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1、大学英语四六级语法整理 Tense (时态)示不用时间完成的动作或保持的状态。共16种,重点10种。一般时态进行时态完成时态完成进行时态现在dodoesamis doingarehavehas donehavehas been doing过去didwaswere doinghad done 将来willshall dowillshall be doingwillshall have done过去将来would do(判断时态翻译填表),辅助时间轴I一般时态:示现在、过去、将来、的动作状态或特征。1. 一般现在时:示习惯动作,一般状态,客观规律、真理以及与其相关。e.g.他每天六点起床。He g

2、ets up at six everyday.地球是圆的。The earth is round.He said the earth is square.2. 一般过去时:示过去某个时间发生且一下子就完成的动作(常与示过去的时间词、状语或从句连用, 如yesterday, last week, a few days ago, when等);或过去习惯性的动作。e.g.上个礼拜我们遇到了他。We met him last week.他总是最后一个到教室。 He always went to class last.上周五你看中国好声音了吗? Did you watch the Voice of Ch

3、ina last Friday?3. 一般将来时:示将来某个时间会发生的动作; 将来反复、习惯性动作。e.g. 明天早饭我吃鸡蛋和面包。I will have eggs and bread tomorrow morning.我们这学期每礼拜有五节英语课。We will have five English lessons every week this term.Tips:1. 一般现在时1) 标志词汇:often, usually, sometimes, always, twice a month, every week, on Sundays, occasionally(偶尔),freque

4、ntly(频繁地,经常),at intervals(有时),rarely(很少,几乎不)等。2)as soon as, when, after等引导的时间状语从句,或If,unless等引导的条件状语从句中, 常用一般现在时代替一般将来时(主将从现) e.g. I will tell him as soon as he comes back. 除非海枯石烂 We will go swimming if it is fine tomorrow. If he doesnt tell her the truth now, hell simply keep on asking her until sh

5、e . (CET-4, 98-6) A. does B. will do C. has done D. would doI will never leave you, unless the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. 海枯石烂情缘在。e.g.The film begins in a minute. 电影一会就开始放映。2. 一般过去时 I was a girl. False I was a sassy girl. I used to be a sassy girl1)used to do sth. 过去常常做某事,现在不做了。 e.g. You us

6、ed to get up early in the morning, usednt you/didnt you?否定 used not to/ usednt 区分: sb be used to doing sth. 习惯于 Sth be used to do 被用来做2)示委婉语气:一些实意动词,如want, wonder, think, hope. e.g. I hoped you could give me some advice.3) 常用于虚拟语气:(第三章)3. 一般将来时几种替代形式:be going to do, be to do, be about to do常示按计划、安排、

7、打算、即将要发生的(判断时态翻译填表)II进行时态:现在、过去、将来一个时间点或时间段正在进行的动作。1. 现在进行:示此时此刻正在进行的动作 或现阶段正进行的动作(动作不一定正进行)e.g. 电话铃响了,请你接一下好吗?The telephone is ringing, would you answer it please?他目前在大学教数学。He is teaching Math at college.我现在正在上语法课。2. 过去进行时:示过去某时、过去某段时间正发生的动作; 过去反复的习惯e.g.1) When I called him, he was having dinner.2)

8、 Whenever I visited him, he was always writing at the desk.昨天这个时间我正在3. 将来进行时:将来某时正进行的动作 或要在将来某一时刻开始,并继续下去的动作e.g. 明天这时我将正在读书。I will be reading this time tomorrow.我兄弟一定会关照你的,我今天给他打个电话,然后他就会等你去。(My brother will take care of you. I will call him today, and) he will be expecting you.暑假 的这个时候我正在Tips:1. 现在

9、进行1) 有些词不可用于进行时:如示感觉、感情、存在、丛属,除非词义改变 感觉:see, hear, smell, taste, feel等 感情:hate, fear, love, like, prefer等 存在:exist, stay 等 从属:belong, owne.g. He looks happy.He is looking for his book. (词义改变)我爱你. I am loving you.X2) 示将来:指按计划安排要发生、即将开始的动作,常用词:start, come, go, leave, arrive, returne.g.They are leaving

10、 for Hongkong next month.3) 带感情色彩,示赞赏或讨厌: 这时与always, continually, consistently连用e.g. He is always coming late. 他总是来晚。4)示委婉语气:某些实意动词,如want, wonder, think,hope等。e.g. I am hoping you will give me some advice.5)be的进行时:一时,暂时的性质;故意装模作样You are being young. 假纯装嫩。英译汉e.g.You are being foolish. 你一时糊涂。你在装傻。2. 过

11、去进行时示委婉语气:某些实意动词,如want, wonder, hope, think等e.g.I was hoping you could give me some advice.3. 将来进行时1)示按计划安排要发生的动作。e.g. 不久我们就放假了。We will be taking our holiday soon.2) 示委婉语气:e.g. Will you be having some tea? 喝点茶吧?III完成时态:示已完成的动作1. 现在完成时:示到现在已经完成的或刚刚完成的动作 或从过去某刻发生,现在仍延续着的动作(常与for,since连用)e.g. 到目前为止我已经完

12、成这项任务了。I have already finished this task so far.我们从童年起就彼此认识了。We have known each other since childhood.到现在为止我已经学了十多年的英语了。2. 过去完成时: 示到过去某时已经完成 或一个动作在另一个动作之前已经完成e.g.我们到那里时,篮球赛已经开始了。When we got there, the basketball game had already started.到昨天为止,3.将来完成时:示到将来某时已经完成,有明显的时间状语,如by next week, by the end of

13、next yeare.g.到明天的这个时候,你已经到上海了。By this time tomorrow, you will have arrived in Shanghai.Tips:1. 现在完成时:1) 状语标志词:示到现在为止这段时间的状语标志词有 ,since, up (u)till now, so far, for.(后接示一段时间的短语)e.g. 自从去年我们毕业以后,就再也没见过。We havent seen each other since we graduated last year. 一般过去时(否)2)区别 :对现在是否有影响 现在完成时(是)e.g. I have lo

14、st my key. (现在还未找到)I lost my key. (现在找到与否没有说明)3)常用结构:It/This/Thats the first time+that引导的复合句中,that引导的从句要用现在完成时e.g. This is the first time that Ive drunk Californian champagne.2. 过去完成时1)示过去本来打算、希望做某事,但却没做:示希望、打算的动词,如hope, want, intend, plan, expect e.g. 我本打算告诉你这件事,但是我忘了。I had planed to tell you about

15、 it, but I forgot to do so.2) 特殊句型:Hardly/Scarcely/Barelywhen, No sooner than, It/This/That was the first time that,It was +时间段+since, than sb. had thought/expected/hoped/wantede.g. (P4)Hardly had I opened the door when he told me. No sooner had I reached home than it began to rain. It was the secon

16、d time that he had been out with her. It was more than a year now since he had seen her. We arrived earlier than we had expected.3.将来完成时No tips.IV. 完成进行时:是完成时的强化现在完成进行时:示动作从过去某时开始一直持续到现在 (该动作可能已经终止,也可能继续下去)e.g. 我已经等了一个小时,但是她还是没来。I have been waiting for an hour, but she still hasnt come.Tip: 现在完成时 :对

17、现在的影响 (强调结果) 区别 现在完成进行时:动作的延续型e.g.I have thought it over. 我已经考虑过这件事了。I have been thinking it over. 我一直在考虑这件事。Voice (语态)语态也是动词的一种形式。英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态,英语中任何一个动词不是主动语态就是被动语态,没有语态的动词是不存在的。时态和语态紧密相连。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者(I ate an apple.)。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受着(The desk is cleaned.)形式:一般时态进行时态完成时态现在amis doneareamis be

18、ing donearehavehas been done过去waswere donewas were being donehad been done 将来willshall be donewillshall have been done情态动词can/may/should/would/might/must be doneI.使用场合:1) 不知道-动作执行者His bike has been stolen. You are wanted outside.2) 泛指、不言自明-动作执行者 The magazines in the library must not be taken away.3)

19、 动作承受者-谈话中心、需强调 My watch has been repaired. At last a plan has been made.4) 委婉礼貌-避免提及自己、对方 You are wished to do it more carefully.5) 行文流畅-避免变化主语He arrived in London, where he was met by his friend.Group work- tranlation1. 曾经调皮的小男孩模样发生了很大变化。(take place)Great changes have taken place in the naughty bo

20、ys appearance. (He becomes a handsome boy.)2. 在班里他受到很多女孩的照顾。(take good care of)He is taken good care of by many girls in his class.3. 生日那天他收到一条领带作为礼物。A tie is given to him as a birthday present.He is given a tie as a birthday present.4. 据说他很喜欢这件礼物。It is said that he likes this gift very much.5. 这条领带

21、摸起来很光滑而且是现在最畅销的一种。This kind of tie feels smooth and it sells best nowadays.6. 这件礼物很值得珍藏。This gift is well worth treasuring.II.注意问题1. 短语动词的被动语态: 通常短语被看作整体,后面的介词或副词不能拆开或省略2. 不及物动词、短语(happen, occur, take place, break out等)示状态的词、短语(fit , suit, lack, look like, resemble ) 无被动e.g. Tom looks like/resembles

22、 his father. My shoes dont fit me.3.主动变被动时,如果动词后跟双宾语,其中之一变主语,另一个不变;直接宾语变为主语时,间接宾语前加介词to,for,frome.g.I gave my husband a tie as a birthday present.My husband was given a tie as a birthday present.A tie was given to my husband as a birthday present.4.常用搭配:It is said that Its reported that Its believed

23、 that Its well known that Its assumed that III. 主动表被动A 谓语动词的主动表被动1.感官动词:feel, smell, taste, look等What does the perfume smell like?His excuse sounds unconvincing.2.一些与cant, wont 连用的动词,如lock, shut, move, act等The window wont shut.The engine cant move.3.一些与well, easily, perfectly等连用的表示事物的性质、状况的词,如sell,

24、wash, clean, burnUmbrellas sell best in winter.My pen writes well.B. 非谓语动词主动表被动 1. 动名词,如be worth, want, need, require+ doing This plant needs watering twice a week. Its an idea thats worth considering.2. 不定式1) 不定式做名词的定语时,(e.g. something to read, anything to eat)满足条件 不定式与前面的名词或代词有动宾关系 并与句中另一个名词或代词有主谓

25、关系(如果不能同时满足,则要用其被动形式表被动) e.g. I have nothing to do this afternoon. Have you anything to be taken to your parents? He has something to do. (自己做) 区别: He has something to be done (by anyone else). (别人做)This house is said to have been built a century ago.2) 可用于there be 结构There is nothing to worry about.

26、There is nothing to be worried about.3. 主语+be +adj.+ 不定式, 形容词后跟不定式做状语句子主语是不定式的逻辑宾语e.g.He is easy to convince.She is pleasant to work with.It 做形式主语时, It is +adj.+ to do It实意词+adj. + to be done4. be to 固定结构:be to let/blameWhich driver was to blame for the accident?These rooms are to let.C. 介词短语示被动 介词f

27、or, on, above, under, in, within, out of 等后面接表示动作的名词时,表达被动含义。IV. 非谓语动词的被动A 不定式的被动:to be + done( 动词过去分词)示逻辑主语是动作的承受者,可做主、表、宾、定、状、补语。To be loved by so many people is also annoying.I hope to be invited to the party. (宾)时间变化: 不定式动作先于谓语不定式被动式的完成时to have been done; 不定时动作同时于谓语不定时被动式的进行时 to be being done.e.

28、g.The bank is reported to have been broken into last night.Rainforests are reported to be being cut down rapidly.B. 动名词的被动:being done He laughed at my being scolded by the teacher. I am proud of being regarded as a national hero.C. 过去分词示被动 Given more time, I will do it better. United, we stand; divi

29、ded, we fall. 团结则存,分裂则亡富兰克林Subjunctive Mood (I)Part I. Warm-up1. 如果上天再给我一次机会,我会对那个女孩说三个字。If I were given another chance, I would say three words to the girl.2. 如果刘翔那天没摔倒,那结果会是怎样?If Liuxiang hadnt fallen that day, what would have happened?/ what result would have been?3. 要是世界上有后悔药就好了。If only there ex

30、isted the medicine for regrets.如果明天下雪的话,我就嫁给你,但是你要知道,现在是夏天。If it snowed tomorrow, I would marry you. But you need to know that its summer now.Part II. Theoretical explanation英语的动词一般可带有三种不同的语气:陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。不同的语气用动词的不同形式(有的还借助句法形式)来表示。Definition of subjunctive mood虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,一是用来表示说话人所说的话不是一个事实,而是一种假设、猜测、怀疑等(在条件从句中或让步状语从句中);一是表示说话人的愿望、要求、命令、建议等 (在宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)。一、Subjunctive mood in the clauses of condition(虚拟语气在条件句中)虚拟条件 主句与现在事实相反的假设If+主语+did/were(动词be用were)主语+ would/might/could do与过去相反的假设If+主语+had +done主语would /might /c

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