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1、高二英语underthesea单元测试单元测试(三)第一卷(共85分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Students should be encouraged to use _ Internet as _ resource.A/;a B/;the Cthe;the Dthe;a答案D解析the Internet因特网,为固定搭配;as a resource作为一种资源,此处用a表示泛指。2The new apartment built a few months ago i

2、s large enough to _ over 500 people.Acontain Bprovide Creside Daccommodate答案D解析accommodate为提供住宿,容纳;指“旅馆”等能为多少旅客提供住处;也指“交通工具”能搭载多少旅客。3What made Alice so angry?_ in the rain for an hour.ABeing kept waiting BBeing kept to waitCBecause of waiting DShe was kept waiting答案A解析考查动名词被动形式作主语。keep后跟动名词。4Thanks

3、to the barking dog,the thief was _ and we didnt lose anything.Agot away Bbroken awayCscared away Dtaken away答案C解析scare away把某人或某物吓走,符合题意。5On feeling the earthquake,the teacher stayed calm in the front of the classroom,_ all the students to rush out of the classroom as quickly as possible.Aencouragin

4、g BhopingCdemanding Durging答案D解析encourage鼓励,不符合语境;hope,demand一般不跟含不定式的复合结构,故排除。urge督促,催促,合乎句意。6Mr.Black _ out for shopping when he heard the telephone ring,so he had to stay for a while to answer it.Ahad no sooner gone Bhad hardly goneCwas about to go Dwas willing to go答案C解析从下文“他只好等一会儿接电话”可排除A、B两项;w

5、as about to go.when符合语境。7His _ description of his adventure in the forest made us want to have a try ourselves.Amagic Bvivid Crelevant Dawesome答案B解析生动的描述,其余选项不合题意。8Most medical men in the Health Service are overworked,so they had little time to offer some advice on such subjects as diet,right living

6、 and the need for _ bad habits.Aabandoning Babolishing Cpolishing Dsolving答案A解析由于工作劳累(overworked),所以没有时间提供建议,对于坏习惯,应该abandon(抛弃,终止)。9The school should spend some time training students to _ in any emergency,especially with all in the buildings.Atest out Bbring out Csqueeze out Dhelp out答案D解析句意为:学校应训

7、练学生在紧急情况下互相帮助,脱离危险,特别是在楼上。10Opening the window,we saw a high mountain _ us going up into the sky,just like a skyscraper.Aagainst Bacross Copposite Dthrough答案C解析打开窗户,我们对面就是一座大山。opposite在对面。11Customers should learn to _ advertisements so as not to be misled by them.Apick out Breflect on Cmake use of D

8、test out答案B解析reflect on思考;考虑,符合题意。12Mary never dreamed of _ for her to be sent abroad so soon.Abeing a chance Bthere to be a chanceCthere is a chance Dthere being a chance答案D解析there being表存在,作介词of的宾语。13I dont want any reward for my help;I gave it _ out of friendship.Aproperly Bpurely Cstrictly Dconv

9、ersely答案B解析根据句意,纯碎是为了友谊,故选B项。14I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else _ I was wasting time.Aas a result Bin the meantimeCin other words Dfor one thing答案C解析句意为:我正做的工作已有人做了,换句话说,我是在浪费时间。in other words换句话说。15Lucys new job paid twice as much as she had made _ in the

10、 restaurant.Aworking Bwork Cto work Dworked答案A解析working in the restaurant为现在分词短语在句中作状语。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。My mother just days ago lost her best friend to cancer.I had met this wonderful woman my mother referred to as“the sister I never had”She

11、was very pleasant_16_ both inwardly and outwardly.My mother was _17_ that her best friend who she had known for years died too _18_ from cancer.Obviously my mothers friends family members _19_ his/her mother,wife,grandmother,and _20_ more deeply than my mother.But every time I saw my mother and her

12、friend _21_ together,they were smiling and joking _22_ each other like teenage girls.In talking with my mother she made a very _23_ point known to me.She told me that her friends two sons both _24_ her for staying with their dying mother every day for the past several weeks.She politely _25_ their t

13、hanks but she also made the following _26_ to both of her friends sad sons:“You dont need to thank me for what I have done for your mother,_27_ that is what I should have done.Your mother _28_ my life in so many ways,and I will never forget the _29_ we shared and the many laughs we had.”Friends,true

14、 friends,_30_ each other without any conditions and do not keep records of who buys lunch or whose _31_ it is to drive.They stay together happily.My mothers friend not only shared _32_ and sorrow with my mother,but also _33_ my mother what moral character a true friend should have.We all _34_ to be

15、this kind of friend.Being a good friend does not make us saints(圣人);it merely shows the _35_ that we are caring human beings.16A.polite Blearned Cbeautiful Dshy答案C解析考查上下文理解和对选项中几个词语的把握。她很讨人喜欢,内心和外表都很美丽。17A.worried Bashamed Cunderstanding Dsorry答案D解析考查逻辑推理。妈妈最好的朋友去世了,可推断她一定感到很难过。18A.soon Bfar Cfast D

16、badly答案A解析考查上下文理解。与她相识多年的朋友突然去世了。19A.loved Bmissed Cshocked Dliked答案B解析考查上下文理解。显然,妈妈的朋友的家人思念他或她的妈妈、他的妻子,他或她的祖母或姐妹。20A.friend Bbrother Csister Dworkmate答案C解析考查上下文理解和生活常识。根据前面的mother,wife,grandmother可知,这里应该是sister,都是指妈妈的这位朋友。 Bstay Cwork Dspeak答案B解析考查逻辑推理。根据后面的“they were smiling and joking”可知,

17、这里指妈妈和她的朋友在一起的时候。22A.with Bto Cabout Dat答案A解析考查介词短语。她们笑着,彼此开着玩笑,就像十多岁的小孩。23A.good Bfunny Cinteresting Dpowerful答案D解析考查上下文理解和对选项中几个词语的把握。在与妈妈谈话的时候,她给“我”作了非常有力的说明。24A.thanked Bsupported Csearched Dpraised答案A解析根据后句中的their thanks可知,她朋友的两个儿子很感谢作者的妈妈。25A.admitted Bencouraged Caccepted Dagreed答案C解析考查对选项中几个

18、词语的把握和生活常识。她礼貌地接受了他们的感激之情。26A.judgements Bstatements Creports Ddiscussions答案B解析考查上下文理解和对选项中几个词语的把握。但是她也向她的朋友的两个伤心的儿子讲明。27A.but Bso Calthough Dfor答案D解析考查上下文理解。你们不必感谢我为你们的妈妈所做的事情,因为那是我应该做的。前后为因果关系。28A.blessed Benjoyed Csaved Drisked答案A解析考查上下文理解。你们的妈妈以多种方式为我祈福。 Btime Cmoney Dblame答案B解析根据句中的laug

19、hs可推测,这里用time,两者在逻辑上一致。 with Blook after Ccare for Dworry about答案C解析考查上下文理解。真正的朋友彼此关心,没有任何条件。care for sb.关心某人。31A.job Bturn Cchance Drequirement答案B解析考查上下文理解和生活常识。真正的朋友不计较谁为谁买了午餐或轮到谁开车。32A.sadness Bbeliefs Cmisfortunes Djoy答案D解析考查逻辑推理。妈妈的朋友不但与她同甘共苦。而且根据后面的sorrow可判断,前面的词应该与之相对。33A.trained Badv

20、ised Ctaught Dordered答案C解析考查上下文理解和对选项中几个词语的把握。而且她还教妈妈懂得一个真正的朋友应该具有什么样的道德品质。34A.decide Bhate Cremember Dhope答案D解析考查逻辑推理。我们都希望成为这样的朋友。35A.fact Bdata Ctruth Dreality答案A解析考查上下文理解。做别人的好朋友不能使我们成为圣人,它仅仅表明我们是有人情味的人。第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AEvery day at 800

21、,Lucy was served breakfast in bed by Guido,her chef.Next came a quick fitness session with Olga,her personal trainer.Lars,her secretary,would be waiting in the study and,at 1000,Lucy would be there.At noon,Lucy would drive to meet her old friends.As Lucy returned at 455,Olga would already have set u

22、p the massage(按摩) table.However,today Lucys task involved taking her diamond necklace to Manhattan for cleaning.She threw it into her purse and left.On the way,she sensed she was being followed.Then,as she joined the shoppers,Lucy felt a pull.Within a splitsecond,a man on inline skates sailed past h

23、er,grabbing her purse.Lucy went to the police station and returned home an hour late.The ice in the welcomehome cocktail Lars had mixed had already melted.Olga hurriedly set up the massage table and mixed the oils.Two hours later,Lucy lay in bed,lost in thought.“It was an inside job.The person obvio

24、usly knew I was carrying that necklace and followed me.”“Lars has family in Manhattan.It was she who advised me to have my necklace cleaned.”“Guidos cousin owns an inline skating store in Manhattan.”“I always arrive home at 455 and Olga is always ready with the massage table set up.But today,Olga di

25、dnt prepare for the massage until after I walked through the door.Why?Because she knew I would be late.Realizing that I would be taking the necklace into Manhattan without security precautions(防范),Olga telephoned her Manhattan friend who lay in to wait outside,ready to skate and rob.”And soon Olga a

26、nd her boyfriend were both arrested.36From the first paragraph we can know that _.ALucy was a businesswomanBLucy lived a hard lifeCLucy kept a demanding scheduleDLucy had many friends答案C解析主旨大意题。几点几分做何事情,都是一成不变的,可见她是“一个有着苛刻时间表的女性”,故选C项最佳;从第一段并未看出Lucy处理任何商业事务,故她并非职业女性,从而排除A项;B项与文章意思相反;D项本段并未提及。37It ca

27、n be inferred from the fourth paragraph EXCEPT _.Aon her arrival,Lucy enjoyed the welcomehome cocktailBLars wasnt expert at mixing the welcomehome cocktailCthe hostess would be in need of the massage in a whileDOlga,the trainer,didnt prepare for the massage as usual答案B解析推理判断题。选项A,C易于排除;选项D由“Olga hur

28、riedly set up the massage table and mixed the oils.”可排除;B项错在并非Lars不擅长调制鸡尾酒,而是按时调制好了,而Lucy却晚了一小时才到家,导致酒中的冰化了,故选B项。38The underlined word “job” in Paragraph 6 is the closest in meaning to “_”Awork Btask Ccrime Dproblem答案C解析词义猜测题。由上文的“She threw it into her purse and left.”和“.grabbing her purse.”可知Lucys

29、diamond necklace被抢了,结合后文我们可以推出文中job的意思与crime的意思接近,因而选C项。39In Lucys opinion,who couldnt be the fellow of the robber?AHer chef. BHer friend. CHer trainer. DHer secretary.答案B解析细节理解题。从文章后四段我们知道,Lucy怀疑是熟人作案,而且感觉Lars,Guido,Olga三人都有可疑之处,但并未提及她的朋友,故选B项。BAny foreigner who has tried to learn Chinese can tell

30、how hard it is to master the tones required to speak and understand.And anyone who has tried to learn to play the violin or other instruments can report similar challenges.Now researchers have found that people with musical training have an easier time learning Chinese.Writing in the online edition of Nature Neuroscience,researchers from Northwestern University say that both skills draw on the same parts of the brain that help people discover changes in pitch(音调)

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