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1、高二英语期末课文语法复习卷2018年高二英语期末课文语法复习卷U1M7期末复习卷单词拼写:1. I recommend my friend Anna, who is the most _(合适的)choice, to take my place. 2. _ (改编)from Mo Yans novel, the film is very popular. 3. As is often the case, people tend to talk loudly in public places, _(惹恼)others around. 4. Alan is someone who always n

2、eeds the_ (赞许)of other people. 5. We believe that the Internet should be public, open and_ (易接近的). 6. You will never know how much your _(鼓励) means to me.7. The young man traveled around the world before finding a job after_ (毕业).8. He _(祝贺) her on winning the contest in the letter. 9. Ben suffered

3、a heart attack and Helen rushed to his_ (帮忙). 10. Food and water must be _ (足够地)supplied.11. I had no idea why he _ (辞职)his post.12. There is very little_ (利润)in selling newspapers at present.13. The seeing-eye dog was the blind mans constant_ (伙伴).完成句子:1.Just accept them for who they are, and give

4、them encouragement _. 接受他们, 给予他们鼓励, 让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩, 充实美满。2.So Id like to suggest that the seats at the back _ at the front so that everyone can see the screen easily. 因此我想建议影院后排的座位应该比前排的高, 以便每个人都能很容易地看到屏幕。3. I read in the newspaper today that_ for the new Bankstown cinema. 今天我从报纸上了解到, 您将成为班克斯敦新电影院的建

5、筑设计师。4. Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid _每次缺课后回到学校, 我都感觉自己很笨, 因为我比别人落后了。5._, it would be this: having a disability does not mean your life is not satisfying. 如果我有机会对健康的孩子们说一件事, 那就是: 有残疾并不意味着你的生活不美满.U2M7期末复习卷单词拼写:1. _(伴奏)by cheerful music, the children began to dance. 2. Playing

6、 tennis is one of his greatest _(满意).3. When they heard the _(警报)they even did not realize what had happened. 4. My mother is so kind that she has a lot of _(同情心)for those in need. 5. When it was _(宣布)that the Third Meeting of the 12th CPC was a success, all the Chinese cheered.6. She had a strong _

7、(渴望)to go abroad for further study.7. The minister is so busy with the _(事务)of state that he often forgets to eat and sleep.8. Texts and pictures can be _(扫描)into the computer. 9. I dont _(羡慕)you your journey in this bad weather. 10. The _ (离婚) man used to be the talk of the street. 11. Soldiers are

8、 expected to _(服从)their orders without question. 12. The teaching _(全体员工)of this college are excellent.13. She and her sister were collecting materials for the _(传记)of their father.14. He is _(年轻于)to all the people who work here.15. He made a careful _(评价)of the present situation in the world.完成句子:1

9、.He had opened the curtains that night so that the other women would see him and Claire, _ to Claires marriage.那晚他打开了窗帘, 以便让其他女士看到他和克莱尔, 并且知道克莱尔的婚姻是没有风险的。2. As she turned around, _Gladys Claffern. 她刚一转过身去, 就看见格拉迪丝克拉芬站在那儿。3._ Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window. 也就在那

10、时候, 克莱尔才意识到托尼早就把前边窗户的窗帘拉开了。4._ that he looked so human. 他如此通人性, 这使人觉得心烦和害怕。U3 M7单元复习卷一、单词拼写1. We hold an _(年度的)reunion of former students of the college.2.Two _(证人)gave us a particular account of what happened.3.There was a _(停顿) before she began to speak again.4.However, some students have _(相反的)vi

11、ew on the question.5.Water was found at the _(深度) of 30 meters.6.The enemy troops were_(逃跑) in all directions.7.The killers _(拖) the dead body down into the depth of the sea, eating its lips and tongues.8. We cant _(放弃) our rights we deserve by law.9.Her sad looks_(反映) the thought passing through he

12、r mind.10.He _(督促)that the matter should be dealt with at once.11. If you were _(知道的) of all that, you would change your mind.12.Her dress was a _(鲜艳的) color.13.Her _(整洁的) dress shows her taste.14. His threats_(恐吓) them out of carrying our the plan.15. I inched my way through the _(狭窄的) space betwee

13、n the cars.二、完成句子1.As we drew closer, I could see a whale_.当我们靠近的时候,我能看见一头鲸鱼被其他六头虎鲸攻击。2._, the whale soon died.鲸鱼严重受损,没过多久就死了。3.From Jamess face, I could see he was terrified of_.从James的表情看出,他害怕被我们抛弃了。U4 M7单元复习卷一、单词拼写1.Her appearance is not _(有关的) to whether she can be a good teacher.2.The chair has

14、 a button below it to_(调整) the height.3.She was rather fat, and her face was_(泥泞的) and spotty.4.Id like to be excused from any further_(参加)in the work.5.Well go early, _ (否则)we may not get a seat.6.They made an _(安排)to meet at the school gate at feel _(特别优待的) to have met you and to have bee

15、n able to discuss my work.8.He was willing to participate in the_(志愿的)activity.9.The _(捐助) is given to those who are mostly in need.10.They spent some money on the_(购买) of the furniture necessary for the astronaut11.Thousands of soldiers are working to _(分配) food and blankets to the refugees.12.The

16、surgeon who_ (做手术)on the King released new details of his injuries.二、完成句子1. The boy _ started jumping out of the window.那孩子们以前从来没有见过这种情况,开始往窗外逃。2. The other day_ when, before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling over everywhere.前几天,我正给孩子们做每周一次的化学实验,我还没明白什么回事,就在这时混合剂就到处冒气泡了。3. Sometimes I wonder how r

17、elevant chemistry is to these students, _ after Year 8 anyway.有时候,我真想知道化学对这些孩子们究竟有多大作用。他们大多数学完八年级以后就回到他们的村庄去了。4. Tombes father, Mukap, led us to his house, a low bamboo hut _ - this shows it is a mans house.汤贝的父亲,莫卡普,把我们带到他的父亲,这是一间低低的竹屋,屋顶上伸出一簇茅草-这表示这间竹屋是男人住的。U5M7期末复习卷单词拼写: 1.XieLei told me when I s

18、aw her writing in a queue at the student _(食堂) between lectures. 2.Xie Lei highly _(推荐) it. 3. I couldnt write what others had said without _(感谢) them. 4. I am now a more _(自主的) learner. 5.We wish Xie Lei all the best in her new _(事业). 6.It is a great comfort to have a _(替代) family to be with. 7.Fin

19、ally he even encouraged me to _(反驳) the author I had read. 8. I have been so _ with(忙于) work that I havent had time for social activities. 9.There are _(丰富的) natural resources in China. 10.She has come to our university to study for a business _(资格). 11.In the English language, many _(习语) are diffic

20、ult to understand. 12.I remember the first _(文章) I did for my _(导师). 13.I cant accept your _(道歉). 14.It is a popular _(目的地) for the tourists. 15.The famous film star has no _(经纪人). 完成句子:1.Six months ago XieLei said good-bye to her family and friends in China and _ London. 六个月前,谢蕾告别了中国的亲友,然后登上了前往伦敦的飞

21、机。2.You have to get used to a whole new way of life, which can _ in the beginning. 你必须习惯一种全新的生活方式,在一开始的时候,这会占去你的全部精力。3.Aso, when I miss my family, its a _ to have a substitute family to be with. 当我想家的时候,房东家就是我家的替身,和他们在一起给了我很大的安慰。4. XieLeis preparation course is helping her to _ of a western universi

22、ty. 谢蕾的预科课程还帮助她熟悉了西方大学里在学术方面的要求。5. Besides, _, what other people thought was not the most important thing. 此外,他认为,别人的想法并不是最重要的。6. I think its important to _ and a social life. 我认为在学习与社会生活之间的平衡也是很重要的。U1M8期末复习卷单词拼写:1.The _(大多数) were religious men, whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to t

23、he natives. 2. But most remained in California to make a life for themselves despite great _(苦难,困苦). 3. By the time California _(选举,选择) to become the 31st federal state of the USA in 1850. 4. Many Chinese people _(申请) for the right to live in USA. 5. Their miserable stay seemed to be punishment rath

24、er than _(正义) and freedom to them. 6. In 1940 the civil _(当局) _(改革) the system so that many more Chinese people were able to _(抓住) the opportunity of settling in the USA. 7. Teamed up with a group from my hotel and _(租用) a car. 8. The industry _(繁荣) attracted Europeans including many Jewish people.

25、9.The immigration _(出现) in the 19th century, _(表明,暗示) at that time many people had a very hard life in their native countries. 完成句子:1.However, _ that native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. 然而,可能至少在15000年以前美洲原住民就住在加利福利亚了。 2.Exactly when the first people arrive

26、d in _ as California, no one really knows. 没有人知道最早一批人具体是在什么时候来到我们现在所认为的加利福利亚地区的。 3.However, some survived these terrible times, and today there are more native Americans living in California than _. 今天住在加利福利亚的美洲土著人比任何其他州的都要多。4.In 1846, the United States _ Mexico. 1846年,美国向墨西哥宣战。 5. _ before long the

27、 mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups, but simply a mixture of many races and cultures. 人们认为,要不了多久,多种国籍的混合将会非常之大以致于不可能存在一种主要的种族或者文化群体,而只是多种族多文化的混合体。U2 M8单元复习卷一、单词拼写1.It is a way of making an _ (准确的) copy of another animal or plant. 2.Cloning plants is _ (简单的) while cloning animals is very complicated.3.It is a difficult task to _. (着手) 4.Sadly the same _

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