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1、八年级英语课时目标上 Unit 1 Sports and Games Topic1 Are you gonging to play basketball?SectionA 学习目标: 1.掌握一般将来时. Are you going to join the school rowing club? There is gonging to be a school sports meeting next week? 2.能简单的谈论体育活动,个人爱好及习惯行为. Which sport do you prefer ,cycling or rowing?SectionB学习目标: 1.熟练掌握be g

2、oing to 结构 2.熟读课文,理解大意. 3.了解prefer,like better ,interest 的区别SectionC学习目标: 1.运用be going to 及其否定和疑问句形式. 2.能运用why-because疑问句SectionD学习目标: 1.总结 be going to的用法 2.掌握2a 3.背诵2bTopic 2 Could you please do me a favor? SectionA 学习目标:掌握句型:could you please do ? Would you mind doing ?2.了解表示建议的其他句型SectionB学习目标:1.掌

3、握:what do you mean by doing ?2.复习祈使句:1.Dont fight 2.please sit down 3.了解表示责备他人,道歉和应答的用语SectionC学习目标:1. 1. 掌握表示请求和应答的用语: a. would you mind not smoking here?b. sorry,I ll go somewhere else c. could you please do me a favor? d. sure, whats it ?2.了解有关篮球方面的更多知识SectionD学习目标:1.掌握3a2.背诵3b3.了解 will 表示意愿的用法To

4、pic 3.what will Beijing be like in 2008?SectionA 学习目标:1. 1. 掌握will 结构的将来时的陈述句 2.询问职业的句型:what is your job? Im a taxi driver. 了解如何申请加入英语俱乐部的用语。Section B :1.掌握will 结构的将来时的一般疑问句及否定句 Will you be free this afternoon ? Yes, I will / No, I wont I wont go shopping with you . Will not = wont Section C 1. 掌握 t

5、here be 结构的将来时 There will be a meeting tomorrow. 2. 了解奥运知识Section D:1.掌握will 的用法及与be going to 的异同点。 2.掌握 3a ,3b 3. 了解世界上的各种体育项目Unit 2 Food and Health Topic 1 You should go to see a doctor 学习目标:Section A .:1: 掌握情态动词should 的用法(表示建议) 2. 巩固其他情态动词的用法:can will may could 3.了解看医生时的用语Section B :1. 掌握表示建议和劝告的

6、句型 Im sorry to hear that Maybe you have the flu Youd better go to see a doctor 2.了解并模仿关于看病的对话Section C :1. 熟读课文,理解大意 2.掌握看病用语,并能运用到实际生活当中。 Im not feeling now How are you feeling today ?Section D : 1.能在课堂上表演看病时医生和病人的对话(小组内) 2. 掌握2a and 3b 3.了解电子邮件(e-mail)的格式 Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking

7、Section A : 1. 掌握情态动词 must 陈述句的用法 2. 掌握表示劝告个建议的句子。 3. 了解动名词做主语的用法Section B :1. 掌握情态动词must的否定形式 。即 must not 的用法 You must wash hands before meals . You must not read in the sun 2.掌握动名词做主语谓语动词用三单。 Walking is good exercise and it is necessary for your health.Section C: 1. 掌握情态动词 should /shouldnt , must

8、/mustnt 2 熟读课文,理解大意Section D :1.掌握3a ,背诵3b 2.总结情态动词must should的用法及功能用语 Topic3 what should we do to fight SARS?Section A : 1. 掌握 have to (不得不)的用法 2. 句型:what should we do to do ? do ones best to do . 掌握 must 的疑问句及其两种回答 Must we do more exercise ? Yes , you must / No, you neednt Section B :1. 掌握打电话用语 2.

9、了解电话留言的写法 3. 熟读课文,理解大意.Section C: 1.掌握反身代词的初级用法 Enjoy oneself 过的高兴 help oneself 随便吃 teach oneself 自学单:Myself yourself herself himself itself 复:ourselves yourselves themselves Section D :1. 掌握2a 2b 2.巩固情态动词must should have to 的用法 3.了解有关保持健康的话题Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 1 I love collecting stamps Sectio

10、n A : 1.掌握 used to 肯定形式的用法 used to do I used to enjoy listening to rock music . 2. enjoy doing collect doing Section B :1. 掌握 used to 否定形式的用法why not + 动词原形=why dont you +动词原形 2. used to play soccer -usednt to play soccer -didnt used to play soccerSection C: 1掌握 used to 一般疑问句形式的用法 Did you use to go s

11、wimming ? Yes, I did / No, I didnt 2.teach s.b to do 教某人去做某事Section D :1. 掌握3a 3b 2. 复习巩固used to 的用法及前三课时的短语句子 Topic 2 what sweet music ! Section A : 1.掌握一下乐器名称 piano guitar drum trumpet 2.复习巩固 be going to 3.句型:I t sounds beautiful 感官动词后接形容词 4. 了解感叹句Section B: 1.掌握感叹句 How exciting! What sweet m

12、usic! What a beautiful girl!2. 熟读课文,理解大意.3. 了解西方的各种音乐Section :.掌握句型:one of +n(单数)+v(三单) One of the students is quiet. In the fall of 1976. 2.区分:a 14-year-old boy and 14 years old. 3.了解世界上著名的歌星与乐队Section D:1.熟练掌握感叹句并进行归纳总结2. 掌握4a 4b Topic3 what were you doing at this time yesterday?Section A 1.复习巩固打电

13、话用语 Who is this? This is Ann. May I speak to Jane. Hold the line please. 2.了解过去进行时态 构成:主+were/was+V-ing+其他+时状Section B 1.掌握过去进行时态的陈述句 What were you doing at this time yesterday? I was watching the movie Harry Potter. 2.Are not the scenes beautiful.否定疑问句,表示肯定 3.句型:I think so./I do not think so . 4.了解

14、表达同意或不同意的功能用语Section C:1.掌握过去进行时的否定及疑问句式 He was not sleeping from 8-10 yesterday Were you having breakfast at 7 this morning? Yes,I was./No,I was not. 2.熟读课文,理解大意 3.理解双休日的由来Section D:1.掌握3a 3b 2.理解过去时与过去进行时态的区别 Unit4 Our World Topic1P lants and animals are importantSectionA 1.掌握形容词比较级和最高级的变化规则 fresh

15、- fresher- freshest blue- bluer- bluest easy- easier- easiest fat- fatter - fattest 2.掌握以下动物名称 cow horse hen sleep cat dog duck goose rabbit pig mouse 3.了解各种小动物的生活习性SectionB掌握形容词多音节比较级.最高级的变化规则important-more important-most importantSectionC掌握形容词比较级和最高级的用法 He is taller than me. She is the tallest of

16、all.SectionD 1.掌握2a 2b 2.熟读课文,能熟练运用形容词比较级和最高级3. 了解自然中动植物的生活规律习性Topic2 Im sure there are no UFOs学习目标:SectionA 1.掌握句型:Im sure- Im not sure- Are you sure- 2.熟练课文,理解大意SectionB 句型1.make sb. do sth有比较用法的单词还有 let hear see watch have feel notice2.like作介词“像” Something like a robot appeared.3.对机器人有个初步的了解Secti

17、onC1. 掌握Help s.b do Without doing On the internet 2.查阅英汉字典的方法了解:1.疑问词与不定式连用:how to use a dictionary 2.因特网 SectionD掌握:1. 3a 3b 2.句型:had better do sthhad better not do sth 3.巩固归纳be sure 的用法 Topic3The builders used love models 学习目标:SectionA 掌握1.make+n+形容词比较级 Make the city more beautiful 2.use

18、d to do 的用法 了解:反义疑问句 SectionB掌握反义疑问句1.There are many old city walls in Beijing,arent there? No,there arent. Yes,there are. 2.Lets go and see them ,shall we?SectionC 1.掌握大数字的表达 100,000 one hundred thousand 1,359,742 one million,three hundred and fifty-nine thousand,seven hundred and forty-two. 2.熟读课文理解大意 3.了解长城,金字塔等名胜古迹。SectionD:1.掌握3a 3b .2. 归纳总结反义疑问句3. 做好复习准备,迎接期末考试

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