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1、18年高考英语一轮复习基础考点聚焦Unit20NewFrontiers北师大版选修7Unit 20 New Frontiers 话题:科技前沿(New frontier of technology)1.develop vt. 发展 n. 技术3.advance vt. 进步4.robot n. 机器人5.replace vt. 代替6.emergency n. 突发事件7.dial v. 拨(电话号码)8.adjust v. 调整 v. 设计10.convenient adj. 方便的11.rescue vt. 援救12.efficient adj. 效

2、率高的13.effective adj. 有效果的14.relax vt. 使放松15.outstanding adj. 杰出的16.achievement n. 成就17.take care of 照顾18.household robots 家务机器人19.individual needs 个人需要20.keep sb. company 陪伴某人1.Hearing the news, all the students in the classroom jumped with joy.听到这个消息,教室里的所有学生都高兴地跳起来。2.I will work hard to be admitte

3、d to Beijing University, from which Tu Youyou graduated.我会努力学习争取被北大录取,屠呦呦就是从那里毕业的。3.Some robots have entered families, helping people do some housework.一些机器人已经走入家庭,帮助人们做一些家务活。学校正在组织科技创新大赛,你想为日常生活中某件物品(如钢笔、书包、鞋子)设计添加新功能来参赛。请以“My Magic _”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍你的创意。内容:1.说明设计理由;2介绍新功能My Magic Water BottleMy magic

4、 water bottle will be a replacement of the traditional one which can change the temperature of the inside water automatically according to the changes of the outer environment.There are certain factors I take into account on my new invention. For one thing, traditional water bottle makes it inconven

5、ient for travelers to have a comfortable drink anytime and anywhere. For another, drinking too cold or too hot water does nothing but harm to our health, so my magic water bottle can serve as an assistant or a doctor.The new functions will win my magic water bottle enormous love and popularity. On t

6、he one hand, the automatic temperaturecontrolling system mentioned above can adjust the water temperature. On the other hand, we can set a desirable temperature for the inside water, and what surprises us most is that the water can remain at that temperature for about twenty hours.1software n 软件2cre

7、w n. 全体机组人员3garment n. 衣服4welfare n. 福利5conflict n. 争执;冲突6digital adj. 数字式的7official n. 官员8colleague n. 同事,同僚9recreation n. 消遣;娱乐10patent n. 专利11boundary n. 界线;边界12phenomenon n. 现象13headline n. 大标题14sneeze vi. 打喷嚏15autonomous adj. 自主的;自治的1handy adj. 方便使用的2download vt. 下载3update vt. 更新4rescue vt. 拯救,

8、救援5disconnect v. 使不连接;切断6original adj. 起初的;最早的7procedure n. 步骤;程序8correspond vi. 通信;符合9meanwhile adv. 同时10outcome n. 后果,结果11cure vt. 治愈12wrestle vi. 努力解决;摔跤;搏斗13fade vi. 逐渐变弱14press vt. 按;压15dilemma n. 困境,进退两难的窘境1assist vt.帮助;协助assistance n帮助;协助assistant n助手;助理2technical adj.技术上的technique n技术3latter

9、 n后者late adj.迟的lately adv.最近4starvation n饥饿starve v挨饿5equality n平等equal adj.平等的v.等于equally adv.平等地;同样地6assess vt.评估;评价assessment n评价;评估7donate vt.捐赠;赠送donation n捐赠;赠送donator n捐赠者8permanent adj.长久的,永久的permanently adv.永久地9permit vt.允许,许可permission n允许;准许10poisonous adj.有毒的poison n毒药;毒物11declare vt.宣告;

10、宣布declaration n宣布12exploration n探测;探险explore v探险;考察;勘查explorer n探险家;勘探者13settler n移民;殖民者settle vt.定居;解决settlement n定居;解决14instructor n指导者;教练instruct vt.指导 instruction n介绍 用所给词的适当形式填空1The assistant will come to your assistance soon and he will assist you with all the work.(assist)2He has written a no

11、vel consisting of two parts lately and today he was late for work and left the latter part at home.(late)3In winter, many animals will starve to death if they cant find enough food. Last year, about 200 animals died of starvation in this area.(starve)4Many people have donated to the poor boy before

12、and now some more people will make a donation to him again.With the donated money,he will live better.(donate)5These explorers are exploring the area for oil now and their exploration began two years ago.(explore)1in_advance 提前,预先2take_over 接收,接管3give_away 泄露(秘密);赠送4shortly_after 不久后5cure_sb.of_sth.

13、 治好某人的疾病;纠正(某人)的(坏习惯)6come_into_conflict 发生冲突7click_into 点击进入8drop_off 下降9rather_than 而不是10in_conclusion 总之11not_to_mention 更不用说12figure_out 想出;理解;计算出13get_across 使理解,把讲清楚14be_dedicated_to 致力于;献身于15make_up_for 弥补 选用上面的短语填空The other day we were informed 1.in_advance that a young man would 2.take_over

14、 our company.3.Shortly_after the new manager arrived, he took charge of our company.At the meeting he said that he would try his best to 4.cure_the_company_of the old rules,which caused him to e_into_conflict with some old workers.Luckily,the two sides came to an agreement in the end.1“by时间点”常与完成时连用

15、By the year 2015 ,the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.【仿写】到这个学期末,我们将学完我们所有的课程。By the end of this term,we will_have_finished_learning all our lessons.2be doing.when.正在这时In the summer of 1905,this outspoken young ma

16、n was rocking his oneyearold baby when he was suddenly inspired.【仿写】那天她正在看电影,这时电话响了。She was_seeing a film when her phone rang that day.3There is no doubt about/that.表示“毫无疑问”There is no doubt about it.【仿写】毫无疑问邻居间的关系已经不像以前那么亲密。There_is_no_doubt_that the relationship between neighbors is not as close a

17、s it used to be.将来完成时与将来进行时单句语法填空1At this time tomorrow I will_be_flying(fly) over that beautiful city.2By the end of next month,we will_have_learnt(learn) about 3,000 English words.3They will_have_lived(live) in the village for five years by next March.4Dont phone me between 5 and 6.We will_be_havi

18、ng(have) dinner then.5By the time he comes back,I will_have_finished(finish) my homework.We will go out together. assistvt.& vi.帮助,协助;参与,出席(经典例句)These measures were designed to assist people with disabilities.采取这些措施是为了帮助残疾人。(2)assistance n. 帮助come to ones assistance 来帮助某人with the assistance of. 在的帮助

19、下(3)assistant n. 助手;助理 (2016全国卷丙)Im sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept assistance from.我确信,他最不愿意接受我的帮助。It is said that his father worked as a personal assistant when he was young.据说,他父亲年轻时做过私人助理。基础练习单句语法填空(1)The young man assists the manager with many of his duties every day

20、.(2)The girl asked us to assist her in carrying(carry) through her plan.(3)I waited patiently hoping that someone would come to my assistance(assist)能力提升一句多译这个男孩的老师帮助了他,最后他实现了梦想。(4)The boy was_assisted_by_his_teacher and he achieved his dream at last.(assist)(5)Assisted_by_his_teacher,the boy achiev

21、ed his dream at last.(过去分词作状语)(6)With_the_assistance_of_his_teacher,the boy achieved his dream at last.(assistance) rescue n& vt.营救;救援(教材P134)Dave also goes outside the ship to rescue Frank,and HAL refuses to let him back in. 戴维也到飞船外面去营救弗兰克,而HAL不让他再进来。(1)rescue.from. 从救出(2)come/go to sb.s rescue 援救某

22、人 (2016北京高考)Now, electric shock training and medical treatment are helping to rescue these big birds.现在电击训练和药物治疗正在帮助挽救这些大鸟。The failing company is hoping international banks will come to the rescue.这家即将倒闭的公司希望国际银行予以援助。The young teacher rescued three children from the burning building.这个年轻的老师从失火的大楼内救出

23、了三个孩子。基础练习单句语法填空(1)Hundreds of people are still in the water, waiting to_be_rescued(rescue)(2)The child who fell into the river would have died if the young man hadnt come to his rescue.能力提升用rescue的适当形式或搭配完成小片段(3)事故一发生,救援队就来营救受害者了,并且没有放弃使他们脱离危险的任何希望。As soon as the accident happened, the rescue team

24、came_to_the_victims_rescue,_and didnt give up any hope of rescuing_them_from_danger donatevt.捐赠;赠送(2016北京高考)Volunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys.志愿者们用车装载着捐赠的衣服和玩具来了。(1)donate sb./sth. 向某人/事捐献某物(2)donation n. 捐献;捐赠;捐款,捐赠物give/make/present a donation to. 为捐赠 The old man wa

25、s so kind that last year he donated $1,000 to cancer research.这位老人很善良,去年他捐了1 000美元支持癌症研究。If you would like to make a credit card donation,ring us now.如果你想用信用卡捐款,现在就给我们打电话。基础练习单句语法填空(1)We donate to the school fund every year.The donation is given to those who do best in exams.(donate)(2)If we all sav

26、e a little money every day to_donate(donate) (it) to the Project Hope,then many dropouts can return to school again.能力提升一句多译这位富人经常捐款给残疾人。(3)The rich man often donates_some_money_to_the_disabled(donate)(4)The rich man often makes_a_donation_to_the_disabled(donation) meanwhileadv.同时n期间(2015重庆高考写作)Mean

27、while,they exchange ideas and feelings with each other,through which they probably acquire more knowledge. 同时,他们彼此交换意见和感受,通过这种方式他们可能获得更多的知识。 meanwhilemeantimeat the same time 同时;期间in the meanwhile/meantime 在此期间;与此同时 (2015湖北高考)Your inner ear thinks yourre falling. Meanwhile your eyes are telling you

28、youre standing straight.你的内耳认为你在倒下,同时你的眼睛告诉你,你正在直直地站着。The doctor will be here soon.In the meanwhile,try and relax.医生很快就来,在此期间,你努力放松一下。巧学活用单句写作(1)与此同时,均衡饮食和有规律的锻炼帮助我们保持身心健康。Meanwhile,_a_balanced_diet_and_regular_exercise can help us keep healthy both physically and mentally.(2)我专注地听一些事实细节。同时,我要根据他的回答

29、准备下一个问题。I concentrated on listening for detailed facts.Meanwhile,_I_had_to_prepare_the_next_question depending on what he said. curevt.治愈,治好n疗法;疗效(经典例句)It can uncover laws of nature,cure diseases,make bombs,and help bridges to stand up.它可以揭示自然界的规律,治愈疾病,制造炸弹,帮助桥梁挺立。cure sb.of sth. 治好某人的病; 改掉某人的恶习a cu

30、re for sth. 疾病的治疗方法 The girl is badly injured and it might be several months before she is fully cured.这个女孩伤得很重,她可能需要好几个月才能完全痊愈。There is no cure for this kind of disease,but the symptoms can be managed.这种病没有能治愈的药物,但是症状可以得到控制。Our teacher is looking for a way to cure us of our bad habits in learning.我们的老师正在寻找方法改掉我们在学习上的坏习惯。基础练习单句语法填空(1)The fact is that the medicine cant cure his father of his cancer.(2)Chinese scientists are absorbed in further research to find a cure for cancer.能力提升单句写作(3)(2015湖北高考完

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