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1、09中考英语真题分类汇编完形填空22009年中考英语真题分类汇编:完形填空2(十九)(2009广东)Water is the _1_ of all the things we eat and drink . Not many people understand this but _2_ quite true . The human body can go without _3_ for a long time . Weve got many examples for this . Yet two _4_ three days without water can usually make peo

2、ple _5_ . Man cant live _6_ water .Many people dont understand how _7_ water the human body needs _8_ work well , and many people , especially young people , do not drink enough , _9_ in very hot weather . Our body has mostly water , about 65% to 75% . That is to say about two thirds of our body is

3、water . When we do sports , some of the water will get away from our body . _10 _ we dont drink some water , we wont have enough waterAnd if we dont have enough water , well feel tired and many of us will get ill . So you know how important water is to us .( )1. A. importantB. most importantC. more

4、importantD. different( )2.A. its B. its C. it D. is( )3.A. food B. water C. drink D. meat( )4.A . soB. And C. But D. or( )5. A. to dieB. die C. to diedD. died( )6. A. have B. with C. without D. in( )7.A. manyB. muchC. littleD. few( )8.A. and B. the C. / D. to( )9.A. even B. ever C. almostD. hardly(

5、)10.A. IfB. For C. Since D. Because【答案】1-5BAADB , 6-10CBDAA(二十)(2009苏州)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该顶涂黑。 My mother often asked me,“What is the most important part of the body?”Through the years I would guess at 1 I thought was the correct answer When I was younger,I th

6、ought sound was very important to us as humans,so I said“My 2 ,Mommy” She said,“NoMany people aye deafBut you 3 thinking about it and I will ask you again soon” Then last year,my grandpa 4 Everybody was hurtEverybody was cryingMy mom looked at me when it was our 5 to say our final goodbye to Grandpa

7、She asked me,“Do you know the most important body part yet,my dear?” I was shocked 6 she asked me this nowI always thought this was a game between her and meShe saw the confusion(迷惑)on my face and told me,“This 7 is very importantIt shows that you have 8 lived your life”I saw her eyes well up with t

8、ears(跟泪)She said,“My dear,the most important body part is your shoulder” I asked“Is it because it holds up your head?” She replied,“No,it is because it call hold the head of a friend or loved one when they9 Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes in lifemy dearI only hope teat you have enough

9、 love and 10 that you wilt have a shoulder to cry on when you need it”1Aif Bwhat Cthat Dwhether2Aears Beyes Cbody Dhead3Afeel Bstop Ckeep Dforget4Aworried Bvisited Cdied Dcame5Aneed Bchance Cduty Dturn6Awhen Bunless Cbefore Dbut7Aexperience Banswer Cproblem Dquestion8Aeasily Breally Ccarefully Despe

10、cially9Asleep Bthink Claugh Dcry 10Avisitors Bfriends Cclassmates Dteachers【答案】1B 2A 3C 4C 5D 6A 7D 8B 9D 10B(二十一)(2009山东东营)All over the world people swim for fun. Swimming is enjoyed by people of 1 ages, from the very young to the very old. There are many places for people to swim in swimming pools

11、. Many schools, hotels and clubs have swimming pools. Some people have pools of 2 in their yards.Swimming is one of 3 forms of exercise. It can 4 hearts and bodies strong. It can also help blood circulate(循环). Handicapped people can keep their bodies in better condition by swimming 5 they cant enjoy

12、 sports. 6 is a good idea for parents to see to it(务必做到) that their children learn to swim 7 an early age. So their children will 8 it for the rest of their lives.There are many rules for water safety. These rules can help save not only your life 9 the life of a friend. First of all, know 10 . Many

13、schools 11 swimming lessons to children. Adults(成人) can learn to swim at public pools. 12 rule to remember is never to swim 13 . Always swim with a friend and know 14 in the water at all times. It is best to swim 15 in safe places if you are beginners. If every one learned to swim and obeyed the rul

14、es for water safety, most drawing(溺水) could be avoided.1. A.all B. any C. some D. both2.A.themselves B.their own C. theirs own D. their owns3.A.good B. better C. best D. the B. let C. make D. show5.A.though B. as C. so D. until6.A.That B. There C. This D. It7.A.over B. during C. at D. o

15、n8.A.learn B. enjoy C. stop D.know9.A.and aim B. still C.and yet D. but to swim B. why swimming C. how swimming D. why to swim11.A.have B. take C. give D. make12.A.The other one B. Other C. An other D. Another13.A.alone B. yourself C. lonely D. together14.A.who what person is B. where t

16、hat person is C. who is that person D. where is that person15.A.nearly B. hardly C. almost D. only【答案】1-5 ABDCA 6-10DCBDA 11-15 CDABD(二十二)(2009绵羊)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的(A、B、C、D)四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AJuan Gomez wakes up at six oclock every morning. He gets up, takes a 1 , gets dressed, and eats

17、 breakfast. After breakfast he 2 the newspaper until 7:15, then he leaves for work. He gets on the bus at the bus stop, rides it to University Avenue, 3 , and walks to his office. He works 4 five oclock. He usually goes and plays basketball with friends after work. Then he goes home. Juan 5 a very b

18、oring life.1. A. lesson B. breath C. shower D. break2. A. reads B. writes C. rolls D. stamps3. A. gets on B. gets off C. gets away D. gets down4. A. at B. before C. from D. until5. A. leads B. enjoys C. hates D. creates【答案】1-5 CABDA BPaul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas pre

19、sentOn Christmas Eve Paul saw a dirty and poorly-dressed boy walking 1 his shining car“Is this your car,Paul?”he askedPaul told him how he got the car and the boy was 2 “You mean your brother gave it to you and it didnt cost you nothing?Boy,I wish” he said, without 3 his sentencePaul thought the boy

20、 wished he had a 4 like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly. “I wish,”the boy went on,“that I could be a brother like that”Paul looked at the boy in surprise. He invited him to take a 5 in his car and the boy agreed happily. After a short ride,the boy turned and with his eyes 6 ,said,

21、“Paul,would you mind driving in front of my house?” Paul smiled a littleHe thought the boy wanted to 7 his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong 8 . The boy ran back into his house, and after a short while came back with his disabled brother in his arms. He 9 him down on

22、 the step and pointed to the car. “There she is, Buddy, just like what I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didnt 10 him a cent. Some day Im going to give you one just like it.”26. A. inside B. around C. through D. across27. A. interested B. excited C. satisfied D. su

23、rprised28. A. finishing B. understanding C. hearing D. checking29. A. car B. brother C. sister D. family30. A. seat B. rest C. ride D. picture31. A. watering B. shining C. wondering D. shaking32. A. frustrate B. shock C. remind D. show33. A. either B. too C. again D. instead34. A. sat B. dropped C.

24、let D. kept35. A. pay B. cost C. bring D. return【答案】26-30 BDABC 31-35 BDCAB(二十三)(2009哈尔滨)【答案】4650 CBADC 5155 ABCDB(二十四)(2009临沂)【答案】3640 BACDC 4145 ADBBC(二十五)(2009湖州)【答案】(一)(2009山东泰安)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从4150 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Once there was a king who told some of his people to dig a

25、pond (池子).The king then told his people that one person 1 each family had to bring a glass of milk during the night and put it into the pond. So, by the morning, the pond should be 2 of milk.After 3 the order, everyone went home. As one man prepared his milk, he thought that since everyone was bring

26、ing milk, he would just 4 a glass of water and put that into the pond instead. 5 it was dark at night, no one would notice it, so he quickly went and put the water into the pond and 6 home.In the morning, the king went to visit the pond. To his 7 , the pond was only filled with water! What happened?

27、 Yes! Everyone had the same idea 8 that man. They all thought, “I dont have to waste my milk. Someone else will do it.”Dear friends, when you plan to help poor people or people in trouble, do not think that 9 will take care of it. Instead, it starts with you. If you dont do it, no one else will, so

28、change yourself and make a 10 .1. A. at B. from C. on D. with2. A. filled B. empty C. crowded D. full3. A. giving B. refusing C. receiving D. offering4. A. hide B. steal C. waste D. drink5. A. If B. Since C. While D. After6. A. left B. came C. returned D. arrived 7. A. surprise B. satisfaction C. jo

29、y D. taste8. A. with B. to C. as D. of9. A. others B. the others C. none D. neither10. A. face B. mistake C. living D. difference【答案】15 BDCAB 610 CACAD(二)(2009宁波)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、c、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Once, in a small village, lived a family with eight children. Two of the children loved 1 very

30、 much, but the family was so poor that it was impossible to send 2 of them to study at the art college at the same time. After many discussions, the two boys finally 3 a plan. They would toss(抛) a coin. The loser would go 4 into the mines (煤矿) and, with his earnings(赚得的钱), 5 his brother studying at

31、the college. Then, when the brother who won the toss finished his studies, after four years, he would support the other brother studying at the 6 James won the toss and Jack went down into the mines. James worked with all his heart and his paintings were much 7 than those of most of his teachers, and by the time he 8 , he was beginning to make a lot of money for his paintings. 9 James returned, the family held a big dinner for his

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