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1、英语口语对话资料英语口语对话资料问路Excuse me. Can you tell how to get to the bus station?Sorry to trouble you, but could you direct me to the bus station?Can you tell me the way to the bus station?Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest post office?Excuse me, Where am I on this map?Excuse me. Is there a drug store n

2、earby?Is this the road to the City Hall?Could you tell me the way to the museum?Can you tell me where the museum is?How can I get to the subway station叫车I want to call for a taxi.Where can I catch a taxi?You can call the dispatcher and ask for one.Please call me a taxi.Would you like me to call a ta

3、xi for you?Can we catch a cab here?I can telephone for a taxi.Ill call a taxi in case of need.留学英语口语:注册 RegistrationSTUART: Hello. Can I help you?KAREN: Yes, I hope so. I would like to register for Comp Lit 287.STUART: Im sorry, but that class is already full.And also, students are supposed to regis

4、ter through the touch-tone registration system.KAREN: I know. I already tried to register for it by phone, but the computer wont let me.STUART: Thats because its full.KAREN: But Im a new student here.I thought maybe there was some way I could get into the class.I thought I should come and talk to yo

5、u in the department office.STUART: Well, I could put you on a waiting list.But that doesnt guarantee you will get into the class. What is your name?KAREN: My name is Karen Huang. Thats spelled H - U - A - N - G.STUART: Alright. And what is your major?KAREN: Im a comparative literature major.STUART:

6、Wait a minute. Youre a Comp Lit major?KAREN: Yes, thats right.STUART: Why didnt you tell me? I didnt know you were one of our students.KAREN: Thats why Im trying to get into Comp Lit 287. I know its a required class.And Professor Cohen told me I need to take it.STUART: The university computer system

7、 saves extra places,in class 287 for comp lit students.I can give you a special code.When you register by phone, you can use the code to get into the class.KAREN: Even if the class is full?STUART: Thats right.KAREN: Oh, I didnt know that.STUART: Sure. Here is the code number, with information on how

8、 to use it.KAREN: Thank you. So you think I will be able to get in with this?STUART: Sure. Just call the touch-tone registration system again.Then, follow the directions on the sheet. You will get in no problem.KAREN: Thanks.STUART: Next time you come in here, I will recognize you.留学英语口语:在银行开户 Openi

9、ng A Bank AccountIVY: I would like to open an account here.SUSAN: Alright. What kind of account would you like?IVY: Im not sure. Im new here in America.I dont know the English words for different kinds of accounts.SUSAN: Well, most international students open a basic savings account.IVY: Yes, I know

10、 I need to have a basic savings account.SUSAN: Alright. And did you want to have a checking account too?IVY: Sure. I know a lot of people here use checks. But do I need two accounts?Do I need a savings account and a checking account?SUSAN: Well. No, not really.If you think you will use a lot of chec

11、ks, maybe you just need a checking account.But you must be good at managing money then.IVY: I understand. I dont want to write bad checks.SUSAN: Thats right.IVY: I think I can have just one account. A checking account.SUSAN: And did you want to use a cash card with your account?IVY: Yes. Can I have

12、a cash card too?SUSAN: Certainly. Here is the form to fill out.In order to open a checking account here, I also need to see your passport.IVY: Alright. I brought it with me. Here it is.SUSAN: Good. And I need to see your student I.D.IVY: Here it is.SUSAN: Thank you.Now if you will fill out that form

13、, I will start to enter your information into the computer.IVY: Here is the completed application form.SUSAN: Good. Here is a deposit slip.Please fill in your name and the amount you want to deposit today.IVY: Is fifty dollars okay?SUSAN: Yes, thats fine.留学英语口语:谈论学习计划 Discussing Study Plans谈论学习计划 Di

14、scussing Study Plans With A Professor TERRY: Have you decided what you are going to take next semester?LISA: Well, Im an English major, you know.So I came here to make sure Im taking the right things.TERRY: Good. I think its a good idea. Our department should require meetings like this.LISA: I want

15、to finish my degree in four years.So I dont want to forget to take classes I need.I have a friend who has to stay in college another year. She didnt know until recently.There were some classes she needed to take to graduate.She didnt know about them.TERRY: Yes, that happens.LISA: I brought my transc

16、ript from my first year.Here. And here is the list of courses I plan to take in the fall.TERRY: Alright. Good.I see youve already taken six credits of your breadth requirements.You have one botany class and one chemistry class. And political science.So thats nine credits. Did you take English Compos

17、ition 201?LISA: No, I dont need to. I took Advanced Placement English in high school.So Im not required to take composition.TERRY: Excellent. I see you have the 18th century poetry class for next semester.And the modern novel class. You havent taken a Shakespeare class yet.LISA: No, I thought I woul

18、d take it later.TERRY: Actually, I recommend you take Shakespeare sooner rather than later.LISA: Well, I suppose I could cross out the 18th century poetry class.I have to see when the Shakespeare class meets.TERRY: Let me look at the timetable.Shakespeare meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11:00

19、AM.LISA: I can take it then. I have that time slot free.TERRY: Good. I recommend it. Shakespeare is of course enormously important.We want our students to take the class as soon as they can.And Professor Friedman is an excellent teacher.LISA: Ill take it then.TERRY: Tell me, Lisa, what made you deci

20、de to be an English major?LISA: I want to be an English professor in the future.I love studying literature, and I want to teach it.TERRY: Really? Thats great to know.LISA: Thats the reason I want to finish my B.A. in four years.Because I know I will be in school a long time.I want to start the M.A.

21、and Ph.D. program as soon as possible留学英语口语:入住宿舍 Moving Into The DormCHRIS: Alright, we need to have a plan here. First of all, which bed do you want?DAVE: Well, everybody wants the bottom bunk. Why dont we flip a coin for it?CHRIS: Alright. Do you have a coin?DAVE: Yes. Heres a quarter. I flip it,

22、you call it in the air.CHRIS: Heads.DAVE: Sorry, its tails. You lose.CHRIS: Oh, well. So you get the bottom bunk. What about our stereos?It looks like we both brought our stereos. Probably we only have room for one.DAVE: Your stereo is better than mine. Do you mind if we use yours?CHRIS: No, I dont

23、mind.I just dont know where we can put the speakers in this tiny room.DAVE: Probably we can put one on that counter.And we can put one on the floor by the bed. Over there.CHRIS: Alright. Thats a good plan. What about the desks?We have two desks, one by the window and one by the door? Which one do yo

24、u want?DAVE: Well, the desk by the window is nicer, of course. Dont you think?CHRIS: Yes, I agree.DAVE: So since I got the bottom bunk, why dont you get the desk by the window?That would be more fair.CHRIS: Alright.DAVE: I mean, we could flip a coin for it, but I would probably win again.Im incredib

25、ly lucky you know. Especially with girls.CHRIS: Is that right?DAVE: Yes, thats right.CHRIS: Well, I hope you let me hang out with you then. Maybe I can learn from you.DAVE: Oh, certainly. Certainly. Im always willing to help beginners.Just call me Big Brother Dave.CHRIS: Are all lucky people so stuc

26、k up?DAVE: Cmon, dont take it seriously! Im just kidding.CHRIS: Anyway, I get the desk by the window, you get the bottom bunk. Thats it.DAVE: Why dont we start unpacking these boxes?CHRIS: I will go get something to eat. You unpack first.Then, when I come back, Ill unpack.DAVE: Alright. See you late

27、r.留学英语口语:申请奖学金 Applying For A Scholarship申请奖学金 Applying For A Scholarship SHARON: How can I help you today, Alice?ALICE: Well, I came to talk to you because I want to apply for a scholarship.SHARON: Oh, good. Youre an excellent student.Id be very willing to help you with that.ALICE: Thanks. I really

28、 appreciate it.In fact, I do need a letter of recommendation for this scholarship.SHARON: What kind of scholarship is it?ALICE: Its an undergraduate scholarshipoffered by the American Minority Students Scholarship Association.Im eligible for it because Im Asian American.SHARON: Fine. I know about th

29、at scholarship.You have to be a student in your junior year,and you have to have a grade point average of 3.7 or higher.ALICE: Im a junior now, and my GPA is 3.92.SHARON: Excellent. So youll have a good chance of getting it.ALICE: Well, I hope so. The competition is probably pretty heavy.And they wa

30、nt a writing sample too.SHARON: Do you have an essay you want to send them?ALICE: No, they want a special essay.I must write an essay on a particular question they pose.SHARON: What is the question?ALICE: They give applicants a topic.The topic is, The Place of Ethnic Minorities in a Democratic Society.My essay must be three pages typed and double-spaced.SHARON: Thats a pretty short essay.ALICE: Yes, but I need to write it by next week.SHARON: Good luck. Im sure you will do a good

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