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1、牛津沪教版小学英语四年级下册知识点总结沪教版四年级英语下册 (上海牛津4B)知识点总结知识点总结单词表Module 1 Using my five sensesU 1 Touch and feelU 2 Smell and tasteU 3 Look and seetouch碰;触摸smell闻;嗅rise升起feel摸起来;感到strawberry 草莓shadow 影子soft柔软的or或者;还是noon 中午hard坚硬的watermelo n 西瓜high高的thick厚的;粗的grape 葡萄sky天空thin薄的;细的fox狐狸eve ning 傍晚;晚上bli nd瞎的;失明的r

2、ou nd 圆的again 再;又noise 响声; 吵闹声purple紫色的night夜晚young 年轻的wait等待;等候moon 月亮mi nute 会儿; 分钟him他get得到stop 停下those那些at noon 在中午go down 落卜at night 在夜晚take a walk 散步Module 2 My favourite thingsU 4 SubjectsU5 SportU 6 Musicsubject学科;科目sport 体育运动won derful 使人愉快的less on 课football 足球violin 小提琴Chi nese (学科)语文club俱

3、乐部;兴趣小组guitar 吉他Maths (学科)数学join参加;加入whose 谁的En glish (学科)英语tell告诉piano 钢琴Scie nee (学科)科学about 关于city城市PE (学科)体育basketball 篮球bag袋子Music (学科)音乐volleyball 排球gold 金子Art (学科)美术us我们all全部;所以timetable 课程表;时间表table tennis 乒乓球运动play the violin 拉小提琴from 从;来自play football 踢足球play the guitar 弹吉他a.m.上午play baske

4、tball 打篮球p.m.下午play volleyball 打排球break休息fromto从至到Module 3 My colourful lifeUnit 7 My day Unit 8 Days of the wee Un it 9 A frie nd inkAustraliao clock 点钟week 星期China中国quarter 一刻钟Mon day 星期一talk谈话time 时间with 和 .一起May五月half 半Tuesday 星期二June 六月wash 洗Wed nesday 星期三January 月dinner晚餐;正餐Thursday 星期四Februar

5、y 二月start开始Friday星期五March三月catch捉住game 游戏April四月get up起床Saturday 星期六July七月brush teeth 刷牙Sun day星期日August 八月half past 点半clock时钟;钟September 九月have breakfast 吃早餐play chess 下国际象棋October 十月go to school 去上学at the weekend 在周末November 十一月washface洗脸(be) late for 迟到December 十二月have lu nch 吃午餐email电子邮件have din

6、ner 吃晚餐hat帽子go to bed 上床睡觉wear穿;戴yours你的;你们的every year 每年Module 4 Things we enjoyUnit 10 My gardenUnit 11 Children s dayUnit 12 The ugly duckli nggarde n 花园song 歌曲ugly丑的;丑陋的plant植物zoo动物园duckli ng 小鸭leaf叶子ci nema 电影院duck鸭子water给 浇水museum 博物馆river 江;河them 他们;她们;它们also也;还baby 宝宝grow 生长;成长have a party 举

7、办聚会later后来;以后seed种子quack (鸭叫声)嘎嘎every day 每天back背;背部away去别处swan天鹅into朝;向;至U 里面语法复习1.量词的用法There is a glass of water melon juice.There are three glass es of strawberry juice.2.选择疑问句和一般疑问句的区别t.(1) 一般疑问句Is the kite red and blue ?(这风筝是蓝红色的吗?) 一般疑问句的回答 必须Yes或No开头 Yes, it is./No, it isn选择疑问句Is the kite red

8、 or blue ?(这风筝是蓝色还是红色?)3.关于like后面接不同的名词和动词like apples / like gree n oneslike the apple / like the gree n onelike jelly(不可数名词)like dancin g=like to dancewould like to dance(would like to do=wa nt todo)(解释为像,作介词)be like me/her/his father4.感叹句What nice grapes !(复数)What a nice girl ! (单数)5.whose对所有格提问Wh

9、ose bag is this ?It peter s. (this/that 回答用 it ) sWhose knives are those ?They are his knives. (these/those 回答用th ey )6.so和too解释为如此、太时后面跟形容词It s so thick. /He is so puzzled.It s too noisy.7.How+助动词+主语+动词The pin eapple is rough. (戈U线提问)How does the pin eapple feel ?This cherry is sweet. (划线提问)How doe

10、s this cherry taste?8.祈使句和can句型永远用动词原形,即使有 now,也不能是进行时祈使句 Let make a card now.Kitty, dont put your book on the floor.(否定句在动词前加 don )tcan 句型 Can Lucy read the book now ?(容易犯的错误:看见 Lucy 一个人就用三单 reads,或看见now用进行时)9.There be 就近原则,后面所接词必须看清是否是可数名词从而确定 be动词Thereis a cat and two dogs.(离得近的是单数)Thereare two d

11、ogs and a cat.(离得近的是复数)Thereis some paper .(不可数)Thereare some paper rabbits .,(前面有修饰的名词复数)Thereare some sheep .(单复数相同)Thereis some string .(不可数)Thereis a lot of apple 一juice .(前面有修饰的不可数)10.both 和all放在be动词之后,do动词之前(be动词之后)(be动词之后)(do动词之前)(do动词之前)We are both tall.They are all bli nd.We both run fast.T

12、he brothers all touch the elepha of the 复数,谓语三单One of the boy s is Tom.say s one of the brother s12.一般时和进行时的区别进行时:当句子里有标志性的词如 now , look , listen , it 几点(祈使句和can句型除外),或是某个有上下情景的句子表示这个动作现在正 在发生,结构 be+do ingListe n, birds are singingWhere s Sam? He is playing football outside.一般时:当句子里有标志性的词如

13、 every morning, on Moday, at weede nds, always, usually, ofte n, sometimes ,n ever, at 几点等,表示陈述某个事实。当主语是 I,you,复数时谓语动词原形,当主语是第三人称单数时动词三单。Our classmate watch es TV at weede nds.(不能受 our影响,主语是 classmate 单数,动词 watch三单加 es) His friend s always stay at home.对比:It s two o clock. Kitiyeading a book.Kitty r

14、eads a book at twoo clock.13.球类运动前不加 the : playbasketball三餐前不力卩the : have dinner乐器类前必须有 the : play the drum14.将来时态,标志性词tomorrow , next Sun day 等will+do /be going to doShe will go to the park.15.过去式,标志性词 last nightHis clock stop ped at ten thirty last night.16.时间的表达(一)(1)整点:six o clock(2)(7:10 )(6:50

15、)1-29 分(15 分除外)用 past : ten past seven(3)15 分:a quarter past two ( 2:15 )(4)30 分:half past five ( 5:30 )(5)45 分:a quarter to two (1:45 )(6)30-59 分(45 分除外,用减法)用 to : ten to seven时间的表达(二):直接读数字7:10 seve n ten2:15 two fifteen5:30 five thirty17.某些词后需要加ing :go shopp ing /fishi ng /swimmi ngfinish doingle

16、arn painting18.作为学科需要首字母大写Music class Chin ese class En glish class Math class 解释为音乐不需要大写 music room、I am the music man.19.乐器以及声音Ting-ting trian gleBoom-boom drumDing-ding pia noZing-zing violin20.关于节日节日一般具体到某一天用 on :on Children s Daythe :但是在中国传统节日前介词用 at,而且所有中国传统节日有at the Spring Festival除了表达其他含义,介词可以变化:before the Spring Festival 春节前after the Spring Festival 春节后What do you n eed for the Spring Festival ? 为春节准备21.介词+宾格,动词+宾格eat all of themI want them . walk behi nd him

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