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1、广东省湛江市普通高中高考英语一轮复习模拟试题精选142018高考一轮复习英语模拟试题精选14第一节 单项填空1.We cant _ with that company on price, but we have our own way to win the market. A. deal B. compete C. work D. share 2. Our headmaster _ the children from flooded areas into school. A. preferred B. admitted C. accepted D. received3. - Here is t

2、he novel I _ last week. Thank you. - I almost forgot _ it to you. A. borrowed; to lend B. borrowed; lent C. borrowed; lending D. lent; lending4. - Why havent you posted the letter? - I _ to but I forgot about it.A. liked B. meant C. expected D. wished5. Its always difficult to be in a foreign countr

3、y, _ if you dont speak the language. A. extremely B. naturally C. basically D. especially6. Washington, the capital of the United States, was named _ one of the greatest American presidents. A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of7. Words _ me when I wanted to express my thanks to

4、 him for having saved my son from the burning house. A. failed B. left C. discouraged D. disappointed8. - Betty _ john and is our headmaster now. - Really? In my opinion, she herself should be _ by someone else, too.A. has taken place of; replaced B. has placed; taken placeC. has taken the place of;

5、 replaced D. taken place of; replace9. It is well-known that the Japanese language _ the Chinese language. A. relates to B. is related with C. relates D. is related to10. The girl is _ jobs for she is not satisfied with the present one. A. advertising B. advertising for C. advertising in D. advertis

6、ing to11. My Uncle _ until he was forty-eight. A. married B. didnt marry C. was not marrying D. would marry12. As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _. A. the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life you are C. the more life you are equippe

7、d for D. you are equipped the more for life13. Follow the doctors advice, _ your cough will get worse. A. or B. and C. then D. so14. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen. A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked15. Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes. A. lose B. wil

8、l be lost C. are lost D. will lose16. Only when your identity has been checked _. A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed in C. will you allow in D. will you be allowed in17. The library needs _ , but it will have to wait until Sunday. A. cleaning B. be cleaned C. clean D. being cleaned18. She

9、_ live in the country by herself, but now she has become used to _ together with us in the city. A. used to; live B. become used to; living C. used to; living D. was used to; live19. I _ten minutes to decide whether I should accept the job.A. gave B. was given C. was giving D. had given20. -Have you

10、 moved into the new house? -Not yet, the rooms _.A. are being painted B. are painting C. are painted D. have been painted21. Cleaning women in big cities usually get_ by the hour.A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay22. Your job _ for your return.A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kep

11、t23. None at the lraq police station _the car bombing last week. A. survivedB. was survived in C. had survived D. has survived in24. It is bad _ to speak with your mouth full of food. A. manner B. way C. manners D. methods25. She devotes herself _ , and makes it her life. A. to teachB. to teaching C

12、. teach D. teaching第二节完形填空The show businessattracts many young people. 26, only a few can hope to become famous. Talent(才能)is not 27 Without a good manager, a performer can never hope to succeed. Fashion is _28 important in this business. The best tailor in the world will never be successful if he a

13、lways makes 29 clothes. In exactly the same way, a performer must change hisactin order to 30 the taste of the moment. This is 31 for actors and dancers, but perhaps most of all for singers. Pop32 forpopular, and a pop singer has to work hard to become popular. He must either give the pubic what the

14、y want, or he must find a (n) 33 way of singing that will attract their attention. Even when he has succeeded, and his records are sold 34 , he cannot relax. He must work harderthan ever to remain popular,35 there are always younger singers trying to become famous. The life of a successful pop singe

15、r is not at all 36 . He can only relax when he is alone, because everything he does is watched and reported in the special newspaper written for thefans. The fans are the most important people in the world for 37 . But they can be very troublesome, too. They sometimes 38 handkerchiefs, they tear off

16、 buttons, and they even cut off pieces of the unfortunate singers hair. Many singers have been forced to 39 . A pop singer has to spend a lot of money on 40 because he must always look smart. He must have a nice car. And above all, he must always keep smiling for the good of himself. 26. A. Unfortun

17、ately B. Therefore C. Naturally D. Luckily27. A. enough B. plenty C. necessary D. important28. A. still B. yet C. even D. also29. A. beautiful B. old-fashioned C. expensive D. strange30. A. follow B. get C. change D. keep31. A. easy B. real C. true D. good32. A. calls B. stands C. looks D. prepares3

18、3. A. new B. easy C. popular D. difficult34. A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. everywhere35. A. so B. while C. because D. though36 A. valuable B. interesting C. exciting D. easy37. A. the public B. the show business C. the film star D. the singer38. A. buy B. steal C. sell D. clean39. A. cry B.

19、 give in C. hide D. die40. A. travelling B. clothes C. food D. housing第三节 语法填空There are two sets of Games-the Winter and the Summer Olympics, and 41_ are held every four years on a regular basis. The Winter Olympics are usually held two year 42_ the Summer Games. Only athletes 43_ have reached the a

20、greed standard for their event 44(admit)_ as competitors. They may come from 45_ in the world.There are no running races 46_ horse riding events. 47_ there are competitions like skiing and ice skating 48_ need snow and ice. Thats 49_ theyre called the Winter Olympics. Its in the Summer Olympics 50_y

21、ou have the running races, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports.第四节 阅读理解A One day Walt Disney had a vision. It was a vision of a place where children and parents could have fun together. The more Walt dreamed of a magical park, the more imaginative and elaborate it became.The orig

22、inal plans for the park were on 8 acres next to the Burbank studios where his employees and families could go to relax. Although, World War II put those plans on hold. During the war, Disney had time to come up with new ideas, and creations for his magical park. It was soon clear that 8 acres wouldn

23、t be enough.Finally in 1953, he had the Stanford Research Institute conduct a survey for a 100-acre site, outside of Los Angeles. He needed space to build rivers, waterfalls, and mountains; he would have flying elephants and giant teacups; a fairy-tale castle, moon rockets, and a scenic railway; all

24、 inside a magic kingdom he called Disneyland.The search for the best venue for the park ended in the rural Anaheim, California with a purchase of a 160-acre orange grove near the junction of the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) and Harbor Boulevard. Construction for Disneyland began on July 21, 1954, 12 mont

25、hs before the park was scheduled to open.Some 160-acres of citrus trees had been cleared and 15 houses moved to make room for the park. However, when the real designing came around, Disney met with inevitable questions. How do you make believable wild animals, that arent real? How do you make a Miss

26、issippi paddle ship? How do you go about building a huge castle in the middle of Anaheim, California? Disney asked his movie studio staff for answers. The design of Disneyland was something never done before. There would be four uniquely different theme parts: Adventure land , Frontier land , Fantas

27、yland Tomorrow land. Bit by bit, Disneyland got ready for Opening Day. The staff worked around the clock to get ready. But opening day was a terrible disaster. Beside the terrible opening day conditions, the park did eventually pick up. By 1965, ten years after opening day, 50 Million visitors had c

28、ome through the gates.51. When did Disneyland open?A. 1953 B. 1954 D. 1965 C. 195552. The following statements is true except_.A. About 50 million visitors have visited Disneyland so far.B. Disney must have met many difficulties in building Disneyland.C. World War II had some influence on the buildi

29、ng plan of the Disneyland.D. Disney was a great man with great imagination and creativity.53. What cant you see in Disney?A. rivers, waterfalls, and mountains B. flying elephants and giant teacupsD. wild animals C. a huge castle 54. The underlined phrase in the last paragraph probably means _.A. gather B. improve C. discover D. good55. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. What visitors can enjoy in Disneyland.B. The difficulties Disney met in building DisneylandC. How Disneyland came into beingD. A brief introduction to Disne

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