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1、慢速生活英语系列英文慢速生活英语系列101:extreme sportsCeleste: Im so glad its Friday. Are you doing anything this weekend?Ryan: Im going snowboarding with James. Celeste: Didnt you guys go bungee jumping last weekend?Ryan: Yeah, and we plan to go cave diving in a couple of weeks.Celeste: I didnt know you were into ex

2、treme sports. I guess its a big adrenaline rush.Ryan: It is. But for me, its about pushing myself to the limit.Celeste: Arent you afraid of getting hurt? Ryan: Sure. Theres always a danger of getting hurt, but we dont do these sports competitively. Its just for fun. I like trying new stunts and seei

3、ng how far we can push the boundaries of the sport. Do you want to come with us sometime? Celeste: Me? Im not really the adventurous type. Ryan: You never know. You might like it. After cave diving, well probably try climbing.Celeste: Oh, that doesnt sound too bad. Ive done some climbing before.Ryan

4、: I should tell you that we plan on going ice climbing.Celeste: Oh. In that case, I think Ill pass. Have fun this weekend.Ryan: Thanks and let me know if you change your mind.中文慢速生活英语系列101:极限运动女:真高兴又到周五了,周末你有什么打算男:我要与詹姆士去玩滑雪板女:上周末你们几个是不是去蹦极了?男:是呀,我们还打算几周后去玩峡谷蹦极呢女:我还真不知道你们几个在玩极限运动。我想那一定是非常刺激吧男:当然了,不地

5、这对我来说,这是让自己挑战极限女:你不怕受伤吗?男:当然怕。受伤的危险总是会有的,但我们这么做不是为了竞赛,是为了娱乐。我喜欢尝试新的特技动作,看自己到底能玩到多酷。你想不想什么时候加入我们?女:我?我可不是那种爱冒险的人男:也许你都不知道你会喜欢这种运动。等我们完成了峡谷蹦极,我们可能还会尝试攀登女:噢,这个听起来还不错,我以前登过山男:我应该说得更清楚些,是爬冰山女:噢,要是这样,我还是算了吧。祝你们周末玩得愉快男:多谢,什么时候改主意了,告诉我英文慢速生活英语系列102::a family road tripOur family decided to take a road trip a

6、cross the country this year. The kids were really excited and my oldest son wanted to help navigate. Before the trip, we looked at the road maps and decided on our route and the points of interest we would try to see. Since we wouldnt be taking a camper, we needed to make hotel reservations along th

7、e way. After a little planning, we were ready to go.The kids were behaving themselves the first day. My daughter was a little car sick in the morning, but we made it to our first stop without any major problems. On the second day, though, the kids were really acting up. They kept asking, “Are we the

8、re yet?” and they wanted to stop at every rest stop. My youngest son, who is only four, kept calling out the mile markers as we passed them, and I thought my head would explode if he didnt stop. On top of that, my wife wanted to stop every few miles for a photo op and I thought wed never get to the

9、next town. By the third day, I was really questioning the wisdom of taking three young children on the road for 10 days. I suspect that after this vacation, Ill need another one to recover from it. 中文慢速生活英语系列102: 全家开车旅行今年我们全家决定来一次全境开车远行。孩子们非常地兴奋,我的大儿子帮着进行规划。旅行前,我们仔细研究了地图,决定我们走哪条路,要去看的景点。因为我们不准备野营,我们

10、就得沿途订旅馆。在这些准备之后,我们准备上路了。第一天孩子们表现还算正常。我的女儿在早上有点晕车,不过到第一个歇脚点前我们一切顺利。可是第二天,孩子们就兴奋起来了。他们总是在问“怎么还没有到呀”,而且在每个休息点都要求停下来。我的小儿子只有四岁,车每经过一个里程路标,他都要大声念出来,吵得我头都大了。更要命的是,我老婆每过几英里就要停下来照相,让我觉得离我们下一个目的地遥遥无期了。第三天,我直质疑自己带着三个孩子开车游玩十天这个主意是否明智。可能这个假期结束了,我需要另外一个假期才能让自己恢复过来。英文慢速生活英语系列103:giving bad news and condolenceI wa

11、s at the hospital at with my friend, Wendy. Her father was in an accident and she was waiting to talk to the doctor. Doctor: Hello, Im Dr. Johnson. How are you holding up?Wendy: Oh, Im fine. Is there any news?Doctor: Yes. I have examined your fathers test results and Im afraid the news isnt good. Hi

12、s condition has deteriorated rapidly, and I want you to prepare for the worst.Wendy: Youre not saying that he wont recover, are you?Doctor: We can hope for the best, but your father may only have a few days. Im very sorry. Wendy: Can I see my father? Doctor: Yes, of course. .The worst did happen and

13、 Wendys father passed away the following week. At both the wake and the funeral, we all tried to console Wendy by saying things like, “Im sorry for your loss,” “Please accept my condolences,” and “My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.” The funeral director made sure that the funeral s

14、ervice went smoothly. The eulogy was short and I went with Wendy to the burial. It was a difficult time for Wendy but hopefully, having her family and friends with her made it more bearable. 中文慢速生活英语系列103:坏消息与安抚我在医院陪着我的朋友温迪。她父亲出了意外事故,她正在等着与医生交谈。男:你好,我是约翰森医生,你还好吧女:我还好,有什么新的消息吗男:是的。我已经看了你父亲的检查结果,结果并不乐

15、观。他的情况恶化得很快,你要做好最坏的打算。女:你不是在说他没有恢复的可能,是吗男:我们当然希望有好的结果,但你父亲的日子可能只有几天了,我非常抱歉女:我能去看看他吗男:当然最坏的事情还是发生了,温迪的父亲在第二周过世了。无论是在遗体告别室还是葬礼上,我们都试图用这样的话来安慰她“我为你失去亲人而难过”,“请接受我的悼念”,“在这困难之时,我们与你同在”。葬礼负责人将葬礼安排得很周全。悼词简短,我陪着温迪到墓地。对她而言这是个痛苦的时刻,不过有着她家人与朋友陪在身边,至少可以让这个时刻更好过一些。英文慢速生活英语系列104:asking for a raisePatty: Alberto, c

16、an I pick your brain for a minute?Alberto: Yeah, sure, but youll have to make it quick. Im going into a meeting at 3.Patty: Sure. Hopefully, this wont take long. Im thinking about asking for a raise. Ive been working here for a year and half, and I now have a lot more responsibilities on my plate th

17、an when I started. I think Ive earned a raise, but I dont know how to broach the issue with Wayne. I cant just go into his office and say, “Give me a raise!”Alberto: Youre right. Its not an easy thing to bring up. One thing I did when I asked for a raise last year was to remind Wayne of my qualifica

18、tions and all of the work I do around here. I tried to convince Wayne that I was indispensable. Patty: Obviously it worked. You got a raise and a promotion, too. All I want is a bump in pay. Alberto: The trick is to sell yourself without seeming self-serving. And, you dont want to give any ultimatum

19、s either. That definitely wont fly with Wayne. Patty: I can see that. I plan to talk to him at the end of the week so wish me luck.Alberto: You dont need it. Im sure Wayne will see things your way. 中文慢速生活英语系列104:要求加薪女:阿尔贝托,能占用你几分钟给我点建议吗男:好的,没问题,不过你得快点,因为我三点有会女:好,应该时间不长。我在想要求加薪。我在这里已经工作一年半了,现在工作职责也远多

20、于我刚入职的时候。我觉得我应该有加薪了,只是我不知道怎样与维纳开口。我总不能敲开他的办公室说,“给我加薪吧”男:明白了,提加薪的事确实不是个简单的事。去年我自己是这样做的,我提醒维纳我做了多少工作,我是多么地胜任。我让他理解我是不可或缺的。女:这显然奏效了。你得到了提升与加薪。而我其实只希望涨涨工资。男:关键在于你既要推销自己又不能显得太功利。另外,也别给领导玩最后通碟之类的事,维纳肯定不吃这一套。女:这我明白。我决定周末跟他谈吧,保祐我吧男:你不用太担心,我相信维纳能理解你说的是合理的。英文慢速生活英语系列105:buying a bicycleI went to the bike shop

21、 on Saturday morning to buy a bicycle. Clerk: What kind of bike are you looking for?Lance: Im really not sure.Clerk: Well, let me show you what we have. We carry road bikes, mountain bikes, beach cruisers, and racing bikes. Lance: Im going to start biking to work. Ill be riding mainly on the road, b

22、ut I want something versatile enough for anything. Clerk: Well, the road bikes are for everyday use. They have heavy frames and tires. The seats are comfortable and so are the handlebars. The mountain bikes are very sturdy for off-road cycling and have wider tires. Beach cruisers have just one speed

23、, so you wont be shifting any gears. Lance: Okay. Are the brakes hard to handle?Clerk: No. You either have foot brakes, like on the beach cruisers, or you have hand brakes. Theyre very easy to get used to. If you want to keep it simple, I would either go for a road bike or a mountain bike. Those are

24、 the most popular. Lance: If I get a bike, what other things do I need?Clerk: I usually recommend an air pump, a bike lock, and a helmet. Lance: Okay, Ill take a look around.Clerk: Sure. Just let me know if you have other questions. 中文慢速生活英语系列105:买自行车周六早上我去自行车商店想买辆自行车女:您想要款什么样的自行车男:我还真没拿定主意女:那好,我给您介


26、活英语系列106:a jealous girlfriendSarya: Hey Dom, I havent seen you in so long. Where have you been?Dominick: Oh, Ive been busy.Sarya: Ive missed hanging out together. Hows Leslie?Dominick: Shes okay, but things havent been that great between us.Sarya: Im really sorry to hear that. Whats up?Dominick: Les

27、lie is great, but shes so jealous of my friends, especially my female friends. She doesnt like it when I see them or even if I talk to them on the phone. To be honest, thats why I havent called you lately.Sarya: I got the feeling that youve been avoiding me. Now I understand that its the green-eyed

28、monster at work. Have you been doing anything to make her jealous?Dominick: No! I go out with my friends sometimes but Im always up front with Leslie and tell her what Im doing. But, shes so possessive. Even when I go out with my guy friends, she flips out sometimes. I dont know why she wont trust m

29、e.Sarya: Maybe shes just insecure about herself, or maybe she feels insecure about your relationship. But either way, Id stop this in its tracks before it gets any worse. Have you talked to her about it?Dominick: Not really. We usually get into a big fight and then we make up, but we dont ever get a

30、t the root of the matter. Sarya: I wish I could help.Dominick: You already have. Talking about it helps. Whatever it takes, Im going to get this under control. Other than this jealousy problem, we have a great relationship. I dont want anything to jeopardize it.Sarya: Good luck with everything and l

31、et me know if I theres anything I can do.Dominick: Thanks. I will.中文慢速生活英语系列106:嫉妒的女友女:嘿,多姆,很长时间没有见到你了,你跑哪去了男:噢,我很忙女:我都很怀念我们过去在一起的时光了。莱丝丽最近怎样男:她还好,只是我们之间有点小的不愉快女:是吗,怎么了男:来丝丽是个好人,但她总是嫉妒我的朋友,尤其是我的女性朋友。我跟她们见面甚至打电话,她都很不高兴。实话说,也是这个原因我很久都没有给你打电话了。女:我感觉出来你在躲避我了。现在我明白原来是嫉妒心在作怪呀。你有没有做过什么让她吃醋的事呀男:没有。我有时去会我的朋友,我都会对她如实相告,包括我们做什么。不过她占有欲太强了,即使我与哥们在一起,她也时不时生气。我不明白她怎么就不相信我呢。女:也许她对她自己没有安全感,也许对你们的关系没有安全感。不管怎样,你都要防止事态进一步恶化。有没有跟她谈起过这个事情男:还没有,我们俩经常吵架然后合好,不过从来就没有触及问题的根本。女:真希望我能帮上你。男:你已经帮到我了,因为谈谈这些事也是有帮助的。无论如何,我要搞定此事。要不是她这点嫉妒心,我们关系很好,我可不想任何事情危害到我与女友的感情。女:祝你事事如意,有什么我可以帮忙的,你说话男:谢谢,我会的。英文慢速生活英语系列107:get

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