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Unit5Do you have a soccer ball6.docx

1、Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball6 Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball? 第六课时 Section B 3a - Self Check (写作课)Teaching Goals:一、功能:Talk about ownership. A: Do you have a soccer ball? B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. A: Does she have a volleyball? B: Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt. 二、词汇和常用表达:Learn to use all the sp

2、orts you know(baseball, soccer, ping-pong bat, volleyball.) and the useful expressions( and,but/That sounds fun/ Its interesting.).三、学习策略:学会运用信息归类拟定写作提纲,通过小组互助提高写作技巧和能力。四、文化知识: Sport is the base of life .(生命在于运动) Love life , love sports. (目标引领:从功能、词汇和常用表达学习策略及文化知识四个方面阐述了本节课的教学目标,层次清晰,一目了然。)Teaching

3、and learning steps:Step1. Pre-writing activities1. Revision(话题复习): 1) 据图片写出单词: 2) Chant together! 【设计意图】坚持“以生为本,先学后教”的理念,强调学生的参与、体验、感知,落实基本语言点,以学定教,教师根据具体学情适当微调后续环节的教法。学习一般过去时态就要从动词的过去式入手,为后续的环节积累储备词汇。3.Leading- in(导入):Play a video about soccer. T: Here is a video about a kind of ball. Whats it? S1:

4、 Its a soccer.T: I think its boring. What about you?S2: Its interesting.T: what about you?S3: Its fun.Ask more students to talk about it.4.Talk about some pictures(看图说话): Choose a ball. Say a sentence about it. The teacher gives a model: Ask more students to show their opinions.【设计意图】利用精美的图片激发学生练习说话

5、的热情,这种深入浅出的“开场白”,具有承前启后,温故而知新的作用,且有利于中下等学生进入状态,扎实推进。 5. Activity 3a &3b. Write more questions about sports equipment. (补全对话): 5.1 First , the teacher give a model with a student. 5.2 Then ,complete the sentences in 3a according to the conversation above . After 2 minutes, check the answers. 5.3 Fina

6、lly, exchange the books with a partner. Ask and answer in pairs.【设计意图】复习相关词汇,引导学生进行写作前的热身活动,并为下一步结构分析作准备。 6. Structure analysis(信息归类 结构分析): 1) Put the above expressions to the right place in the chart:Sports Ownership(所属)Conj.(连词)opinion Check the answers. Have the students to read the chart aloud b

7、y themselves. 2) Look at the following disordered sentences, put them into the right order.A But I like ping-pong.B I dont have a soccer.C Soccer is difficult for me.D Its interesting.E After class, I play it with my classmates.Get the students to collate the sentences individually or in pairs. Then

8、 check the answers: B C A D E 3) Now think about this question: How can we put them into the correct order? You can answer in English or in Chinese. S1:. S2:. S3:. T: So ,in order to put them into the correct order, we must pay attention to key words such as but.【设计意图】本环节设计了两项活动:信息归类和句子重排,旨在引导学生积累写作

9、材料,了解文章的主体结构,学习文章布局技巧等方面的要求。7. Talk about school sports club.(谈论实际) T: Class, our school will make sports club. Please write a passage about your friends and your favorite sports to our school. You can also add some more information if possible.【设计意图】由布局谋篇的技巧学习过渡到实际运用,从热身活动过渡到实际操练。Step2 While-writin

10、g activities: 1. Write an outline(拟定提纲) Make notes according to 3a. Discuss them in pairs and write some key words in the following chart:Name ISports Ownership(所属)Conj.(连词)opinion T: Prepare your passage orally according to the details in the chart and Ill ask someone to read to the class. Give Ss

11、3 or 4 minutes to write an outline. Sample: Dear school: My friend.and I love sports. I have but I dont have. I like. It is . My friendhas . and he/she likes. It is . After school, we play. Yours: .【设计意图】正如语文课上写作文要先打草稿一样,拟草稿是写好英语作文的第一步。在此框架内填枝加叶,充实内容,才能一步步顺利成篇。2. Write the draft(起草初稿) Write the draf

12、t in your exercise book.3. Revise the draft(修改初稿) Here is an evaluation scale(评价标准). Have a look. Is there a topic sentence(主题句)?Is there and or but?Did you tell your opinion?Are there any grammatical mistakes(语法错误)? T: Modify each others letter in pairs according to the evaluation scale above. Corr

13、ect mistakes as possible as you can.【设计意图】以学习小组为单位,互评互改,在批改中学习,在批改中提高,取长补短,即所谓“兵教兵”。与教师逐篇批改相比,这种做法省时省力见效快。Step3 Post-writing activities: 1. 展示评价 1) Each group hands in one letter . Teacher shows them on the screen and evaluate them one by one. 2) Choose several Ss to evaluate the letter item by item

14、 in the evaluation scale. 3) Each group elect the best piece from all the letters of them and give them to the teacher. T: Ill show them on the screen. The group leaders will give a grade (等级) to eachletter according to the evaluation scale. A. best B. better C. good D. just so-so Praise top three l

15、etters . 4)Get all the students to transcribe their letters on page 30 in the textbooks.【设计意图】教师从不同小组随机抽取3-5篇日记,投影到大屏幕。教师先做评价示范,学生再对本组作品评价,推选出本组最佳书信,交给教师,投影到大屏幕。各小组组长为评委,按A、B、C、D四个档次投票,排名前三为优秀。 2. 新闻采访 Now lets have an interviewing game. Imagine you are a reporter from Zhishan Middle School (至善中学) s

16、ports club and your partner is the interviewer(被采访者). You will talk about your sports with him/her. 1) Prepare the conversation in pairs. 2) Each group choose one pair as the representative to act out. 3) Choose the best pair from each group to take part in the competition. 4) Rank all the represent

17、atives and give a prize to the top four pairs:最佳表演奖, 最佳创作奖, 最佳语言奖, 最具潜质奖。【设计意图】从书面作文返回到口头表达,既巩固了写作技能又促进了口语表达能力的提高。同时,根据多元评价的要求,善于发现学生的闪光点,对学生作品不同的亮点给予不同的奖项,激发活动热情,提高参与积极性。3. 反思目标 T: Just now we talked about sports . How can we write a good passage? Sa: . Sb: . Sc: . T: If you want to write a good pa

18、ssage , you have to pay attention to the following points: 1) diary format(格式) 2) things 3)who 4) owership 5) likes or dislikes 7) feelings 8) topic sentences【设计意图】经过前面多种形式的反复操练,进入概括总结阶段。引导学生回顾达成目标的过程,总结写好日记的要素, 升华提高。Teachers words: Sport is the base of life .(生命在于运动) Love life , love sports. 4. 作业布

19、置: 1)必做题: Self Check on page 30. Exercises 1&2. 2) 选作题1: Make a pen pal. Write a passage to introduce yourself. Talk about your hobbies about sports.You can use this chart.Name haveDont haveopinion选作题2: Tengzhou will have a national sports meeting next week. We will choose a family to represent our

20、city. Please write a passage about your family. Talk about your favorite sports to introduce your family. 本课亮点: 1. 按照英语写作课的过程性写作模式,写前 展示目标(单元)话题复习热身导入看图说话短文填空文体结构分析展示标准谈论实际 写中 拟定提纲起草初稿修改初稿 写后 典型展示师生评价生生互评新闻采访反思目标布置作业。环环相扣,步步为营。这不仅有助于学生形成合理的写作思路,养成良好的写作习惯,而且有利于降低写作难度,培养学生写作自信心。2.充分利用多媒体课件, 课堂导入采用的足球视

21、频,引导学生进入预设情景,展开丰富的想象,为口语输出提供可能。 3.多元化全方位评价学生,鼓励学生作品中的每个亮点。例如在新闻采访环节,活动展示后设立最佳表演奖, 最佳创作奖, 最佳语言奖, 最具潜质奖,极大地鼓励了学生的参与热情和成就感。努力体现评价主体的多元化,自我评价、结对互评、小组评价、教师评价相结合。 4. 分层作业针对学生不同程度展开,能最大限度发挥学生的张力!本课不足:1. 实施“小组合作竞学”模式,部分优等学生在以优带差环节,不积极主动。2. 在学生对话、拟定草稿的过程中,我在班内巡视不够多,没能及时提供语言帮助。 3. 学生展示过程中,没有兼顾学困生的情况,展示时间比较仓促!

22、教学建议:1. 加强对优等生的促进作用,体现以优带差的局面。2. 鼓励学生在书写的时候加入自己的语言,并及时给予帮助指导。 附:习题答案 2.话题复习: 1) 据图片写单词: 1. Soccer 2. basketball 3. tennis 4. baseball 5. volleyball 6. baseball bat 7. ping-pong 8. ping-pong bat 6. Structure analysis(信息归类 结构分析): Sports Volleyball, basketball, soccer, ping-pong, ping-pong bats, five baseballOwnership(所属)Have, dont have, hasConj.(连词)But, andopinionEasy, interesting, boring, fun, difficult, relaxing 4. 作业布置:(答案略)

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