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1、MBA联考英语词汇整理jump to conclusion赶快下结论、匆忙下结论The driver bring the car to a halt.hamper vt.阻碍阻止害怕(恐惧)近义词hinder adj.后面的 v.阻碍打扰prohibitinhibithamper/pamper 阻碍/纵容以上四个固定搭配: 阻碍 sb from dingpreventforbidhandicapped 残疾的handicapped childrenphysical handicapped 身体有残疾的visually handicapped 视力有残疾的physical exam 体检phys

2、ical education 身体教育handle vt.处理近义词:tackledeal withcope withhardship 困难difficulty 困难harmony a.协调 融合honey 甜蜜记忆方法:har-money 好多money -和谐be in harmony with sb/sthbe in agrument withsocial harmonyharmonious adj 和谐的harness n.马具in harness 正在工作die in haress 殉职to harness a horseto harness a rivew 利用一条河to harn

3、ess solar energy利用太阳能harsh adj 严酷的近义词:severe例:a harsh winterhaste n.急忙,匆忙hasty adjhasten vMore haste,less speed.欲速则不达made haste-Wed better make haste-我们最好快点do sth in haste-匆忙做某事a hasty decision 匆忙决定a hasty departure 匆忙离去hasten home 匆忙回家hasten to the offica hazard vt.冒.风险 n.危险,公害同类搭配比较:at the risk of

4、at the price of = at the cost ofat the speed ofat the height ofat the depth ofat the expense ofat the level ofat all hazards/risks 不惜一切代价记忆法:ha-zar-d害死人的heal vt.1治愈2调停heal the wound 治愈伤口联想记忆:heal治愈 health健康heap n.一堆 大量许多vt堆积a heap of bookesWe have a heap of work to do.我们有许多工作要做。堆的近义词:a heap/pile/sta

5、ck of记忆法:heap-hip-hip-hop臀部就是一堆肉heighten v 1.使.变高,使.加强heighten sbs positionheighten sbs angerhemisphere拆词hemi-spheresphere - globalheritage 遗产heir-inherit hesitate vt.犹豫不决拆词记忆:he-sit-ate 他坐在那里犹豫不决hover拆词记忆h-over-高高在上的翱翔、徘徊h-lovers 好多lover,犹豫不决highlight vt.强调突出 n.最精彩的部分,最重要的事情the highlight of the mat

6、ch/the tour比赛或旅游中最精彩的部分highlight the importance of customer service突出客服的重要性hijack vt.劫持记忆方法:high-jack把手举起起来,jack近义词:kidnap 诱拐绑架kid-nap小孩打盹,被劫了hint n.暗示drop a hint to sb 暗示give sb a hint 给某人一个提示 take a hint 领会,明白近义词:clue 线索a clue to 提示not have a clue 毫无头绪,一无所知hobby n.业余爱好记忆法:hobby-(爱)好币collecting is

7、conins one of my hobbies.收集硬币是我的业余爱好hollow adj.空的、中空的、空心的a hollow sphere 空心球a hollow pipe 空心管a hollow promise/victory 一个空洞的承诺/胜利记忆法:hollow 好漏近义词联想:empty -an empty roomhollow -a hollow pipevacant -a vacant seat/room/lot 未被占的空座、空房、空地bare -bare-footed 光脚丫 bare-headed没戴帽子的 -bare-fisted 赤手空拳的blank -a bla

8、nk form 空白表格 -a white piece of paper 一张白纸 -a bland piece of paper一张空白纸give sb a blank look 给某人茫然的一瞥give sb a blank cheque 给某人空白支票/给某人以全权委托horizon n.1.地平线 2.眼界 范围There appears a ship on the horizon. 天际出现了一艘船broaden ones horizon 拓宽眼界horizontal adj. 水平的hospitality 殷勤好客a hospitality room 迎宾室host n.1主人主持

9、人 vt.主办 主持host 主人 、guest客人master 主人 、servant 仆人host n.1.主人 2.主持人 vt.主动主持to act as host 担任东道主the host nation 东道国to host the Games 主办运动会to be host to sb 款待某人注:host是不可数的hostage n.人质、抵押品to take sb hostageto hold sb hostagehostile adj.敌对的 有敌意的拆词记忆:host-tile主人手里拿着瓦片be hostile to hostile towards sb.h

10、over vt.1.盘旋翱翔2.徘徊3.犹豫不决humble 谦虚的a man of humble origin 一个出身卑微的人a humble occupation 一个卑贱的职业a humble meal 一个粗劣的饭食a humble home 寒舍in my humple opinion 以我之卑见humble apologies 低三下气的反义词记忆:humlbe 低贱的noble 高贵的潮湿的近义词联想:humidwetmoista rather humiliating experience 一个相当屈辱的经历a country humiliated by defeat 一个因战

11、败而屈辱的国家hypothesis n.假设 拆词记忆:hypo-thesis 假的论点 -假设to raise a hypothesis 提出一个假设形近词联想:hypocrisy n.伪善、虚伪hypocrite n.伪君子E字母earnest adj认真的、热心的、诚挚的(06年18题)拆词记忆:earn-est 赚钱的人必备的素质-认真的 诚挚的an earnest teacher 一个热心的老师study in earnest 认真学习work in earnest 认真工作earnings构词法:earn+ing+sbelongings 随身携带的物、所有物、行李savings 储

12、蓄clippings 剪下物cleannings 洗出物ease-easy adj1.易的2.舒适的live in easy circumstancesTake it easy!do sth with great ease 非常容易的做某事stand at ease 稍息feel at easeease vt.使.变得容易,缓解,减轻同义词:relieve 缓解消除alleviate 缓和缓解relieve/alleviate sbs painecho n.1回声 2.应声虫The cave has a good echo.He has no opinion of his owns ;he i

13、s just an echo of his wife.他没有自己的观点,只不过是他妻子的应声虫。音近词联想:vocal 嗓音advocate 带着方向的呼喊-提倡主张economicfrugalthriftyedible 可食用的edible oil 食用油nothing edible 没什么可吃的edition 版本to edit a collection of poems编一部诗集the original edition 原始版本、第一版、初版editor 编辑editress 女编辑editorial 编辑的the editorial office 编辑部-al 也可以做名词后缀edit

14、orial 社论effective adj.有效果的an effective drugeffective 有效果的 n.effectefficient 有效率的 n.effectiongvalid 有效力的a efficient secretarya valid argumenta valid ticketefficiantsufficientinsufficientdeficientproficienteffort 努力 make an effort to domake an endeavor to domake an attempt to dotake pains to do sthela

15、borate adj 精心制作的Its an elaborate design.这是一种精心的设计。an elaborate dinneran elaborate excuse/plot vi.详尽说明You understand the situation; I neednt elaborate any further.你对情况是了解的, 我不必再进一步详谈了。 vt.详细制定Please elaborate your points.请就你的观点详加说明。近义词:complicatedcomplexinvolvedelaborateintricateelapse vi.(时间)流逝As ti

16、me elapse/goes by,those painful memoried begin fading away.拆词e-lapse e个小错误,让时机流逝a lapse of the tongue 一个口误a lapse of the pen 一个笔误element n.元素成分elementary adj基础的基本的elementary knowledgeelementary schoolprimary elementaryelevate vt.提升提高 =raise、liftlift n.升降机 电梯elevator n.电梯escalator n.自动扶梯拆词记忆:scale 级别

17、规模近义词联想:raiseelevateenhanceliftescalateheave -heaven 天堂hoist -moist 潮湿eliminate vt.消除根除get rid ofremove dispose ofto eliminate ones political opponents干掉自己的政敌to eliminate ones opponent in the first round在第一轮中就淘汰了自己的对手elite n.精华精英scientific elite 科学界的杰出人士拆词记忆:e-lit-e lit-light 点燃点亮eloquent adj 雄辩的记忆:

18、fluent-流利的elope-私奔embarrass vt.是尴尬记忆:em-bar-r-ass使酒吧里的人烂醉如驴awkward adj尴尬的、设计不良的embezzle vt.贪污挪用appropriate adj 强当的适当的 vt挪用=proper adj 恰当的embodyembody the spirite of the ageemerge vt.出现显出拆词:e-merge e合并就会出现新事物emerge vi.出现emergence n.出来显出emergent adj 浮现的,突然出现的,紧急的emergency n 紧急情况 an emergency airport/b

19、rake/room/fund/exitliving room 起居室drawing room 客厅休息室sitting room 起居室guest room 客房rest room 洗手间hospitality room 招待室emergency room 急诊室migrate vt.迁徙迁移-migrate birds 候鸟emigrate vt.移出移民immigrate vt移入eminent adj1.突出的=outstandingemit 发出放出permit 允许许可admit 准许进入omit 忽视忽略transmit 传播submit 屈服认输enclose vt 把.围起来,

20、把.装入信封enclose the garden with a wall/fence用一堵墙/篱笆把花园围起来A cheque for $100 has been enclosed.encounter n.偶遇 vt.遇到困难a casual encounterendanger vt.危及endanger sbs position/reputation危及到了某人的地位/名誉endeavor v.尝试试图 n.努力effortattemptendow vt.资助捐助endow a poor student through collegebe endowed withbe endowed wit

21、h intelligence as weill as beauty智慧与美貌系于一身Nature has endowed her with great musical ability.上天赋予她极大的音乐才能。contribute . to .捐助一笔钱给某人contribute to 促进endure ones wife 忍受他的妻子duringdurable adj 持久的、耐用的standbear 忍受put up with 忍受tolerate 容忍 + 人的行为I cant tolerate you selfishnessengage v占用to engage some underg

22、raduates 聘用肄业生to engage in doingto be engaged in doing 忙于某事to be engaged to sb 订婚The line is engaged.占线engagement ring 订婚戒指enhance vt提高enhance + sth(抽象的宾语)enhance influenceenhance appearanceenhance reputationenlarge 扩大扩展扩充This photograph wont probably enlarge well.这张照片放大出来很可能效果不好。enlighten vt启发开导启蒙e

23、n-light-enenlightened 开明的enlightened leader 开明的领导The truth came to light later.后来真相大白bring the truth to light.使真相大白enormous adj 巨大的e(ex)-norm(normal)-ous 超出标准近义词:gigantic -具体物的大小enormous -抽象事物的大小enormous sum of moneyenroll vt.登记,招收,使入伍(或入会、入学等),参加,成为成员roll n.花名册ensure vt.确保ensure sth that s+ventail

24、vt.1.使.成为必要2.限定继承That will entail an early start.尽早开始tail 1.尾巴,后续retail n.零售v.零售 传播retailer 零售商wholesale 批发enterprise n.进取精神 企业enter-prise 为了奖品a man of enterprise 一个有进取心的人 entertain vi.款待entertain sb with tricksentertain/treat sb to dinner 招待某人吃晚饭enthusiasm n.热心 积极性enthusiastic 热心的enthusiast n

25、 热心家 狂热者entitle vt.给.权利,给.题名entitle sb to do/to sth.授权某人做某事近义词联想:entitledelegate v.委派.为代表 n.代表represent 代表author-authority-authorities-authorize-authentic作者 权威 政府 批准 可信的environment(s) n.(自然)环境-environment pollution 环境污染近义词扩展:environmental 周围的surroundings 环境circumstances 条件,状况,(社会)环境I shall never sub

26、mit in/under any circumstances.我决不投降 gainings 收入与gainings同构词法扩展词汇:earnings 收入cleanings 垃圾clippings 钱包belongings 所有物envy 妒忌,嫉妒envious 满怀嫉妒的I am envious of your success.我羡慕你的成功You are enviable/an enviable wife 令人羡慕的妻子an envious wife一个爱吃醋的妻子enviable 值得羡慕的反义词:contempt n轻视contemptuous adj 蔑视的contemptible

27、 可鄙的epidemic n.流行病an influenza epidemic 流感这种病equal 等同的a equal pay for workbe equal to 胜任相等合适equivalentan equivalent to sb/stha square equivalent to a triangle同三角形等积的正方形equip vt.(本质相同的事物)装备be equiped with 装备有.erase vt.擦除、消除、擦掉、抹去-erase the pencil markseraser n.橡皮擦erect adj 竖立的治理的-upright 直立的垂直的 vt. 竖

28、立erect monument竖立纪念碑近形词联想:erect 竖立的correct 正确的正确的东西-竖立的erupt vi.爆发 突然发生 e-rupt(break out突然爆发)形近词:bankrupt 破产-go bankruptdisrupt 分裂、使.混乱-disrupttive forces 分裂势力interrupt 打断escape vt.逃跑拆词:es-cape 一个死亡(es)的海角(cape)the Cape of Good Hope 好望角escape from the cage 从笼子逃跑escape doing sth 逃避做某事escort vt.护卫护送 n

29、护送者e-scort(score) 一支二十人的护送队伍essential adj 必不可少的essence n实质本质in essence 本质上大体上establish vt确定拆词:e-stable-sh stable稳定的to establish identify of sb 确定某人的身份estate n.1.地产 遗产 庄园e-state 一个州一样的庄园esteem vt.尊敬拆词:e-steel-m一个具有钢铁意志的MM,令人尊敬estimate n.v.评价 评估assess sbs possesions 评估某人的财产 evaluate e-valra-te 评估appraise vt.评估 评价eternal 永恒的永久的-eternal triangle 三角恋爱-eternal life 永生external 外部的internalinterior=inner 外部的exterior=outer 内部的ethnic adj种族的、民族的

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