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1、高三英语常用词组汇总 高三常见词组汇总 一 1. abandon the ship/sb 弃船/抛弃某人2. have the ability to do sth 有能力做某事3. cultivate/develop/foster ones ability 培养能力4. an able man 能干的人5. be able to do 有能力做某事6. return to normal 恢复正常7. aboard the ship 在船上8. above all 首先9. go abroad/study abroad 出国/留学 10. people at home and abroad 海内

2、外人事11. in the absence of 在缺乏.的条件下12. be absent from 缺席13. be absorbed in= be lost in 全神贯注于14. academic performance 学习成绩15. be accepted by/be admitted to/into 被录取16. have/ gain/ obtain access to 获得机会进入17. accomplish/achieve nothing 一事无成18. account for 说明,解释;占比19. take sth into account 考虑20. on accoun

3、t of 由于21. on no account/ in no case 绝不22. accuse sb of 指控23. be accustomed to 习惯于 24. achieve/ fulfill ones ambition 实现志愿25. achieve success/ ones goal 获得成功/达到目的26. acquire knowledge 获得知识27. make achievement in 取得成就28. run across/ come across 偶遇 29. across the street 街对面 30. act as 充当31. take actio

4、n 采取行动32. Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩33. Adapt (oneself) to= be adapted to 适应34. adapt.for 改编.为35. add up to 合计达到36. add to ones worry 增添某人的担忧37. add A to B 把A加到B上38. be addicted to=be obsessed with 上瘾39. adjust oneself to=be adjusted to 适应40. in addition to 除.之外41. in addition .此外42. add

5、ress sb at sp 在某地对某人发言43. address sth 处理某事44. address the envelop在信封上写地址45. be adequate to the task of 胜任这个任务46. admire sb for sth 因为.欣赏某人47. admire sth 欣赏48. be admited to Fudan 被复旦录取49. admit sth/doing sth 承认(做过)某事50. admission fee 门票51. in advance 预先,事先52. take advantage of 利用53. have an advantag

6、e/edge 在.优先54. advertise for a new product 为新产品做广告55. advertise for a new secretary登广告招秘书56. advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事57. advise doing 建议做某事58. advise that.(should).建议某人做某事59. afford sth/afford to do 负担得起某物60. afford sb sth 提供某人某物61. cant afford to do sth .付不起62. cant afford not to do 一定要

7、做63. against the sky 在天空的映衬下64. against the wall 斜靠着墙65. against the average 相对于平均水平66. a middle-aged man 一个中年人67. agree with sb 同意某人68. agree to sth 同意某事69. agree on sth 对某事达成一致70. his deeds agree with his words 他言行一致71. sea food doesnt agree with me 我不能吃海鲜72. reach an agree agreement 达成协议73. ahead

8、 of time/schedule 提前74. be ahead of sb in English 英语比.好75. come/go to ones aid 来、去救助某人76. aid sb in sth 在.帮助某人77. aim to do/aim at doing sth 目标在于做某事78. by airmail 用航空邮寄79. give a false alarm 给虚假警报80. on the alert 警觉,警惕81. be alert to sth 对.警惕82. alert sb to sth 使某人警惕83. treat sb alike 一视同仁84. look v

9、ery much alike 长得像85. great minds think alike 英雄所见略同86. allow doing 允许做某事87. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事88. allow for 考虑到,顾及89. have no alternative/choice but to do sth 别无选择只能做某事90. an alternative plan 一个可替代的方案91. an alternative to sth 可替代某事的选择92. be amazed at 惊讶于93. to ones amazement. 令某人惊讶的是94. ans

10、wer for 为.负责95. be anxious about 担忧96. anything but 绝不是97. nothing but 就是98. apart from(放首句)除了99. tell.apart 区分100. apologize to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉101. appeal to sb. for sth./to do sth.=make an appeal to sb. for sth./to do sth.向某人呼吁某事/呼吁某人做某事102. appeal to sb. 吸引某人103. stimulate/spoil ones appeti

11、te for 激发/倒胃口104. apply A to B 把A运用到B中去105. a apply to B A也适用于B 如 it also applies to our life106. apply to the university for a scholarship 向学校申请奖学金107. appoint sb.(to be/as) chairman任命某人为主席108. appoint sb. to the post任命某人担任此职务109. make an appointment with sb.与某人约会110. appreciate (doing) sth. 欣赏(做)某

12、事111. appreciate ones doing 感谢某人做某事112. I would appreciate it if you could . 如果你能。我将不胜感激113. the approach to the cave 通往山洞的人口114. the approach to the problem 解决问题的方法115. with the approach of the exam 随着考试的临近116. approve (of) sth./ ones doing sth 赞同117. argue about/on/over 就。争论118. argue for/against

13、sth. 提倡| 反对119. argue sb. Into / out of doing sth. 说服某人(不)做120. have an argument with sb. About sth. 与某人就某事辩论121. there are many arguments about whether the new approach is effective. 122. a arise from /out of B A产生自B123. rise from the chair 从椅子里起身124. raise the flag 升旗125. arm in arm 手臂挽手臂地126. wit

14、h ones arm folded 袖手旁观127. welcome sb. With open arms 伸开双手|热情欢迎某人128. arouse ones interest/ awareness/ curiosity/sympathy 引起某人兴趣|意识|好奇|同情129. arrange for sb. To do sth. 安排某人做某事130. arrange the whole thing 安排所有的事情131. make arrangements to do sth./ for sth. 安排做某事|某事132. arrest sb. For 因。拘捕某人133. on (o

15、nes) arrival 当(某人)到达时134. as follows 如下135. as scheduled/imagined/ expected/ supposed 如期|正像所想象的那样|正如期望的那样|正如假设的那样136. be ashamed of 惭愧;难为情137.put/set aside some time to do sth. 留出时间做某事138.ask for trouble 自找麻烦139.ask after sth. 问候某人140.ask about sth.=inquire about sth. 询问某事141.assign sb. sth.=assign

16、sth. to sb. 给某人分配任务142.assign sb. to sp. 派某人去某地143.assign sb. to do sth. 指派某人做某事144.assist sb. in sth./assist sb. in doing sth./assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事145.associate A with B 联想;想到A就想到B146.assume sth./that. 假设.147.assume office/ones post 就职148.assume/take/shoulder ones responsibility 承担责任

17、sure sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事150.assure sb.(that).151.ensure sth./(that)担保;保证 astonished to do./at sth./that. 对.感到惊讶153.attach A to B 使A依附于B154.attach importance to sth. 重视某事155.launch an attack on sth. 对.发起进攻 attacked with a disease. 受到疾病的折磨157.attempt sth./to do sth. 试图158.attend on sb. 看护,

18、照顾某人159.attend to sth./ab. 专心/注意160.catch/attract/draw ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 attention to. 注意.162.tourist attraction 旅游胜地163.Adopt/take an attitude to /toward sth. 对.采取态度 authority on English 英语权威165.have an authority to do sth./for sth. 有权做.166.local authorities 地方当局167.authorities c

19、oncerned 相关当局168.sth. is available to sb. 某人可以获得/购得/找到某物 be available 某人有空的170.on average 平均171.above/below (the) average 在平均水准之上/下172.avoid doing sth. 避免做.173.Time and tide await no man. 岁月不等人(注:await=wait for) wide awake 完全清醒的175.awaken sb. to sth. 使某人警觉某事176.awaken sb.=wake up sb. 唤醒

20、某人177.award sb. sth.=award sth. to sb. 授予某人奖励178.reward sb. with sth. 用某物犒劳某人 fully/well awake of sth./that. 十分清楚某事180.raise ones awareness of sth. 提高某人对某物的意识 awkward with chopsticks 笨拙的使用筷子二 at a place / call on somebody 拜访 on somebody to do 请求、号召 for 需要4.launch a cam

21、paign against/for something 发起一场支持./抵制.运动5.campaign for /against something 发起一场运动6.on campus 在校园7.cant (help) but do/cant choose but do 不得不8.cant kelp to do 不能帮助做某事9.cant help /resist doing 情不自禁做某事10.snow capped the hills 雪覆盖了山脉 be capped with mist 被大雾笼罩 capable of doing something/somebody be a

22、ble to do =have the ability to do 有能力做某事 about something 在乎 for sb./sth. 喜欢:照顾14.carry out a plan 实施计划 carried away by something 被.所吸引、陶醉于16.carry something.with sb. 随身携带 is often the case(with sb.) 情况常如此 all cases 在任何情况下 no case 绝不 case of fire/emergency 万一发生火

23、灾、有紧急情况 in cash/pay by check 以现金支付、以支票支付22.cast a net 撒网23.cast a shadow over 给.投下阴影24.cast light on the origin of space 使对宇宙起源有新的认识25.cast doubt on 使怀疑26.cast a vote 投票27.cast actors for the film 为电影挑演员28.(somebody) be caught in the rain 29.catch up with somebody 赶上某人30.catch sb. Cheating in

24、the exam 抓住某人作弊31.catch somebody by the arm/collar 抓住某人手臂、衣领32.(sth) catch fire 着火33.catch on 逐渐流行34.the cause of the accident 事故的原因35.strive for the cause of education 为教育事业而奋斗36.cause somebody much inconvenience 给某人带来不便37.cause do 致使某人做某事 the cause of 在.的进程中39.the main course 主菜40.Engli

25、sh courses 英语课程 course 偏离航道 the opening/closing ceremony 在开幕式、闭幕式43.chair the meeting 主持会议44.challenge ones authority 质疑某人的权威45. win a championship 赢得冠军46. have a chance/opportunity to do sth/of doing sth 有机会做某事chances are that. 很有可能47. change for the better 情况好转 do sth for a change 换换花样4

26、8. channel all her energies into her job49. charge sb with theft 指控某人盗窃50. develop ones character 培养性格be characteristic of 有.的特色51. cheat sb out of his money 骗光钱52. check in/out 登记(入住)/ 结账退房check an impulse 克制冲动53. have no choice but to do 不得不choose to do 选择做某事54. at Chrismas 在圣诞节on the eve of Chris

27、mas 在平安夜55. go to the cinema 去看电影56. in/under no circumstance 任何情况下都不57. a civil war/civil rights 内战/民权58. claim to do sth/that .声称做某事claim the island 声称对此岛引用由主权claim the payment for the damage 要求对损失进行赔偿claim the responsibility for 声称对.负责claim the luggage 认领行李59. a literary classic 文学著作60. classical

28、 music 古典音乐61. make sth clear 把.说清楚make it clear that 以声明clear up 清理;澄清,解决;清朗起来,开朗起来62. pay close attention to 对.密切关注be closely related to sth 与.密切相关63. coach sb for sth/to do sth 指导某人做某事64. off the coast 海岸线以外;在海上65. a coat of paint 一层油漆coating n. 涂层66. coin a word 造新词67. collect ones thoughts 集中精力

29、 collect money/funds 募钱collective wisdom 集中智慧68. combine A with B/ A combine with B A与B结合69. comb ones hair 梳头发70. come about 发生come across 邂逅 come to oneself 苏醒 come into being 形成 come into effect 生效 come up with a new idea 想起个新主意come out first in the exam 考试第一71. command sb to do 命令.做have a good c

30、ommand of English 精通英语72. comment on sth/make comments on sth 评头论足73. commit a crime/commit suicide 犯罪、自杀commit more money to poor nations 向贫困国家投更多的钱commit the poem to your memony 记住这首诗commit oneself to sth/doing sth 承诺;致力于be committed to teaching 致力于教学74. have a lot in common 有很多共同点common interest 共同的利益75. communicate with sb 和某人交流communicate the ideas/sth to sb 把.传递、传达76. keep sb company 陪伴某人77. compare A with B 比较A与Bcompare A to B 把A比作B a can compare with B A比得上Bbeyond comparison 无与伦比78. compete with sb for sth 与某人为.竞争79. take up a competitive sport 从事有竞争性的运

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