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1、高三英语写作高分指导誓将英语写作的分数锁定在最高档高三英语写作高分指导同学们,高考即将来临,NMET英语试题中的写作部分是最有可能拿高分的一块。下面的一些写作方法可以帮你将作文的得分提高一个档次。请你一定要花一点时间记下下面的作文套用模式,并用这些模式的套用语把你脑子里的那些带语法错误的语言,那些不按英语表达习惯的语言,那些按汉语死翻硬套的语言给我用劲挤出去。高考英语写作无非下面几种形式:1 关于社会新生事物。“事“包括双休日,健身方式,绿色食品,学习方式,考试方式,城市生活,交通方式等。“物“包括手机,电话,电脑,电视,各类电脑游戏,广告,因特网,轿车,飞机等内容。这类话题的作文一般是议论文

2、或说明文,其步骤一般是这样:如果是带一定批判性的要求。1) 可以先说明一下事物的现状。2) 分析造成这种现象的原因和后果。(可以举例说明)3) 最后考生需要表明自己的态度或提出对事物的前景的预测。如果是带赞同性的要求。1) 先要说明一下事物的发展现状。2) 对比事物本身的利弊,有时也可以从一个角度出发,单将某一事物的利或弊。3) 最后表明自己的观点。文章框架套用模式:Model One:(利弊对比) With the development of science and human civilization, many unimaginable things come into reality

3、. The widely use of computer is an example.(点了主题,说明了现状) There are many advantages for the computer. First, 优点一或理由一. In the second place, 优点二或理由二. Lastly, 优点三或理由三.(此段也可以这样写:Computer has being changed our life in many ways. FirstlySecondlyThirdly). On the other hand, the negative effects(注意:此处不要只写effe

4、cts而没有negative, bad之类的形容词修辞) on our life or sth else could be seen in several ways. For example,缺点一In addition,缺点二(Besides) Whats more,缺点三。(此段也简单地写:However,/Anyhow,/It is certain thatthe computer has its negative effects in several ways.此处不要用disadvantages因为弊端是指电脑本身的缺陷,而负面影响是用之不当引起的) On the whole, (

5、In my opinion, In a word, In short, In summary, In all, In sum,) the widely use of computer is one of the results of the progress of the modern society. 复杂一点可以写成computer is one of the inventions in the 20th century, and it will bring us more and more benefits. And people will improve the computer an

6、d try to make good use of it.(或者简单地写:I really believe that scientists will design cleverer computers in future/ I believe that the computer will become cleverer and serve the people better.) Model Two:(只写赞同的一面) Nowadays, the computer(主题) plays an important role in our life.(点明主题,说明现状). For example,

7、it is widely used (有一部分同学常常写不完整的句子,他们总是按汉语意思想象英语句子而不写“it is always used” 之类的主语部分或按汉语顺序将主谓部分放在最后)in the banks, hospitals, markets, and (此处要“and”) schools and(此处的“and”可要可不要) even in the families. (此处不举例也可以,那就再加一句以加强主题:And it is certainly that the computers are helping us in many ways.) Generally, 理由一.

8、 Besides,理由二. Whaats more,理由三.(每条理由要根据题目要求写清楚)In a word,(On the whole, ) computer can not only help us work efficiently but also provide us much information, and it will become(总结同上篇一样)Model Three(关于写新鲜事) Nowadays, “The Two-day Weekend” is getting more and more popular in many cities of China.(点明主题,

9、说明现状)The advantages of “The Two-day Weekend” can be listed as follows.(It has many advantages.次之。It may/can give us many advantages.心烦!利或优点是电脑本身固有的,不能作give的宾语。Because/I think it has many advantages.急死人!Because和I think 太操之过急了。 Firstly, people may have more time to rest themselves. And(此处用I think 是多余,

10、请你坚持住,尽量少用 “It is certain that, Im sure that, I really believe, I think等用语,如果实在是要用,那就把它们放在总结段里表明自己观点时用)enough rest is better for health. Secondly, on the two-day weekends,(加一个时间,可使句子更完整) people can have more freedom to arrange their life, such as visiting friends, going out to have a picnic, Enjoyin

11、g wonderful films or plays and so on. Thirdly, more customers of shopping, traveling and many other expending will greatly encourage the economic business.(具体理由要根据题目的要求来写) In a word,(总结同上)most people like to have “The Two-day Weekend”,(此处不要紧接着写: I think most people因为 “In a word, On the whole, As I s

12、ee it 等用语已有“我认为,我的看法”之意。如果非要用,请隔两行再写,这样,可使文章读起来自然一些)如,Im sure more and more people can enjoy themselves in the days of the two-day weekend.记住:1)这类作文要用一般现在时,因为社会现象,人的观点是常态。 2)句与句之间,要么是有引导词或连词的从句或并列句,要么是以句号或分号为单位的单句,千万不要随意打豆号。如:I like it, I always take it with me. 错。应为:I like it and I always take it w

13、ith me.或 I like it; I always take it with me. 3) 注意比较下面句子: It is good for the families to own a car. 比Owning a car is good for the families.好多了。Families owning a car is very good. 这种句子让人受不了。Owning a car for the families is a good thing.反正我们班有人这样写。 Firstly, Ill mention the advantages of比Firstly, let

14、me give you its advantages.强百倍。 Finally, I would like to add something to make my views/argument/ more reasonable.听起来多舒服! Finally, I want to say something more about也可以。 Finally, I still want something to talk about it听起来让人心烦吧。 我看见过这样的句子:You must obey the traffic rules, if you dont do it, you will b

15、e punished by the policemen.这样讲话多辛苦!如果这样写会好一点:Everybody should obey the traffic rules, otherwise hell be fined. (by the policemen可要可不要) 2. 关于社会问题这类题目以能源和城市问题最为常见。能源问题包括:Water Resource, Electric Power, Land, Coal, Petrol, Food, Forest等;城市问题包括:Traffic, Population, Pollution, Housing Problem, Populatio

16、n, Fake Food, Education等步骤:1) 点题,重要性。2) 现象(一般是不太正常的现象)。3) 原因或给人们造成的影响。4) 急需解决。注意:1) 用一般现在时。2) 句子简练明确。段落清晰并有套语相连。文章框架的套用模式Model One: Fresh Water Water is considered to be the most important. Not only does man drink it to survive but also he needs it to grow crops, do washings and even run factories,

17、etc. Without water, man cant live.(点题并说明重要性) Nevertheless, (衔接词) water resources are scarce(limited). Moreover, mans need of it is increasing, and more population and more factories may produce waste of water, which is polluting the rivers and lakes. So the shortage of fresh water has become one of

18、the most serious problems facing us today.(列举几种现象) However, people begin to realize it. And Im sure effective measures will be taken to solve the problem.(措施)Model Two Smoking It is almost known to all that smoking is bad for peoples health.(点题,) Scientific research shows that. (危害性) Still, many peo

19、ple find it difficult to stop smoking. One reason is thatAnother reason is.(现象) However, Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking.(措施)推荐几个好的模板 Nowadays, has become a problem we have to face. Though its easier said than done, with the help of modern technology, we no

20、w have many to solve it. By 1 , we can not only 2 , but also 3 . In addition, we can 4 All in all,With the development of modern industry, more and more people are concerned about the problem(点题). It isbecauseFirstly,Secondlythirdly(原因或现象1 2 3)Personally, I believe that(结论,前景,解决方式) Man is now facing

21、 with a big problem of , which is becoming more and more serious. (点题,重要性或严重性)The reasons for this are listed as follows: Firstly,SecondlyThirdly(原因或理由1 2 3)In brief,(结论或措施)3关于对比,比较,选择这类题目常常会涉及到下列对比:飞机与火车,开卷与闭卷,电话与写信,电视与电影,课堂与课外,书本与上网,城市与乡村等讨论。步骤:1) 点题引出问题或争论。2) 两种观点并阐明各自理由。3) 我的看法或作一个各占50%的总结。注意:1)

22、 用一般现在时。2) 每段前用连接词过度。文章框架的套用模式你站在两个中间给评价Model One: When it comes to the topic “Where to live-city or countryside?”, (点题)some people believe that.(一种观点引起争论)They claim that (理由一)Whats more, they(理由二) But, (另一种观点和前一个相反)some people have different opinions on it. They believe that However, each of them h

23、as its own advantages(disadvantages)(各占50%的评价)。As far as I am concerned, I prefer to(我的观点),because(理由)。你站在两个观点的某一个上给原因Model Two The topic of_主题_is becoming the most popular one recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say_观点一_.They hold their view for the reason that_理由一_. Wha

24、ts more, _理由二_. Moreover, _理由三_. While others think that_观点二(不同的观点)_is the better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,_理由一_. Secondly_理由二_. Thirdly,_理由三_. From my point of the view, I think_我的观点_. The reason is that_原因_.你本身就是第一个观点的对立面Model Three: When we are asked about_主题_, some people b

25、elieve that_观点一_.For example,_举例说明_. And it will bring them_好处_. In my opinion, I could not agree with them in several points._我的观点不同_For one reason, _反对的理由一_. For another reason, _反对的理由二_. Furthermore, it is that_反对的理由三_. In a word, my personal view emphasizes on _强调中心思想_. And I hope_展望一下前景_.4图表作文这

26、类作文一般是对线状图,柱状图,块状图进行分析。如果是线状图,要讲明线的走向,数据对比,说明什么,原因分析和前景预测。如果是柱状图,要讲明柱的高低,数据对比,说明什么,原因分析和前景预测。如果是块状图,要说明块状比例,数据对比例,说明什么,原因分析和前景预测。步骤:1) 说明图表概况。2) 图表概况说明了什么。3) 分析原因。4) 前景预测。文章框架的套用模式一幅图Model One From the graph, we know the number of isin 1999. And the number in 2003 has increased /discreased to. (说明了图

27、表概况)The change of the number/ The increasing numbers from 1999 to 2003 shows/show that more and more people prefer torather than do(数据揭示了什么) The reason for this instance (情况)are the follows. Firstly,原因一。Secondly原因二。Thirdly原因三。 However, with the help of More and more people willin future.(However, as

28、 the society goes by, more people will realizeand I believe that the number ofwill increase.)多幅图Model Two The figure of the first graph shows that(第一幅图的情况)While the figure of the second graph shows that(另一幅图的情况). The figures of the two graphs warn us that(两幅图的数据说明了什么) The reasons for the change/diff

29、erence of the figures are the follows. Firstly,SecondlyThirdly(说明变化的原因) In a word, from the graphs, we have learned thatAnd I believe that(总结和预测)记住:这类绝对要用一般现在时。另外,这类作文在高考中属于比较难的一种,因此,主要内容应在原因分析上,其他部分可以用一两句话交代清楚就行。5看图作文这类作文主要是通过对图画的描写,来讲述一个故事,说明一个问题或提供一个信息。其文体往往是以记述文,说明文和描写文为主。记述文步骤:1) 根据图意,交代人物的身份和人

30、物的出场情况(故事的开始)。2) 根据图意,交代时间,地点,其他人物和故事的发展情况。3) 根据图意,交代故事的结局如何。4) 根据图意,交代一下主人翁的感受。文章框架的套用模板Model One观察下面四幅图,以图中小女孩为第一人称,写一篇100词左右的日记(日期,星期,天气自拟)。要求:日记需包括所有图画的内容,可稍增加细节,使日记通顺连贯。生词:希望工程The Hope Project零花钱pocket money图1 图2 图3 图4Monday May 18, 2003 Fine (第一幅画)This morning our teacher told us something abo

31、ut the Hope Project in class(一句话将人物,时间,地点都交代清楚了). She said, “Now in the countryside many children still cant go to school because of poverty. Can you help them?”(这句话是引起后面故事发展的关键) (第二幅画)After school, I went home. (此处可以写Hearing this, I felt a little worried. After school, I或Having heard this, I或 After hearing this, I但不要写成这样:Our teachers words made me worried, so I went home after school.这句话本没有错,但此处的so引导的句子和前面的句子没有任何因果关系。如果用and来并列两句,也不妥,因为这两句话不是对等的内容和发展的内容) When I entered my room, I saw the little box in which I keep my pocket money (注意:这里的时态和前面的时态并不

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