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1、小乌龟学美语65个文本 小乌龟学美语目录 01 富兰克林的考试 Franklins TEST02 富兰克林和小鸭子 Franklin AND THE DUCKLING03 富兰克林和他的夜间朋友 Franklin AND HIS NIGHT FRIEND04 富兰克林和两个亨利 Franklin AND THE TWO HENRYS05 富兰克林的野外远足 Franklins NATURE HIKE06 富兰克林的明星角色 Franklins STARRING ROLE07 富兰克林的杰作 Franklins MASTERPIECE08 富兰克林和计算机 Franklin AND THE CO

2、MPUTER09 骑士富兰克林 Franklin THE TROOPER10 富兰克林的化石 FranklinS FOSSIL11 富兰克林和预言家 Franklin AND THE FORTUNE TELLER12 富兰克林和地下室 FranklinS CELLAR13 富兰克林种树 Franklin PLANTS A TREE14 小英雄富兰克林 Franklin THE HERO15 富兰克林的假期 FranklinS DAY OFF16 富兰克林做的小甜饼 FranklinS HOMEMADE COOKIES17 神奇的富兰克林 Franklin THE FABULOUS18 富兰克林

3、野营 Franklin CAMPS OUT19 富兰克林和小狗 Franklin AND THE PUPPY20 富兰克林拿了玩具校车 Franklin TAKES THE BUS21 富兰克林和抄袭者 Franklin AND THE COPYCAT22 大哥哥富兰克林 BIG BROTHER Franklin23 富兰克林和坏脾气的人 Franklin ANT THE GRUMP24 富兰克林的诺言 FranklinS PROMISE25 富兰克林和暴风雨 Franklin AND THE THUNDERSTORM26 富兰克林的枫蜜 FranklinS MAPLE SYRUP27 富兰克

4、林帮助别人 Franklin HELP OUT28 富兰克林和失踪的零食 FranklinS MISSING SNACKS29 富兰克林做好事 FranklinS GOOD DEEDS30 富兰克林的潜水艇 FranklinS SUBMARINE31 修理能手富兰克林 MR.FIX-IT Franklin32 富兰克林打嗝 Franklin HAS THE HICCUPS33 富兰克林送报 Franklin DELIVERS34 富兰克林的龟壳烦恼 FranklinS SHELL TROUBLE35 富兰克林的帆船 FranklinS SAILBOAT36 富兰克林偷听 FranklinS S

5、NOOPS37 富兰克林的爸爸 FranklinS FATHER38 富兰克林打冰球 Franklin PLYA HOCKEY39 富兰克林和手偶戏 Franklin AND THE PUPPET PLAY40 富兰克林的秒表 FranklinS STOPWATCH41 富兰克林遇到小貂 Franklin MEETS ERMINE42 富兰克林的滑稽行为 FranklinS FUNNY BUSINESS43 富兰克林和山姆 Franklin AND SAM44 富兰克林的浆果园 FranklinS BERRY PATCH45 富兰克林的对手 FranklinS RIVALFranklin AN

6、D THE TRADING CARD47 富兰克林的机器人 FranklinS ROBOT48 大侦探富兰克林 Franklin THE DETECTIVE49 勇士富兰克林 Franklin THE FEARLESS50 富兰克林的护身符 FranklinS LUCKY CHARM51 富兰克林在海滩 Franklin AT THE SEASHORE52 富兰克林和蜗牛的梦想 Franklin AND SNAILS DREAM53 我的富兰克林 MY Franklin54 富兰克林的妈妈 FranklinS MAM55 富兰克林熬夜记 Franklin STAY UP56 谈条件的富兰克林

7、FranklinS BARGAIN57 富兰克林和班车督察 Franklin AND THE BUS PATROL58 富兰克林和小狼獾 Franklin AND WOLVIE59 富兰克林的南瓜 FranklinS PUMPKIN60 富兰克林的瓶罐乐队 FranklinS JUG BAND61 富兰克林的重大比赛 FranklinS BIG GAME62 富兰克林的读书俱乐部 FranklinS READING CLUB63 富兰克林两头忙 Franklin IN TWO PLACES64 富兰克林最崇拜的明星 FranklinS FIRST STAR65 富兰克林丢书记 Franklin

8、 LOSES A BOOK01 富兰克林的考试 Franklins TESTwell donevery good, goosewow, look at thoseyoure doing greatI wont forgetoh, thats a tough wordbut thats not fair Franklinare you all right 1.Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had won a blue ribbon for swimming and a trophy for playing soccer. B

9、ut one day, Franklin won something that maybe he shouldnt have.2daisywindowchairpencil Well done. All right, you all know how to read our new words. Lets see how many we can spell. Who would like to go first I will go first. Me, me, me I will do it, its easy.Bear, lets see you give it a try. All rig

10、ht Bear. Spell the word “daisy.3Hmm. Let me just check Hey Bear, you cant peek like that. Thats cheating.It is Well Bear, we are trying to learn to spell from memory. Ill give you a little hint, the next letter is an “I.“I Oh, yeah! “D, “A, “I, “S, “Y,daisyAbsolutely right, Bear! Well done! Now, who

11、s next Very good, goose! 4Youre all doing very well with your spelling! I think you are ready for a test! On Thursday, well see how well you know the words weve learned over the past few weeks. And for those of you who spell all your words correctly, I have something special. One of these colorful p

12、ens!Wow! Look at those!Excuse me, Mr. Owl, but since Im going to get all the words right anyway, could I have my pen now Id like to write the test with it. Im sorry Beaver, but youll have to write the test first. Im sure if all of you practice spelling your words, youll do very well. Pens or no pens

13、.5F-L-O-W-E-R flower W-I-N-D-O-W windowYoure certainly going to be well prepared for that spelling test tomorrow.Yeah, Bear and I have been practicing really hard.They must be very fancy pens to go to all this trouble.Oh, they are. And Im going to make sure I know my words so I get one. I can see on

14、e word thats going to take a little more practice. Where Which one Show me.This one. “pencil is spelled P-E-N-C-I-L.Thats only one mistake. You are doing great.But I dont want to make any mistakes. I want one of those pens. The important thing is, youre learning how to spell.No Dad, the important th

15、ing is spelling every word right. 6P-E-N uh E-N-C-I-LBut what if I dont What if I forget P-E-N-C-I-L I know it now. I wont forget.I know Ill just put it in here for good luck.7Now, when you are finished, dont forget to put your name at the top of the page.That was a cinch. I got them all right, I kn

16、ow it. Yeah it was easy.All correct. Very good! Congratulations and enjoy your pen. Youve earned it. I did it, Bear. I got a pen. Nice going, Franklin. Keep your fingers crossed for me.So far so good, Bear. Oh, dear, Ive spotted an error. But you still get something for trying your best. A space sti

17、cker. 8I came this close to winning a pen. I only had one word wrong. “pencil.Oh, thats a tough word.Ill never spell it wrong again, thats for sure. Whats the matter You tried your best, and youre my friend. I should share my pen with you. Here you borrow it for a while.Hey! Quit it.“pencil I just h

18、ad it in my hat for good luck.But did you look at it during the test I peeked at one letter, thats all.But thats not fair, Franklin! Thats cheating.9Hi there, son. Well, how did it go Your test. The one youve been preparing for the past three days. Oh, fine. Mr. Owl said I did a good job. I - Ive go

19、t to put my stuff away.I have the feeling he didnt do as well on test as he expected.Franklin. Are you all right Uh huh.You may not have gotten all the words right on your spelling test, but your father and I still thinkI did get them all right. Oh, very good. So you did get a pen Well, dont keep us

20、 in suspense. Lets have a look at it.There it is.Why did you put it in the garbage Is there something you want to tell us, Franklin I spelled all the words right because I peeked at this.It doesnt fell right winning a pen this way, does it No, Bears right. I didnt win it fair and square. I cheated.

21、What should I do Thats something you should decide. But I think you know inside what will make you feel better.10Good morning, Franklin.Hi. Uh I want to give you something. Ill just put it on your desk.Uh, just a minute, Franklin. Why are you giving me back your pen I had one of the spelling words i

22、nside my cap and I look at it during the test.I see.I know I shouldnt have done it. Its just that I really wanted to win one of those pens. But now I think you should have it back. Like I thought more about getting the pen than learning how to spell.Exactly. Tell you what - Ill hold onto this for a

23、while. After all, there will be more tests.02 富兰克林和小鸭子 Franklin AND THE DUCKLINGTies his shoes , I know , its the getting-used-to-it part I dont like Ill race you to that log , On your markWait , Im not used to the water yet !Get set Im not racing franklin , Im not !Go!Franklin ! ohh! I won !What wa

24、s that Hi ,there . Were swimming in your back yard , arent we I wonder what it wants Maybe it thinks youre his Mom.You think so Try swimming away and see what it does.See You sure are cute Brrr. I m starting to get cold .Franklin, Lets go What about this little duck Should we take him with us I dont

25、 think so Franklin .Why not Because his home is here at the pond .Wheres its mom and dad then I dont see any big ducks , do you Well , no , butWe cant just leave the little guy here all by himself I suppose not but Then we have to take him with us Id be worried about him If we didnt We could take tu

26、rns looking after him , Bear .This week he could be with me at my house and next week he could stay with you I dont think my mom and dad will let me .And I dont think yours will either franklinOh yeh She told you that frogs belong in the pond , not in the houseAnd she made me take them right back .I

27、ll have to keep this duckling a secretWhere are you going to hide it Hmm ,in my bed room I guess with the door closedIm going home for lunch Dont forget we have a soccer game today Yeah , I wontSee yalater , FranklinBye!Hello, FranklinDid you have a nice swim at the pond My swim oh yeah , my swim .

28、It was fun Now youre here maybe we can work together and finish this jobUh , no , Ill do it Mom.You dont have to help me Oh, all right then Thank you , franklin What Dont just throw everything in the closet all right Okay., I wont Good ,Ill head out to the gardenWhew , Shhh! Thar was close Youve got

29、ta be really quiet , okay This is my buddy Sam You make friends with him while I find you a nest This should workThere , that s better , isnt it Shhh! You sure make a lot of noise .Oh!I know , youre hungry , arent you Dont go any where ,I ll be right back .Duckling is going to love the meals I make

30、You dont get Corn Crunchies down at the pond .Hmm Have a little snack before lunch ,are we franklin Uh , I was feeling a little hungry . Go ahead . I didmt see a thing Thanks dad!It was , I mean Care for a t a Corn Crunchies , dear Hey , how d you get down there Ew , yack !I forgot about that!Here , you have something to eat and Ill put down some newspapers before that happens again.Oh noShhh! Not so loud !Gee . for such a small guy , you sure make a lot of noise and a lot of mess Youve got my whole room , Why do you want to be on this spot !Franklin, lunch is read

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