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1、英文漫画故事1 Long time ago, there was a rabbit called Jesse, he lived very happily. One day he heard that he was promoted, 窗体顶端but unluckily assigned to another city窗体底端. Getting a promotion was a happy thing for him, but leaving the place where he was used to living was sad.He can do nothing but went to

2、 the new city and settled himself.Only in this way can he get ahead in life.23Next day, he had to go to work as usual, on his way to the new company (called“No1 company”) in a office building where had many other companies in it , he found everything unfamiliar. Walking down the streets, he became m

3、ore and more anxious. “Oh, my god, where am I now and where is my way to company? Im afraid Im lost! ”He tried a lot to find the way to his company, however, he got lost at last. 45“I dont know how to get to my office without anyones help. I have to seek help from some warm-hearted people, they may

4、know the way to my company!”So he headed for the person who was coming by and asked him “Excuse me, could you tell me where is office building is? Its really bugs me?”The man said “Oh, you are so lucky! I know the address of the company.”“Really?”Jesse was excited when he heard that. “Ok, let me tel

5、l you how to get there!” 67However, on that moment a bad idea came to Toms brain: “why not play a trick on him ? That will be have a lot of fun.” So instead of helping him, he finally decided to tell him a wrong way.89“Its very easy to get to your company. We are now at Oak Street. Go down Oak stree

6、t, walk pass two blocks, there is a bus station and then turn right, walk one more block, and you will find your companys building. You cant miss it. ” “Thank you very much!”Jesse was very thankful and trusted him. He speeded his steps to the direction. 1011Undoubtedly, Jesse got lost again and foun

7、d that the way showed by Tom was totally wrong, he couldnt find any companies in that zone at all. “Thats really strange! According to the tips given by the kind-hearted man, it should be here. But its nothing here! Whats wrong? Oh, my god, I might be fooled. ”Finally, he got to the company with gre

8、at efforts.1213 Something always can be very unexpectedly.The next day, Jesse made calls to his Subordinates that he wanted to have a meeting to discuss a plan. He called everyone according to a list. The current one was calling Tom.“Hello, Id like to speak to Tom.”“This is Tom speaking. Who is that

9、?”“Im Jesse, the new supervisor of this department. Im calling because we need to have a meeting. Come to my office at 8:30.”“Ok, Ill be there.”1415 Tom went to his superior officers office, Knocked on the door and asked for coming.When he opened the door and saw his officer, to his big surprise, he

10、 found his new superior officer was the one who asked him the way to office building.“Oh! I remember you, we have met before!”(Jesse)“Really? Let me see.”Tom is in a panic. “You have showed me the way to the company yesterday, but it proved to be wrong! Could you tell me why?1617“May be.I was confus

11、ed yesterday, so I showed the wrong way. But I didnt mean it, please trust me!”(Tom)“Well, its nothing, Im not mind it.” (Jesse)Although Jesse said he didnt angry about Tom, he didnt show any trust on him from now on. Later, Tom found that even his words are true, but Jesse hardly believe him and take his suggestion.Later, a promotion between Tom and another guy which is decided by Jesse, had a result that Tom failed. Tom was regret about what he had done.1819Once the trust between two people has been lost, it will never come back.20

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