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1、大学入学申请书英文大学入学申请书英文大学入学申请书英文【篇一:大学入学申请-作业】 请复制下面表格按要求填写main differences is that at rice you do not need to declare your major area of study until the end of your second year. there is also a lot of flexibility in the curriculum and you are encouraged to take classes outside of your major area of stud

2、y at no extra fee. in other words, even if you are a computer science major, you can take classes in the social sciences and humanities.rice takes a holistic approach to our admission process, which means there is no one factor that we encourage for admission. i would recommend that you research the

3、 rice website to see what may appeal to you about the institution and to determine why it would be a good fit for you. if you decide its a good fit, then you will need to articulate that information on your application. there are no particular books or reading that i can recommend that would strengt

4、hen your chances of admission.if you have further questions about studying in the united states and how that would compare to studying in china, i would recommend that you reach out to an education usa advisor in your area. education usa is a program run by the united states department of state. adv

5、isors provide students with information on u.s. universities, test preparation and visa assistance. education usa is a not for profit institution and they are not allowed to charge students a fee for their services. regards, sarah fischer associate director of admission rice university【篇二:英语申请函范本】 范

6、文一:求学 dear sir or madam: i am writing to apply for admission to your university to pursue my m.s. degree. i have read the annual prospectus issued by your university and found that it has the best graduate program of chemistry. i am greatly interested in the program. 我想申请到贵校攻读硕士学位。我已阅读你大学发布的年度招股说明书,

7、并发现它具有最佳的化学研究生课程。大大非常感兴趣的程序了。 i graduated in 2004 from huabei university, majoring in chemistry and holding a b. s. degree. at university, i took many fundamental courses in chemistry and my english is excellent as i had served as the head of english association for two years. since then i have been

8、 teaching chemistry in beijing normal university. through my teaching experience, i have not only deepened my understanding in this field, but mastered many complicated research skills as well. 我 2004 年毕业于华北大学,主修化学,并持有学士学位。在大学,参加了很多基本课程化学和我的英语非常棒,因为我曾担任两年的英语协会的负责人。从那时起我一直教在北京师范大学学习化学。通过我的教学经验,我不仅加深了

9、我的理解,在这一领域,而且掌握了许多复杂的研究技能以及。 two of my former professors and the present dean of our department have kindly written letters of recommendation for me, as enclosed with this letter. 两个我以前的教授和目前我们系主任有请书面的信件的建议对我来说,附在这封信。 thank you very much. i look forward to hearing from you soon. sincerely yours, li

10、ming 范文二 :求学申请书 dear sir or madam: i wish to obtain admission to your undergraduate program in accounting .my intended date of entrance is fall ,2002 or spring ,2003. 我希望得到你在会计本科入学。我预期日期是入口的 2002 年秋季或春季,2003 年 after i successfully completed my study of business administration at beijing junior colle

11、ge of commerce in june,2000,i have been working with a business firm as an assistant in the accounting department .thus,l have chosen accounting as my prospective major. 我 2000 年 6 月,成功完成我在北京商务大专工商管理的学习后我一直与一家公司担任助理会计部。因此,我已选择作为我未来的专业会计。 early this year, i took the toefl and achieved a score of 590,

12、chic ii i believe will meet your requirement. in addition,i have sufficient financial resources to provide for my own education今年年初,我把托福考试,取得骄人的成绩 590、 别致第二,我相信会满足您的要求。此外,我有足够的财政资源,为我自己的教育提供 i would greatly appreciate it if you would mail the necessary application matenais to me as early as possible

13、 sincerely yours lin hua 范本三:求学申请working for our student union for over three years. as an extrovert and optimistic boy, i love playing football and basketball and organizing such matches both in spring and autumn. also, im very popular among my fellow students. moreover, i have kept doing a part-ti

14、me job in a medium-sized company in beijing for years, working in sales department.我是一名大学生,希望能在贵公司工作。我已经获得了国际贸易专业的学士学位,我精通英语,包括书面语和口语。我的学业成绩在学校一百名毕业生中名列前十位。另外,我在学生会工作了三年多。作为一个外向和乐观的男孩,我喜欢踢足球、打篮球,在春季和秋季我都组织这类的比赛。而且,我在同学中很受欢迎。此外,我一直在北京一家中型企业的销售部门做了多年的兼职工作。 i would accept a job in either marketing or h

15、uman resources management,for i not only have specialized in these two fields but also have keen interest in them. my wages are expected to range from 2000 to 4,500 yuan each month, excluding the social security. of course, it is better that your company provides me with a small room. 我会接受在营销部门或人力资源

16、管理部门的一份工作,因为我不仅专攻这两个领域,而且对这两个领域有浓厚的兴趣。我的期望薪酬是2000-4500元一个月,不包括社会保险。当然,如果贵公司能给我提供一个小房间,那就更好了。 i hope you will give preference to my application and give me a chance to prove that i am worth more than you pay me. 我希望您能优先考虑一下我的申请并给我一个机会,让我来证明我对公司的价值会大于支付我的工资。 best wishes! sincerely yours peter chen 范文七

17、:假定你是中国留美学生lisa为申请在暑假做汉语教师写一汾求职申请书, dear sir: i would like to apply for the post of chinese teacher in your summer program advertised in yesterdays newspaper. 我想申请职位的语文老师在你的暑假计划刊登在昨天的报纸。 i am a native of beijing and can speak standard mandarin. and ihave been in the united states for more than two y

18、ears,so i am bilingualin chinese and english,and i also know a little french. i have had someexperiences in theching chinese since i came here. i have a good sense of humour,the ability to draw people out and can easily get along with almost everyone.if you feel that my qualifications meet with your

19、 requirements,i would be pleased to come for an interview,i have enclosed a stamped,addressed envelope for your reply. 我是一个土生土长的北京,能说标准的普通话。我一直在美国两年多,所以我 bilingualin 中文和英文,而且我也知道一点法语。有在中长跑教学的儿时中国自从我来到这里。我有很好的幽默感,吸引人的能力,可以很容易相处几乎 everyone.if 你觉得我的条件符合您的要求,我将高兴地来参加面试,我已经附上了贴好邮票,寻址的信封,您的回复。 thank you f

20、or considering my application. yours sincerely, lisa 范文八:求职申请函 dear sir/madam: your advertisement for a network maintenance engineer in the april 10 student daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job i am seeking. 你的广告为 4 月 10 日一名网络维护工程师学生日常感兴趣我因为

21、你确切地描述声音的位置喜欢我的求职的那种。 according to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,bachelor or above in computer science or equivalent field and proficient in windows nt4.0 and linux system. i feel that i am competent to meet the requirements. i will be graduating from graduate school of ts

22、inghua university this year with a m.s. degree . my studies have included courses in computer【篇三:申请美国大学入学相关词汇】 申请美国大学入学相关词汇 一、国家及校级奖项、称号 . 2 二、各系比赛与奖项 . 3 三、证书 . 6 五、艺术节 . 10 六、协会 . 11 七、其他 . 13 一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金 national scholarship 国家励志奖学金national encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵 pacemaker to mer

23、it student 三好学生merit student 学习优秀生 model student of academic records 突出才能奖 model student of outstanding capacity 先进个人advanced individual/outstanding student 优秀工作者 excellent staff 优秀学生干部 excellent student cadre 优秀共青团员 excellent league member 优秀毕业生 outstanding graduates 优秀志愿者 outstanding volunteer 先进班

24、集体 advanced class 优秀团干outstanding league cadres 学生协会优秀干部outstanding cadres of student association 学生协会工作优秀个人 outstanding individual of student association 精神文明先进个人spiritual advanced individual 社会工作先进个人advanced individual of social work 文体活动先进个人advanced individual of cultural and sports activities 道德

25、风尚奖 ethic award 精神文明奖 high morality prize 最佳组织奖 prize for the best organization 突出贡献奖 prize for the outstanding contribution 工作创新奖 prize for the creative working 团队建设奖 prize for the team contribution 二、各系比赛与奖项 2.1、外语系(foreign language department): 话剧比赛 drama competition 英语演讲比赛english speech contest

26、八系辩论赛 eight departments invitational debate competition 黑板报设计大赛 blackboard poster design contest ppt设计大赛courseware design competition 文明宿舍 outstanding dormitory ok杯篮球比赛 ok cup for basketball game 我心飞扬歌唱比赛“my heart flies” singing competition 2.2、中文系( department of chinese language and literature): 诗歌

27、朗诵比赛poetry recitation contest 诗歌创作比赛poetry creation contest 摄影大赛 photography competition 金话筒比赛 “golden microphone” competition 兴我中华演讲比赛 speech competition on revitalizing china 课件比赛 courseware design contest 报刊比赛 press writing contest 足球比赛 football match 三笔比赛 essay contest 冬日环保针织比赛 knitting contest

28、on winter environmental protection 2.3、数学系(department of mathematics ): 登山比赛 mountain-climbing competition 网络工程师 network engineer certification 全国建模比赛national mathematical modeling contest 知识风采比赛knowledge competition ppt 课件制作大赛 courseware design competition 2.4、经济管理系(the department of economics mana

29、gement): 辩论赛 debate competition 创业大赛 venture contest 2.5、政法系(politics and law department): 政法论坛political and legal forum 金秋系列活动 series of activities in “golden season 模拟法庭moot court 演讲比赛speech competition 征文比赛essay competition 2.6、计算机科学系(computer science department): 网页设计大赛web page design competitio

30、n 辩论赛debate competition 软件设计大赛software design competition 多媒体课件设计大赛multimedia courseware design competition 网站设计竞赛web design competition 2.7、电子科学系(electronic science department): 演讲比赛 speech contest 电子设计大赛electronic design contest 2.8、服装系(textile and fashion department): 服装创意设计大赛 garment design competition 毕业设计大赛graduation design competition 发表论文 publications 专利证书 patent 服装设计大赛garment design contest 泳衣大赛 swimming suit design competition 手提包设计大赛 handbag design competition 服装创意设计大赛 cre

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