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1、冀教版六年级上册英语新版unit2教案Lesson 7:On the School Bus一、教学目标:知识目标:(1)学生能够听懂,会说,认读,并书写下列词汇:umbrella, Ms. , driver.(2)学生能够认读, 理解并应用下列用语:Do you always go to school by bus?能力目标:学生能用所学词汇、句型谈论日常生活的一些话题。情感目标:培养学生养成良好的生活习惯,关注健康、关心他人的品质。二、教学重点、难点:(1)学生能够听懂,会说,认读,并书写下列词汇:umbrella, Ms. , driver.(2)学生能够认读, 理解并应用下列用语:Do

2、you always go to school by bus?三、教具、学具:图片、录音机、教学课时:2第一课时1.问候2.复习常用短语:(have breakfast, watch TV, go to the park,read books可以出示卡片,进行复习)T: In this morning , I have breakfast at 6:00 .T: (指名让学生回答)What do you eat for breakfast ?S1: I like noodles , I eat noodles for breakfast .S2:.(设计意图:这个环节的设置既复习了一些动词短语

3、,又为后面的教学做了铺垫。)3Key Concepts(1)Always / usually /sometimes / never的教学。教师利用Danny Jenny Steven Li Ming 一周吃早餐的图表学习单词:SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayDannydonutdonutdonutdonutdonutdonutdonutJennysandwichsandwichsandwichsandwichsandwichStevensoupsoupLiMing T: From Sunday to Saturday, Dan

4、ny eats a donut every day .He always eats donuts for breakfast .(教师放慢速度,并板书这句话)板书:He always eats breakfast .T: A-L-W-A-Y-S always . Follow me, please.T:(教师在图画下面板书单词) always usually sometimes neverT: What does Jenny eat for breakfast ?S: She eats a sandwich for breakfast.T: Yes,She usually eats a san

5、dwich for breakfast . She usually eats breakfast.T: (带领学生认读单词并板书) usuallyT: Does Steven always eat breakfast ?S: No .T: Yes, He sometimes eats breakfast .T:Does LiMing eat breakfast everyday ?S: No.T: Yes , He never eats breakfast .But we will always eat breakfast ,Thats good for you .(板书单词,同时渗透德育教育

6、)(2)单词的理解和运用。(由于这四个表示频度的副词对学生来说比较抽象,所以教师可以利用上面的图示帮助学生认读并熟记单词,有必要让学生说说这四个单词的区别,从而让他们理解并能灵活运用。)(设计意图:通过这个环节的设置可以形象、直观地让学生明白这四个单词的意思)(3)作业:用单词Always / usually /sometimes / never造句第二课时1.问候2.复习常用单词:always usually sometimes never(设计意图:这个环节的设置既复习了一些动词短语,又为后面的练习做了铺垫。)3课文内容。1) 播放课文录音,听录音跟读画出你不懂得单词和句子。2) 回答问题

7、T: After breakfast , Jenny and Li Ming go to school, How do they go to school ?S: Walk to school Ride the bicycle By bus (给学生一个猜猜的环节)T: Yes , they walk to the bus stop, They go to school by bus , Look ,Here comes the school bus , and this is bus driver, Ms Scott.T: But its rainy, they need boots and

8、 umbrellas. Look, This is Jenny with her boots and umbrella on a rainy,S: No.T: Yes, She is wet. This is Jenny without her boots and umbrella.4、齐读课文5、学唱歌曲6、做一做指导学生完成课后题及配套练习。Lesson 8 Li Ming Meets Jennys Class一、教学目标:1、知识技能:(1)学生能够听懂,会说,认读,并书写下列词汇:well, class.(2)学生能够认读, 理解并应用下列用语:Where are you from?W

9、hat subjects do you have in the school?How many classes do you have each days?2、过程与方法:通过情景创设,让学生理解句意,并在情景中进一步学习,培养自主学习的能力,获得与同学交流的方法。3、情感态度:培养学生与他人进行交流的良好习惯。二、教学重难点:(1)学生能够听懂,会说,认读,并书写下列词汇:well, class.(2)学生能够认读, 理解并应用下列用语:Where are you from?What subjects do you have in the school?How many classes do

10、 you have each days?四、教具、学具:录音机、五、教学过程:1.Greetings:Hello! How are you today? Nice to meet you !How is the weather?2.Song: Sing an English song(用师生的自由交流和歌曲给学生创设一种宽松、愉悦的学习气氛,使后面的教学更加流畅自如。)1. 手偶表演对话: A: Hello, Nice to meet you!B: Nice to Meet you, too.A: Where are you from?B: Im from Canada.A: What sub

11、jects do you have in the school?B: Chinese, math, English , science, art.A: How many classes do you have each days?B: four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. 3.学习课文,教师可以先介绍。T: In this lesson, LiMing wants to go to school in Canada. He wants to learn English .Now Li Ming meets Jennys

12、class .Can you guess what do they talk about?(practice the questions again .)(播放录音,让学生回答问题)Where are you from?What subjects do you have in the school?How many classes do you have each days ?引导学习抓住文中的重点句型提问并会回答。培养学生对重点知识的提炼,帮助、指导学生学习,培养自学能力。)7. Student book: Play the audiotape as the students follow

13、in their books .Lesson 9:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson一、教学目标:1、知识技能:(1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词:ill, lesson, its.(2)学生能认读,理解并应用下列句型:hows the weather today? Whats the temperature? It is _degree(s)。2、 过程与方法:通过实际温度和图形的学习,学生能较容易的理解明白掌握单词和句子。3、情感态度:通过天气、温度的学习,激发学生热爱生活。二、教学重难点:(1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词:ill, lesson, its.(2)学生能认读,

14、理解并应用下列句型:hows the weather today? Whats the temperature? It is _degree(s)。四、教具准备:实物温度计、不同温度的水,录音机和磁带。5、教学课时 第一课时Step1: Class Opening and ReviewaGreeting :Good morning ,everyone !.b Review words :rainy, sunny , windy, cloudy ,snowy , Sing the weather song.(在这部分教师可以在黑板上画出这几个天气,然后让学生来说,这几幅图都是什么天气,这样不仅检

15、查了学生对以前知识的掌握,同时有的差生也是一种巩固和提高。)Step2: New conceptsT : Now ,class .Do you want to go on a trip with me ?S : .T : I want to go on a trip eagerly . But I do not know the weather and the temperature there . Can you help me ? Look . (教师出示课件,课件上是一副中国城市地图,分别标着每个城市的天气情况。由此引出本课的重点知识 Whats the temperature ? It

16、 is degree(s). 这样引出比较自然,前后联系紧密。)cDemonstrate : “temperature”with a real thermometer .T : How is the weather in Shanghai ?S : It is _degree(s).T : Whats the temperature in Shanghai ?S : It is 29 degrees .(板书Whats the temperature ? It is degree(s).安排适当的练习,通过练习学生初步掌握。)Put the thermometer in a cup of co

17、ld water and then a cup of hot water .eg. T : The water is cold .Whats the temperature ? S : It is _degree(s). . T : It is _degree(s).Say it ,please . T : The water is hot .Whats the temperature ?S : It is _degree(s).(学生分小组进行练习这个对话。教师可以分给每个小组一个温度计,学生可以随意的去测量他们想测量的东西,这样不仅体现出了学生的自主性,同时提高了他们的动手能力,增加了学生

18、的兴趣,更好的掌握这部分的知识。)Step3: homework第二课时Step1: Class Opening and ReviewaGreeting :Good morning ,everyone !.b. Lead the Ss to practice this dialogue :S1: How is the weather ,today?S2 :It is .S1 : Whats the temperature ?S2 : It is _degree(s).Step2: temperature.播放课文录音,第一遍学生听。第二编学生跟读。四人小组,小组内轮流读课文,分角色读课文。St

19、ep3:class work 出示图片,完成图表。Weather and temperatureChineseEnglish temperaturewet15degreesdry25degreeshot35degreessunnycoldrainycoolHow is the weather ,today?S2 :It is _.S1 : Whats the temperature ?S2 : It is _degree(s).Step4Lets do it:1. Read pat 1 and answer the questions.2. Look and read.3. Activity

20、book.Lesson 11 : How Many Are There ?一、教学目标:(1)知识技能:学生能够听、说、读、写单词:word学生能认读,理解并应用下列句型:how many are there?(2)过程与方法:利用游戏复习和引入规则名词的复数,避免语法学习的枯燥。(3)情感态度:通过游戏的引入,激发学生的英语学习兴趣。二、教学重点:学生能够掌握不规则名词的复数形式。三、教学难点: 学生能够掌握和在句中灵活运用名词的复数。4、教学课时 2第一课时Step1. Greeting :Hello ,class !How are you today ?How is the weathe

21、r ?Step2. New conceptsA. 出示实物: T: Hi, class . What is this ? S :It is a pencil .T;Now, what are these ? S:They are pencils .b.Play a game : “WHANTS WRONG” toreview nouns that form regular plurals . Here are some nouns that form regular plurals that the students already know : book, chair, girl , boy

22、 , desk , school , teacher , eraser , pencil , pen , marker , arm , ear , eye , leg , hand , finger , toe ,apple , banana , orange , stamp (教师可以提前做一些单词卡片,把他们贴在黑板上,让学生找出这些单词变复数时的错误。)出示图片T:Hi , class . What is this ? S : it is a dish . T;Now ,what are these ? S:They are dishes .(从而引出规则单词变复数的形式,用同样的方法,

23、复习三角形引出dresses .) Write “bus , box, watch”on the blackboard .b.Tell Ss the word end in x ,s, sh , ch , they need to add “es” , and pronounce /iz/ . So :dish - dishes bus - busesbox - boxes watch-watchesT : There words get bigger with an es at the end .Step3.HomeworkWrite twenty words with s and es第二

24、课时Step1.Greeting :Hello ,class !How are you today ?How is the weather ?B. Show their words with s or es Step2.New conceptsa.设置情景 (早晨幼儿园学生上学的情景,有送小朋友的家长们)T :Class .(有多少人进校门) Only one man ,one woman and one child ?S : No .T : So many men , women ,and children donate their things for the area . (引出 men

25、 , children , women .)man -men woman - womenchild - childrenT : Here are some words you know .Do they get bigger with an s or an es ? Tomato potato photo d. Play the audiotape and the Ss read these words after the tape .e. Play “TIC-TAC-TOE” to practice regular and irregular plurals .f .Do the exerc

26、ise Foot- tooth- wife- mouse- Deer- fish- sheep- person-peopleg. Listening :Activity Book No. 2 and No 3.Lesson 11 : Always Do Your Homework !一、教学目标:1、知识技能:学生能够听、说、读、写单词:always sometimes学生能认读,理解并应用下列句型:Do you help your mother? Do you walk to school?2、过程与方法:借助表格训练学生的读和写,通过回答问题训练学生的听和说。3、情感态度:鼓励学生积极参与

27、教学活动,充分发挥学生的主体性。二、教学重点:复习形状和频度副词。三、教学难点:学生能够掌握形状和频度副词并顺利完成表格。四、教具学具:表格,各种图形卡片 ,录音机和磁带5、教学课时 2 第一课时Step 1.Organizing the teaching1.Greetings2.Sing an English song “In The Bathroom”(设计意图:用歌曲把学生带入课堂,曾添活跃气氛,)Step 2. Revision:Play “True or False ” to review adverbs of frequency.教师出示句子: a. I never brush m

28、y teeth. b. I always go to school. c. I sometimes play computer. d. I usually go to school by train .Step 3.Key concepts:1. Draw four shapes on the blackboard . Beside each shape ,write an adverb of frequency and say the sentence :Lets put an “A” for always . Lets put an “O” for often.Lets put an “S

29、” for sometimes . Lets put an “N” for never .2. charta. T: (shows a chart) Look! Whats this? Its a chart. Teach it and let the Ss remember it.b. T: Mr.Wood make a chart. Lets have a look.3. Learn the texta. Play the audiotape as the Ss follow in their books.b. questions:Does Li Ming always do his homework?Does Li Ming always help his mother?Does Steven always walk to school?Why does Denny

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