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1、自攻螺丝自攻螺丝扭力强度(4) Torque Strength Torque Wrench (0150 kgf) (150750 kgf) 购买(150 300 kgf)ASME / FIP1000 / SAE J78, J81, J1237, J933 / ISO 898-7, ISO 2702 / DIN 7500-1 / IFI-1132. TORSIONAL STRENGTH TEST扭力强度试验FIP 1000Applicable To: All Tapping Screws.适用范围:所有种类的自攻螺丝Test Purpose: To detect parts having low

2、 strength which might twist off during driving or seating.测试目的:为检查零件是否因为扭力不足而在组装或旋紧时扭断.Specification: See charts that follow. 如下图示Apparatus required: 测试装置A. Appropriate Split Collet. 适当的夹具B. Collet Holder. 夹具座C. Screw Testing Fixture. 螺丝测试座D. Torque Wrench; accurate with +/-2%. 准确度在2%以内的扭力扳手Sample S

3、ize(Minimum Recommended): 4 pieces per lot; lot size not to exceed 250,000抽样数(建议最少):每批4支,每批批量不超过250M PCS.Procedure: 测试程序A. Place the split collet into the collet holder and screw the fastener into the collet such that a minimum of 2 full threads are in the collet and a minimum of 2 threads are above

4、 the collet. 将螺丝置入测试夹具中再将夹具放入夹具座, 螺丝至少应有两个完全牙在夹具中, 两牙在夹具上方.B. Place the collet holder in the screw testing fixture and clamp into place. 将夹具座固定在螺丝测试座上C. Apply torque with a torque wrench until the part twists off. 扭转扳手直到螺丝扭断D. Record failure value and compare to the required specification.记录破坏值且与规范值

5、比较Failure: Part twists in two at less than specified minimum.失效:螺丝扭断值小於规范值Possible Failure Causes: 失效可能因素A. Core Hardness too low. 心部硬度太低B. Case Hardness too low. 表面硬度太低C. Case Hardness too shallow. 有效渗碳层不足D. Minor diameter too small. 最小径(牙底径)太小ASME 20134.11.3 Torsional Strength Test. Screws shall b

6、e securely clamped by suitable means, such that the clamped portion threads are not damaged and that at least two full threads project above the clamping device, and that at least two full threads exclusive of point, flutes, or end slot, are held within the clamping device. (A blind hole may be used

7、 in place of a threaded clamping device, provided the hole depths is such as to insure that breakage will occur beyond the point or the full length of the flutes or end slot). By means of a suitably calibrated torque measuring device, torque shall be applied to the screw until failure occurs. The to

8、rque required to cause failure shall no less than the minimum value given in Table 50 for the type and size of screw being tested. A typical fixture for conducting torsional strength tests on tapping screws is depicted in Fig. 4.扭力强度测试:螺丝应以适当的方式安全的夹於一相配合的分离盲孔或其他装置中以防止所夹紧的螺纹不致损毁,并且露出至少2全牙於夹具上至少2全牙(不包

9、括尾端、割尾、或凹槽)握於夹具之中。(盲孔可以取代螺纹夹具,其孔深应能保证螺丝不会在尾端、割尾全长或尖尾位置断裂)以一校正过且适当的扭力量测设备,测试直到断裂为止,当断裂时的扭力应不可小於表50之最小值。典型的扭力强度测试设备请参考图4 。图4 - 扭力强度测试参考图表50 自攻螺丝之扭力强度要求螺丝规格最小扭力强度, lb-in.Type ATypeAB ,B ,BF ,BP ,BTType C , D , F, G , TType TRS粗牙细牙粗牙细牙# 244566# 39991010# 41213131514# 51818182022# 62424232724# 73030# 839

10、39424748# 10485656746574# 1283889310893# 141251/4142140179156# 16152# 181965/16290306370330# 20250# 244923/85905607106007/166207008208401/21020107512851080ASME 2000 Torsional Strength Test for All Types of Screws. The shank of the sample screw (coated or uncoated, as received) shall be securely clam

11、ped in a mating, split, blind hole die (see ) , or other equivalent means, such that the following requirements are met: 所有类型之螺丝的扭力强度测试:将螺丝(接收时有涂层或无涂层)的杆部安全的夹在一个相配合的分离盲孔模具(参阅图1),或其他相同装置中,并满足下列规定:(a) the clamped portion of the threads is not damaged 被夹部位的螺纹不能损伤(b) at least two full-form threads proje

12、ct above the clamping device 至少 2 全牙突出於夹具上方(c) at least two full-form threads exclusive of the point taper or the flutes are held within the clamping device (a blind hole may be used in place of the clamping device, provided the hole depth ensures that screw breakage will occur beyond the point tape

13、r or the full length of the flutes)至少 2 全牙(不包括尾端、割尾、或凹槽) 夹在夹具之中。(盲孔可以取代夹紧装置,其孔深应能保证螺丝不会在尾端、割尾全长或尖尾位置断裂)By means of a suitably calibrated torque-measuring device, torque shall be applied to the screw until failure occurs. The torque required to cause failure shall equal or exceed the minimum value sp

14、ecified in Table 4 for the type and size of screw being tested.以一校正过之适当的扭力量测设备,测试螺丝直到产生断裂。当断裂时的扭力应不可小於表4 规定之最小值。 TYPICAL TORSIONAL STRENGTH TEST FIXTURE表4 自攻螺丝之扭力强度要求Type AB, B, BF, BT螺丝Type D, F, T 螺丝螺丝规格扭力, Nm螺丝规格扭力, Nm J78-2013 Steel Self-Drilling Tapping Screws 钢铁自钻螺丝(IFI 113 与 SAE J78 完全相同) Tor

15、sional StrengthScrews shall not fail with the application of a torque less than the torsional strength torque specified in Table 5, when tested in accordance with 5.1.1.扭力强度:当依据5.1.1段所述测试时,螺丝扭断时的扭力强度应不能小於表5 所列的数值。5.1.1 TORSIONAL STRENGTH TESTThe sample screw shall be securely clamped by suitable mea

16、ns (Figure 5) such that the threads in the clamped length are not damaged, and that at least two full threads project above the clamping device, and that at least two full threads exclusive of point, flutes, or thread cutting slot, are held within the clamping device. By means of a suitably calibrat

17、ed torque measuring device, torque shall be applied to the screw until failure of the screw occurs. The torque required to cause failure shall be recorded as the torsional strength torque.扭力强度测试:螺丝样品应安全的被夹紧於适当的夹座(图5)以防止螺丝夹紧长度部位的螺纹损伤,并且露出至少2个全牙於夹具上,至少2个全牙握於夹具之中但不包括尾端、凹槽、或割沟螺纹在内。以一校正过适合的扭力设备测试直到断裂,断裂时

18、所记录的扭力就是扭力强度扭力。表5Type BSD与 Type CSD自钻螺丝的机械性与功能性要求公称螺丝尺寸最小扭力强度, lb-inType BSD(宽牙)Type CSD(机械牙)#41414#62424#84248#106165#12921001/4150156SAE J81-2012 Thread Rolling Screws 螺纹滚牙螺丝3.3.3 TORSIONAL STRENGTHScrews shall not fail with the application of a torque less than the torsional strength torque speci

19、fied in Tables 5A and 5B, when tested in accordance with .扭力强度:依据 段所述测试时,螺丝扭断时的扭力强度不能小於表5 所列的数值。 Torsional Strength TestThe sample screw shall be securely clamped by suitable means (Figure 2) such that the threads in the clamped length are not damaged, and that at least two full threads project abov

20、e the clamping device, and that at least two full threads exclusive of point (2 to 3 1/2 thread pitches) are held within the clamping device. A blind hole may be used in place of a threaded clamping device, provided the hole depths is such as to insure that breakage will occur beyond the point (2 to

21、 3 1/2 thread pitches). By means of a suitably calibrated torque-measuring device, torque shall be applied to the screw until failure of the screw occurs. The torque required to cause failure shall be recorded as the torsional strength torque.扭断强度测试:螺丝样品应以适当的方式牢固的夹紧(图2)以防止在夹具中的螺纹不被损伤,并且露出至少 2个完全牙在夹具

22、上,以及至少 2 个完全牙(不包括2 - P的尾端在内)握於夹具之中。一种盲孔可以使用来取代螺纹夹具,所提供之孔深需能确保断裂不会产生在尾端(2 - P)处。以一支校正过的适当扭力设备测试直到断裂。失效的扭力应被记录并作为扭断强度扭力。 Torque WrenchesTorque wrenches used in all tests shall be accurate within 2% of the maximum of the specified torque range of the wrench. Alternatively, a torque-sensing power device

23、 of equivalent accuracy may be used.扭力扳手:测试时使用的所有扭力扳手,其准确度应在扳手最大扭力范围的 2% 之内。此外拥有相同准确度的扭力感应动力装置也可被使用。表5螺纹滚牙螺丝的机械性能与功能性要求螺丝规格最小扭力强度in-lb2-5663-48104-40145-40226-32248-324810-24651/4 -201565/16 -183303/8 -166007/16 -148401/2 -131080SAE J933-2013 Mechanical and Quality Requirements for Tapping Screws自攻螺

24、丝的机械性与品质要求 Torsional Strength TestShank of sample screw (coated or uncoated, as received) shall be securely clamped in a mating, split, blind-hole die (Figure 1) or other means, such that the clamped portion of the threads is not damaged and at least two full threads project above the clamping devic

25、e and at least two full form threads exclusive of point, flute(s), or end slot are held within the clamping device. (A blind hole may be used in place of the clamping device, providing the hole depth is such as to insure that the breakage will occur beyond the point, or the full length of the flute(

26、s) or end slot.) By means of a suitably calibrated torque measuring device, apply torque to the screw until failure occurs. The torque required to cause failure shall equal or exceed the minimum value shown in Table 2 for the type and size of screw being tested.扭力强度测试:螺丝样品的杆部 (接收时是电镀或未电镀)应被稳固的夹於一相配合

27、的分开盲孔中(图1)或用其他方式,使被夹紧的螺纹部分不受到损伤,并且露出至少2个全牙於夹具上及至少2个全牙(不包括尾端、割尾或末端)握於夹具之中。(一种盲孔可以用来取代夹具,其孔深应能保证螺丝不会在尾端、割尾全长、或尖尾位置断裂)。以一支校正过且适当的扭力量测设备,施加扭力於螺丝上直到断裂为止,断裂时的扭力应等於或大於表2所列的最小值。表2自攻螺丝的最小扭力强度要求螺丝规格最小扭力强度,lb-inType AType AB,B,BF,BG,BP和BTType CType C, D,F,G,T粗牙细牙粗牙细牙44565699910910121313151315181818201820242423

28、2723273030-39394247424748565674567483889310893108125-1/4-142140179140179152-196-5/16-290306370306370250-492-3/8-5905607105607107/16-1/2-SAE J1237-2001 Metric Thread Rolling Screws 公制螺纹滚牙螺丝3.5.3 TORSIONAL STRENGTHType 2 screws shall not fail with the application of a torque less than the torsional st

29、rength torque specified in Table 6 when tested in accordance with .扭力强度:当依据段测试时,Type 2 螺丝扭断时的扭力强度应不能小於表6所列的数值。表6Type 2 螺纹滚成螺丝的机械性要求螺丝规格最小扭力强度 Torsional Strength TestThe sample screw shall be securely clamped by suitable means (Figure 3) such that the threads in the clamped length are not damaged, and that at least two full threads project above the clamping device, and that at least two full threads exclusive of point (2 to thread pitch

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