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1、湘少版小学四年级英语上册课堂同步及单元期末复习题全册docUnitl Nice to meet you! Unit2 Its a circle!一、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。mor ningafterno onmeetagen amegradegladcirclelinesquaredot二、读出下列句子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下来。1. A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you, too! 2. A: Good morning! B: Good morni唧 3. A: Glad to see you! B: Glad to see

2、you, too! 4. A: Whats this? B: Its a circle. 5. A: Whats that? B: Its a square. 6. A: How many circles are there? B: There are seven circles三、选出每组中不同类的一项。()1.A.meetB.youC.he()

3、B.thatC.what四、单项选择()l.He a boy.A.amB.isC.are()2. circles are there?A.How manyB.HowC.How much()3.Whats this?Its icircle.A.aB.anC.are()4.Therea to meet you!1A.GIad to see you B.Nice to meet you C.Nice to meet you,tooUnit 3 Look at this elephant.一、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。funnystr

4、ongsmallmouselook ata strong tigera beaut讦ul birda big elephanta funny mon keya small mouse二、读出下列句子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下来。1. Look at this elephant. ts big. 2. Look at that mon key. Its funny. 3. Look at that tiger. Its strong. 4. Look at this mouse. Its small. 5. Look at this bird. Its beaut讦ill. 6. Whats

5、this? Its a tiger.三、选出不同类的单词()1.A.bigB.beautifulC.mon key()2.A.rightB.elepha ntC.tiger()3.A.catB.smallC.bird()4.A.zooB.tigerC.mouse()5.A.str ongB.funnyC.animal四、单项选择(elen pha mon a mouse.A.bigB.smallC.line五、图文配对。)1.Im a beautiful.)2.Its a small mouse)3.

6、This is a big elephant.)4.That is a strong tiger.)5m a funny monkey.Unit 4 These are flowers.、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。thesethoseeggchildrentreegrasssheepflower二、读出下列句子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下来。1. -What are these? They are eggs. 2. -What are those? They are birds eggs. 3. -What are these? These are flowers. 4. -W

7、hat are those? Those are trees. 三读一读,写出相应的复数形式。this-that-childegg-flower-treebird-sheep-grass-选出每组中不同类的一项。)1.A.grassB.birdC.mouse)2.A.childre nB.thoseC.these)3.A.flowerB.grassC.sheep)4.A.birdB.eggC.tiger()5.A.thisB.areC.that五、单项选择。()l.They children arean outing.A.inB.onC.for()2.Whatthose?A.areB.isC.

8、am()3.They areeggsA.birdsB.birdC.bircTs()4.What are ?一-They are flowersA.theseB.thatC.thisbirdtreeflowerseggssheepA.touches五、连线)5.Dorft them.Unit 5 I like noodles.、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。hun grybreadno odlesmilkbiscuitslikedumpli ngsrice二、读出下列句子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下来。1.1 like noodles. I dont like rice. 2.1 l

9、ike milk. I dont like dumplings. 3.Im hungry. 4.What do you like? )4.一What do you like?四、选出不同类的一项。()1. A. hungryB. funnyC. beautiful()2. A. dumpingB. haveC. ri ce()3. A. likeB. whatC. love()4. A. noodlesB. milkC. some五、将图片与相应的单词相连。milk biscuits no odles rice bread dumpli ng六、阅读短文,判断对错。Look, the redb

10、ag isLilys This blue scarfisMingmings.Li nglingswalletis yellow.Amysdress ISgree n.Peters hat isblack.)l.The yellow wallet is Linglings.)2.The gree n bag is Lilys )3.Mingming?s scarf is blue.)4.The black dress is Peters.)5.The hat is Amys.Un it 6 Tur n right!、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。lefttraffic policer

11、ightpoliceme nuppolicewome ndow nturnsoldierswe二、读出下列句子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下来。1. Turn right! 2. Turn left! 3. What are we?You are traffic policemen. 4. Are you soldiers? 三、单项选择)3.Are you soldiers?Yes, .A.we are BamC.we are not.)4.We are A.policema nB.policewoma nC.policeme n()5.A.Turn left.B.Turnright四、选出每

12、组中不同类的一项。()l.A.solidersB.turnC.policema n()2.A.guessB.leftC.right()五、阅读短文,判断正误。(正确的写T,错误的写F)This is Mary. She has a rabbit. Mary likes rice, fish and noodles. She d oesn t like dumplings What does the rabbit like? The rabbit doesn t like fish .It likes grass and ri

13、ce .It s very funny.()l.Mary likes rice.()2.Mary doesnt like noodles.()3.The rabbit likes fish.()4.The rabbit doesnt like fish.()5.The rabbit is funny.Unit 7 Whose is this?walletmobile phonebagwhosescarfdresshatkey一、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。二、读出下列句子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下来。1. -Whose is this? 2. Its my wallet. 3d

14、s this your wallet? 4. Here you are. 5. Its Bennys scarf. 三、选出每组中不同类的一项。( )l.A.wallet()2.A.key()3.A.scarfB.modlie phone C.bagB.your C.myB.hatC.whoseC.sheAJts a wallet.B. lts Janes hat.C. Tha nk you.D. Yes,it is.E. Her name is Lily.( )4.A.he B.her四、 给句子选择合适的答语。( )1.Here you are.()2.Whose is this?( )3

15、.Is this your scarf?()4.What is this?( )5.What her name?五、 选择合适的句子补全对话。A:l. B:lts a hat.A:2. B:No,it isntlts Bennys hat.A:ls this your hat,Benny?C:3. A:Here you areC:4. 六、 看图,连线。Unit 8 She wears a white and black sweater.、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。wearsweaterdancershoesherbrow ngreysocksskirtwhite二、读出下列句

16、子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下来。l. Look at the dancer. 2.She wears a white and black sweater. 3. She wears a brown and grey skirt. 4.She wears black trousers and shoes. 三、单项选择。 ( )1wear white shoses.)2.Whatzs name?A.wear wear)3.She a yellow skirt.)4wear black white sweater.A. and B.but C.四、选出每组中不同类的一项。

17、()1.A.brow phone B.socksC.shoes五、根据上下文,选词填空。forfunny atplay wears1. Look the dancer.2. Peter a blue sweater.3. Heres a red and green scarf you.4. Lets a guessing game5. Its a mon key六、阅读短文,判断句子正误。Hello, Im J

18、anem nine years oldwear a green and yellow sweater. Its beaut if u I. Its ninety yua n.l wear grey tousers.They are forty-five yuard like blackwear black shoes.They are one hundred yua n.( )lane is 9 years old.( )2ane wears a green and grey swear.( )3 Janes sweater is 80 yuan.( )4anes trousers are 5

19、4 yuan.)5 Jane likes black and wears black shoes.Unit 9 Its one hundred.、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。one hundredforty-sixrightfifty-fourwronghomeworktwentythirtyfiftyfortyseventyeightysixtyninety二、读出下列句子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下來。1. Please think again. Fortysix and fifty-four is one hundred. 2. Thirty and seventy is

20、one hundred. 3.1s this right? . 4.Oh! Km wrong! Its one himdred. 三、选出每组中不同类的一项。()l.A.fifteenB.countC.twenty-seven()2.A.rightB.wrongC.thirty()3.A.homeworkB.seve ntyC.five()4.A.thinkB.fortyC.seve ntyfive四、单项选择。3ts one4. A.Izm Dino.B.D亠NOC.Dino is cute.How do you spell Dino?五、阅读短文,完成下列句子。Im Jack. I liv

21、e in a big house My bedroom is small .It is blue. My sisters bedroom is yellow. Thats the bathroom.Its white. There is a kitchen. Its small1live in a house2. My sisters bedroom is 3. The bathroom is 4. There is a kitchen.Unit 10 Welcome to our home!、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。welcomeourhomecomeliving room

22、kitche nbathroombedroom二、读出下列句子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下來。1. This is my bedroom.Its small. 2. Thats my grandparents home. 3. This is our home.It7 No.9 4. Welcome to our home! 三、单项选择。)l.This islivingroomts clean.AB.weC.our)2.Welcomeour homeA.toB.inC.on)3.Mvbedroom is clean.()4.Thatzs livin groom.A.theirB.themC.

23、they四、选出每组中不同类的一项。()l.A.gra ndpare ndma()4.A.yellowB.blueC.home()5.A.bathroomB.thisC.that五、阅读短文,判断oIm Dinos brother.I live in a small house.My bedroom is cleant is blue.My brothers bedroom is yellow.There is a livingroom.Its red1live

24、 in a big house.( )2. There is a kitchen.( )3ts a red livingroom.( )4. My bedroom is cleam.( )5. My brothers bedroom is yellow.( )六、给下列句子选择相应的答语。Unit 11 Wheres the cat?、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。whereundertableinonwindowdoordeskchairwallbedroom二、读出下列句子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下来。1. Wheres the cat? 2. Shes jn the kit

25、chen. 3. Is she under the table? 4.1 dont know. 三、选择每组中不同类的一项。)4.A.bedroom B.itC.sheB.under C.wi ndow四、 给下列句了排序。( )Is it under Annes chair?()No,it isnt.( )Yes.Its in my desk.( )Is it in your desk?()Wherezs the pen?五、 阅读短文,判断句子正误。My father, my mother and I go to the zoo.We see animals there The mon k

26、eys are very funny .They can run fast. The elepha nt are big The birds are beautiful. They can fly high( )1. We see mon keys,elepha nts and birds.( )2.The mon keys are strong.( )3.The elephants can run fast.( )4.The bird are beaut讦ulbedwindowdoorchairdesk六、连线。Unit 12 Peter can jump high一、读出下列单词或词语,并写出他们的汉语意思。canjump highrunthrowfarswimfastflywalk二、读出下列句子,并写出他们的汉语意思并抄下来。1. Peter can jump high. 2.Lingling can run fast. 3. Anne can jump far. 4. Dongdong can swim fast. 5. It can fly high. 三、单项选择。

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