brew a pot of tea, and two or three friends tea talk, or static under heart, listen to their elders tell the bizarre vivid stories of old Jinan.The old people say, the whole of Taian Mountain

13、 God, the people in Jinan. Jinan ancient literati from men, old street can see segment of a whole.This is a bookstore having an antique flavour. I like, I feel quite right for me, it is like this feeling? Too messy, but I am, on the contrary, many people, I have a lot of people, not too good. He sai

14、d he likes these books and old objects, always go around the antiques market even the countryside and give them wash back. Hope these traditions can not be forgotten. Some people like to do this kind of thing, such as the boss, he did these things, to save these ancient books down, and spread among

15、the public, we feel that these books is actually a very precious, but maybe not so practical, but we need to have some time to myself to draw out, see the light readings, the so-called light readings, in fact, is the level of your I think will be affected.If the street is a slow flow of small poems,

16、 which is the palace of the palace is a lively and lively concerto. The young partner that was playing together in the year now has become an old man in the spring.Jinan is well-known springs, along the road and the river is in the front window, chug bubbling springs in Jinan people. In the street,

17、I can recall the old Jinan every spring, huhuchuiyang time.Jinan people cannot live without water, thousands of years coming water neighbors, interdependent with water, characteristics of water given Jinan quiet open-minded personality, mood and clarity, the heavy righteousness friends. At the same

18、time, given the Jinan City to inclusive.Lao she had in hanging in Jinan wrote, whatever I when from there too, there is always a smile of greeting me, wherever I go, people miss me, from we can sneak a peek at the enthusiasm of Jinan heavy righteousness figure.A city of happiness and pain, quiet and

19、 noisy, day and night, laughter, anger, sorrow and happiness of the people living here in the strips of the old Lane Street presented one by one. They are the epitome of Jinan, which reflects the city is quiet and peaceful character.Modern civilization is the impact of Jinan, the medieval old town c

20、ontinuous renewal Xinyan, however, as all of the ancient city of civilization and the real essence of things are a little bit of passing. Jinan this idyll and civilian means that time is now increasingly thin, but almost all the people believe that only the honest long means is the authentic old Jin

21、an taste and the culture of the ancient city of most people cherish and unforgettable things.These deep human touch of the old lane street like clear spring water, is Jinans soul.有道词典Old street impression The ancient city of jinan, like jiangnan flavor and is worth misty rain. Nan gu has gone to smo

22、ke, however, is unlikely. If you have like Lao shes works that it is a long and jinan, then to jinan old street and see it. Into the deep old streets, the wind of a kind of simple and elegant, ancient and long lasting appeal from the bottom of my heart seems to. White walls, HeiWa, of primitive simp

23、licity is the deep tunnel, bright and clean thick green flag road, are silent about the far-away day. Lao she had fondly stroking the thick stone walls, he once this all bluestone road carrying bag, young people had talk revolutionary ideals in the deep, and pairs of old couple walked hand in hand c

24、ountless suffering. Here is the root of the jinan people. Dou big ye a generations live in the water pavilion street, alley, retired from the work of an engineer, lived a reading the dog for a walk at leisure time at home, because he was well informed and knowledgeable, highly respected in the old s

25、treets. He said when he was young and always want to go abroad, leave the old curtilage the old courtyard, later have the opportunity to move out of old street, a few years later, he is more moved back, for him, to the life here is already integrated into life. After the child is not convenient I li

26、ved in a building, a long time, this is the third year after to my old, I think I come back, so I arrange the courtyard, the yard have pomegranate tree in one hundred, and one hundred XiangChunShu, still welcome me, still waiting for me, the in the mind must be excited ah, overgrown and lock for ten

27、 years. What this kind of feeling, the two trees still still guarding this courtyard, spirit to give a person a kind of motivation, my heart still have a kind of shame, not seriously take care of the tree. Perhaps the prosperities, ordinary is true. After the big waves of life, suddenly look back, a

28、s a young chasing are reduced to a pile of dirt. Old street life leisurely quiet, now has become a modern people fleeing buckish, looking for a pure natural quiet. Do you think of summer afternoon, weeping willows, the river in front of the house, put a few tables small stool, make a pot of green te

29、a, tea with two or three friends talk, or calm down and listen to the older generation of people who speak a bizarre story vivid old jinan. The old people said, taian mountain god, all people in jinan. Jinan literati, since ancient times, from the old can be seen in the streets. This is an antique s

30、hop. I quite like it, I feel very suitable for me, just like this kind of feeling is? Too messy I instead, people have a lot on Sunday, people have a lot of Im a bit, but not so good. He said he likes these old books and old thing, always to the antique market even rural find them back, hope these t

31、raditions can not be forgotten. Some people like to do such a thing, such as the boss, he did these things, these ancient books, and spread among us, we feel that these books are actually very precious, but perhaps not so practical, but we just need to have a period of time, to pull himself, see the

32、 light reading, the so-called light reading, is your whole level I think will be affected If music pavilion street is a small poem slowly flowing water, the wangfu pond side is a lively concerto. That one month play with friend today on water to soak into the old man. Jinan notoriously springs, and the road along the river in front of the window, chug bubbling springs, is in jinan people home. In the old street, vaguely recall old jinan spring, a time-lapse of weeping willows. Jinan people live without water, the water coming in one thousand, and water are interdependent, the charact

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