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1、中考英语完形填空含答案(1)It was the after noon of April 1. The bell rang _1_ the end of school. The stude nts _2_ their books into their bags. They were ready _3_ home. Just at the mome nt, their En glish teacher came into the classroom and said to them, “ Hello, boys and girls. Now go over the En glish less o

2、ns, and well have a test _4_ half an hour. ” _5_ these words, she left.The stude nts looked at each other in surprise. How sudde n! The teacherhad n ever told them they would have a test, yet they took out their En glishbooks and bega n to work hard.They studied and studied. It was getting dark, _6_

3、 the teacher hadn tcome yet!The monitor went out to the teachers office. _7_ minutes later, theEn glish teacher came in with a smile. But she had _8_ in her hand!t help _10_ and say ing “ April“Im sorry, but do you know _9_? ” she said.After the stude nts heard this, they could nFools!()1.A. onB. i

4、nC. putB. were putC. would putD.were putt ing()3.A. to goB. goC. goingD.went()4.A. i nB. afterC. laterD.out()5.A. WithoutB. WithC. ForD.In()6.A. andB. butC. FewB. A fewC. LittleD.A little()8.A. someth ingB. nothingC. everyth ingD. anything()9.A. what day isB. what dayC. wh

5、ats theD.what the datetodaytoday isdateis()A. laughB. to laughC. laughedD.laugh ing10.(2)There is good n ews for the childre n in the coun tryside. We may stillremember the girl _1_ big eyes. Her big eyes are _2_ us her dream: I wish to _3_! In Chi na, there are still _4_ girls and boys like her. Th

6、ey want to go to school, but their _5_ are too poor. If the family has two or three childre n, it is hard to _6_ the money for all the childre n. So the pare nts ofte n ask _7_ to stay at home, and boys to go to school.Now they needn t _8_ the money. From 2006 on, children can go to school for free

7、in some poor places. They don t have to pay for books and other thi ngs. Some of them can eve n get money from the gover nment to make their life _9_. Soon, all the childre n in the coun tryside can go to school for free. All families are very happy with the n ews. It is _10_ great. ( )1.A. with B.

8、on C. to D. i n10.(3 )Secrets are everywhere in the world outdoors. Quite a lot of people are busy _1_ them because they are so in terest ing. All _2_ us are birds, an imals, trees and flowers. The facts about how they live and grow are as in teresti ng as any thi ng could be.Do you know that one of

9、 the great preside nts of the U.S.A. spe nt hours and hours study ing birds? A bus in essma n who lives n ear New YorkCity became so in terested in in sects that he bega n to _3_ them. He now has over one thousa nd differe nt kinds carefully kept in glass boxes.Come _4_ me, and I will help you find

10、some of nature s secrets. Let s go quickly _5_ the woods and fields. Here we shall find how a rabbit _6_ the other rabbits that there is dan ger. We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones as they search for food and get ready for their long win ter _7_ We shall watch bees dancing in air to le

11、t the other bees know where they can find food. I will show you _8_ in teresti ng thi ngs, but the best thing that I can teach you is to keep eyes _9_ whe n you go _10_. Nature tells her secrets on ly to people who look and liste n carefully.()1.A. search ingB. keep ingC. study ingD. looki ng for()2

12、.A. outB. aroundC. amongD. besides()3.A. captureB. catchC. collectD. keep()4.A. alo ngB. intoC. atD. with()5.A. throughB. overC. intoD. on()6.A. saysB. tellsC. asksD. speaks()7.A. restB. tripC. holidayD. sleep()8.A. other manyB. many otherC. some othersD. much other()9.A. ope nB. closedC. liste ning

13、D. big()A. intoB. i nsideC. betwee nD. out10.(4)An old carpenter( 木匠)is ready to retire( 退休).He tells his boss he is going to leave the house-buildi ng bus in ess and live a happy life with his wife.The boss is _1_ to see his good worker go and asks if he can build just one more house as a personal

14、favor( 按个人的心愿).The carpenter says yes, but _2_ is easy to see that his heart is not in his work this time. He works very _3_.When the carpe nter _4_ his work, the boss comes to see the house. He hands the fron t-door key to the carpe nter.“This is your house, ”he says, “my gift to you. ”The carpente

15、r is _5_! What a shame! If he knows he is build ing his own house, he is sure to do it very carefully.So it is with us, we build our lives every day. We ofte n put _6_ our best into the buildi ng. The n to our surprise we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we can do it aga in, we

16、 will do it very carefully. _7_ we cannot go back.You are the carpe nter. Each day you hammer a n ail, place a board, or put up a wall. “ _8_ is a do-it-yourself project, ”some one has said. Your attitudes(态度)and _9_ choices you make today, build the “ house ” youlive _10_ tomorrow.Build wisely!()1.

17、A.happyB. afraidC.sorryD.sure()2.A.itB. heC.the bossD. the carpe nter( )3.A. carefullyB. carelesslyC. wiselyD.hard()4.A.beg insB. findsC.looks forD.fini shes( )5.A.angryB. surprisedC.satisfiedD.happy( )6.A.more tha nB. less tha more tha less tha n()7.A.ButB. AndC.OrD.So()9.A. aB. /C. our

18、D. the()A. onB. forC.uponD. i n10( )8.A. HouseB. WorkC. Carpe nterD. Life(5)Some _1_ people are worryi ng about acn es( 青春痘)on their faces, and some are worryi ng about their figures. Do you know what _2_ the secret of beauty is? _3_ smile and health, and the n you may find the an swer.Maybe you are

19、 not _4_ with your big no se, your small eyes or your weight.Dont waste en ergy and feeli ngs on the way you look. In fact whe n you become an _5_ and look at pictures of your past time, you will find how cute you are._6_ is the best way to make you beautiful. When people are happy, they look n ice.

20、 When people smile or laugh from the _7_ of their hearts, they look very beautiful.Dont worry about your weight too much. Dont _8_ food for it. No one can live _9_ health. So you n eed to drink lots of water, eat a healthy diet and do eno ugh exercise.Whe n you accept what you have _10_ and enjoy them, you will really become pretty “ in side and out ” .( )1.A. oldB.youngC. bigD. small

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