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1、本科毕业设计浅析农村初中英语学困生的现状及对策分类号 UDC 单位代码 10644 密 级 公开 学 号 2009030212 四川文理学院 学士学位论文浅析农村初中英语学困生的现状及对策论文作者: 岳丹丹指导教师: 路翠红 学科专业: 英 语 研究方向: 教学法 提交日期: 2012年 12 月 31 日 答辩日期: 2013年 05 月 24 日 学位授予: 四川文理学院中 国 达 州2013年5月School of Foreign Languages Sichuan University of Arts & Science Analysis of and Suggestion for S

2、tudents with Difficulties in Learning English in Rural Middle SchoolbyYue Dandan A ThesisPresented to the School of Foreign LanguagesIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of B. A. in English December 2012Thesis Supervisor: Lu CuihongAnalysis of and Suggestion for Students with Dif

3、ficulties in Learning English in Rural Middle SchoolAbstract With the deeply internationalizing of our country, we have to communicate and cooperate with the foreigners, so more and more people realize the importance of English learning .Now English is a compulsory basic subjects in Chinese Middle s

4、chools. In order to completely integrate into the society, no matter wheather our country or schools are putting much attention to the English teaching and learning . Although our English teaching has gotten much progress , we still face many difficulties ,especially in rural middle school. There ar

5、e still a lot of students with difficulties in learning English . In this paper, I will illusrate the present situation of English learning and analysis the reasons of the existing of the students with difficulties in learning English in rural middle school,by taking Xuhan Xian Cheng Xi Middle Schoo

6、l as an example. Then offer some methods of changing the present situation so teachers can culture good learning motivation ;study habits and learning methods that students can strengthen their confidence and improve their grades. Key words: students with difficulties ; English learning; present sit

7、uation; reasons;changing methods;rural middle schoolAcknowledgementsFirst and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs. Lu Cuihong, both for her intellectual guidance and for her warm and constant encouragement during the process of writing this thesis. With pat

8、ience and prudence, she labored through drafts of this thesis and pointed out defects in my writing. Therefore, I owe all the merits in this thesis, if any, to her, though I am fully aware that the thesis might still contain some mistakes, for which I bear the whole responsibility.My cordial and sin

9、cere thanks go to all the teachers concerned in the School of Foreign Languages, whose interesting and informative courses have benefited me a lot during my college years. The profit that I gained from their profound knowledge, remarkable expertise and intellectual ingenuity will be of everlasting s

10、ignificance to my future life and career.I am also very grateful to my classmates, who have given me a lot of help and courage during my stay in the University and throughout the process of writing this thesis. Last but not the least, big thanks go to my family who have shared with me my worries, fr

11、ustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this thesis.ContentsAbstract. . .iAcknowledgements. .iiIIntroduction . .1II. The universality of the existence of students with diffilcuties in learning English.2 A. Definition of students with learning difficulties.2B. The pres

12、ent situation of students with difficulties in learning English in rural middle school . .2C. The characteristics of students with difficulties in learning English in rural middle school. . . . 2 1. Lack of interest and initiative in learning English.3 2. No clear learning objectives and lack of sta

13、bility in will and character.3 3. No proper study habits and low learing efficiency.3 4. Active and curiosity with little attention.4 5. Psychological inferiority.4 6.Poor endurance and easy to go to extremes.4III. The reasons of the existence of students with diffilcuties in learning Englis.5A. The

14、 internal reasons of the existence of students with diffilcuties in learning English . . . . .5 1. The students attitude to learning.5 2. The students learning methods.6B. The external reasons of the existence of students with diffilcuties in learning English. . . .7 1. The teaching device of the sc

15、hool.7 2. The faculty of the school.8 3. The family environment for students study.9 4. The social environment for studentsstudy.11IV. Method of changing rural middle school English underachiever status.10A. Increasing the government investment to school education .10B. Improving the ability of seco

16、ndary English teachers.10C. Supervising from students parents.11 D.Transformation of middle school students English learning attitude and method.11V. Conclusion. . .12Notes . .20Bibliography . . . 22Analysis of and Suggestion for Students with Difficulties in Learning English in Rural Middle School

17、I. Introduction With the informatization of our social life and the globalization of our economic activities, English is becoming an important tool for contacting with the outside world. The datum show that more than 70 precent scientists read English , 85 precent E-mail are written in English and t

18、hat 90 precent electro-searching systems store imformation in English.Now English is a compulsory basic subjects in middle school in China and it plays a more and more important role in our daily life. For several decades struggling , our English teaching has developed and made some progress in all

19、aspects including teaching methods ,teaching level ,teaching device and so on. But English teaching remains a lot of problems, such as behindhand equipment and out-of-date teaching methods,especially in rural middle school.Though English teaching is taken seriously and from primary school, we begin

20、to learn English, there are still a large amount of students with difficulties in learning English . For all kinds of reasons , when students move on to grade two and three , the polarizing phenomenon gets worse and worse . The number of the students with difficulties in learning English takes up ov

21、er 40 percent or even worse . If this situation cant be changed , it will affect their later English learning and their development . This problem has been perplexing the teachers in rural middle school .So how to chang this kind of students is a hot point . Yet Some teachers and scholars have made

22、some research and known that their basic four skills: lisening, speaking, reading and writing are bad and their small vocabulary . We still need to analyse earnestly, find out the reasons and strategies. II. The universality of the existence of students with diffilcuties in learning English With the

23、 development of society , English is playing an important role in our life .People pay much attention to students English learning. But for the pressure of entering a higher school, a part of teacher and parents only care about the scores and ignore the development of the emotion and ability. Meanwh

24、ile, the students have bad study habits , lower learning interests and insuitable learning methods . These kinds of reasons result in parts of students having diffilculties in learning English. A. Definition of students with learning difficultiesStudents with learning diffilcuties refer to this grou

25、p of students who do poorly in their study caused by teachers , family or themself. It is usually divided into two kinds-intellectual students with learning difficulties and unintelligent students with learning diffilculties.The former one refers to the students were born to unintelligence or are un

26、intelligent for some disease . On the contrary ,the later one refers to the students cant reach to the besic requirements setted by teaching program but caused by their postnatal or extraneous factors. And in our teaching activity , we meet the later students more.And students with difficulties in l

27、earning English we talked about are the students who have difficulties in learning English1 .B. The present situation of students with difficulties in learning English in rural middle school In rural area, the family have little income and both parents work outside when they lack of farm work or even the whole year working outside. And then their children become left-behind children. They lack of caring and guidence in study,expecially some parents are influenced by useless reading so that they pay not enough attention on students Englis

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