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1、中考英语完型填空复习专项练习题含答案中考英语完型填空复习专项练习题(含答案)Dear Lin Yue, Hows it going with you? Im 1 here in England. And I have a good friend here. Shes Helen 2 . This is Helens room. A white hat is on her white bed. You 3 see a big desk and two chairs. And they are all white. There are some books, a white radio and a

2、 white clock on the desk. Under the books 4 a tape. Here are some 5 on the wall. In the biggest(最大的)photo is her dog-Cici. Cici is white, too. You 6 most(大部分)of her things are white. White is her favorite color, because her last name is White. Helens room is big 7 nice. What about 8 ? Well, this is

3、my desk and many books are on the desk. Books are my good 9 . I can learn(学习)a lot from them. You can see them here and there in my room, on the desk, on the floor. Some books are on the bed, too. I think I need to have a big bookcase for these 10 .There is a map of China on the wall. This is my roo

4、m. Do you like it?Yours,Tina1Afine Bfree Cnice2ABrown BWhite CBlack3Acan Bmust Cneed4Aam Bis Care5Amaps Bphotos Cads6Asay Bthink Csee7Aand Bso Cbut8Ahis Byours Cmine9Afriends Bnotebooks Cclassmates10Aphotos Bmaps Cbooks Is everything you read on the internet true? If your answer is “no”, you are rig

5、ht! Many stories and even photos are not to be trusted.There are many reasons for the 11 of inaccurate (错误的)content on the internet. One reason is that some websites can create stories that seem to be very true. They do so 12 make a point or to make people laugh. Other reasons might be an attempt (企

6、图) to gain more readers, a desire to damage someones reputation, or simple curiosity (好奇)about 13 a false story can spread.One story that spread throughout the media before anyone had checked it facts involved teenagers, selfies(自拍)and head lice (头虱). The article stated that when teenagers were gett

7、ing together for selfies, their heads often 14 and the tiny insects were jumping from head to head. The article went on to say that this was causing a serious outbreak(爆发)of lice. Some major websites 15 the story, not even bothering to ask the experts. It turned out(结果是) that some business people wh

8、o were marketing a new treatment for head lice had made up the story and posted it. Their 16 was to get more attention and more 17 .Because there is so much false information online, there are now websites, such as Snopes and Factcheck, which exist specially to 18 if stories are true or not. So the

9、next time you see a story that sounds too 19 to be true, remember to 20 the facts. Only then should you spread it to your friends.11Ainfluence Bsuccess Cspread Dexcellence12Ain order to Bin order that Cso that Dthat13Ahow many Bhow far Chow much Dhow often14Amatched Btouched Cshook Dsolved15Alooked

10、for Bset up Cmade up Dpicked up16Ahouse Bnews Clab Dpurpose17Ainformation Bmeaning Cbusiness Ddiscussion18Afind out Btake up Cgive up Drun away19Awell Bgood Cbadly Dquite20Acheck Bclick Cshut Dreplace It is Lauras birthday today. Her family have a birthday party 21 her in the restaurant. Her father

11、buys some candies. Her mother 22 a birthday cake. When all the people 23 , the party begins. Laura 24 a birthday hat. After she makes a wish, she 25 all the candles. The number of the candles 26 thirteen because this is Lauras thirteenth birthday.In the evening, Lauras mother cooks a large bowl of n

12、oodles for her. There are two 27 in it. The noodles are very 28 . Her mother says they are a 29 of long life. She also says the eggs can 30 good luck to her. Laura is very happy today.21Ato Bfor Cfrom Dat22Asells Bdraws Ceats Dmakes23Aarrive Bleave Csleep Dget24Aputs Btakes Cwears Dkeeps25Acuts out

13、Bblows out Cmakes out Deats out26Abe Bam Cis Dare27Acakes Bpancakes Ccandies Deggs28Along Bshort Clarge Dsmall29Arule Bsymbol Cway Dgift30Adescribe Bfollow Cbuild DbringOnce in a small own, there was a big clock that sat on top of a bank building beside a river. One day the clock fell 31 .On some da

14、ys, the clock ran 32 but it ran a minute or two faster or slower on other days. Tick-tock! Tick-1ock! Finally, the clock became 33 . Sometimes it ran hours early, sometimes it ran hours late. One day, a soldier drove past the clock and made his 34 according to it. Now, his watch was 35 three hours e

15、arly. The soldier usually stared training his men at 6:00 a. m. But the next morning, the solider asked his men to begin at 36 in the morning! His men were not very happy about this so they went to the 37 to talk about the problem. The bank manager, a kind lady, listened to them patiently. She 38 to

16、 take the sick clock down. These men helped her send the clock to the 39 . He fixed the clock and set it up on the bank building again. Now, the whole town was 40 After all, they could all reset their watches and were on time every day!31Asick Bhappy Cworried Dstrong32Atiredly Bcomfortably Chard Dwe

17、ll33Abetter Bworse Cfaster Dslower34Amind Bcar Cwatch Dway35Ajumping Btelling Crunning Dspending36Athree Bsix Cnine Dtwelve37Asite Bbank Criver Dfactory38Atrained Bagreed Choped Dremembered39Aworker Bfarmer Cdoctor Dengineer40Aboring Bclever Cnoisy Dcheerful A businessman (商人) went to see the doctor

18、. He told the doctor that he couldnt sleep at night. The doctor examined (检查) him 41 and said, “Your problem is that you need to relax. Just go to do some enjoyable things. Dont 42 too much about your work. Do you have any hobbies?”The businessman 43 for a few minutes and then said, “No, I dont. I d

19、ont have any time for hobbies.” That was a surprising 44 to the doctor. The doctor looked at the businessman and said, “That is your main 45 , you see. Its OK to work hard, 46 you should learn to relax. Why dont you do something you are really 47 ? Why dont you go on a trip? The scenes (风景) is 48 :

20、high mountains, thick forests, small rivers, and a lot of wild flowers along the way. Or why dont you learn to paint? If you find 49 fun to do, you will probably break down in less than five years.”“All right, Ill try.” the businessman said. The next day he 50 the doctor and said, “That was a very g

21、ood idea, doctor. Thank you very much. Ive already painted fifteen pictures since I saw you yesterday.”41Acomfortably Bclearly Ccarefully Deasily42Aworry Bask Ctalk Dlearn43Aprepared Btried Cthought Dfelt44Aresult Bstep Cstory Danswer45Aprogram Bproblem Cidea Dservice46Aor Bbecause Cso Dbut47Aintere

22、sted in Bfamous for Csure about Dcareful with48Asimple Bbeautiful Cimportant Ddifferent49Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing50Afollowed Badvised Ccalled Dmissed Once upon a time, a rich man wanted to take a trip to another town. He tried to take things to 51 . He decided to take ten servants w

23、ith him. They would carry the things to sell and the food to eat 52 their trip. Before they started, a little boy ran up to 53 and asked to go with them.The rich man said to the little boy, “Well, you can go with us. Because you are the smallest and the thinnest of all my 54 , you cant carry a heavy

24、 load(担子). You must choose the lightest one to carry.” The boy thanked him and chose the 55 load to carry. That was bread.“You are not clever” said the rich man, “That is the biggest and the heaviest 56 .” The boy said nothing and carried the load 57 .On the trip they walked for days and at last the

25、y got to the 58 . All the servants were tired, 59 the little servant felt relaxed. Do you know 60 ? They ate most of the bread during the trip.51Asell Bbuy Ccook Dmake52Aabove Bduring Cwith Dfollow53Ayou Bus Cthem Dher54Aservants Bfriends Cfamilies Dboys55Abiggest Bsmallest Clongest Dshortest56Ait B

26、one Cthis Dthat57Ahappily Bcarelessly Ccheaply Dlovely58Atown Bcity Cvillage Dstreet59Aand Bbut Cso Dbecause60Awhy Bwhere Cwhich DwhenHi, everyone! Im Li Hua. I am a middle school student. Today, Im happy here to say 61 about my everyday life to you.From Monday to Friday, I spend 7 hours at school e

27、ach day. And usually I have lunch at the school 62 . The food there is not bad.I like reading very much, 63 Im happy that my school has a big library. I often go there to read or 64 some books. But when the exam time comes, Ill 65 going there and get busy with my lessons.At weekends, I have much fre

28、e time for my 66 . Im glad about that. I like playing the piano and drawing very much. I spend two or three hours 67 them every week. On sunny and 68 spring and autumn days, I often make trips to the countryside with my friends. We always have a good time. In 69 , I do sports such as skiing, skating

29、 and ice hockey (曲棍球). Im not very good at 70 or hockey, but I am a pretty good skier. I think my life is great fun.61Aanything Bnothing Csomething Deverything62Alab Bhall Cplayground Ddining-hall63Aso Bbecause Cbut D/64Aborrow Blend Ctake Dbring65Astart Bstop Cenjoy Dhate66Aclasses Bhomework Cgames

30、 Dhobbies67Adrawing Bmeeting Cpractising Dplaying68Awindy Bcloudy Cwarm Dcold69Aspring Bsummer Cautumn Dwinter70Aswimming Bskating Cjogging DrunningThe Brown Clothes Store is on sale(大甩卖). I want to buy new clothes. Lets 71 and have a look. They sell all clothes at very good 72 . 73 are the shirts? The green shirts are $ 15 each(每一), 74 the yellow ones are $ 20 each. What about the sweaters? They 75 brown sweaters for $ 22. They sell trousers and shoes, too. They have black trousers for children for only $ 13. They have shoes 76 white for only $ 28. Oh, the yellow hat looks 77 . I l

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