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1、高中定语从句精讲及练习及答案定语从句1什么是定语从句?由一个完整的句子充当定语的从句为定语从句。2特点:和其它类从句比拟,除了有引导词关系词定语从句有“先行词。3什么是先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词/代词为先行词。4定语从句的种类:限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。5定语从句引导词关系词的种类:关系代词和关系副词。例:I work in a school which was built 50 years ago.在此句中school为先行词,which 来引导定语从句,“which was built 50 years ago.整句话来修饰先行词做定语,所以这是个定语从句。注:定语从句的引导词通

2、常置于先行词之后引导定语从句。一代词性引导词和副词性引导词,即关系代词和关系副词。代词性引导词有:that,which,who,whom,whose,as等,副词性引导词有:when,where,why等,代词性引导词在定语从句中充当主语/宾语,副词性引导词在定语从句中充当状语。注:what 不能引导定语从句,因为what从句属于名词性从句。二根本用法。1先行词性质不同要使用不同的引导词,先行词指人时,可用that,who,whom代指,who与whom的区别在于who是主格,在从句中作主语,whom是宾格,在从句中作宾语,而that作主语/宾语均可。先行词指物时,用that/which代指,

3、可见,that既可代指人的先行词,也可代指物的先行词。例:Do you know the man that is standing by the door此句that 引导定语从句,代指先行词the man.例:This is the book that I have been looking for .此句that引导定语从句,代指先行词the book.例:This is the book which I have been looking for.此句which引导定语从句,代指先行词the book.例:Do you know the man who is standing by th

4、e door此句who 引导定语从句,代指行行词the man,作从句的主语。也可用that引导从句,如 Do you know the man that is standing by the door例:The lady whom we saw this morning is Mrs.Brown.此句whom引导定语从句,代指先行词the lady,在从 句中作宾语。也可用that引导即“The lady that we saw this morning is Mrs.Brown.例:As is known to all,China is a large country.As is know

5、 to all是个很常用的表达方式,这也是的定语从句,只不过它的位置不像别的定语从句在先行词的后面,本句as代指主句的含义“中国是个大国“。As是一个特殊的引导词,引导定语从句时为代词。不像其他的代词性引导词用来代指一个具体的先行词,as代指整个主句的含义,which引导非限定性定语从句时,也有类似的用法。例:He is often late,which makes his teacher angry.此句which引导定语从句,代指主句的含义“他经常迟到“,作从句的主语,这时which 引导的就是非限定性定语从句。Which和as的用法相似,但也有区别。(1)which引导的定语从句只能位于

6、主句后,但as引导的从句在主句前,中,后均可,在主句前居多。(2)as常理解为“正如,正像“而which常理解为这,这事,这点“(3)as常用的固定搭配有,as is often the case,as was expected,as often happens,as is known to all,as has been said before,as is mentioned above等2副词性引导词。副词性引导词when.where,why.例:I often think of the happy days when I was in France.When引导定语从句,修饰先行词day

7、s意为“in the happy days作从句的时间状语。例:This is the building where my father works.Where引导定语从句,修饰先行词building,意为“in the building,作从句的地点状语。例:Do you know the reason why he was late.Why引导定语从句,修饰先行词reason意为“for the reason,作从句的原因状语。说明:从以上的例子可以看出,代词性引导词在从句中作主语/宾语,副词性引导词在从句中作状语。注:如果引导词在从句中作宾语,那么引导词可以省略。(一)限定性定语从句和非

8、限定性定语从句的比拟。限定性定语从句与先行词的关系密不可分,不可用逗号分开。而非限定性定语从句只是到先行词起补充说明作用,与先行词关系松散,通常用逗号将其分开,非限定性定语从句不能用that代指先行词。例:This is the photo that/whichI took.The famous basketball player,who tried to make a eback,attracted a lot of attention.二that与which的区别。领先行词指物时才需要讨论这个问题。1领先行词为不定代词,如anything,everything,nothing,none,o

9、ne,all,little,few,much等,或先行词被all,little,few,much,any,only,the every,every,no等修饰时,要用that代指先行词。例:All that is needed is a supply of oil.Finally,the thief handed everyting that he had stolen to the police.This is the only problem that remains to be settled.2.先行词是序数词/最高级形容词时,或先行词被序数词,最高级形容词,具有最高级意义的形容词如l

10、ast修饰时,要用that作引导词。例:This is the first/best film that I have seen since I came here.3.先行词同时包括人和物时,要用that作引导词。例:They often talk about the people and the things that they like most.(三)不能用that引导的定语从句。1.在非限定性定语从句中不能用that,而用who,whom,which等代指先行词。例:I saw Mary just now,who seemed very excited.2.介词后不能用that。例:

11、This is the person to whom your father spoke just now.3.领先行词是all,any,few,one(s),anyone,everyone,those,people等且指人时,只能用who,不用that.例:Those who are present will have the chance to see the film star.(四)as与which代指主句的含义。有的定语从句并不修饰一个具体的先行词,而是修饰整个主句,由which/as引导,这时which和as都代词性的,代指主句的含义,但是用法不同,上文有讲。例1:_is ofte

12、n the case,we have worked out the production plan. A. Which B.When C.What D.As例2:_is mentioned above,the number of the students in senior school is increasing. AWhich B.As C.That D.It 例3:Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others,_,of course,made the others envy him. A.who B.that C

13、.what D.which.例4:He made another wonderful discovery,_of great importance to science. A.which I think is B.which I think it is C.which I think it D.I think is例5:The weather turned out to be very good,_was more than we could expect. A. what B. which C.that五)先行词前有such,so,the same修饰时。这种情况下,定语从句用

14、as引导,as代指先行词,在从句在作主语/宾语。例:1.She is such a kind teacher as we all like.2.She is so kind a teacher as we all like3.She is such a kind teacher that we all like her.1和2句均为定语从句,先行词均为teacher,分别用了such a kind teacher和so kind a teacher构造,含义是一样的。先行词有such/so修饰,要用as.在这两个句子中,as代指先行词,逻辑语序为we all like as,as作宾语。句3用

15、了suchthat构造that本身没有含义,也不是从句的成分,只是起到引导的作用,从句的主谓宾分别为,we,like,her。这个问题的解题技巧是看从句是否主谓宾完整,如缺少宾语,必然要用引导词作宾语,选择as,如从句成分完整,选that,组成suchthat.构造。例1This is such a difficult problem_none of us can work it out2This is such a difficult problem_none of us can work out3This is a difficult problem_none of us can work

16、 out.句1是个完整的句子,用that.句2从句中缺少宾语,且problem有such修饰,故是定语从句,用引导词as,句3从句缺少宾语,为定语从句,但没有such,so,the same修饰,故用that/which代指先行词。六“介词+收导词引导定语从句。例1:This is the faith with which I went back to the south.先行词为faith,with which I went back to the south为定语从句。Which代指先行词faith,从句逻辑语序为I went back to the south with which.因为

17、that 不能用在介词后面,只能用which代指先行词faith.例2:He is the right person with whom we can finish the taks in time.先行词person,with whom we can finish the task n time为定语从句。Whom代指先行词 person,定语从句的逻辑语序为we can finish the task with whom in time.同样that 不能用在介词后,故只能用whom代指先行词作介词的宾语。注:(1)上面的两个定语从句中,如果介词在从句的句中/句末,那么可使用that作引导

18、词,即This is the faith that/which I went back to the south with和He is the right person whom/that we can finish the task with in time.(2)因为引导词作介词的宾语,如果介词在从句的句中/句末,引导词可以省略。即This is the faith I went back to the south with和He is the right person we can finish the task with in time.(七)whose和of whom/which引导

19、的定语从句。1.whose 的用法Whose引导定语从句时,意为“.的先行词是人/物时可用whose.例1:George Orwell,_was Eric Arthur,wrote many political novels and essays. A.the real name B.what his real name C.his real name D.whose real name例2:Look out! Dont get too close to the house_roof is under repair. A.whose B.which C.of wich D.that2.of w

20、hich/whom的用法。除了用whose之外,还可用of短语引导定语从句,因为whom指人which指物,先行词为人时用the.of whom,先行词为物时用,the.of which构造。例3:George Orwell,_the real name was Eric Arthur,wrote many political novels and essays.A. his B. whose C. of which D.of whom解析:答案为D项。些题容易错选B项,但是如选B项,由逻辑语序whose the real name was Eric Arthur可知冠词the的用法不正确,正

21、确表达方式应为whose real name,故B项错误。选择D项从句的逻辑语序为the real name of whom was Eric Arthur,whom代指先行词George Orwell。C项错误,因which不能代指“人的先行词。例4:Look out!Dont get too close to the house_the roof is under repair.A. whose B. of which C. of whom D.which八the way 后面的定语从句例:1.I dont like the way in which you speak to her.2.

22、I dontt like the way that you speak to her.3.I dont like the way you speak to her.解析:在句1.中,which代指先行词the way,定语从句的逻辑语序为you speak to her in which,意为“你用那种方式和她说话。因which代指the way,故用in 和which搭配,in which 在从句中为方式状语。根据定语从句的句法规那么,in which 引导定语从句作方式状语时,in which也可使用that代替,或者省略引导词,也就是句2和句3的表达方式都是正确的。需要注意的是,句2中的

23、that并非前文所说的代词性的that代指先行词的常规用法,而副词作方式状语,相当于in which.注意:句2与句3正确的前提是引导词在从中作状语,并非the way后的定语从句都是如此。例:You speak to her in the way_I dont like.解析:先行词为the way,_I dont like为定语从句,其逻辑语序应为I dont like_,引导词应代指先行词the way,在从句中作宾语,故用that或which都可以。又因为引导词是从句的宾语,因此也可省略,即下面的三种表达方式都是正确的:1.You speak to her in the way whi

24、ch I dont like.2.You speak to her in the way that I dont like.3.You speak to her in the way I dont like.注意:句3中的省略的是that或which,因为引导词作从句的宾语,而“I dont like the way you speak to her.中省略的是in which或that,引导词是从句的方式状语。区别这两种情况首先应判断引导词在从句中的成分,是从句的宾语还是状语,然后再判断用什么引导词或是否可以省略。例:What surprised me was not what he sai

25、d but_he said it.(*卷)A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which解析:答案为A项。句意为“令我吃惊的不是他说的话,而是他说话的方式。根据句意可知the way前不用in,可排除B项和C项。the way是先行词,he said it 为定语从句,逻辑语序为he said it_,引导词为从句的方式状语,可用in which、that或省略。D项的错误在于把引导词误用为从句的宾语。九the reason后的定语从句Reason作先行词后面的定语从句常用why或for which引导。例1:That

26、wasnt the reason why/for which he lied to you.使用什么引导词还是由引导词在从句中充当的成分决定。例2:Is this the reason_at the meeting for his carelessness in his work(*卷)A. he explained B. what he explained he explained D.why he explained解析:答案A项。定语从句的逻辑语序为he explained_at the meeting for his carelessness in his work,可见引

27、导词作explain的宾语,应为代词,代指先行词the reason,故用which或that均可,又因为引导词作从句的宾语,可以省略。假设用why引导从句,些句应改为Is this the reason why he was careless in his work,此时why为从句的原因状语,当然也可使用for which代替。十分隔定语从句分隔定语从句就是先行词和定语从句之间有其他成分插入的情况也并不罕见,如A new teacher will e tomorrow who will teach you English一句中,先行词为teacher,who引导定语从句,先行词与从句之间插

28、入了will e tomorrow.例1:The film brought the hours back to me_I was taken good care of in that far-away village.A. until B. that C. when D. where例2: It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year,_for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.A. that B. while C.which D.when例3:It

29、 was an exciting moment for these football fans this year,_for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.A. in which B. at which(十一)that引导定语从句和引导其他从句的差异引导其他从句时,that没有具体含义,也不作从句的成分,只是起“引导的作用,但是that引导定语从句时作代词,代指先行词,作从句的主语或宾语。例:1.I dont believe the story_he told me just now.2.I dont believe

30、the story_he got lost in the mountain.(十二)which引导定语从句和引导其他从句的区别Which引导定语从句时代指先行词,因些其含义就是先行词的含义。Which引导其他从句时,用其本义“哪个、哪些。例1:I dont know which I should choose.例2:The day_you are looking forward to will certainly e.A. in which B. when C.which D.what例3:His movie won several awards at the film festival,_w

31、as beyond his wildest dream.A. which B. that C. where D. it(十三)where的特殊含义Where引导定语从句通常表示“在某处之意,但是当condition,case,point等词意为“状态,并做先行词时,可用where引导定语从句,意为“在某种状态下,也可用相应的介词搭配which引导定语从句。例:1.We get to the point where/at which we believe that nothing will work.2.I find it hard to handle a case where/in which I cant find right words to express myself.3.Spatic(痉挛)is a condition where a person loses muscle control.定语从句1.The place _interested me most was the Childrens Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which

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