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1、八年级英语上册期末考试试题1洛阳市2009-2010学年第一学期期末考试八年级英语试卷一、 听力部分(20) I、听力理解(20)(1)听句子,选择最佳答语。( )1ABecause they are very exciting BBecause they are too boring CBecause they are strict ( )2AGo to Shanghai BTo be a teacher CLike fruit very much( )3ATina likes football BTina can speak English CTina is my friend( )4AW

2、hy? BHere、you are CNoyou can( )5AA good idea BIm so busy CYes,lets go there(2)听句子,选出与句子内容相符的图片。 (3)听下面五段对话,选择最佳答案。( )11How much are these shirts? A15 yuan B50 yuan C45 yuan( )12What is John going to do this vacation? ATo learn swimming BTo take dancing lessons CTo take skating lesson( )13Where is Ma

3、bel now? AIn the dining room BIn the bedroom CIn the sitting room( )14Why does Mary go to the zoo? AShe likes the animals there BShe wants to relax herself CShe canlook after the animals there ( )15Who gets up the earliest among them? AMike BSusan CLily(4)听下面一段短文,一空填一词。二、笔试部分(100)、用所给词的正确形式填空(10)1Wh

4、o is the most_ in your activity? (act)2In Sanya you can see some very beautiful_ (beach)3Sorry, I was too _ in this exam, so I failed it (care)4We must be strict with ourselves in our_ work(day)5Who will show these_ around our school tomorrow? (visit)6Whats wrong with you? I have a_ (head)7Mary cant

5、 go to school because of her_ (ill)8You must take good care of_ during the trip,boys and girls(you)9He wants to be a_ when he grows up(science)10I cant finish my work on time_ your help (with)、单项选择(20)( )1This is_ 800-meter race Aan Ba Cthe D( )2Kang kang and other students are having basketball gam

6、e on the playground Lets_ Acheer them on Bcheer on them Cto cheer them on Dto cheer on them( )3I was very busy and missed that famous game yesterday AIt doesnt matter BIm sorry to hear that CYou can try next time DWhat a shame!( )4I,m sorry_ Which is wrong? Afor that Babout that Cto trouble you Dto

7、you( )5Our city becomes_ Amore beautiful and beautiful Bbeautiful than before Cmore and more beautiful Dbeautiful and more beautiful( )6Whats the matter with you? _Which is wrong? Ahave a fever Bhave a flu Chave a cold Dhave a cough ( )7The son was illMrs Black took care of him_ Aat night Bduring th

8、e day Cday and night Dabove all( )8Smoking is a bad habitWhy not_ ? Agive it up Bgive up it Cgive up Dstop to smoke( )9There is no time left_,Kang kang AGo ahead BHurry up CJust a moment DSure( )10You go to see Tomhe left for Beijing last night Adont have to Bshouldnt Cdont Dmustnt( )11Children ofte

9、n do they like Awhat Ball which Cthat DWhat all( )12What do you think of the new movie? _I prefer staying at home to seeing it AIts just so-so BIts wonderful CIts so exciting DIts so great ( )13Its said that the song Beautiful Day and Walk On won several Grammies _ Ain the 1970 Bin 1980s Cin the 198

10、0s Din 1980s( )1 4Which doesnt belong to the same type? APop music BBeijing Opera CFolk music DRock music( )15_lovely my dog is! AWhat BHow CWhich DWhy ( )16Tom didnt pass the examHis mother_ him Awas pleased with Bwas angry with Cwas strict with Dwas strict in( )1 7On Sundays many people go to the

11、countryside to_ the beauties of nature there Alook Bhave Cenjoy Dmake( )18Which animal is_,a horse,a sheep Or a dog? Abig Bbigger Cbiggest Dthe biggest( )19Im not sure _ Tom will join US or not Aif Bwhether Cthat Dwhy( )20h has rained for three daysSome houses are_ in the rain Afalling down Bpulling

12、 down Cgoing down Dturning down 、 用所给动词的正确形式填空(10)1We_ a basketball game against Class One tomorrow(have)2Jim spends half an hour_ English every morning(read)3Would you mind_ me that newspaper?(pass) 4Youd better a shower once a day in summer(take)5You should avoid the same mistake from now on(make)

13、6I_ to live here alone,but now I live with my parents(use)7_ I_ here now ? No you needntWe can leave here together in ten minutes(1eave)8Generally speaking,the young children are fond of_ in front of people (act)9My mother_ between six Oclock and seven Oclock yesterday morn ing(cook)10My son_ his ho

14、mework when I came back home yesterday(do) V、按要求改写句子,一空填一词。(1Gj1We had fur:visiting the Great Wall last week(同义句改写) We found _ _ _the Great Wall last week2There used to be a bridge three years ago,_ _? (完成反意疑问句)3Instead of humans,robots call do some hard work(同义句改写) Robots can_ _ _ _humans to do som

15、e hard work4I think that peonies(牡丹)are more beautiful than all flowers (同义句改写) l think that peonies are_ _ _ _all flow-ers5Paul has a lovely dog(改为感叹句) _ a lovely dog Paul has! 6Why dont you go out to do some outdoor activities?(同义句改写) Why _ out to do some outdoor activities?7Jenny teaches herself

16、Chinese(同义句改写) Jenny_ _Chinese_ _8Y0u must give up smokingIts bad for you health(同义句改写) You must_ smokingIts bad for you health、补全对话(10%) 从下面方框中选择适当的句子填空,使对话完整。将其标号填入句中的横线上。A:Hello,Sarah!B:Hi,、Mike!A:We will have summer holidays next month(1)_B:Im going t0 HainanA:Oh,Hainan is a great place of inter

17、est(2) _B:N0,I didntI hear it,-s very hot in summerA:Yes,it isHow will you get there?B:(3) _A:I think its better to go there by shipB:Maybe next timeThis time we have to stay there for only three days A:(4) _ ?B:On the fifth day of next monthA:r m sure you will enjoy yourselves thereB:I hope SOWhat

18、about you,Mike?A:(5) _B:Sounds great! Have a good timeA:ThanksGoodbyeB:Bye 、完形填空(10%) What must you do when you get a present for your birthday? You have tosit down and write a thank you letterThe words“Thank you”_1_very important,we have to use them oftenWe say them when someone_2_us a drink or doe

19、s something for us_3_important word is“please”Many people often forget_4_ It is not polite to ask someone to do something without saying“please”We have to use it when we_5_somethingIt_6_ a book or a pencil,more rice or more teaWe should say“please”to make each Other _7_ We have to learn to say“sorry

20、”,tooWhen we hurt someone,we go up and say we are _8_When we do something wrongwe use _9_wordWhen we forget some-thing_10_break something,we use the word,too( )1Aam Bis Care Dbe( )2A gives Bpays Ctakes Dhelps( )3AThe other BOther CAnother DThe others( )4Ausing Bto use Cto tell Dto talk( )5Aask Bask

21、for Cask to Dask about( )6Amaybe Bperhaps Cpossible Dmay be ( )( )7Ahappy Bhappily Cunhappy Dhappier( )8Aangry Bhappy Csorry Dbusy( )9Aanother Bthe same Cdifferent Done( )10Aor Band Cbut Dyet 、词语运用(10)阅读短文,选择正确的单词填空(注意单词的大、小写),使短文意思通顺、完整 Our town is a great place to live inIts the best place to enjo

22、y my 1_:!meThere are three movie 2_ They are all good,and the one near my house is the 3_The most popular place for people is the Shopping Streets0 its usually 4_with many people 5_is very convenient(方便的)in our townThere are many clothingstoresThey sell all kinds of clothes and most of 6 _are fashio

23、nable(时尚的),and they are much 7 _ than those in other citiesThere are also a lot of video and music 8_They are very popular with students and they usually buy some CDs there Sometimes there areeven street 9_Some students think theyre 10_,but I think theyre quite interestingI want to sing and dance th

24、ere,too 、 阅读理解。按要求完成下列各题。(20)(A) In India,most people live on small farmsThey live a quiet lifeThe family takes care of the animals on the farmThe COW is the most important animal on the farmThe COW helps on the farm in two waysIt gives milk to the family and it works On the farm Farmers care about

25、their COWS very muchThey want their COWS to be happyThefarmers arent busy at some time of the yearThen people wash and decorate(装饰) their COWSThere are special celebrations for the COWS twice a yearThese celebrations are like Thanksgiving Day in the United States In India,it is against the law(违反法律)

26、to kill a cowOld cows cannot work on farmsSo farmers send their old COWS away from the farmThe cows walk around free-ly in the streetsPeople give their food to the COWS,and cars are careful not to hit thecows There are special animal hospitals for old or sick COWSThe government and some rich people

27、spend money on these hospitalsPeople in other countries do not understand why the Indian government spends money on cows There are many poor people in India who need money 阅读短文,选择正确答寨。( )1In India,most families live on the farmThey feed_ as their impor- tant animals Ahorses Bcows Csheep Dpigs( )2The

28、 cows can help Indians in_ Afood Bmilk and beef Cmilk and farm work Dmilk( )3From the passage we know the farmers are very kind to their COWS,_ Athey take good care of their COWS Bthey often want their cows to have a rest Cthey dont let their cows work for so long Dthey give their cows a celebration once a year( )4In India_ Apeople cant wash their cows Bpeople

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