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1、四川省大学英语三级考试词汇语法部分专项分析第二部分:词汇和语法(Structure and Vocabulary)(一)考试大纲和历年试题分析根据四川省大学英语三级考试大纲,“词汇与结构”部分共20题,语法结构占60%,即12题,词汇40%,即8题。考查的内容主要在要求的大纲语法项目和约3550个单词和350条短语之中。 就历年试题分析,考查的重点主要集中在如下项目:词汇(形近、近音、近义)辨析(语法)结构动词名词形、副词介词、短语共非谓语结构时态语态情态虚拟语气从句倒装主谓一致和其它句式共1-2题11-212-38-92-3212-311-211-12(二)词汇部分考点1. 形容词、副词形容

2、词和副词为每年三级考试必考题目,所考单词全部出自考纲所要求的3550个基础词汇,主要考查学生对单词意义的准确把握,以及单词的相关搭配。每年的考题中通常会有两道题目,一道考查形容词,另外一道考查副词。真题演练:1)The young officer was very _with the new soldier in their training . (200406-15)A. hard B. strict C. serious D. hostile 2)There are no tickets _for Saturdays concert. (200506-26)A. preferable B.

3、 favorable C. available D. considerable3) It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _ knowledge. A) intensive B) ineffective C) extensive D)expensive (200512-22)4) We need someone really _ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly. (200512-26) A) effective B)

4、efficient C) essential D) executive5)Lets hang up some nice paintings on these _ walls of the great hall. (200512-29) A) blank B) bare C) empty D) vacant6)She is one of the newest film stars from America and has many fans, _ in Europe. (200312-13) A) specially B) particularly C) partially D) specifi

5、cally 7)They took _ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping in the chemical plant. A) fruitful B) beneficial C) effective D) influential (200312-16)8)John and Edwards are, _, the producer and director of the film that won the prize just now.A. definitely B. relatively C. collectively D. re

6、spectively (200406-13)9) It is _ impossible to find a good educational computer program in this part of the country.A. merely B. barely C. hardly D. nearly (200506-31)10) Over ten people died and twenty people were _ wounded in the train crash. (200606-20)A. eventually B. urgently C. bitterly D. ser

7、iously答案:1)B,2)C,3)C, 4)B,5)B,6)B,7)C,8)D,9)D,10)D补充练习:1) He is not really ill, but he has a _ headache. A. obvious B. delicate C. slight D. temporary2) Some _ friends helped John to get a good job.A. capable B. effective C. efficient D. powerful3) The winds today will be light and _.A. varied B. va

8、rious C. variable D. valuable4)She is very _ about what she wears and eats.A. popular B. specific C. special D. particular5) He was quite _ about his future in the company.A. pessimistic B. optional C. ambitious D. confident6) Noise is unpleasant, _ when you are trying to sleep.A. surely B. exclusiv

9、ely C. generally D. especially7) Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _ sicknesses.A. normal B. regular C. average D. ordinary8) Having heard so much about Mr. Smith, they were _ to meet and have a chat with him.A. eager B. desperate C. urgent D. earnest9) The mi

10、ld boiled over and there was a _ smell of burning.A. horrible B. beautiful C. hostile D. bitter10) Johnny was very _ and preferred not to talk about his achievement.A. modest B. impatient C. indifferent D. mysterious11) We had _rain this summer.A. considerate B. considerable C. conservative D. consi

11、stent12) Although only of _ intelligence, he speaks four foreign languages fluently.A. average B. middle C. minor D. slow13) _, many workers who have been laid off are the victims of the bad management in the company.A. Scarcely B. Undoubtedly C. Directly D. Largely14) The hero in the story is an _

12、character.A. imagine B. imaginary C. imaginative D. imagination15) The lady who had invited us heard me telling my wife that the dinner was terrible, so I was _.A. confused B. nervous C. shameful D. embarrassed16. The doctor found the patients blood pressure remained _ at all time.A. constant B. con

13、tinuous C. continual D. available17. Our public transportation is not _ for the need of the people in our major cities.A. excessive B. additional C. efficient D. adequate18. Id like to have a table for four at 6 oclock. I am sorry. There are no tables _ this evening.A. available B. favorable C. read

14、y D. prepared19. In teaching it is highly _ to know exactly what one is hoping to achieve.A. unable B. reliable C. unreasonable D. desirable20. There were _ 9,997 people at the opening ceremony of the games.A. approximately B. nearly C. apparently D. exactly答案:1-5: C D C D D 6-10: D D A A A 11-15: B

15、 A B D A 16-20: A D A D D2动词、动词短语动词也是每年三级考试必考题目,所考单词全部出自考纲所要求的3550个基础词汇,即有单独考查单词意义的题目,也有考查动词意义及其搭配的题目,复习时应该注意动词的相关搭配和用法。每年的考题中通常会有2-3道题目,但从四川省2006年12月的考题来看,比例有所增加。值得注意的是,考题一般不会单纯考查词汇,通常会将语法知识点如被动语态结合在一起考查。真题演练:1)The investigation has _some serious faults in the operation system of the assembly line.

16、 A. revealed B. involved C. encountered D. recovered (200406-32)2)Features such as height , weight and skin color _from individual to individual and from face to face . A. alter B. vary C. change D. convert (200506-19)3) Some animals can _ in the desert on very little water. (200306-27) A. relax B.

17、conquer C. survive D. recover4) In this university, the best students are _ special scholarships every year. (200306-29) A. impressed B. exerted C. favored D. awarded5) The solution to the problems _ social and political reforms. (200306-31) A. sticks to B. lies in C. stands for D. goes through6) At

18、 such a time of crisis, we must try to _ differences of party or class and stick together. A. set forth B. set back C. set aside D. set down (200312-26)7) A soldier should never _ from the duty of defending his county even in the face of death. A. shrink B. shield C. shelter D. avoid (200312-32)8) L

19、ooking through my drawers I _ the missing papers. (200406-26) A. came over B. came across C. came through D. came to 9) Eating too much food can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. (200506-17) A. contribute to B. refer to C. attend to D. devote to10) We hoped to be able to complete the ta

20、sk at the end of the month, but things did not _ as we had expected. A. work over B. work on C. work at D. work out (200306-19)答案:1)A,2)B, 3)C, 4)D,5)B,6)C,7)A,8)B,9)A,10)D补充练习:1) Their marriage ended with _ at last because of the age ago. A. divorce B. register C. panel D. restore2) What do you _ t

21、o do about the problem now that this solution has failed? A. attempt B. think C. pretend D. intend3) Is there anyone who _ the plans put forward by the committee? A. differs B. opposes C. disagrees D. refuses4) The ability to use a language can be _ only by the act of using the language. A. acquired

22、 B. inquired C. required D. acquitted5) The restaurant is busy on Sundays, so I will phone up today and _ a table. A. reserve B. preserve C. observe D. deserve6) He has been _ of murdering his wife. A. blamed B. charged C. accused D. arrested7) Ive _ for the job and I hope I could get it. A. appoint

23、ed B. applied C. presented D. succeeded8) Children who are over-protected by their parents may become_. A. hurt B. damaged C. spoiled D. harmed9) The Chinese Red Cross _ a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled. A. assigned B. contributed C. furnished D. administered10) Our company de

24、cided to _ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met. A. destroy B. resist C. assume D. cancel11) The experiment he made last week _ that theory. A. committed B. confirmed C. considered D. concerned12) We must _ that the telegram arrives in time. A. secure B. assure C. i

25、nsure D. ensure13) Martys music teacher _ him for the school band. A. recommended B. employed C. promoted D. specialized14) We were tired of hearing him _ about how strong he was. A. exclaim B. speak C. remark D. boast15) He _ to hit me if I didnt do as he said. A. pretended B. thought C. threatened

26、 D. warned16) She doesnt _ to speak her mind. A. object B. hesitate C. pause D. prepare17) It would be easier to _ the outcome of the game, if the teams were not so evenly matched. A. argue B. discuss C. predict D. influence18) He couldnt even _ a cow from a horse. A. tell B. contrast C. compare D.

27、recognize19) I was told that this cloth would not _ in the wash, but it did. A. decrease B. shorten C. reduce D. shrink20) We asked high school student to _ in an anti-drugs campaign. A. remain B. resist C. participate D. attend21) Science has _ great changes in our daily life. A. brought up B. brou

28、ght forward C. brought out D. brought about22) Her teacher has _ her essay and found sit spelling mistakes. A. looked through B. looked into C. looked up D. looked after23) I could just see a car in the distance; but I could not _ what color it was. A. take in B. look over C. make out D. see through

29、24) The gas _ an unpleasant smell. A. set off B. went off C. put off D. gave off25) Poor as he was, he was honest, and _ every offer of help. A. gave out B. turned down C. called off D. looked through26) The old man has _ two wars and three revolutions. A. left for B. lived through C. fought against

30、 D. looked through27) We have already_ too much of your valuable time. A. taken away B. taken in C. taken over D. taken up28) The factory will have to _ workers if its orders keep on decreasing. A. hand over B. lay off C. hand in D. turn down29) Its hard work but if you _ youll succeed in the end. A. hand in B. hang in C. hand on D. hang on30) Mr. Brown lost his job last month so the family had to _on expenses A. cut off B. cut out C. cut back D. cut down答案: 1-5: A D B A A 6-10: C A C B D 11-15: B D A D C 16-20:

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