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1、学年高中英语Module2FantasyLiteratureSectionReadingModule 2 Fantasy LiteratureMy three girls and I all love to read.I mean LOVE it! We also like to discuss books we read together.It is always a joy to come across a book or series that engages all of us and ends with long conversations we all learn from.Whi

2、le I do not feel these books are age appropriate for my 8 years old, even with an advanced reading level, it is for my 13 and 17 years old.After TheGoldenCompass, they both fought over who would get to read TheSubtleKnife first.Based on some of the reviews, much of this series seems to personally of

3、fend anyone who is Christian.It seems like anything that is threatening their beliefs is dangerous and negative.However, I think it is a good thing to have your beliefs challenged; it makes you use your minds, question things, and create thoughts!I would much rather have my girls read something they

4、 didnt agree with and found distasteful than have their right to read what they wanted to deny. I am grateful for the freedom they experience in our country and the opportunities they are afforded because of it opportunities to read something like these books that will make them use their minds, for

5、 example!It comes down to this: If you are someone who likes to read, likes to be entertained, likes to use your imagination, and likes to think for yourself rather than allowing someone else to think for you, you will find value in this series!阅读障碍词engage vt.吸引住;雇用;与(某人)交战appropriate adj.恰当的,合适的off

6、end vt.冒犯,得罪;违反distasteful adj.使人不愉快的,令人反感的,讨厌的.Match the word with its meaning.1series A轻拍,轻打2behave B系列,丛书3hesitate C醒着的,清醒的4doubt D犹豫,迟疑5direction E做梦6shape F弯腰,屈身7bend G表现,举动8dream H形状9awake I方向10pat J怀疑答案:15BGDJI610HFECA.Write down the meaning of phrases in each sentence.1The examinee is then d

7、irected to fix on the examiners right eye. 注视2Besides dieting, exercising plays an important part in losing weight. 在中起重要作用3A child came up to me and showed me the way to the station. 朝走过来4The police cast about for some fresh evidence. 寻找5Hearing someone calling him, he looked around for the person.

8、 四处寻找6The air is laden with the scent of the flowers. 充满着7Dont put the food down on the ground. 放下8The lady held out her hand to him. 伸出9She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood. 走开10She felt a wave of feeling sweep over her after hearing this. 向扩展Look at the pictures.What are they?Wh

9、at do you know about HisDarkMaterials?HisDarkMaterials, written by Philip Pullman, is one of the greatest fantasy stories ever written. It includes three books, NorthernLights, TheSubtleKnife and TheAmberSpyglass. The heroine is a young girl called Lyra and the hero is a boy called Will.Fast reading

10、Match the following paragraphs with their main ideas.Para.1 AWill found where the cat had vanished.Paras.27 BDescriptions of the patch in the air.Para.8 CWhat he saw in another world.Para.9 DThe strange behaviour of the cat.Paras.1011 EWill went into another world.Para.12 FWill found a different wor

11、ld.Paras.1315 GWill saw a cat.答案:GDABFEC.Careful readingRead the text again and choose the best answer according to the text.1Why did the author choose “The Cat That Vanished” as the title of this passage?AThe cat was Wills loved pet cat.BIt was the cat that led Will to another world.CThe cat belong

12、ed to another world.DThe cat is said to have super power.2What made Will curious about the cat?AThe time when the cat came to the garden.BThe cats rubbing her head against his knuckles.CThe cats strange behaviour.DThe territory for the cat to patrol.3What did Will find after the cat vanished?ASome a

13、ngles.BA patch in the air.CA truck coming around the circle.DSome houses.4What did Will do after he climbed through the patch?AHe thought nothing was better than his home.BHe found a beautiful world with trees, flowers and a classical temple.CThe cat appeared again and acted as his guide.DHe was so

14、sleepy that he fell asleep instantly.5We can infer from the passage that _.AWill missed his family very muchBWill realized that his dream could never come trueCWill could never find the catDWill didnt want to go back to his own world答案:15BCBBD.Study readingAnalyze the following difficult sentences i

15、n the text.1Of course, every cat behaved like that, but all the same Will felt such a longing to turn for home that tears scalded his eyes.句式分析尝试翻译当然,所有的猫都是那样的,尽管如此,威尔还是渴望回家,以至于热泪充满了他的双眼。2When it had gone past he crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating.句式分

16、析尝试翻译卡车开过去后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。3It wasnt easy, because there was nothing to fix on, but when he came to the place and cast about to look closely, he saw it.句式分析尝试翻译这并不容易,因为他无法把目光集中在某件东西上,但是当他靠近那个地方,设法仔细观察时,他看出了端倪。阅读理解A“A serious attack on the fantasy story for children comes from those who do not

17、 wish children to be frightened.” CS. Lewis writes in an essay named ThreeWaysofWritingforChildren. Those who say that children must not be frightened mean two things. Firstly, they mean that we mustnt do anything likely to give children fears, and secondly, they want to keep out of their minds that

18、 they are born into a world of death, violence (暴力), wounds and evil (邪恶). CS. Lewis says he agrees with the first reason, but not the second.He goes on to comment, “Since it is so likely that they will meet cruel (残酷的) enemies, let them at least hear of brave fighters and heroic courage. By limitin

19、g your child to perfect and nice stories of child life in which nothing alarming ever happens, they would fail to face fears and hardships.”“It would be nice,” he continues, “if no little boy in bed ever hears a frightening sound. But if he is to be frightened, I think St. George, or any bright cham

20、pion in armor (盔甲), is a better comfort than the idea of the police.”Bruno Bettelheim, a wellknown child psychologist, also points out that fantasy stories provide children with a valuable education about good and evil. He believes that all children have many personal fantasies filled with fears and

21、 fantasy stories comfort them and offer solutions. Happy endings tell them that solutions and hope are real and model the kind of happy life children want to find.A good fantasy suggests rather than teaches possible answers to life. Its believed that reading fantasies quickens the ability to get and

22、 put ideas from books to reality. Its what good literature does it makes life larger.语篇解读:本文作者反驳了一些反对儿童阅读奇幻文学的错误观点,并强调了阅读奇幻文学的必要性。1According to the first paragraph, CS. Lewis thinks that _.Achildren shouldnt read any fantasy story because it is badBadults shouldnt do things that may frighten their c

23、hildrenCdeath and badness should be kept out of childrens mindsDwriting a fantasy story is the best way of writing for children解析:选B推理判断题。根据第一段的“C.S. Lewis says he agrees with the first reason, but not the second.”可知,他同意上面提到的“Firstly, they mean that we mustnt do anything likely to give children fear

24、s”由此可知,他认为我们不应该做任何让孩子害怕的事情。故选B。2What probably is St. George according to the text?AHe is a policeman in real life.BHe is a murderer caught by the police.CHe is a brave man in a fantasy novel.DHe is a frightening person in a story.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第二段的“But if he is to be frightened, I think St. George, o

25、r any bright champion in armor (盔甲), is a better comfort than the idea of the police.”可知,St. George不是警察也不是令人害怕的人物,而是可以用来安慰孩子的勇敢的幻想小说中的人物。故选C。3Why should children read fantasy literature according to Bruno Bettelheim?ABecause it encourages children to have a lot of fantasies.BBecause it helps childre

26、n overcome fears and find solutions.CBecause it teaches children to write their own fantasy stories.DBecause it gives children a happy memory when they grow up.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段的“He believes that all children have many personal fantasies filled with fears and fantasy stories comfort them and offer so

27、lutions.”可知选B。4It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _.Aliterature can give readers more frightening storiesBfantasies can improve ones ability to solve problemsCpersonal fantasies can help children get away from dangerDmost children can understand what fantasy literature is解析:选B推理判断题。根据最后

28、一段可知,作者认为幻想文学可以帮助孩子解决问题。故选B。BI once saw a TV programme at college about a scientist who used “drift bottles (漂流瓶)” to mark ocean currents. It was a rather boring programme. I was more interested to read an article about someone who found a bottle on a beach with a message inside. Like the drift bott

29、les, it had been thrown into the sea but 21 years before. I decided to find out more about such bottles, and I started work on this intriguing (非常有趣的) research.An early message in a bottle was thrown into the sea by Christopher Columbus during a terrible storm. He wrote about his discovery of Americ

30、a and expected that his message would be sent to the Queen of Spain. He wanted the news to reach her, but he thought he might be drowned (淹死) in the storm. In fact, he survived but the bottle was never found.I would be excited to find a message in a bottle, but in the 16th century, it could be dange

31、rous. In those days, the British Navy (海军) used messages in bottles to send information about the enemy. When Queen Elizabeth found out that a boatman had opened a bottle containing one of these secret messages, she created a new job, Uncorker of Ocean Bottles. I was amazed to learn that anyone else who opened a bottle could be sentenced to death. It seems very strange to us now.A long time ago, before dating websites existed to help people find partners, a sailor in Sweden put this message

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