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1、英语专业HowtoteachEnglish重要记录文本How to teach?Abbreviation:PPPpresentation, practice, and productionOHPThe overhead projectorSARSselect, adapt, reject, supplement.ESLEnglish as a Second LanguageEFLEnglish as a Foreign LanguageNCTEthe foundation of National Council of Teachers of EnglishWriting symbols: SS

2、pelling.WOword orderESAEngage-study-activateEAPEnglish for Academic PurposeESPEnglish for Specific PurposeIATEFL-The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign LanguageTESOLTeaching English to Speakers of other languageOHPthe overhead projectorOHTsoverhead transparenciesLCRAListen

3、ing Comprehension Practice PageTTTTeacher Talk TimeSTTStudent Talk Time(一)(二)(三)(四)Information gap(speaking activity) where two speakers have different parts of information making up a whole. Because they have different information, there is a gap between popular information-gap activity is

4、 called Describe and Draw.P88(五)Information(一)Principles of Teaching Listening1)1 The tape recorder is just as important as the tap2)Preparation is vital3)Once will not be enough4)Students should be encouraged to respond to the context of a listening, not just to the language.5)Different listening s

5、tages demand different listening tasks.4. Vary the materials in terms of speakers gender, age, dialect, accent, topic, speed, noice level, genre,5. Always ask students to listen with a purpose and allow them to show their comprehension in a task.6. Language material intended to be used for training

6、listening comprehension should never be presented visually first.(二)Principles of Teaching Speaking1)Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign language learning contexts.2)Give students practice with both fluency and accuracy3)Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for me

7、aning.4)Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both transactional and interactional speaking.(三)Principles of Teaching reading1)Reading is not a passive skill.2)Students need to be engaged with what they are reading.3)Students should be encouraged to respond to the content

8、 of a reading text, not just to the language.4)Prediction is a major factor in reading.5)Match the task to the topic.6)Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full.7)Exploit the readers background knowledge.(四)Principles of Teaching Writing1)Understand your students reasons for writing.2)Provide

9、opportunities for students to write practice writing.3)Make feedback and correction helpful and meaningful: over-correction?4)Clarify for yourself, and for your students, how their writing will be evaluated.(五)Three special features about teaching listening1)Tapes go at the same speed for everybody.

10、2)Students have to be encouraged to listen for general understanding first rather than trying to pick out details immediately.3)Spoken language has a number of unique features.(六)Four aspects that should be included in a teaching plan.1)Who detailed information about the students.2)What what do the

11、teacher and students want to do?3)How how should the teacher and students do it?4)To predict what might go wrong and how it can be dealt with.(七)Four Teaching methods and approaches that have influenced the current teaching practice.1)Grammar-translation method2)Audiolingualism3)Cognitive approach4)

12、Humanistic approach5)Communicative language teaching6)Task-based teaching and learning(八)Four differences between teaching adults and teaching children1)Motivation-Adults are likely to be seeking educational solutions to help them get to where they want to be in life which they will have specificall

13、y outlined in their minds prior to joining your class2)Direction-As an instructor you can rely on adults to be more self-directed than children who will depend on you for focus and support.3)Trust-Adults are more likely to be skeptical about new information and will prefer to test out the informatio

14、n before they believe and accept it.4)Experience-Something to remember is that adults have a lot they can bring to the table and they will expect to be able to share their life experiences and knowledge in the learning environment.5)Feedback-Finally, adults will be more sensitive to errors and will

15、take constructive criticism more personally.(九)Three reading skills that students need to acquire and explain each of them.1)To scan the text for particular bits of information they are searching for.this means they do not have to read every word and line;2)To skim a text to get a general idea.3)To

16、read for detailed comprehension.Or1)Scanning: for a specific focusThe technique you use when youre looking up a name in the phone book: you move your eye quickly over the page to find particular words or phrases that are relevant to the task youre doing.2)Skimming: for getting the gist of somethingT

17、he technique you use when youre going through a newspaper or magazine: you read quickly to get the main points, and skip over the detail. Its useful to skim:Use skimming when youre trying to decide if a book in the library or bookshop is right for you.3)Detailed reading: for extracting information a

18、ccuratelyWhere you read every word, and work to learn from the text.In this careful reading, you may find it helpful to skim first, to get a general idea, but then go back to read in detail. Use a dictionary to make sure you understand all the words used.(十)(十一)Four seating arrangements in the class

19、1)Orderly rowsTThe teacher and the students can see each other clearly. Discipline and personalcontact is easy.TThe teacher is working with the whole class and every student should be involved.TOne trick that many teachers use is to keep their students guessing.2)CirclesandhorseshoesTThe Round Table

20、 LegendTA far greater feeling of equalityTLowering the barriers: greater opportunity to get close to the students.TAll the students can see each other and various contacts are easier.3)Separate tablesTIt is much easier for the teacher to work at one table while the others get on with their own work.

21、TStudents may not always want to be with the same colleagues.TIt makes “whole-class” teaching more difficult, since the students are more separated.(十二)Four pieces of equipment that you can make use of in an English class.TThe board/ the computer/ the dictionary/ the overhead projector/pictures and

22、cards/ the tape recorder/ the radio playback machine/ the video camera/(十三)Two popular information-gap activitiesDescribe and DrawqOne student has a picture.qThe partner has to draw the picture without looking at the original.qThe one with the picture will give instructions and descriptions, and the

23、 “artist” will ask questions and draw.qIt is highly motivating, there is a real purpose for the communication (the information gap, completion of the task), and almost any language can be used. Remember to exchange the students roles if the activity is used more than once.Story-telling activityvMemo

24、rizevRegroupvTell pictures and form a new storyThe final stories may be different. The groups tell the whole class what their version is, and the teacher can finally re-show the pictures.a)put the students into four groups, calling them A, B, C, D, and give one of the following pictures. The groups

25、have to memorize everything they can about the pictureswhos in them, whats happening ect.b)The teacher now collects back the pictures and asks one student from each group (A, B, C and D) to form a new four-person group. The teacher tells them they have seen a different picture and asks them to talk

26、with each other and tell a story.the task is for students to work out what the story is. The only way they can do this is by describing their pictures to each other.c)The final version may be different. The groups tell the whole class what their version is. The teacher can finally reshow the picture

27、.Jigsaw activity(十四)Three types of writing rubrics1)Non-weighted rubric: This type of rubric provides descriptions of writing quality by level across other writing criteria. A brief example of this type of rubric would look like the following:2)Weighted rubric:A weighted rubric is similar to the unw

28、eighted one, but it breaks the writing skills into categories and sub-categories. A specific point value is assigned to each. Converting the organization element of the non-weighted rubric on page 94 into an element in a weighted rubric might3)Holistic rubric:A holistic rubric describes in general t

29、erms the qualities of excellent, good, fair, and unsatisfactory assignments. These descriptions can be tied to grades or stand on their own. The instructor then chooses the description that fits the assignment. An example of one part of a holistic rubric might look like this:(十五)Four alternatives th

30、at Neville Grant suggests when the teacher finds the textbook is inappropriate.qOmission firstly, he or she might simply decide to omit the lesson.qReplacement the second option is to replace the textbook lesson with one of the teachers own.qAddition third is to add activities or exercises to what is in the book.qAdaptationfinal is for the teacher to adapt what is in the book.(十六)Four characteristics of good learners.qA willingness to listen-listen to whats going experiment

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