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1、材料成型级控制工程专业英语阅读材料成型级控制工程专业英语阅读 作者: 日期: 材料成型级控制工程专业英语阅读1.1 Plain arbon eel普通碳钢H-role teedever (供给)by steemkngworks a roed seios(bars, bas,sheetstube,e) is th os ildy ued materalformanuactre of various machnes,achine tols, ing structure,conum oods,et.Deivere tel houldavete poperes specfedbState Stanar

2、ds(国家标准).钢铁制造车间供给的热轧钢主要为棒材、柱材、板材、管材等,热轧钢是制造各种机械、机器工具、建筑结构和消费品中应用最广泛的材料。所供给的钢应具有国家标准规定的各种性能。 In he RSSU.Plaincarbon stels are lassfied into three groups:A, B and C,eendg on their pplaion 在S中,普通碳钢根据其用途分为A、B、C三类。A: I a sel s o be ued fo main produwithout t won(ldi, ogingtc.) It srcur a prperties inthin

3、aproduct wll be t same asdeliveredf the roing mil.In tha as te sr rqess or a steelo warrane(保证) meanal prpees,whie thecheicalcooition is notgarned(保证、担保)A:如果钢在制造产品的过程中没有进行热加工(焊接、锻造等),则最终产品的组织和性能将与轧厂提供的相同。这种情况下,用户只需要求材料应有的机械性能,而不必保证其成分。B: I a see s to e sbected to ho working(ori,stampin,tc),its iniis

4、tucturend meanicalopetie will be changdI thtsethe mpsitio f the steel ilbe ofprme imprtance fo thusr,sinceit determinestdtion ofo workin adthefina mechanicl propertsofstel pdtsNw a see of aantd cmoitoni lverd to th use. B.如果钢要进行热加工(锻造、冲压等),则其初始组织和机械性能将会改变。此时/在这种情况下,钢的成分对用户来讲是最重要的,因为它(成分)决定了热加工的条件,钢制

5、品的最终机械性能。因此,提供给用户的钢应保证其成分含量。:f a steel i t ewelddth user ants to nohe composition oftestelsce t derminesthe roprtes f the metalin the ze subjected tthermal ffec ofwe(焊接热影响区)euris aso terested in he initalechanil roperes f he metal,since the properis l rmi he same n orons nt ubted wdinn that case te

6、metal is deierd ith rrantedcompinandmechanical properie.如果钢要进行焊接,则用户需要知道钢的成分,因为成分决定钢焊接时热影响区的性能。用户也会对钢材的原始机械性能感兴趣,因为未焊接的部分的性能是原始性能。这种情况下,供给用户的钢应具有规定的成分和机械性能。Genrapurpos pain steelsre not ae.omealoying eemn maysoetmes preen in thccainal and tercontent(含量) is limied非特殊用途/一般用途的普通钢不是合金钢。一些合金元素偶尔会出现,其含量受限

7、制。Thepresece of siliconandmagnesey b du t thestemakingroces(the neceiyf oxiat脱氧)Suphu(硫)and posporus(磷) ae hmul imprits(杂质) n teel and te contnt should b minmid s it mayafect h alityoftel. 在钢冶炼过程中由于脱氧的需要,会出现硅和锰。硫、磷是钢中有害的杂质,应尽可能减少其含量,它们会影响钢的质量。Te principleement wose content rpsible he roptis f eeis b

8、on 影响钢性能最主要的元素是碳。1.Nonferry AllysAlthouh feroualo aeuseinthe majoriy f metall apications in rretegiering desn,onerosallysply a large ad ndispenalerole in ou tehoogy. s compa frousalo,he lit of nonfrou alloys is, crs,lonand omlWehall brieylst the aofamil f nonerrous alos a hei k attributes尽管现代工业设计中,铁

9、合金是主要应用的金属,但是非铁合金在当前科技中也起着很大并不可替代的作用。当然,与铁合金相比,非铁合金的种类多且复杂。我们将简要介绍几种非铁合金及其主要特征。Aluinum lloys rebe knw or low denstyandcroion rsstac Elecriccoductivi,easy f fbcato,anappearanc re so attrctivefauresBecaus f these,he orldproducton oumnum rougly dou none rct 10 year eore eerves for umare lag(represein 8

10、f te erhsrus) analumium canb easy reycled铝合金以其低密度和腐蚀抗力而闻名。电导率、易加工以及好的外观也是其具有吸引力的特征。基于以上特点,近10年来铝合金的产量几乎翻了一番。铝矿石的产量很大(占地壳的),并且铝是可以回收的。Magnsum lloys have een loe desty thaaluiu and,aarsu,aea in numeros stuca alicatos such as aeopace desins.Aumium i fccmaeil a herfe has umerous (12)slipsystes, leadig t

11、o good dctilityycontrs.magesiu ishcp withonly three sli sysems andchraersticrtleess.镁合金的密度比铝合金的还低,因此,设计航空飞行器时大量的结构件用镁合金。铝合金是面心立方结构金属,因此,有12个滑移系,使其延展性好。相反,镁合金是密排六方结构,仅有3个滑移系,易脆断(具有脆性)。taniumallyshave becm widel e e World WarBefor tt time,prctical mehod of seprting tiaium metal rom eacv oxies ad nitri

12、tes wasnot vilable. Onceformd, titaiu rectivity woks to isavantagA thi enacius oidoating formonits urfae,giin xclent eistance to corrosion.Tis “passivtion”will be dscussed in dail later. Tiaiu aoys,ike l and Mg,areof lwe density ta ion. Although morednse than A rMg,tanium allys ae a istint adng of r

13、eainin trength t moeratserviceteperturs, leang o nerous aeroa de apiations Titanu share thehcpructue ithmagnesim eadin to haracistially ow ducilit. Hoeer,a ig mperaturebcc srctur anbe sabilz t roomemperature b crain alo adiions such as vaadium.二战以后钛合金被广泛应用,在此之前,还没有通过活性氧和硝酸盐分离钛金属的工艺。一旦形成钛合金,钛的活性显现出其优

14、点。其表面形成致密的氧化膜,使其就有优良的抗腐蚀性。“钝化性”将在后面详细讨论。与A、Mg一样,钛合金密度比铁低。尽管密度要比Al、Mg高,钛合金的显著特点之一是在中等服役温度下能保持其强度,因此航天中应用多。与镁合金一样,钛合金也是Hp晶格结构,延展性低。然而,通过添加钒等合金,其高温下bcc晶格结构可以在室温下保存。Coppr aloy posess a numberofurior properis. Ter xcent electrcal conduivt mas coppr alys te leading maea for leticl wrig. Teir xcllent terma

15、lcndctitlads o pplictios for adirs n hatxchager ueror orrosion rsistansexhibitd inmain and ther corrosonenvirnments. 铜合金也拥有许多优良的性能。优良的电导率使铜合金成为电线的首选材料。优良的热导率使其应用于散热器和热交换器上。超级抗腐蚀性使其用于船舶及其它腐蚀性环境中。he fc tucture cotibutes tothei gerayigdutliy d formilty Their corain i fquentl usedfor achtectura aparanc.

16、 Widesrd usof per aloy rough hsory have ldt sht onfin collectin f driptive termsThmechanical propertie o tse all rival steels in their vaili.cc晶格结构使其具有高延展性和成形性。其颜色经常用于建筑装饰中。铜合金的广泛应用使其描述词语选择时经常混淆。优良的机械性能使其应用上很具有竞争性。High puritycper is an exceptioll softmaeral h addtioof 2 wt eryium follwedby a el tetm

17、nt o prduceCuBerecipates s suficient push theensileseng beyond l00 M纯铜非常软。热处理时添加2w的铍元素,产生的CuBe沉淀相使其拉伸强度可超过00MPaNickellloyshav uh ncommonwthcopper allys he already sedtheCu-istem a he classixample of complete soid solublity.Moels te neiven to commercial aloys wih Ni-Cu ratosf roughly 2:1 yweight Thes

18、e a oo eamles of soton hardenng. Nke is arer than copr, u Mnelis hrder han nkel.镍合金比铜合金更普通。CN合金已是典型的完全固溶例子。比例接近2:1的Ni -商业合金称之为蒙乃尔合金。这是很好的固溶硬化的例子。Ni比铜硬,但是蒙乃尔合金比Ni硬。Nicel ehibt xcellnt orrionresisncand hig tempru strngth. Zinaoysar dell suitedfor ecastingsue toteir low melingpontad lac of corrosioreti

19、n wit stee rcibles an dies.Auomobi paradhardwar rtypical strtal aplictions.Zin coatingso ferrous allyremptant means ofcorrsionprotecin. This mod is teredas lvaiation镍有优良的腐蚀性和高温强度。由于熔点低不与铁质坩锅和模具材料发生腐蚀反应,锌合金是模具铸造的理想材料。其(锌合金)应用于典型的汽车结构零件及硬度高的零件。铁合金上镀锌层是重要的防腐蚀措施,该方法称之为镀锌。Lad los ae durabl nd vsatie meia

20、s. lead ips instald th Roman aheubli bahs in Bat, Egand,arly200 yr a are stilin use. Leadhig dnsity andefomblt ombn ih low melting poit ad to its veratiliy.Lad alos fid usein btterygids (loyedwithcalci antim),solders (alodwthtn), raiatonshilding,and son cotol sutrs. The toxiity learestrict dsgn pict

21、ions an he handlg f ts allos铅合金是耐用的多功能材料。0年前罗马人安装在英国公共浴室的铅管至今仍然在用。铅的高密度、高成形性和低熔点使其具有多种用途。铅合金用于电池铅版(与钙、锑混合)、焊料(与锡混合)、辐射屏蔽及进行有效的组织控制。铅的毒性限制了其设计应用和合金处理。The refrctrymetals nclu molynm,bi,tantal,antungsten.They are, een more th thesuerllos, especialyresistant to igh mpaure. Howeer, thi gee reactiity wiho

22、xgen rquirs the hghtmperatre servce be n aonrlled amopere wit potcive otis.难熔金属包括钼、铌、钽、钨,它们不仅仅是超合金,还特别耐高温。然而,它们一般与氧反应,高温服役时需控制气氛,或带有保护层。The precous metals clude god, iridium, osm, palaum, patium,rhodim,tnium,andsive. Exlent coroion ressance minedwthvarus inheretpropetis ustfy the mny csl ation of es

23、 metals and als.Gld cuit i theelctonis industy,various det aloy, an platinum coagr caytic convrtrare a fw ofthbeter, known example.贵重金属包括金、铱、锇、钯、铂、铑、钌和银。优秀的防腐性能以及其他各种性能使这些金属及其合金应用非常昂贵。金线用于电子工业、各种假牙合金,催化转炉中的铂金层是少数众所周知的例子。22.AnealingsasuctualrecrtllizaioncnsistinohaingbovCansuqensocoing.WtheigabveAc1b

24、tbeowAc3,fulrerstallizatiowilnotourdthepoeueisldartalannalingTetateoanneadseiltothtatofstrutralquilibriumandtsstrctureispearite+frrte,erite,orpearlte+ementite退火是一种结构再结晶,由加热到AC3以上并随后缓慢冷却组成。加热到Ac1以上但低于AC3,完全再结晶将不会发生并且该过程被称为局部退火,退火钢的状态接近于结构平衡状态,其结构是珠光体+铁素体,珠光体或珠光体+渗碳体。.If sel sheted aov C3 an hen cooe

25、in i,hi wille the first sep to change t tat farthe from he strutural equilibrium.如果一个钢加热到3以上,然后在空气中冷却,这将是改变它远离结构平衡状态的第一步。 Ths tpofheattreatmenis llednomalzingadis n inermedate stage between thesecod goprocedure (analing) ad te third-gou oe (hardening) 这种类型的热处理被称为正火,且为第二组之间的中间阶段过程(退火)和第三种过程(硬化)。4ardingisheatinabvetritialpit,c3,ollowdyqukcooling.Wihslowcon,autenitdcomosintorrite+cemtitetA1.Withincaingcolingrate,thetrnsmaionoccuratlowrtemratues. 淬火是加热到临界点以上,随后快速冷却。再缓慢冷却,奥氏体分解为铁素体+渗碳体在Ar1。随着冷却速率增加,转换发生在更低的温度。 Asthe1 ointisowerd,hferie-ntitmitrebcm

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