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1、有关付款专业词汇有关付款专业词汇:pay 付款 D/A (document against acceptance) 承兑交单pay by installment 分期付款 D/P (document against payment) 付款交单pay in advance 提前付款 CAD (cash against document) 凭单付款payment 付款 COD (cash on delivery) 货到付款receipt 收据 terms of payment 付款价格条件invoice 发票 EXW 工厂交货(指定地点)draft 汇票 FAS 船边交货(指定装运港)sight

2、draft 即期汇票 FCA 货交承运人(指定地点)time draft 定期汇票 FOB 离岸价(指定装运港)usance draft 远期汇票 CFR 成本加运费(指定目的港)letter of credit(L/C) 信用证 CIF 成本、运费、保险费,到岸价(指定目的港)documentary L/C 跟单信用证 CIP 运费和保险费付至(指定目的地)irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证 CPT 运费付至(指定目的地)check=cheque 支票 DAF 边境交货(指定地点)blank check 空白支票 DDU 未完税交货(指定目的港)certified check 保

3、付支票 DDP 完税交货(指定目的港)remittance 汇款 DES 目的港船上交货(指定目的港)transfer 转账 DEQ 目的港码头交货(指定目的港)T.T (telegraphic transfer) 电汇 paying bank 付款银行bank 银行有关交货专业词汇:delivery 交货 shipment two lots 在(时间)分两批装船shipment 发货 shipment two equal lots 在(时间)平均分两批装船selling season 销售期 in three monthly shipments 分三个

4、月装运time of delivery 交货时间 in three equal monthly 分三个月平均装运time of shipment 装运期限 shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/C 收到信用证后30天天内装运installment delivery 分期交货delivery in advance 提前交货immediate shipment 立即装运prompt shipment 即期装运January shipment 一月份装船shipment on or before Jan. 31st. 一月底装船Jan./Feb. sh

5、ipment 一/二月份装船初级商务英语专业术语:外贸英语之付款Payment is to be effected (made) before the end of this month。这个月末以前应该付款。Its convenient to make payment in pound sterling。用英镑付款较方便。Now, as regards payment, weve agreed to use U。S。 Dollar, am I right?至于付款,我们已同意用美圆,对吗?We may have some difficulties making payment in Japa

6、nese yen。用日圆付款可能会有困难。Ive never made payment in Renminbi before。我从未用过人民币付款。We cant accept payment on deferred terms。我们不能接受延期付款。Whats your reason for the refusal of payment?你们拒付的理由是什么?Collection is not paid。托收款未得照付。We dont think youll refuse to pay。我们相信你们不会拒付。Only one refusal of payment is acceptable

7、to the bank。银行只接受一次拒付。You ought to pay us the bank interest once payment is wrongly refused。如果拒付错了,你们应该偿付我方的银行利息。Well not pay until shipping documents for the goods have reached us。见不到货物装船单据,我们不付款。Were worrying that a decline in prices might lead to refusal of payment。我们担心市场价格下跌会引起拒付。Of course payme

8、nt might be refused if anything goes wrong with the documents。如果单据有问题,当然可以提出拒付。The equipment will be paid in installments with the commodities produced by our factory。设备以我们工厂生产的产品分期偿还payment 支付,付款convenient 方便的to pay 付款,支付,偿还dishonour 拒付deferred payment 延期付款progressive payment 分期付款payment on terms 定

9、期付款mda。compayment agreement 支付协定pay order 支付凭证payment order 付款通知payment by banker 银行支付payment by remittance 汇拨支付payment in part 部分付款payment in full 全部付讫clean payment 单纯支付simple payment 单纯支付mda。compayment by installment 分期付款payment respite 延期付款payment at maturity 到期付款payment in advance 预付(货款)Cash Wit

10、h Order (C。W。O) 随订单付现Cash On Delivery (C。O。D) 交货付现Cash Against Documents (C。A。D) 凭单付现pay on delivery (P。O。D) 货到付款payment in kind 实物支付payment for (in) cash 现金支付,付现payCo。 only 仅付公司payCo。 not negotiable 付公司,不准疏通payCo。 or order (pay to the order ofCo。) 付公司或其指定人refusal 拒绝the refusal of payment 拒付the bank

11、 interest 银行利息decline 下降,下跌something goes wrong 某事上出问题,出现差错commodity 产品(一)工厂交货( EXW) 本术语英文为“EX Works( named place)”,即“工厂交货(指定地点)”。它指卖方负有在其所在地即车间、工厂、仓库等把备妥的货物交付给买方的责任,但通常不负责将货物装上买方准备的车辆上或办理货物结关。买方承担自卖方的所在地将货物运至预期的目的地的全部费用和风险。 (二)货交承运人(FCA) 本术语英文为“Free Carrier( named place)”,即“货物交承运人(指定地点)”。它指卖方应负责将其移

12、交的货物,办理出关后,在指定的地点交付给买方指定的承运入照管。根据商业惯例,当卖方被要求与承运人通过签订合同进行协作时,在买方承担风险和费用的情况下,卖方可以照此办理。本术语适用于任何运输方式。 (三)船边交货(FAS) 本术语英文为“Free Alongside ship( named port of shipment)”即“船边交货(指定装运港)”。它指卖方在指定的装运港码头或驳船上把货物交至船边,从这时起买方须承担货物灭失或损坏的全部费用和风险,另外买方须办理出口结关手续。本术语适用于海运或内河运输。 (四)船上交货(FOB) 本术语英文为“ Free on Boaro( named p

13、ort of shipment)”,即“船上交货(指定装运港)”。它指卖方在指定的装运港把货物送过船舷后交付,货过船舷后买方须承担货物的全部费用、风险、灭失或损坏,另外要求卖方办理货物的出口结关手续。本术语适用于海运或内河运输。 (五)成本加运费(CFR或 cF) 本术语英文为“ Cost and Freight (named port of shipment)”,即“成本加运费(指定目的港)”。它指卖方必须支付把货物运至指定目的港所需的开支和运费,但从货物交至船上甲板后,货物的风险、灭失或损坏以及发生事故后造成的额外开支,在货物越过指定港的船舷后,就由卖方转向买方负担另外要求卖方办理货物的出

14、口结关手续。本术语适用于海运或内河运输。 (六)成本、保险费加运费(CIF) 本术语英文为“Cost,Insurance and Freight(named port of shipment)”,即“成本、保险费加运费(指定目的港)”。它指卖方除负有与“成本加运费”术语相同的义务外,卖方还须办理货物在运输途中应由买方承担购货物灭失或损坏的海运保险并支付保险费。本术语适用于海运或内河运输。 (七)运费付至(CPT) 本术语英文为“Carriage Paid to):tid to( named place of destination)”,即“运费付至(指定目的地)”。本术语系指卖方支付货物运至指

15、定目的地的运费。关于货物灭失或损坏的风险以及货物交至承运人后发生事件所产生的任何额外费用,自货物已交付给承运人照管之时起,从卖方转由买方承担。另外,卖方须办理货物出口的结关手续。本术语适用于各种运输方式,包括多式联运。 (八)运费及保险费付至(CIP) 本术语英文为“Carriage and Insurance Paid to( named place of destination)”,即“运费及保险费付至(指定目的地)。”它指卖方除负有与“运费付至(指定目的地)”术语相同的义务外,卖方还须办理货物在运输途中应由买方承担的货物灭失或损坏风险的海运保险并支付保险费。本术语适用于任何运输方式。 (

16、九)边境交货(DAF) 本术语的英文为“Delivered at Frontier(named place)”,即“边境交货(指定地点)”。它指卖方承担如下义务,将备妥的货物运至边境上的指定地点,办理货物出口结关手续,在毗邻国家海关关境前交货,本术语主要适用于通过铁路或公路运输的货物,也可用于其他运输方式。 (十)目的港船上交货(DES) 本术语的英文为“Delivered Ex Ship( named port of destination)”,即“目的港船上交货(指定目的港)”。它系指卖方履行如下义务,把备妥的货物,在指定目的港的船甲板上不办理货物进口结关手续的情况下,交给买方,故卖方须承

17、担包括货物运至指定目的港的所有费用与风险。本术语只适用于海运或内河运输。 (十一)目的港码头交货(DEQ) 本术语的英文为 :“Delivered Ex Quay (Duty Paid)(named port of destination)”,即“目的港码头交货(关税已付)(指定目的港)”。本术语指卖方履行如下义务,将其备好的货物,在指定目的港的码头,办理进口结关后,交付给买方,而且卖方须承担所有风险和费用,包括关锐、捐税和其他交货中出现的费用。本术语适用于海运或内河运输。 (十二)未完税交货(DDU) 本术语的英文为“Delivered Duty Unpaid( named place of

18、 destination)”,即“未完税交货(指定目的地)”。它指卖方将备好的货物,在进口国指定的地点交付,而且须承担货物运至指定地点的一切费用和风险(不包括关税、捐税及进口时应支付的其他官方费用),另外须承担办理海关手续的费用和风险。买方须承担因未能及时办理货物进口结关而引起的额外费用和风险。本术语适用于各种运输方式。 (十三)完税后交货(DDP) 本术语的英文为“Delivered Duty Paid( named place ofdestination)”,即“完税后交货(指定目的地)”。它是指卖方将备好的货物在进口国指定地点交付,而且承担将货物运至指定地点的一切费用和风险,并办理进口结

19、关。本术语可适用于各种运输方式。分批订单:split order 出口订单:export order 进口订单:import order 已收到订单: oder on hand 领到订单: order booked 寄出订单: order given收到订单:received order 邮购:mail order 新订单:new order 口头订单:verbal order 电报订单:cable order|telegraphic order 试验订购|试购:trial order 向.寄出订单:to order from|to give an order for|to place an

20、order with|to put in an order|to pass an order 对.订货:to pass one an order 不订货:to pass with an order 对.传达订货:to transmit an order to one 接到订单|收到订单:to receive an order 寄空白订单:to place an order in blank 订货|已列帐:to take an order|to book an order 接受订单|接受订货:to accept an order|to take an order 决定成交:to close an

21、 order 执行订单:to fill an order|to execute an order|to attend to an order|to put an order through 完成订货|已交货:to complete an order寄送一份订单:to send an order 发货|寄出货品:to dispatch an order 装船|已装船:to ship an order 改变订货|变更订单:to modify an order|to make alterrations in an order 继续订货:to repeat an order 取消订货|撤消订单to c

22、ancel an order 确认订货:to confirm an order 已将订货列帐:to book an order 增加订货:to increase an order 将定货增加一倍:to duplicate an order 减少订货:to reduce an order 请求订货:to solicit an order|to invite an order 错过一次订货:to miss an order 依照某人指示:to make to order of 按照订单:as per order|as ordered|as one wishes 费用:charges 免费:free

23、 of charges 买方负责费用|对方负责费用:charges forward 费用已付|卖方已付杂费:charges paid|charges prepaid 装运单据|装货单:Shipping Documents 海运提单:bill of lading (B/L) 海运保险:marine insurance policy 货物装运单|装运发票:shipping invoice 收货传票:receiving note 收货单|大副收据:mates receipt (M/R) 领事发票:consular invoice 产地证书:certificate of origin 装船通知:shi

24、pping advice 船运公司|海运业:shipping business|shipping trade 海运费用:shipping charges|shipping expenses 运费:freight 运费率:freight rate 火车货运|货车:freight train|goods train 对方付运费|运费待收:freight forward|freight payable at destination|freight collect 运费表|运价表:freight tariff|freight list 货运船:freight vessel|cargo boat|fre

25、ighter 油轮|油槽船:tanker|tanker-steamer|tank-ship积载stow 卸载discharge 海牙时间Hague Period 整箱货Full container load(FCL) 背书indorsement 节省的全部时间all time saved 船级working time saved 租期charter period 交船delivery of vessel 还船re-deliver of vessel 货物选择权option of cargo 满载货物full and complete cargo 受载日laydays date 节约日cance

26、lling date 卸船重量deliverde quantity 许可装卸时间lay tine (lay days) 连续日(或时)running or consecutive days/hours 损害damage 灭失loss 外来风险extraneous risks 全损total loss 实际全损actual total lose 推定全损constructive total loss 部分损失partial loss 单独海损particular average 共同海损general average 平安险free from particular average (FPA) 水

27、渍险with particular average (Wa or WPA) 一切险all risks 仓至仓条款warehouse to warehouse clause 转装费transfer charge 海运运费ocean freight 船方不负担装货费free in (F.I.) 船方不负担卸货费free out (F.O.) 船方不负担装卸费free in and out (F.I.O.) 船方不负担装卸、理舱、平舱费free in and out,stowed,trimmed (F.I.O.S.T) 装船费loading charges 议价open rate 速遣费despat

28、ch money 滞期费demurrage 预付运费freight prepaid 到付运费freight at destination(freight to be collected) 运价表freight tariff 基本运费率basic rate 班轮运价liner freight 附加费surcharges 超重附加费heavy lift additional 超长附加费long length additional 燃油附加费bunker surcharge or bunker adjustment factor 直航附加费direct additional 转船附加费stransh

29、ipment surcharge 港口附加费port surcharge 装箱单packing list 重量单weight memo 信用证letter of credit 销售合同sales contract 销货确认书sales confirmation 汇票bill of exchange or draft 订舱单booking note 装货单shipping order 收货单(大副收据)mates receipt 过期提单stale B/L 舱面提单on deck B/L 预借提单advanced B/L 倒签提单anti-dated B/L 标准定期租船合同uniform time charter (BALTIME) 提单bill of lading(B/L) 已装船提单shipped(or on board)bill of lading 备运提单received for shipme

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