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1、跨文化交际对商务谈判的影响x x x x x x毕 业 论 文The Effects of Intercultural Communication onBusiness Negotiation跨文化交际对商务谈判的影响xxxx学 院 xxxxxxxxxxx 专 业 xxx 级 xxx 班学生姓名 xxxxxxxx 学号 xxxxxxxxxxxxx 指导老师 xxxxxxxxxxxx 职称 xxxxxx 完成日期 2010年 12月25 日 Abstract:Intercultural business negotiation plays an important part in interna

2、tional business activities and we will inevitably encounter cross-cultural issues. This paper will show the effects of Intercultural Communication on Business Negotiation through the comparison of culture differences in verbal and nonverbal communication, the modes of thinking, the values, the conce

3、pt of time and space, and the styles of business negotiations, and put forward some useful suggestions to promote intercultural business negotiations go smoothly.Key words: Cross-culture; Business negotiations; Effects摘要: 跨文化商务谈判是国际商务活动的重要环节,在谈判过程中不可避免会遇到跨文化问题。本文将通过不同文化在言语和非言语交际、思维方式、价值观、空间观、时间观、谈判风

4、格等的差异来分析跨文化交际对商务谈判的影响,并从跨文化的角度提出一些有实用价值的建议,以促成跨文化商务谈判的顺利进行。关键词:跨文化、商务谈判、影响ContentsIntroduction .1 1、The Definition and Significance of Intercultural Business Negotiation .11.1Definition .11.2 Importance .22、The Reflection of Cross-cultural Differences in Business Negotiations .32.1Verbal and Non-ver

5、bal Communication .32.2 The Modes of Thinking .72.3 The Values .82.4 The Concept of Space and Time.92.5 The Styles of Negotiations .103、The Ways to Deal With Cross-cultural Differences in Business Negotiations 123.1 To Know Social Customs and Taboos of Different Countries .123.2 To Recognize The Tru

6、th of Cultural Differences .133.3 To Respect and Tolerate Cultural Differences .13Conclusion .14Bibliography 15Acknowledgement .16IntroductionWith the rapid development of the Chinese economy, the growing interdependence between countries and companies has made the multinational business negotiation

7、s become more and more popular. In order to strengthen the international cooperation, negotiations are no longer limited to just the same country and the same area, but have given the way to different countries and different regions. Here are many factors which impact on multinational business negot

8、iations such as the social environment, the political environment, economic environment but the most difficult one is the factor of culture environment. International business negotiation is a kind of intercultural communication behavior. Both sides of negotiators not only need profound professional

9、 knowledge and excellent negotiation skills, but also need the skills of smooth foreign language communication and of removing culture distance. Because of the different backgrounds of two sides, the difficulty in cross-cultural negotiations is bigger than the domestic ones. Many obstacles take plac

10、e not for the unreasonable profits allocation, but rather for the misunderstanding of different cultures.Therefore, we will mainly analyze the cultural differences between the east and the west to reflect the significance of cross-cultural communication to international business negotiation. Then we

11、 will come up with some corresponding strategies and skills to help the realization of win-win international negotiations.1The Definition and Significance of Intercultural Business Negotiation International business negotiations belong to intercultural business negotiation. Being aware of the defini

12、tion and the importance of cross-cultural business negotiation will help negotiators cut into the theme better and faster, and win the negotiation.1.1 DefinitionDifferent age, different countries and different people have different views on the same things, so the definition of cross-cultural busine

13、ss negotiation will change in different circumstances. According to most general understanding, negotiation is a kind of behavior to coordinate the relationship between each other, meet their needs, and to achieve consensus by consultation with others. Gerard. I. Neil Aarons is the president of Amer

14、ican Academy of Negotiations said, “As long as people in order to change the relationship and to exchange ideas, as long as people in order to reach agreement they are in negotiations. The earlier definition of business negotiation is to achieve certain goods or services via a variety of transaction

15、s of negotiations. The development of the market economy makes the conception of commodity extends from labor products to capital, technology, information , service, etc. At this moment, business negotiation refers to the form of all commodities trade negotiations, such as commodity supply and deman

16、d negotiations, technology import and transfer negotiations and investment negotiations.With the speed-up development of world economy, business activities among countries have become more frequent. Intercultural business negotiation has taken the central place in international business activities.

17、In 1959, a United States anthropologists, Hoare, in his classic work The Silent Language put forward the term of cross-cultural communication for the first time, which refers to the communication activities held by those who come from different cultural consciousness and symbol systems, the main for

18、ms including cross racial communication and cross national communication. International business negotiation is a kind of business talk based on cross-cultural communication, therefore the intercultural business negotiation means a various forms of international economy cooperation with people who a

19、re from different countries and regions to transactions, such as the trade of international goods, services, technology circulation, and international investment. It is the process of consultation through the behavior of verbal and nonverbal communication to meet each ones needs. Because of the nego

20、tiations held on different parties which represent different social and cultural backgrounds, the difficulty is larger than the domestic business negotiations.1.2 ImportanceThe international business activities are not only a kind of economic activities, but also a kind of cultural activities. The e

21、conomic globalization makes the cross-cultural business negotiation become the important content of the international business activities. It not only determines the ways of communication and cooperation between both sides in economy, but also reflects the various countries cultural collision and co

22、mmunication.Different cultures are the main factor that impact on international business activities and play a decisive role in the success of business negotiation. Business negotiation is not only based on exchange and cooperation in the economic benefits, but also have different cultural collision

23、s in both parties. During the whole process of negotiations, one nations traditional culture and world view which reflects the special values and behavior standards of the culture, especially to international business negotiation are involved. Whether the negotiation is successful or not is directly

24、 related to the enterprises competitiveness in international market and the speed of its development, and sometimes it also affects the whole countrys image in international stage indirectly. It is undeniable that many factors influence the failed result, for example, the price quoted is too high; t

25、he production ability cant satisfy the needs of clients, but the influence of the cultural difference is really easy to be ignored in international business activities.At this time,it is really important to establish the awareness of the cross-cultural negotiation. Michael Bright who comes from the

26、Northwestern said that the essence of the negotiation is to get value and create value. If both parties can have the high sensitivity of cultural differences, and grasp their opponents negotiation styles, customs, language expression, they are likely to get values and also produce values and finally

27、 get the biggest success. In order to achieve these, we should win the cross-cultural negotiations by strengthening the cross-cultural awareness, understanding and respecting for the cultural differences. 2The Reflection of Cross-cultural Differences in Business Negotiations Cross cultural differenc

28、es widely refer to the cultural differences in various countries and regions-that is the differences (especially in the western and eastern culture) reflected by different people who live in different environment that have the different languages, knowledge, values, ways of thinking, customs and so

29、on. These will make people have different views on the same things. In todays international business negotiations, it has become increasingly outstanding that the negotiation process is affected by verbal and non-verbal communication, values and modes of thinking, etc. So, being familiar with cross-

30、cultural differences is necessary for smooth international business negotiations.2.1 Verbal and Non-verbal Communication The information delivered in intercultural business negotiation often presents all kinds of incomplete features: one is the misunderstanding of information caused by the language

31、differences; the other one is the differences of non-verbal communication resulted in the information asymmetry.2.1.1 The Verbal CommunicationLanguage, as a kind of communication tool, is the information transmission media .The process of cross-cultural negotiation is actually a process that people make consultations by using words. At the same culture background, average person can only understand the speakers content of 80% 90%, which means 10%

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