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1、小学英语五年级英语第一单元领程教育一对一个性化辅导教案授课学科英语授课年级五年级授课时间授课教师葛老师授课对象课型一对一授课题目5B Unit 1知识与技能与难点 运用本单元知识进行口语交流教学重点1 科目名称2 时间点的介词3 几种句型提问参考资料书本 教材解析教学方法 解析课本教研组长(签字) 校长(签字)课后反思本次课后作业学生对本次课评价: A+(105):老师备课特别充分,讲课特别生动,上课特别有效。 A(99):老师备课很充分,讲课很生动,上课很有效。 B(80):老师备课比较充分,讲课比较生动,上课比较有效。 C(50):老师备课一般,讲课一般,上课一般。 D(0):老师备课混乱

2、,讲课水平低,上课没有效。 学生签字:教师评定:1. 学生上次作业评价:2. 学生本次上课情况评价: 教师签字:Unit 1一词组1 in a week 在一周里 2 on Monday 在星期一 3 in the afternoon 在下午 4 on Wednesday morning在星期三上午 5 on Thursdays 在每周的星期四 6 eight subjects 八门学科 7 have a lesson 上一节课 8 the first lesson of the new term 新学期的第一课 9 Welcome back to school欢迎回到学校。 10 Nice

3、to see you.很高兴见到你。11 Social Science社会科学 12 Computer Studies电脑课13 What day星期几 14 this term这学期 14 what subject 什么课程 15 How about you?那你呢? 16 an interesting subject 一门有趣的科目 17 every day 每天 18 how many English lessons多少节英语课 19 tell a story 讲故事。20 Can you tell me?你能告诉我吗? 21 boys and girls 孩子们22 plus and

4、minus 加和减 23 tell me your name 告诉我你的名字24 at once立刻,马上 25 more English lessons 更多的英语课 26 Ill show you 我会演示(证明)给你看的 27 Whats the trick? 窍门是什么?(有什么窍门)二 词性转换China(形容词)Chinese here(同音词)hearlesson(同义词)class good(反义词)badinterest(形容词)interesting buy(同音词)by/byeminus(反义词)plus she(宾格)herright(同音词)write he(宾格)h

5、imright(反义词)wrong open(反义词)close三、句子1. What day is it today? Its Monday. 今天星期几?今天是星期一。2 What lessons do you have in the morning? We have. 上午你们有什么课?我们有3 What new subjects do you have this term? 这学期你们有些什么新科目?5What subject do you like? I like Music. 你喜欢什么学科?我喜欢音乐。6How many English lessons do they have

6、in a week?他们一个星期有几节英语课?7 I hope we have more English lessons.我希望我们有更多的英语课。8. Whats 321 minus 123 ? Its 198. 321减去123是多少?是198。9. Welcome back to school. 欢迎回到学校。10. Can you tell me at once?你能立刻告诉我吗?11. The hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor. 在钟附近的热咖啡是给那个医生的。练习一,词组:1. 六门学科_ 2. 在下午_ _ 3. 一周_ 4.

7、 一节有趣的语文 5. 新学期_ 6. 在早上_ 7. 多少节课_8. 什么科目_9. 欢迎返回学校_ 10. 上一节数学课_11.第一节课 12. Computer Studies 13. at once 14. How about you? _15在星期三上午 16. Social Science _二、根据要求写出单词的适当形式。 1. study(复数) 2. photo(同义词) 3. one(序数词) 4. China(形容词) 5. have(三单) 6. bus(复数) 7. know(同音词) 8. fat(反义词) 9. sun(同音词) 10. teach(名词) 三、填

8、入适当的介词1. How many Art lessons do you have _ _ a week?2. We have a Computer Studies lesson _ _ _ Friday.3. First draw some flowers _ the paper.4. She goes to school half past seven.5. Can you come and help me my Maths?6. Heres a new copybook _ Nancy.7. Take _ your coat, please. Its hot today.8. Boys

9、and girls, this is the first day _ the new term. 四 选择题( ) 1. What _ is it today?Its Monday. A. date B. day C. week ( ) 2. what lessons do you have _ the afternoon? A. in B. on C. at ( ) 3. How _ lessons do you have on Monday? A. much B. many C. any( ) 4. what _ do you like? A. lesson B. subject C. l

10、esson( ) 5. I like Chinese. _ you? A. Who are B. How about C. Where ar( ) 6. Whats 321 _ 123? Its 198. A. minus B. plus C. and( ) 7. Mr Li and his students are _ a lessons. A. have B. having C. going ( ) 8. _ I help you? A. Could B. Would C. Can ( ) 9. This is first lesson of the new term. A. a B. t

11、he C. an( ) 10.We dont have lessons on Sunday. A. some B. much C. any( ) 11. What does he _? He _ many computer books. A. has, has B. have, has C has, have( ) 12. What colour _ the shoes?A. am B. is C. are ( )1 3. This is _ red apple. _ apple is on my desk.A. an, The B. a, The C. a, A( ) 14. _ that

12、girl? Shes Helen.A. How about B. Whose C. Whos ( ) 15. _ sister is _ English teacher.A. Your, my B. We, it C. Our, we ( ) 16. Who _ your English teacher and PE teacher?A. am B. is C. are 五、连词成句。 1. what, is, today, day, it ? 2 many, Chinese, do, have, we, in, lessons, a how, week ?3. we, three, in,

13、have, lessons, morning, the .4. what, do , like, subject, you ?5. can, at, once, tell, you, me ?六、句子搭配( ) 1. How many computer in the classroom? A. Thank you.( ) 2. Welcome back to school. B. 5.( ) 3. Can you tell me at once? C. Its 55.( ) 4. I like Chinese. How about you? D. All right.( ) 5. Whats

14、23 plus 32? E. I like Maths. 七、根据要求写句子。1. Its Friday.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is it?2. I like Chinese.(对划线部分提问)_ _ do you like?3. We have five lessons a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ lessons do you have a week?4. We have Chinese, English, Maths and Science every morning. (对划线部分提问)_ lessons do you have every morning?5. He o

15、ften plays football after school. (改为否定句)He _ often _ football after school.6. I have a Science lesson on Monday. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ a Science lesson on Monday?八、根据所给汉语句子,用适当的单词完成句子,每空一词。1. 你喜欢什么学科?我喜欢美术和体育。 _ _ do you _? I like _ and _.2. 493293?你能立即答出来吗?噢,让我想想。 Whats 493 _ 293? Can you tell me _ _?

16、Er, let _ _ _.3. 我喜欢语文,它很有趣。 I _ Chinese. Its _.4. 这是新学期的第一课。 This is the _ _ of the _ _5学生们现在正在上英语课。The students English lesson now.6这个学期你们学多少门功课? do you have this term?7今天星期几?今天星期三。 is it today? Its .8你们星期四上午有艺术课吗?Do you have Art lessons ?9我非常喜欢音乐和计算机,它们很有趣。I like and Studies very much. They are .

17、 九、阅读理解。(一)判断正误,用T或F表示。Nancy:Good morning, Liu Tao.Liu Tao: Good morning. What day is it today?Nancy:Its Wednesday.Liu Tao: How many subjects do you have this term?Nancy:I have seven. They Chinese, Science, Social Science, Computer Studies, Maths, English and Art.Liu Tao: What subject do you like?Na

18、ncy:I like Chinese and Computer Studies. How about you?Liu Tao: I like Maths. Its interesting.Nancy:How many Maths lessons do you have in a week?Liu Tao: Five. I hope we have more.( ) 1. Nancy likes Maths very much. ( ) 2. Today is Wednesday.( ) 3. Liu Tao has seven subjects in a week.( ) 4. Liu Tao

19、 has four Maths lessons in a week.答案一1Six subjects 2 in the arternoon 3 a week4 an interesting Chinese 5 the new term6 in the morning 7 how many lessons 8 what subject 9 welcome to the school10 have a maths lesson 11 the first lesson12 电脑课 13 立刻 14 你呢?15 on Wednesday afternoon 16 社会科学 二1 studies 2 p

20、icture 3 first 4 chinese 5 has 6 buses 7 no 8 thin 9son 10 teacher三 1 in 2 on 3 on 4at 5 with 6 for 7 off 8of四B A B B B A BCBC BCBCA 五 1 what day is it today ?2 How many Chinese lessons do we have in a week?3we have three lessons in the morning?4 What subject do you have ?5 Can you tell me at once?六BADEC七1 what day 2 what subject 3 How many 4 what 5 does not play 6 Do have 八1what subject like Art PE2 minus at once me see 3 like interesting4 new first new term5 are having an 6 How many subjects 7 What day wenesday8 On Thursday afternoon9 Music computer interesting 10 F T FF

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