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1、前台接待常用英语打招呼或者问候:Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening, this is Haicheng Agricultural Group, may I help you?早晨/下午/晚上好,这里是海诚农业集团,请问有什么可以帮到您?Welcome to Haicheng Agricultural Group.May I help you?欢迎光临海诚农业集团。询问访客身份:May I have your name?请问您的姓名?How to spell your name?怎么拼写你的名字?What company are you from?/

2、 could you tell me what company you are representing?您来自哪家公司?Would you give me your businese card?能赐一张您的名片吗?May I see your ID, please?你有证件吗?Do you have an appointment?请问您预约了吗?Did you make an appointment with him/her?你跟他/她预约了吗?CanIaskwhatyouwishtoseehimabout?我能问一下您要见他有何事吗?签字登记:Please sign your name h

3、ere.请在这签名.请客人稍等:Please have a sit and wait a few moment!请您坐下稍等片刻。Please follow me. Sit down here, please.Ill see if he/shes available now.请跟我来,请坐,我去看一下他/她是否有空。8、Would you like (drink) tea or coffee? How do you like your coffee?您想喝点什么?茶还是咖啡?要什么样的咖啡?(是否加奶或加糖)9、Mr.X/Ms.X is expecting you, Ill tell him

4、youre here.X先生/女士 正在等您,我告诉他/她 您已到。7、After you.您先请.特殊情况如果客户说了一遍名字,你却没有听清,怎么办?与其说I beg your pardon,更不如说以下这句来的委婉礼貌:Im sorry. I didnt catch your name.如果对接人没空/暂无法接待:Im sorry. Mr.X/Ms.X has a full schedule this week/today.报歉,X先生/女士 本周/今天 的日程已排满。May I tell him what you wish to see him/her about?您找 他/她 什么事我

5、能转告吗?Could you please write a note to him on the matter you wish to see him about?您能否留下便条说明您有什么事要见 他/她 ?接电话用语:接电话时不可以简单地回答“Hello”,而应报上自己的公司或所属单位的名称。例如:“Hello, this is Information/reception Desk.”您好,这里是前台。“Information Desk speaking. May I help you?”这里是前台,请问有什么需要帮助吗?打错电话时,如果是外线打错时,可以回答:I am afraid you

6、 have the wrong number.不好意思,您打错电话了。当负责的工作人员不在时I am afraid Mr.Lin is out at the moment. He should be back around 5p.m.不好意思,林先生现在外出。他应该会在下午5点左右回来。I am afraid Mr.Hao is on another line. Could you hold the line, please?不好意思,郝先生正在讲电话。请您在线上稍侯好吗?Ill tell him to call you back when he returns.他回来时,我会请他回电。Im

7、sorry. He is busy right now. Would you like to call back later?对不起.他正忙.您过一会再打来好吗?He was here just now. He just stepped out.他刚才还在这.他刚出去.Would you like to leave a message?您要留言吗?Im sorry. He is talking on the phone now. Please call back later.对不起,他在打电话.请过会再打来.询问姓名:May I have your name and phone number,

8、 please?请告诉我您的大名和电话好吗?May I know who is calling?请问您是哪位?结束电话中的对话时,不可以简单说“bye-bye”,最好说:Thank you for calling.感谢您的来电。You are welcome, sir.先生,不客气。We look forward to hearing from you.我们静候您的佳音。Please contact me if you have any further questions.如果您有任何其他问题,请和我联络。Have a good day!祝您开心Have a nice weekend!周末开心

9、Give me one second please. 请稍等One moment please, let me call him/her first.稍等,我给他/她打个电话.方向指引:在左边/右边:be on the left/right在前方:be straight ahead左/右转:turn left/right直走:go straight会议室:meeting room洽谈室:negotiation room卫生间:toilet 例句:The stairs are on the left.楼梯在左边。theres a lift at the end of the corridor.走

10、廊尽头有架电梯。Go straight and through the staff canteen. Mens room is on the left.直走,穿过员工餐厅。男士洗手间在左边。 walk along this way and find the last room on the right, by the GM dept.A:沿着这条道一直走,右边最后一间就是,就在总经办旁边。对话:jack:excuse me. where can i wash my hands?对不起,请问洗手间在哪里?staff :take the elevator to the second floor a

11、nd turn right.坐电梯到二楼然后右转。jack:to the second floor and turn right?到二楼然后右转吗?staff :right. you shouldnt have any trouble finding them.对,很容易找到的。jack:but where is the elevator?但电梯在哪儿呢?staff :its right around the corner.就在拐角处。有人询问方向时,如果不知道怎么表达可以说:I will take you there.然后亲自带她去就可以了。时间表达:直接表达法A. 用基数词 + ocloc

12、k表示整点,注意oclock须用单数,可以省略。如:eight oclock 八点钟 ten (oclock) 十点钟B. 时 + 分,直接写出时间。如:eleven-o-five 十一点过五分, six forty六点四十2. 间接表达法A. 分 + past + 时:表示“几点几分”,分钟数少于30 ( 包括半小时half ),其中past是介词,意思是“过”。如:twenty past four 四点二十 eight past one 一点八分B. (60分钟-原分钟数)+ to +(原钟点数+ 1),表示超过半小时的 “几点差几分”,其中to是介词,意思是“差”。如:8:35 twen

13、ty-five to nine 差二十五分钟九点,即八点三十五(其中的分钟数=60分钟-35分钟;钟点数=8+1)注:A:15分钟,可用名词quarter (一刻钟)表示。如:7:15 a quarter past seven12:15 a quarter past twelveB:30分钟,可用名词half (一半)表示。如:9:30 half past nine3:30 half past threeC. 表示上午,在时间后加上am或a.m.。如:上午六点十三分 thirteen past sixa.m.表示下午,在时间后加上pm或p.m.。如:下午四点 four oclockp.m.D.

14、 表示大约,可在时间前加上介词about。如:大约八点 about eightE. 时间前面应用介词at, 表示在的意思。如:在九点钟 at nine 大约在下午五点三十五分 at about five thirty-fivep.m. 情景对话:前台接待访客常用会话(1)Rose is a receptionist at Modern Office limited. In this part Rose will speak to Mr. 罗斯是现代办公有限公司的接待员。在这一部分,罗斯将和侯赛因先生对话,Hussein, who has an appointment with the Sale

15、s Manager Mr. Shelli at 11:30.他在11:30与销售经理Shelli先生约好了。ROSE: Good morning. Can I help you?罗斯:早上好。我能帮助你吗?MR HUSSEIN: Good morning. Is this Modern Office Ltd.?侯赛因先生:早上好。这是现代办公有限公司吗?ROSE: Yes it is.罗斯:是的。MR HUSSEIN: I have an appointment with the Sales Manager at 11: 30.侯赛因先生:11:30我和销售经理有个预约。ROSE: May I

16、 have your name, please?罗斯:请告诉我你的名字好吗?MR HUSSEIN: Hussein. Omar Hussein. Im from the Gulf Trading Company.侯赛因先生:侯赛因。Omar Hussein。我是海湾贸易公司的。ROSE: Let me see. Ah yes, Mr Hussein.Please take a seat, Mr Hussein.罗斯:让我想想啊,是的,侯赛因先生。请坐,侯赛因先生。 Ill tell the Managers Secretary you are here.我会告诉经理秘书你来了。(DIALS)拨

17、电话MARIA: Mr Shellis Office.玛丽亚:Shelli先生的办公室。ROSE: Hello Maria, this is Reception. Mr Omar Hussein is here. He has an appointment with Mr Shelli at 11.30.罗斯:你好,玛丽亚,这是前台。Omar Hussein先生来了。他和Shelli先生约好了11:30。MARIA: Mr Omar Hussein?玛丽亚:Omar Hussein先生?ROSE: Yes, hes from the Gulf Trading Company.罗斯:是的,他来自

18、海湾贸易公司。MARIA: Oh, yes, thats right. Ill come and fetch him now.玛丽亚:哦,是的,没错。我现在就来接他。ROSE: Thanks. (REPLACES PHONE) Mr Shellis secretary is coming down now.罗斯:谢谢。(取代电话)Shelli先生的秘书现在正在下楼。MR HUSSEIN: Thank you.侯赛因先生:谢谢。MARIA: Mr Hussein?玛丽亚:侯赛因先生?MR HUSSEIN: Yes, thats right.侯赛因先生:是的,没错。MARIA: Im the Sa

19、les Managers secretary. Please come this way. Ill take you to his office.玛丽亚:我是销售经理的秘书。请这边走。我带你去他的办公室。前台接待访客常用会话(2)一般的访客都是提前有预约的。但也有些没有预约的“不速之客”。这个时候前台应该怎样接待这些客人呢?我们看看Rose 是怎么做的吧!The second visitor is Mr Li. He has not an appointment, but he wants to see Mr Shelli.第二位来访者是李先生。他没有预约,但他想见Shelli先生。MR LI

20、: Good morning.李先生:早上好。ROSE: Good morning. Oh, Mr Li. How are you? 罗斯:早上好。哦,李先生。你好吗?”MR LI: Im fine, thanks, and you?李先生:我很好,谢谢,你呢?ROSE: Oh, busy as usual. Do you want to see Mr Shelli?罗斯:哦,像往常一样忙。你想见Shelli先生吗?MR LI: Yes, please.李先生:是的,请。ROSE: Have you an appointment?罗丝:你约好了吗?MR LI: Er. No, I havent

21、. You see, I only arrived in the country this morning.李先生:呃不,我没有。你看,我今天早上才回国。ROSE: Well, I know hes busy at the moment but Ill ask his secretary when hell be free. Please sit down.罗斯:嗯,我知道他现在很忙,但我会问他的秘书他什么时候有空。请坐。MR LI: Thank you.李先生:谢谢。(DIALS)MARIA: Mr Shellis office.玛丽亚:Shelli先生的办公室。ROSE: Oh, hell

22、o Maria. Its reception again. I have Mr Li here. He hasnt an appointment but hed like to see Mr Shelli. When will he be free?罗斯:哦,你好,玛丽亚。又是前台。李先生在这里。他没有预约,但他想见Shelli先生。他什么时候有空?MARIA: Let me see . Well, Hmmm, hell be free about 12.30. Can Mr Li wait?玛丽亚:让我想想嗯,嗯,他大约12.30点钟有空。李先生能等吗?ROSE: Mr Shelli wil

23、l be free about half past twelve. Can you wait?罗斯:Shelli先生大约十二点半有空。你能等一下吗?MR LI: Whats the time now?李先生:现在几点了?ROSE: Its nearly 12: 00.罗斯:快十二点了。MR LI: Oh thats fine. Ill wait.李先生:哦,很好。我会等的。ROSE: (TO MARIA) Maria, Mr Li will wait.萝丝:(玛丽亚)玛丽亚,李先生会等的。MARIA: Right. Ill fetch him when Mr Shellis free.玛丽亚:

24、好的。Shelli先生有空时,我去接他。ROSE: Thanks. (REPLACES PHONE) (TO MR LI) Shell come and fetch you later.罗斯:谢谢。(代替电话)(对李先生)她稍后会来接你的。MR LI: Thank you.李先生:谢谢。ROSE: Where are you staying, Mr Li?罗斯:李先生,你住在哪里?MR LI: At the Plaza.李先生:在普拉萨。ROSE: The Plaza?罗斯:普拉萨?MR LI: Yes, I usually stay there.李先生:是的,我通常呆在那儿。前台接待访客常用

25、会话(3)公司里常来的客户一般前台都熟悉。当然,也会有陌生人来造访。这不,Mr Lefere 来造访 Mr Ballito 了。且看Rose如何处理。MR LEFERE: Good morning.列夫先生:早上好。ROSE: Good morning. Can I help you?罗斯:早上好。我能帮助你吗?MR LEFERE: Er, yes. I have an appointment with Mr Ballito at a quarter past ten.列夫先生:呃,是的。我十点十五分和Ballito先生约好了。ROSE: May I have your name please

26、?罗斯:请告诉我你的名字好吗?MR LEFERE: Paul Lefere from the International Hotel Group.列夫先生:Paul Lefere,来自国际酒店集团。ROSE: Thank you. Please take a seat, Mr Lefere, and Ill phone Mr Ballitos office.罗斯:谢谢。请坐,Lefere先生,我给Ballito先生的办公室打电话。(DIALS)(拨号盘)OPAL: Mr Ballitos office.欧泊:Ballito先生的办公室。ROSE: Hello, Opal. This is Re

27、ception. Mr Lefere is here for his 10:15 appointment.罗斯:你好,Opal。这是前台。Lefere先生来了,预约的10点15分。OPAL: Oh yes Rose. Mr Ballitos expecting him. He is in Room 9 on the first floor.蛋白石:哦,是的,罗斯。Ballito先生在等他。他在一楼的9房间。ROSE: Thanks. (REPLACES PHONE) MR Lefere, would you please go up to Room 9 on the first floor.

28、Mr Ballitos expecting you.罗斯:谢谢。(替换电话)列夫先生,请您到一楼9室去。Ballito先生在等你。MR LEFERE: Room 9 on the first floor.列夫先生:一楼9号房。ROSE: Thats right. The stairs are on the left.罗斯:对。楼梯在左边。MR LEFERE: Thank you.左旋先生:谢谢。前台接待访客常用会话(4)MR SING: Excuse me. Is this Modern Office Ltd?辛先生:对不起。这是现代办公室吗?ROSE: Yes, thats right. C

29、an I help you?柔丝:是的,没错。我能帮助你吗?MR SING: Well, I d like to see the director about contracts for office furniture, Heres my card.辛先生:嗯,我想去见一下主管谈谈办公器具的合同问题,这是我的名片。ROSE: Thank you. (READING CARD) Mr Sing. Have you an appointment, Mr Sing?罗斯:谢谢。(读名片)辛先生。Sing先生,您约好了吗?MR SING: Er. No, Im afraid I havent.宋先生

30、:呃不,恐怕我没有。ROSE: Well, the Sales Manager usually deals with contracts. Thats Mr Shelli.萝丝:嗯,销售经理通常是处理合同的。那是Shelli先生。MR SING: Oh, is it possible to see him now?宋先生:哦,现在有可能见到他吗?ROSE: Just a moment please. Ill phone his secretary to see if hes free. Please take a seat.柔丝:请稍等。我给他的秘书打电话,看看他是否有空。请坐。MR SING

31、: Thank you.宋先生:谢谢。(DIALS)(拨号盘)MARIA: Mr Shellis office.玛丽亚:Shelli先生的办公室。ROSE: Hello Maria.Rose here, Reception. I have a Mr Sing here. He wants to know about office furniture contracts. Is Mr Shelli free to see him?罗斯:你好,玛丽亚.我是罗斯,接待员.我这里有一位辛先生。他想了解有关办公家具的合同。Shelli先生有空见他吗?MARIA: Yes he is. In fact, he

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