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1、Simon老师大耳朵授课笔记整理2014.02.11Education教育 12014.02.13American Education 美国教育 42014.02.14Valentines day 情人节 82014.02.20Computer & Keyboard电脑和键盘 102014.02.24British vs American English 英式和美式英语 122014.02.25TIME 时间 172014.02.27Eating at Home在家吃饭 202014.02.28Birth,Life and Death PART 1 人生1 222014.02.11Educat

2、ion教育第一部分:相关词汇1. stage=阶段2. stage 1=阶段1=the first stage3. North America=北美4. kindergarten=幼儿园5. play school=幼儿园6. subject=科目、课程7. elementary school=小学(美国)8. primary school=小学(英国)9. junior school=初中10. high school=高中11. art=美术12. visual art=视觉艺术、美术13. article=艺术的14. artist=艺术家15. geography=地理16. geog

3、raphic=地理的、地理学的17. history=历史18. Canadian history=加拿大历史19. modern language=语言20. French=法语21. German=法语22. literacy=读写能力23. literacy test=读写测试24. numeracy=计算能力、算术25. roots=词根26. PSHE=personal social and healthy education=个人社会和健康教育27. science=科学28. chemistry=化学29. physics=物理30. secondary school=中学(包括

4、高中,有的国家初高中在一起)31. art & design=艺术与设计32. biology=生物(简称Bio)33. biography=传记34. PE=physical education=体育35. RE=religious education=宗教教育36. religion=宗教37. region=区域38. public high school=公立学校39. private school=私立学校40. catholic school=天主教学校41. math=mathematics=数学42. business studies=商业课43. drama=戏剧44. dr

5、amatic=戏剧的45. theater=戏院、戏剧46. cinema=电影院47. comedy=喜剧48. economics=经济学49. economic=经济的50. economy=经济51. industry=工业、产业52. organize=组织53. land=土地54. river=河55. mountain=山56. weather=天气57. weather forecast=天气预报58. climate=气候59. temperature=温度60. Fahrenheit=华氏度61. Celsius=摄氏度62. shape=塑造、形状63. influen

6、ce=影响64. effect=影响、作用65. spaces=空间66. belief=信念、信仰67. desk=办公桌68. table=家里的饭桌等69. desktop=台式电脑70. laptop=笔记本电脑71. vase=花瓶72. PC=personal computer=个人电脑73. chalkboard=黑板74. blackboard=黑板75. chalk=粉笔76. shelf=书架、架子(复数:shelves)77. OHP=overhead projector=高射投影仪(白纸放上去可以放大投射到板上)78. projector=投影仪、放映机79. clic

7、ker=遥控器80. TV=television=电视81. copier=复印机82. photo copier=复印机83. printer=打印机84. fax=传真85. hole puncher=打孔机86. stapler=订书器87. pen=钢笔、笔(统称)88. pencil=铅笔89. ballpoint pen=圆珠笔90. biro=圆珠笔91. paper=纸92. exercise book=练习册93. ruler=尺子94. paint=颜料、油漆95. paint brush=画笔、油漆刷96. eraser=橡皮97. erase=擦掉、抹去98. rubb

8、er=橡皮99. palette=调色板100. crayon=蜡笔101. pencil crayon=彩笔102. pencil sharpener=卷笔刀103. glue=胶水104. glue stick=胶棒105. craft knife=美工刀、工艺刀第二部分:朗读词汇1. supplies=物品2. backpack=背包3. pack=包装、打包4. pack you a lunch=帮你装好午餐5. loner=不合群的人6. feel left out=感到受冷落7. kick off=开始8. locker=带锁的柜子9. seating plans=座位表10. f

9、uss=使烦恼、大惊小怪11. stop fussing=别发牢骚了12. popular=流行的、受欢迎的第三部分:朗读文章StartingaNewSchoolYear 开始新学期Mom: Its your first day at a new school. Im worried about you.Paul: Mom, Ill be fine.Mom: Do you have all of your books andsuppliesin yourbackpack?Oh and Ivepacked you a lunchalready.Paul: You didnt have to do

10、 that, Mom. I was going to buy lunch at school.Mom: Now you wont have to. I hope you make some new friends. Its no fun being aloner.Its not that you have to bepopular.I just dont want youto feel left out.Paul: Ill be fine, Mom. Id better go, or Ill be late.Mom: Do you think the school will do someth

11、ing specialto kick offthe newschool year?I hope your teachers arent toostrict.Oh, your backpackweighs a ton!But you can leave most of your books in yourlocker,right?Paul: They dont have lockers at my new school, but Ill be fine.Mom: I hope the teachers dont already haveseating plans.I know you like

12、to sit near the back of theclassroom.And I hope you wont have too muchhomeworkon the first day.Paul: Mom, stopfussing.Everything will be fine.Mom: Youre my baby and Im worried about you.Paul: Mom, Im not starting kindergarten. Im starting college, remember?2014.02.13American Education 美国教育第一部分 相关词汇1

13、、 interview=面试2、 similar=相似的3、 vocabulary=词汇4、 boarding school=寄宿学校5、 private school=私立学校6、 public school=公立学校7、 type=种类、类型8、 homesick=想家的、思乡的9、 cheat=作弊、欺骗10、 honest=诚实的11、 dishonest=不诚实的12、 plagiarize=抄袭、剽窃13、 plagiarism=剽窃、剽窃物14、 report=报告15、 essay=文章、论文16、 research paper=研究论文17、 dissertation=专题论

14、文18、 reference=参考、参照19、 co-educational=男女合校的(简称coed)20、 single-sex/gender school=单性别学校(男或女校)21、 opposite=相反的22、 opposite sex=异性23、 course=课程24、 course work=学年作业25、 contribute=贡献26、 overall grade=总分27、 final exam=期末考试28、 midterm=期中考试29、 experiment=实验30、 experimental=实验的31、 experimental work=实验工作32、 t

15、eamwork=团队合作33、 comprise=包括34、 comprise of=由组成35、 pace=步骤、速度36、 I can do it at my own pace=我可以按我的速度来做它37、 enroll=注册、录取、加入38、 enroll into a course=选课39、 program=专业40、 enrollment=登记41、 paperwork=注册表格等42、 fail the exam=挂科、不及格43、 pass the exam=通过、及格44、 pass by=经过、走过、逝去45、 failure=失败46、 qualification=资格4

16、7、 official=官方的48、 proof=证据、证明49、 academic qualification=学历、学术资格50、 degree=学位51、 bachelor degree=学士学位52、 undergraduate degree=本科学位53、 master degree=硕士学位54、 undergraduate program=本科专业55、 graduate degree=研究生学位56、 retake=重修、重考57、 procedure=过程58、 proceed=程序、手续、步骤59、 community college=大专(美国)60、 revise=复习

17、(英式);修正、修订(美式)61、 review=复习(美式)62、 revision=修正、复习63、 stay in=呆在家里、不外出64、 stay up late=熬夜65、 stay up all night=熬夜66、 all-nighter=通宵67、 I pull an all-nighter=我通宵了68、 term=学期69、 first/fall/autumn semester=第一学期70、 second/winter semester=第二学期71、 pre-school education=学前教育、幼儿教育72、 primary education=小学教育73、

18、 secondary education=中学教育74、 higher/postsecondary education=高等教育75、 postgraduate education=研究生教育76、 graduate student=本科毕业生77、 exam results=考试结果78、 mark=成绩79、 grade=分数、成绩80、 tuition=学费81、 tutor=家教第二部分 朗读词汇1、 schedule=时间表、计划表2、 social studies=社会研究学3、 geography=地理4、 geometry=几何学5、 algebra=代数学6、 calculu

19、s=微积分7、 assign=分配、指派8、 band=乐队9、 tone deaf=五音不全10、 drums=鼓第三部分 朗读文章GettingaSchoolClassSchedule 课程表Carlos: Did you get yourclass schedule?Marianne: Yeah. You?Carlos: Yeah. Lets see if we have any classes together. I havePEwith Mr. Lopez andsocial studieswith Ms. Walters. How about you?Marianne: I hav

20、e PE with Ms. Schwartz and social studies with Ms. Eng. Who do you have forgeography? Im taking it with Mr. Johnson.Carlos: Im not taking geography thissemester. Who do you have foralgebra? I have Ms. Adul.Marianne: Im not taking algebra. Im takingcalculus. Who do you have forchemistry?Carlos: Im ta

21、kingbiologyinstead. This isnt looking good. Do we even have lunch together? Ive beenassignedthe firstlunch period. You?Marianne: I have the second lunch period. How is it possible that we dont have any classes together?Carlos: I have an idea. Are you takingbandafter school?Marianne: No, you know Im

22、notmusical. Im takingdrama.Carlos: Drop drama and take band. That way, well at least be ableto hang outafter school.Marianne: And what am I supposed to play in the band when Imtone deaf?Carlos: Have you ever heard of thedrums?2014.02.14Valentines day 情人节第一部分 相关词汇1、 Valentines day=情人节2、 idioms=习语3、 c

23、rush=粉碎、打碎、迷恋4、 I love my children to pieces=我非常我的孩子5、 We tied the knot in a little chapel=我们在一个小教堂结婚6、 tie the knot=结婚7、 cathedral=大教堂8、 get dumped=被甩9、 I got dumped=我被甩了10、 dump=垃圾,把倒入11、 garbage=垃圾12、 blind=盲人、瞎的13、 blind date=相亲14、 she never goes on blind dates=她从不去相亲15、 double date=两对男女的约会16、 l

24、ets double date this Saturday=我们这周六一起约会吧17、 fall for someone=爱上某人18、 fall for something=相信某事19、 fall in love with someone=爱上某人20、 get married=结婚21、 split the bill=平分账单、各自付账22、 go Dutch=AA,各自付账23、 I dont want you to pay for me. Lets go Dutch.=我不想你为我付钱,我们AA制24、 Mr./Miss. Right=适合结婚的人25、 propose=求婚26、

25、proposal=求婚27、 engagement=订婚28、 engagement ring=订婚戒指29、 pop the question=求婚30、 She waited for years for him to pop the question=她等他求婚等了好多年31、 cards=卡片、扑克牌32、 gift=礼物33、 candy=糖果34、 cookies=饼干35、 baking goods=烘烤食品36、 love letter=情书37、 cupid=丘比特38、 cupids arrow=丘比特之箭39、 flowers=花40、 rose=玫瑰41、 bouquet

26、=花束42、 bunch=串43、 craft=工艺品44、 mistress=情妇第二部分 朗读词汇1、 be sick of something/doing something=厌倦2、 decoration=饰品3、 lovey-dovey=亲密的、浪漫的4、 sentimental=多愁善感的、伤感的5、 jaded=厌倦的6、 psycho=神经病7、 attached=粘人的8、 under your nose=在你眼下、在你面前第三部分 朗读文章FindingLoveonValentinesDay 情人节找到爱Tony: AnotherValentines Day! I real

27、ly hate Valentines Day.Chelsea:Whats your problem?Tony: Im sick of seeingheart- shapedboxes,stuffed animals, andcupiddecorations everywhere.Lovey-dovey coupleson the street and nothing butsentimentalmovies on TV thats what I have a problem with.Chelsea: Youre justjadedbecause you dont have avalentin

28、eon Valentines Day.Tony:Do you blame me? This is the third year Im spending Valentines Day alone. Thats enough to make any man feel jaded.Chelsea: There are plenty of women you couldgo out with. Just open your eyes and look around.Tony: All of the women I know are eitherpsychoorattached. Ivegiven up

29、on dating.Chelsea: How will you find aMiss Rightwith an attitude like that?Tony: Ive told you. Ive given up.Chelsea: Well, I think you should open your eyes. Your valentine may beright under your nose!2014.02.20Computer & Keyboard电脑和键盘第一部分 相关词汇1、 desktop computer=台式电脑2、 Find these items on this comp

30、uter desk 在电脑桌上找到以下项目3、 cupboard=柜子(一般指长方形且较大的柜子)4、 disc drive=磁盘驱动器5、 portable=手提的、便携式的6、 portable hard drive=移动硬盘7、 backup=备份8、 drawer=抽屉(扁的、长方形的)9、 filing cabinet=文件柜10、 keyboard=键盘11、 wireless=无线的12、 wireless keyboard=无线键盘13、 wireless mouse=无线鼠标14、 wired telephone=有线电话15、 monitor=显示器16、 mouse=鼠标17、 mouse mat=鼠标垫18、 mat=垫子19、 mattress=床垫20、 pigeonhole=分类架21、 pigeon=鸽子22、 peep=偷看、瞥见23、 peephole=窥视孔(门上的猫眼)

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