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1、365天英语口语大全日常口语篇电子书日 常 口 语 篇1日常起居 Daily Routine 起床 Getting Up 0045 睡觉 Sleeping 0051 居家住房 Living in the House 0057出入家门Leaving and Getting Home 离家前 Before Leaving Home 0063 回家后 After Getting Home 0069家常美食Homemade Food 做饭 Cooking 0075 吃饭 Dining 0081 饮料 Drinks 0087 肉类 Meat 0093 一日三餐 Breakfast, Lunch and

2、Supper 0099 收拾餐桌碗碟 Cleaning up the Table and Dishware 0105理财规划Financial Management 花销 Expense 0111 储蓄 Saving 0117电话往来Telephone Communication 接电话 Answering the Telephone 0125 打电话 Making a Telephone Call 0131 电话留言 Message 0137 打错电话 Wrong Number 0143 挂断电话 Hanging Up 0149 手机座机通话障碍 Telephone Connection D

3、ifficulties 0155休闲娱乐Recreation and Entertainment 看电视 Watching TV 0163 看电影 Going to the Movies 0169 听音乐 Listening to Music 0177 读书看报 Reading Book and Newspaper 0183 在KTV At the KTV 0189 在舞厅 At the Ballroom 0195 在酒吧 At the Bar 0201 在咖啡馆 In the Caf 0209数字、时间与日期Number, Time and Date 数字 Number 0215 时间 Ti

4、me 0221 日期 Date 0227外出就餐前Before Dining Out 商定餐馆 Deciding on Restaurant 0235 预订餐位 Reserving a Table 0241点菜Ordering 准备点菜 Getting Ready to Order 0247 点菜 Ordering 0253 等待上菜 Waiting for Food 0259用餐Dining 用餐中劝酒夹菜 Helping Sb. to Have More During the Meal 0265 谈论饭菜 Discussing Dishes 0271 抱怨饭菜 Complaining ab

5、out the Food 0277 买单 Paying the Check 0283其他场所用餐Dining in Other Types of Restaurants 在西餐厅 At a Western Restaurant 0289 在比萨店 At a Pizza Shop 0295 在快餐店 At a Fast-Food Restaurant 0301理发Haircut 准备理发 Getting Ready for a Haircut 0309 开始理发 Starting to Have a Haircut 0315烫发染发Hair Perming and Dying 烫发 Having

6、 Ones Hair Permed 0321 染发 Having Ones Hair Dyed 0327美容Beauty Care 皮肤护理 Skin Care 0333 美甲服务 Nail Care 0339恋爱生活Life in love 萌生好感 Having a Crush 0347 表白爱意 Expressing Love 0353 约会交往 Dating 0359 抱怨 Complaining 0367 争吵 Disputing 0373 用情不专 Being Unfaithful in a Relationship 0379 分手 Breaking Up 0385婚姻生活Marr

7、iage Life 婚姻状况 Marital Status 0391 求婚 Proposing 0397 拒绝求婚 Turning Down an Offer 0403 同意求婚 Accepting an Offer 0409 婚礼 Wedding 0415 幸福的婚姻 A Happy Marriage 0421 不幸的婚姻 An Unhappy Marriage 0427 离婚 Divorce 0433大众节日Popular Holidays 新年 New Year 0441 感恩节 Thanksgiving Day 0447 万圣节前夜 Halloween 0453 圣诞节 Christm

8、as 0459特定人群节日 Holidays for Special Groups 情人节 Valentines Day 0465 母亲节 Mothers Day 0471 父亲节 Fathers Day 0477个人节日Personal Celebrations 生日 Birthday 0483 结婚纪念日 Wedding Anniversary 0489交 际 口 语 篇态度表达Expressing Ones Attitude 信任 Trust 0545 怀疑 Suspicion 0551 冷漠 Indifference 0557 自信 Confidence 0563 犹豫 Hesitat

9、ion 0569 后悔 Regret 0575 抱怨 Complaint 0581 惊讶 Surprise 0587 担心与忧虑 Worry and Concern 0593 害怕 Fear 0599意愿表达Expressing Ones Will 打算 Planning 0605 建议 Giving Advice 0611 劝告 Persuading 0617 请求 Making Requests 0623 鼓励 Encouraging 0629 警告 Warning 0635 威胁 Making a Threat 0641 称赞 Paying a Compliment 0647 对称赞的回

10、应 Responding to Compliment 0653 责备批评 Blaming and Criticizing 0659 对责备批评的回应 Responding to Blame and Criticism 0665 比较 Making a Comparison 0671 提供帮助 Offering Help 0677 同情与安慰 Sympathizing and Consoling 0683 催促 Urging 0689肯定观点Positive Opinions 肯定 Affirmation 0697 赞成 Approval 0703 同意 Agreement 0709 愿意 Wi

11、llingness 0715 喜欢 Like 0721 满意 Satisfaction 0727否定观点Negative Opinions 否定 Negation 0733 不赞成 Disapproval 0739 不同意 Disagreement 0745 不愿意 Unwillingness 0751 不喜欢 Dislike 0757 不满意 Dissatisfaction 0763美好情绪Good Emotions 乐观 Optimism 0771 兴奋 Excitement 0777 高兴与快乐 Happiness and Joy 0783不佳情绪Bad Emotions 悲观 Pess

12、imism 0789 抑郁与沮丧 Depression and Dismay 0795 生气 Anger 0801 厌烦 Boredom 0807 失望与绝望 Disappointment and Despair 0813引经据典之励志篇About Motivation 理想 Ideal 0821 品德 Virtue 0827 奋斗 Striving 0833引经据典之情感篇About Feelings 亲情 Kinship 0839 友情 Friendship 0845 爱情 Love 0851 婚姻 Marriage 0857引经据典CHAPTER 428特定话题Special Topic

13、s 住房 Housing 0865 炒股 Investing in Stocks 0873 科技 Science and Technology 0879 计算机 Computer 0885 网络 Internet 0891 电脑病毒 Computer Virus 0897 网上购物 Online Shopping 0905 网上银行 Internet Banking 0911 环境 Environment 0919 教育 Education 0925 学习 Studying 0931 英语学习 English Learning 0937 工作 Work 0943 创业 Starting a B

14、usiness 0949日常杂谈Daily Conversations 天气 Weather 0955 外貌 Appearance 0963 运动健身 Exercise and Fitness 0971 减肥 Losing Weight 0977 旅游 Traveling 0983 电影 Movie 0989 家庭 Family 0995 择偶 Choosing a Mate 1001 爱好 Hobby 1007 宠物 Pet 1013出 国 口 语 篇乘飞机Taking Airplane 预订机票 Making Airline Reservation 1069 更改航班 Rescheduli

15、ng a Flight 1075 办理登机手续 Checking In 1081 在飞机上 On Plane 1087 行李提取 Picking up Luggage 1093 入境检查 Having Border Entry Inspection 1099交通出行CHAPTER 131陆地交通Land Transportation 自驾车 Driving Ones Own Car 1105 乘坐火车 Taking a Train 1115 乘坐公交车 Taking a Bus 1121 乘坐地铁 Taking a Subway 1127 乘坐出租车Taking a Taxi 1133求学准备

16、阶段Preparation for Going to School 留学咨询 Consulting about Studying Abroad 1141 学校申请 Applying for a School 1147 奖学金申请 Applying for a Scholarship 1153 初进学校Getting to the New School 熟悉校园和同学 Getting Familiar with Campus and Classmates 1159 寻找住房 Looking for an Apartment 1165学习过程Course of Study 上课下课 Having

17、Classes 1171 课外作业 Homework 1177 在实验室 In the Lab 1183 在图书馆 At the Library 1189 考试测验 Exams and Tests 1195课外生活Extracurricular Activities 宿舍花絮 Living in Dorm 1201 吃在校园 Dining in School 1207 校园爱情 Love on Campus 1213 放假旅游 Holiday Trip 1219 体育运动 Sports 1225 社团协会 Clubs and Associations 1231 校园兼职 Part-time W

18、ork-study Job 1237 毕业之际 Graduation 1243出游杂事Traveling Matters 旅游计划 Planning for a Vacation 1251 旅游咨询 Making Sightseeing Enquiries 1257 护照和签证 Passport and Visa 1263 海关通关 Going Through Customs 1269入住宾馆Hotel Check-in 预订与入住 Reservation and Check-in 1275 各项宾馆服务 Hotel Services 1281 结账退房 Check-out 1287观光购物S

19、ightseeing and Shopping 参观游览 Sightseeing 1293 拍照留念 Taking Photos 1299 洗照片 Having the Film Developed 1305 购买纪念品 Buying Souvenirs 1311 旅途遇到麻烦Having Troubles during the Trip 语言不通 Having Language Barrier 1317 迷失方向 Losing Direction 1323 突发急病 Emergency 1329 物品遗失 Losing Something 1335购物意向Shopping Intention

20、s 去逛街 Going Shopping 1343 购物咨询 At the Information Desk 1349购物过程Purchasing 选购 Shopping Around 1355 试穿与试用 Trying 1361 谈论颜色与尺寸 Discussing Colors and Sizes 1367 讨价还价 Bargaining 1373 付款 Paying 1379 售后服务After-sales Service 包装与送货 Gift-wrapping and Delivery 1385 售后服务 After-sales Service 1391邮局业务Postal Servi

21、ce 邮寄信件 Mailing a Letter 1399 寄取包裹 Sending and Picking up a Package 1405银行业务Banking Service 开户 Opening an Account 1411 存取款 Depositing and Withdrawing Money 1417 挂失与销户 Reporting a Loss and Closing an Account 1423 汇款 Sending Money 1429 外汇 Foreign Exchange 1435 支票兑现 Cashing a Cheque 1441 贷款 Borrowing a

22、 Loan 1447看病程序Doctor-seeing Procedures 挂号 Registering 1455 就诊 Seeing a Doctor 1461 买药 Buying Medicines 1467 复查 Having Re-examination 1473描述症状Symptom Descriptions 全身不适 Discomfort in Entire Body 1479 头部不适 Discomfort in Head 1485 上半身不适 Discomfort in Upper Body 1491 四肢不适 Discomfort in Limbs 1497职 场 口 语

23、篇礼貌用语Language Courtesy 感谢与回答感谢 Expressing and Responding to Thanks 1553 道歉与回答道歉 Saying Sorry and the Appropriate Way to Respond 1559 其他礼貌用语 Other Phrases Expressing Courtesy 1565日常问候Everyday Greetings 基本问候 Basic Greetings 1571 久别重逢 Greetings after a Long Separation 1577 日常告别 Everyday Farewells 1583

24、晚上告别 Evening Farewells 1589 临行告别 Farewells When Taking Leave 1595 回应告别 Responding to Farewell 1601见面介绍Meeting for the First Time 询问姓名与身份 Asking for Name and Identity 1607 介绍自己 Introducing Oneself 1613 介绍他人 Introducing Others 1619 回应介绍 Responding to Introductions 1625邀请Invitation 提出邀请 Inviting Someon

25、e 1631 接受邀请 Accepting an Invitation 1637 拒绝邀请 Refusing an Invitation 1643 改变邀请 Making Changes to an Invitation 1649面试咨询Enquiry about an Interview 空闲职位咨询 Asking about Available Positions 1657 应聘资格咨询 Inquiring about the Job Qualification Requirements 1663 工作详情咨询 Inquiring about Work Details 1669面试问题In

26、terview Questions 常见问题问答 Common Interview Questions 1675 难题问答 Difficult Questions 1681 薪金待遇 Salary and Benefits 1687 工作期望 Career Goals 1693个人情况 Personal Information 能力介绍 Introducing Ones Ability 1701 性格介绍 Introducing Ones Personality 1707 个人爱好 Hobbies 1713 教育背景 Educational Background 1719 荣誉奖项 Achie

27、vements and Rewards 1725 外语水平 Foreign Language Level 1731 计算机水平 Computer Knowledge 1737 工作经验 Work Experience 1743 辞职与应聘原因 The Reasons for Applying for a Job 1749模拟面试Simulation of Interview 应聘经理 Applying for a Management Position 1755 应聘助理 Applying for a Position as an Assistant 1761 应聘秘书 Applying fo

28、r a Position as a Secretary 1767 应聘销售人员 Applying for a Position as a Salesperson 1773 应聘外贸人员 Applying for a Job in Foreign Trade 1779报到上班Check-in for Work 第一天上班 First Day of Work 1787认识新同事Getting to Know New Colleagues 职场自我介绍 Introducing Oneself at Workplace 1793 认识同事 Getting to Know New Colleagues

29、1799 同事间的帮助 Offering Help Between Colleagues 1805在办公室In the Office 工作对话 Conversations at Workplace 1813 现代化办公 Modern Office Work 1819出勤与请假Attendance and Day-off 迟到与早退 Arriving Late and Leaving Early 1825 请假 Asking for Some Time Off 1831加薪Raise in Salary 要求加薪 Demanding a Raise 1837 同事间交往Building Friendship between Colleagues 同事关系 The Relationship between Colleagues 1843 请求拜访同事 Asking to Visit a Colleague 1849 邀请同事 Inviting a Colleague 1855 同事家庭小聚 Meeting at Colleagues Home 1861工作情绪Feelings Towards a Job 厌恶工作 Hating the Job 1867 喜爱工作 Loving the Job 1873

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