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1、英语会话大全的纯文字版Greetings 问候Dialogue 1 对话 1Harry: Hi Karen. 你好,KarenKaren: Hello, Harry. How are you doing? 你好,Harry,你怎么样?Harry: Im very well, thanks. How about you? 我非常好,谢谢。你呢?Karen: Oh, Im not bad, thank you. 我还不错,谢谢。Dialogue 2 对话 2Ming: Good afternoon, Mrs Bell. 下午好,贝尔夫人。Mrs Bell: Good afternoon, Ming

2、. How are you today? 下午好,明。你怎么样?Ming: Im fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,谢谢你。你呢?Mrs Bell: Very busy, Ming, but Im OK, thanks. 很忙,不过,我挺好的。Key Phrases 关键词语Hello 你好Hi 好Good morning 早上好Good afternoon 下午好Good evening 晚上好How are you? 你怎么样?Im fine, thank you 我很好,谢谢。Im very well, thanks 我非常好,谢谢。Introductions

3、引荐介绍Dialogue: At a business conference 对话: 在商业会议上Cathy: Hello, Im Cathy, Cathy Jones. Whats your name?你好,我是凯蒂,凯蒂琼斯,你叫什么名字?Mike: Hello, Im Mike, Mike Smith. How do you do?你好。我叫麦克,麦克史密斯。很高兴认识你。Cathy: How do you do? Mike, this is Richard Green. Richard is my business partner.你好,麦克。这是理查德格林。理查德是我的商业伙伴。Mi

4、ke: Hello, Richard, nice to meet you.你好,理查德,很高兴认识你。Richard: Hello, Mike, its a pleasure to meet you. And this is my colleague, Jane.你好,麦克,很高兴认识你,这是我的同事珍妮。Jane: Hello, nice to meet you all.你好,认识你们很高兴。Mike: Sorry, I didnt catch your name.对不起,我没听清你的名字。Jane: Im Jane.我是珍妮。Key Phrases 关键词语Whats your name?

5、 你叫什么名字?My name is . 我叫 Im 我是 Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。Its a pleasure to meet you. 认识你很高兴。Farewells 告别Dialogue 1 对话1Matt: Oh, look at the time. Im going home. 瞧,时间到了,我该回家了。Pam: OK then. See you tomorrow. 好吧,明天见。Matt: Yeah, see you. Have a good evening. 好,再见,祝你晚上愉快。Dialogue 2 对话2Louise: Are you going

6、? 你要走吗?Amanda: Yeah Im off. Have a good weekend. 是,我走了,祝你周末愉快。Louise: Yeah you too. Bye. 也祝你周末愉快,再见。Key Phrases 关键词语Bye 再见See you 再见See you tomorrow 明天见Have a good evening 晚上愉快Have a good weekend 周末愉快Nationalities 国籍;籍贯Dialogue 1 对话1Hong: Where are you from, Paul? Paul,你是哪国人?Paul: Im from England. W

7、here are you from Liu Hong? 我是英国人。你呢,刘红?Hong: Im from China. 我是中国人。Dialogue 2 对话2Hong: Where do you come from, Jane? Jane,你家在哪里?Jane: Im from the UK. Im British. What about you? 我家在英国,我是英国人。你呢?Hong: Im from China. Im Chinese. 我来自中国,我是中国人。Dialogue 3 对话3Hong: Are you American, Richard? Richard,你是美国人吗?

8、Richard: No, Im British. Im from England. Are you from China?不,我是英国人,我来自英国。你是中国人,对吗?Hong: Yes, Im Chinese. 对,我是中国人。Key Phrases 关键词语Where are you from? 你是哪里人?Where do you come from? 你来自何处?Are you . ? 你是不是 ?Are you from . ? 你籍贯是不是 ?I am from . 我来自 Jobs 职业Dialogue 1: 对 Dialogue 对话Li: Hello. Im Wang Li.

9、 你好。我是王丽。Bill: Hello Wang, nice to meet you. Im Bill Smith. 你好,丽。很高兴认识你。我是 Bill Smith。Li: What do you do, Bill? Bill 你是做什么的?Bill: Im a graphic designer. 我是美术设计师。Li: Oh, really? Where do you work? 噢,真的?你在哪工作?Bill: I work in London. What about you? What do you do for a living, Wang? 我在伦敦工作。你呢?你做什么的?Li

10、: Im a sales manager. 我是销售经理。Key Phrases 关键词语Key Phrases 关键词语 What do you do? 你是做什么的? What do you do for a living? 你是做什么为生的? Where do you work? 你在哪工作? Who do you work for? 你在哪单位? What about you? 你呢? Im a 我是 . I work for a . 我在 . 工作。 Hobbies and interests 爱好和兴趣Dialogue 对话Jo: What do you do in your fr

11、ee time, Ping? 平,你业余时间做什么? Ping: Well, I like shopping and I play badminton at the weekends. 周末,我喜欢购物还有打羽毛球。 Jo: Badminton? 羽毛球? Ping: Yes, I like badminton a lot. What about you, Jo? What do you like doing in your free time?是阿,我特喜欢羽毛球。Jo,你呢?你的业余爱好又是什么呢? Jo: Me? Well, I like going to the cinema and

12、the theatre. And I like reading books and I play the guitar in a band.我吗,我喜欢看戏剧和电影,我也喜欢读书,另外,我还在乐队里弹吉他。 Ping: Wow! You have a lot of hobbies. 真的!你有这么多的业余爱好啊。 Jo: Well, I like to enjoy my free time. 是,我喜欢享受自己的业余时间。Key Phrases 关键词语What do you do in your free time? 你业余时间做什么?What are your hobbies? 你有什么爱

13、好?What are your interests? 你对什么最感兴趣?I like . 我喜 欢 I play . (多指运动或乐器)我喜欢 I go . (多指经常去的地方或购物)我喜欢 Everyday Activities 日常活动Dialogue 对话Pete: Whats your daily routine, Bing? 冰,你例常的一天是什么样?Zhou Bing: I get up at 6.00. 我6点起床。Pete: Really? 真的?Zhou Bing: Yes, then I go to work at 8.00. 对,然后我8点去上班。Pete: Do you

14、 drive to work? 你开车去上班吗?Zhou Bing: No, I dont have a car so I take the bus to work.我没车,所以做公共汽车去上班。Pete: Do you have lunch at work? 你在单位吃午饭吗?Zhou Bing: No, I dont have lunch at work. I have lunch at a restaurant with my colleagues. 不。我跟同事一块儿在一家餐馆吃午饭。Pete: Do you work on Saturdays? 你星期六上班吗?Zhou Bing:

15、No, I dont. I spend time with my family at the weekend. 不上。我和家人一起度周末。Key Phrases 关键词语I get up 我起床。I go to work 我去上班。I have breakfast/lunch/dinner 我吃早点/午饭/晚饭。I work in an office/factory 我是坐办公室的/我在工厂工作。I dont (verb) 我不 (+动词)Do you (verb)? 疑问句你 (+动词)?Numbers 数字Dialogue 1 对话1Li Qiang: Whats your phone n

16、umber, Jenny? 珍妮,你的电话是什么号码?Jenny: My phone number is 01632 451 275. 我的手机号是 01632 451 275。Li Qiang: 01632 451 275. Ok, Ill call you later. 01632 451275. 好的,回头我给你打电话。Jenny: Wait. This is a UK phone so you need to put 00 44 before the number and drop the first 0.稍等,这是英国手机,所以你需要在我的手机号码前加上区号 00 44,然后省略手机

17、号最前边0。Li Qiang: Ok. So I call 00 44 1632 451 275? 这么说,我需要拨 00 44 1632 451 275?对吗?Jenny: Yes, thats right. 没错。Dialogue 2 对话2Brian: Ive come to collect my tickets to Xian. 我来取去西安的票。Travel agent: Yes, you are on flight XYZ 4526, leaving from Beijing at 12.50 tomorrow. 好的,你的飞机是 XYZ 4526, 明天12:50分从北京起飞。B

18、rian: How long is the flight? 飞几个小时?Travel agent: The flight takes 1 hour and 50 minutes. 1小时50分钟。Brian: So how far is it to Xian? 到西安有多远?Travel agent: Its about 1,200 km or 750 miles. 大约 1,200 公里,相当于 750 英里。Key Phrases 关键词语Whats your phone number? 你的电话号码是什么?How long is the flight? 飞机飞多长时间?How long

19、is the journey? 飞行距离有多远?How far is it to Beijing? 到北京有多远?Dates 日期Dialogue 1 对话1Lin Fang: Can I make an appointment please? 我能预约吗?Doctor: Yes, Thursday 16th June at 4 Oclock? 可以。6月16星期四日4点行吗?Lin Fang: Yes, thats fine. 好。没问题。Doctor: Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?Lin Fang: Fang F.A.N.G. Lin L.I.N. 方 F.A.N.G.

20、 林 L.I.N。Doctor: And your date of birth? 生日是?Lin Fang: The 14th of the 5th 1975. 1975年5月14日。Doctor: Thank you. 谢谢。Dialogue 2 对话2Ming: When are you going on holiday? 你什么时候去度假?Sam: The 10th July. 7月10号。Ming: Whats the date today? 今天几号?Sam: The 5th. 5 号。Ming: Oh, very soon then. 啊,这么说很快了。Sam: When are

21、you going on holiday? 你什么时候去度假?Ming: Not until 19th August. 8月19号才去。Key Phrases 关键词语Whats the date? 今天几号?Whens your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?Its Tuesday, 17th November. 今天是11月17日,星期二。Its 21st March today. 今天是3月21日。Families 家庭Dialogue 对话Xiao Dong: Are you married? 你结婚了吗?Matt: Yes, you? 结婚了,你呢?Xiao Dong: Y

22、es, Im married too. Do you have any children? 我也结婚了,你有孩子吗?Matt: Yes, Ive got three daughters and a son. 有,我有三个女儿,一个儿子。Xiao Dong: Gosh - a big family! Ive only got one son.天哪,真是是个大家庭!我嘛,只有一个儿子。Matt: Well, I come from a big family I have two sisters and two brothers.你看,我自己就是从大家庭里过来的,我有两个姐妹两个兄弟。Xiao Do

23、ng: Oh really? My familys very small. Its just me, my mum and my dad. And I dont even have any aunts or uncles! How many cousins do your children have?真的?我家只有我妈妈,我爸爸和我。我连叔叔姑姑或姨舅都没有。你的孩子有几个堂/表兄妹?Matt: Oh lots Um, let me think nine altogether.很多 嗯. 让我想想看. 一共9个。Xiao Dong: Wow!Key Phrases 关键词语Do you hav

24、e? 你有?Have you got? 你有?How many have you got? 你有几个?How many do you have? 你有几个?I have 我有 Ive got 我有 Are you married? 你结婚了吗? Age 年龄Dialogue 对话Li: How old are you? 你多大了?Paul: 26. You? 26。你呢?Li: Im 32. What about your wife? 我32了。你妻子多大了?Paul: Shes 25, and our baby daughter is just 6 months old. 她25。我们的宝贝

25、女儿只有6 个月。Li: Ah, how sweet, my sons already 10 years old. 啊,真可爱.我儿子已经10岁了。Paul: Ah, soon hell be a teenager! 啊,他很快就要成为一名青少年了。Li: I know! And Ill be middle-aged. Time goes so quickly doesnt it? 可不是嘛, 我也很就进入中年了。时间过得真快呀!Key Phrases 关键词语Key Phrases 关键词语How old are you? 你多大了?Im _. 我 .Im _ years old. 我 .(

26、多大)了。How old is he? 他多大了?Hes _. 他 .(多大了)。Shes _. 她 .(多大了)。What about you? 你呢?Time 时间Dialogue 1对话1Xiao Mei: Whats the time, John? 约翰,现在几点了?John: Almost 4 oclock. What time is our meeting? 四点了。我们的会是几点?Xiao Mei: At quarter past, so you need to hurry up. 四点一刻,你需要抓紧时间啊。John: OK, Im nearly ready. 好吧,我准备得差

27、不多了。Dialogue 2 对话2Simon: So were on the 9.14 train from Shanghai to Wuxi. What time do we arrive in Wuxi? 所以,我们乘坐九点9点14分的火车从上海到无锡,几点到达无锡呢?Fei: About 11.25, I think. 我想,大约 11点25分。Simon: So we can go out for lunch at about 12 then? 那我们可以在12点来钟出去吃午饭,是吧?Fei: Sounds good. 好啊。Key Phrases 关键词语Whats the tim

28、e? 现在几点了?What time is it? 现在几点了?Its 8 oclock. 现在是八点钟。Its half past ten. 现在是十点半。Its quarter past eleven. 现在是十一点一刻。Its quarter to five. 现在是差一刻五点。Weather 天气Dialogue 1: 1对话: Conversation 1 对话1George: Whats the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天气怎样?Yong Mei: Well in the winter its really cold and in the summe

29、r its really hot. 冬天特冷,夏天特热。George: And whats the weather like there at the moment? 眼下天起如何呢?Yong Mei: I think its still quite warm, but a bit rainy too. 眼下还挺暖和的,不过有点阴雨天。Conversation 2 对话2Chen: Whats the weather forecast for the weekend? 周末的天气预报如何?Sam: Its going to be cold tonight and freezing on Saturday. 今天夜里很寒冷,星期六将有霜冻。Chen: What about on Sunday? 星期日怎么

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