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1、教案model4unit1Unit 1 Advertising话题领悟一 背景导入Some slogans for advertisements1. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)2. Obey you thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影蝶机)4. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)5. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)6. Just do it. 只管去做。

2、(耐克运动鞋)7. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)8. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)9. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎, 无处不在。(摩托罗拉手记)10. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)11. Lets make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)12. No business too small, no problems too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司)二 自主探究1W

3、here can ads be found? How do people react to ads?_2. What are the basic principles and function of advertisements?_3. Do all the ads make profits? If not, could you please show us your explanation?_课堂演练Reading一快捷识记1 We are so used to them that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear i

4、n a day. 我们已经对广告习以为常了,以至于我们常常忽略了一天看过或听过多少广告。在So + adj. / adv. / v. + that. 结构中,平时较为见的是so后面加形容词或副词,本句的结构中的so是对be used to something / doing something这一动词短语的修饰。He was so happy that he even jumped up and down.他是如此的高兴以至于都上窜下跳了。The boy ran so quickly that his mother couldnt catch up with him.那男孩跑得如此之快以至于他

5、的妈妈都赶不上他。The good news so excited the crew that they set sail at once.这个好消息使全体船员如此的激动以至于他们马上就起航了。2. An advertisement provides information and uses persuasive language and exciting images to encourage people to buy a product or service or believe in an idea. 为了达到鼓动人们消费或对他们的产品信任的目的,广告通常提供一些信息或使用说服性的语言

6、或是激动人心的画面。 该句的谓语部分连用了三个并列的动词短语,后又连用了三个目的状语,形成了一定的排比气势。Provide information / use persuasive language / use exciting images是三个并列谓语短语,buy a product / buy s service / believe in an idea 是三个并列的目的。 provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物,供应The management will provide food and drink. = The managem

7、ent will provide the staff with food and drink.= The management will provide food and drink for the staff.管理部门将给全体员工提供饮食。persuasive 是动词persuade(说服, 劝说)的形容词,意为 “有说服力的, 劝导性的”He tried to persuade him with a persuasive speech, but failed.他试图用一次充满说服力的演讲来说服他,但却失败了。3A commercial advertisement is one which

8、someone has paid for to promote a product or service. 商业广告是为了推销某种产品或服务而支付费用的广告。句中one指代的是advertisement,引导的定语从句用来修饰advertisement。“promote” 在该句中意为“推销,促销”此外,promote还有“提升策划”之意。How can we promote the sale of this kind of product?我们如何推销这种产品呢?The young army officer was promoted to captain。这位年轻的军官被提升为上尉。Thes

9、e days the students Union are promoting an English Speech Competition.这些天学生会正在策划一场英语演讲比赛。4. PSAs are often placed for free, and are intended to educate people about health, safety, or any other issue which affects public welfare. 公益广告常常不计任何回报,他们的目的是就健康,安全,或其他影响公共利益等社会问题对人们进行教育。place 在此句中意为“安排”,即arra

10、nge;intend to do = plan to do / in order to doI dont intend to listen to this rubbish any longer!我在也不想听这种无稽之谈了!intended 意为“计划的,打算的,意欲的”,即“planned/ meant/ desired”issue = important topic for discussion, point in question 问题, 议题affect = have an influence on 对有影响welfare=care for the safety and health意为

11、公共福利,健康。Parents are responsible for the welfare of their children.父母要对孩子的年个幸福负责。5. China has strong laws to protect people from advertisements that lie or try to make people believe untrue claims about products or services.为保护人们免受虚假广告欺骗或是受到不真实的产品或服务承诺的欺骗,国家制定了强有力的法律措施。strong 在此意为powerful “强有力的”prote

12、ct from.意为保护.免受.He stayed under the shade to protect himself from the sun.claim vt 声称,自称,索取,要求 claim sth claim to be claim thatThere is a man at the gate claiming to be a journalist.门口有位自称是记者的人。The terrorists claimed that they were responsible for the bombing.恐怖分子声称对此次爆炸事件负责。He claimed to be the man

13、ager of this department。他要求成为这个部门的经理。6. We must not fall for this kind of trick. 我们(消费者)不能跌入这样的(消费广告)陷阱。fall 在此句中意为“be cheated or be played trick on”fall 还有意思为“失去地位或垮台”The government fell after the revolution。fall还可以作为联系动词,相当于become/turnShe fell silent at the key moment, thus the talk broke down hal

14、f way.在关键时刻她突然变得默不作声,这让和谈半途而费。7. PSAs are meant to teach us and help us lead better lives. 公益广告的目的是教育我们帮助我们生活得更好。be mean to = be planned to do ,mean to do sth 意思是“打算干某事”We meant to help you,but had no time indeed。我们蹦打算帮助你的,但确实没有时间。mean sth / doing sth 意思是“意指某事,意思是”She often say something bitter thou

15、gh she means no harm。她虽然经常说一些挖苦性的话,但她确实没想伤害任何人。8. China began a nationwide public service advertising campaign in 1996, and since then numerous PSAs have appeared around the country. 中国在96年展开了一场公共广告服务的运动,从那时候起,大量的公益广告在全国涌现。nationwide = all over the nation campaign = series of planned activities with

16、 a particular social aim “运动”an advertising campaign 广告宣传运动 / an election campaign 竞选运动numerous= very many on numerous occasions 无数次9. We all want to be smart about what we believe, so be smart about advertisements!我们都不轻易相信任何东西,因此也应该小心提防商业广告中的陷阱。此句中的“be smart about”= be careful about / look out for二

17、随堂过关1 We wont think any of his remarks no matter how _ they turn out to be.A. persuading B. persuadedC. persuasiveD. persuade 2. I _ to go out for a walk but the _ decision was canceled(取消) because of the rain.A. intend; intending B. intended; intendedC. intending; intendedD. was to intend; intendin

18、g3. The little rabbit _ of the danger and disappeared in the bush.A. be aware B. was aware C. aware of D. aware4. He does _ help and _ no harm.A. mean to; meansB. meant; meanC. mean to; meaningD. to mean; meant 5. As they went near the zoo the day _ dark.A. turnB. turningC. was fallingD. fell阅读延伸用所给

19、单词的正确形式填空numerous, used t o, intend to, campaigns, fall, persuasive, public service, promote, customers Nowadays whenever you are on the website, (1)_ advertisements are being kicked here and there. Most of us are so (2)_ the phenomenon(现象) that they often consider them as (3)_. In fact, an advertis

20、ing (4)_ is (5)_ trick careless readers. In order to (6)_ its product, and to persuade (7)_ into buying its product, they pay to design all types of exciting pictures and (8)_ speeches. Many of the (9)_ may (10)_ for this kind of trick.Word power一快捷识记常见后缀1.名词后缀 (1) -er表示“从事某种职业的人,某地区的人” banker, vill

21、ager, Londoner. (2) or,表示“者” doctor, operator, inventor. 2.形容词后缀 -able, comfortable, valuable,movable -ish, foolish, selfish boyish -ful, helpful, wonderful, beautiful-ine, marine, feminine, masculine(3) 动词后缀 -ize, modernize, organize -en, quicken, weaken, soften, harden -fy, beautify, simplify(4)副词

22、后缀-ly, possibly, simply -ward, downward, upward -wise, otherwise, clockwise -ways, always, sideways1. The boss of the company needs a lot of information about the sales and marketing of the product. 公司的老板需要知道关于产品的销售和市场规划方面的消息。information是不可数名词,类似的不可数名词还有knowledge, news等marketing是名词, 2. will present

23、the information from their market research to the boss. (销售经理)将把从时常调查中所获得的信息呈送给老板。 present sth to sb = present sb with sth 意为“将某物赠送给某人” He presented all his toys to other poor children. = He presented the other poor children with all his toys. 他把自己所有的玩具都赠送给那些贫穷的孩子们。3. the one which is expected to be

24、 most popular with consumers. (该产品)被预计是最受消费者欢迎的一种产品。 be expected to = expect to 预料,期望 He is expected to be a scientist in the future.= People expect him to be a scientist in the future.人们期望他将来能成为一名科学家。 be popular with 受欢迎Snoopy is popular with the children in China.在中国,史努比很受孩子们的欢迎。4If they want to b

25、ecome the market leader, the company must ensure that their product is of high quality. 如果公司的产品想在市场(份额)上走在前列,公司必须确保他们产品的高质量。ensure意为 “确保, 担保” = make sureI can ensure that the computer is working well and theres no need to fix it.我能确信这台电脑运行良好,没有必要修理。ensurance 是ensure的名词形式,意为 “保险”the ensurance company

26、 保险公司be of high quality = qualified “高质量的,有素质的”be of value = valuable 有价值的be of (great) importance = (very) important 重要的二随堂过关 1. In modern society, the more _ you own, the more _ you shall get every day.A. knowledges; informations;B. knowledge; information;C. knowledges; information;D. knowledge; i

27、nformations 2. The captain _ him _ a medal for his special contribution _ the navigation(航海).A. offer; to; forB. present; for; toC. presented; with; to D. offered; to; to 3. Classic music is popular _ those who have a good knowledge of music. A. to B. for C. with D. on 4. The album(相册)is _ to me as

28、it keeps a record of my childhood life.A. of great valuableB. with very valueC. for great valueD. of great value 5. He _ the safety of the ship before set sail across the ocean.A. ensured B. ensures C. has ensured D. had ensuredGrammar and usage一快捷识记(一)陈述句如果引述的句子原来是一个陈述句,在变成间接引语时要注意以下几点:1在引语的开头用连词th

29、at He said: “Mother, sister is in her room.” He told his mother that sister is in her room.2. 根据意思改变人称He said to me: “I have left my book in your room.” He told me that he had left his book in my room.3. 注意引语中的谓语与句子主要谓语在时态上一致Mary said , “I;m getting on well.” Mary said that she was getting on well.4. 根据意思将指示代词,地点及时间状语等作必要的变动在直接引语中在间接引语中指示代词thisthesenowtodaythatthosethenthat day表时间的词this week (month,etc.)Yesterdaylast week (month, etc.)two days

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